/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <string.h> #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_heap_caps.h" #include "xtensa/core-macros.h" #include "soc/dport_reg.h" #include "hli_api.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #if CONFIG_BTDM_CTRL_HLI #define HLI_MAX_HANDLERS 4 typedef struct { intr_handler_t handler; void* arg; uint32_t intr_reg; uint32_t intr_mask; } hli_handler_info_t; typedef struct { #define CUSTOMER_TYPE_REQUEST (0) #define CUSTOMER_TYPE_RELEASE (1) struct { uint32_t cb_type; union { int (* request)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t); int (* release)(uint32_t); } cb; } customer_cb; uint32_t arg0, arg1, arg2; } customer_swisr_t; static void IRAM_ATTR customer_swisr_handle(customer_swisr_t *cus_swisr) { if (cus_swisr->customer_cb.cb_type == CUSTOMER_TYPE_REQUEST) { if (cus_swisr->customer_cb.cb.request != NULL) { cus_swisr->customer_cb.cb.request(cus_swisr->arg0, cus_swisr->arg1, cus_swisr->arg2); } } else if(cus_swisr->customer_cb.cb_type == CUSTOMER_TYPE_RELEASE) { if (cus_swisr->customer_cb.cb.release != NULL) { cus_swisr->customer_cb.cb.release(cus_swisr->arg0); } } } static DRAM_ATTR hli_handler_info_t s_hli_handlers[HLI_MAX_HANDLERS]; esp_err_t hli_intr_register(intr_handler_t handler, void* arg, uint32_t intr_reg, uint32_t intr_mask) { for (hli_handler_info_t* hip = s_hli_handlers; hip < s_hli_handlers + HLI_MAX_HANDLERS; ++hip) { if (hip->handler == NULL) { hip->arg = arg; hip->intr_reg = intr_reg; hip->intr_mask = intr_mask; hip->handler = handler; /* set last, indicates the entry as valid */ return ESP_OK; } } return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } void IRAM_ATTR hli_c_handler(void) { bool handled = false; /* Iterate over registered interrupt handlers, * and check if the expected mask is present in the interrupt status register. */ for (hli_handler_info_t* hip = s_hli_handlers; hip < s_hli_handlers + HLI_MAX_HANDLERS; ++hip) { if (hip->handler == NULL) { continue; } uint32_t reg = hip->intr_reg; uint32_t val; if (reg == 0) { /* special case for CPU internal interrupts */ val = XTHAL_GET_INTERRUPT(); } else { /* "reg" might not be in DPORT, but this will work in any case */ val = DPORT_REG_READ(reg); } if ((val & hip->intr_mask) != 0) { handled = true; (*hip->handler)(hip->arg); } } if (!handled) { /* no handler found, it is OK in this case. */ } } uint32_t IRAM_ATTR hli_intr_disable(void) { /* disable level 4 and below */ return XTOS_SET_INTLEVEL(XCHAL_DEBUGLEVEL - 2); } void IRAM_ATTR hli_intr_restore(uint32_t state) { XTOS_RESTORE_JUST_INTLEVEL(state); } #define HLI_META_QUEUE_SIZE 16 #define HLI_QUEUE_MAX_ELEM_SIZE 32 #define HLI_QUEUE_SW_INT_NUM 29 #define HLI_QUEUE_FLAG_SEMAPHORE BIT(0) #define HLI_QUEUE_FLAG_CUSTOMER BIT(1) static DRAM_ATTR struct hli_queue_t *s_meta_queue_ptr = NULL; static intr_handle_t ret_handle; static inline char* IRAM_ATTR wrap_ptr(hli_queue_handle_t queue, char *ptr) { return (ptr == queue->bufend) ? queue->buf : ptr; } static inline bool IRAM_ATTR queue_empty(hli_queue_handle_t queue) { return queue->begin == queue->end; } static inline bool IRAM_ATTR queue_full(hli_queue_handle_t queue) { return wrap_ptr(queue, queue->end + queue->elem_size) == queue->begin; } static void IRAM_ATTR queue_isr_handler(void* arg) { int do_yield = pdFALSE; XTHAL_SET_INTCLEAR(BIT(HLI_QUEUE_SW_INT_NUM)); hli_queue_handle_t queue; while (hli_queue_get(s_meta_queue_ptr, &queue)) { static DRAM_ATTR char scratch[HLI_QUEUE_MAX_ELEM_SIZE]; while (hli_queue_get(queue, scratch)) { int res = pdPASS; if ((queue->flags & HLI_QUEUE_FLAG_CUSTOMER) != 0) { customer_swisr_handle((customer_swisr_t *)scratch); } else if ((queue->flags & HLI_QUEUE_FLAG_SEMAPHORE) != 0) { res = xSemaphoreGiveFromISR((SemaphoreHandle_t) queue->downstream, &do_yield); } else { res = xQueueSendFromISR(queue->downstream, scratch, &do_yield); } if (res == pdFAIL) { /* Failed to send to downstream queue, it is OK in this case. */ } } } if (do_yield) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } } /* Notify the level 3 handler that an element is added to the given hli queue. * Do this by placing the queue handle onto s_meta_queue, and raising a SW interrupt. * * This function must be called with HL interrupts disabled! */ static void IRAM_ATTR queue_signal(hli_queue_handle_t queue) { /* See if the queue is already in s_meta_queue, before adding */ bool found = false; const hli_queue_handle_t *end = (hli_queue_handle_t*) s_meta_queue_ptr->end; hli_queue_handle_t *item = (hli_queue_handle_t*) s_meta_queue_ptr->begin; for (;item != end; item = (hli_queue_handle_t*) wrap_ptr(s_meta_queue_ptr, (char*) (item + 1))) { if (*item == queue) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { bool res = hli_queue_put(s_meta_queue_ptr, &queue); if (!res) { esp_rom_printf(DRAM_STR("Fatal error in queue_signal: s_meta_queue full\n")); abort(); } XTHAL_SET_INTSET(BIT(HLI_QUEUE_SW_INT_NUM)); } } static void queue_init(hli_queue_handle_t queue, size_t buf_size, size_t elem_size, QueueHandle_t downstream) { queue->elem_size = elem_size; queue->begin = queue->buf; queue->end = queue->buf; queue->bufend = queue->buf + buf_size; queue->downstream = downstream; queue->flags = 0; } void hli_queue_setup(void) { if (s_meta_queue_ptr == NULL) { s_meta_queue_ptr = hli_queue_create(HLI_META_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(void*), NULL); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_intr_alloc(ETS_INTERNAL_SW1_INTR_SOURCE, ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM, queue_isr_handler, NULL, &ret_handle)); xt_ints_on(BIT(HLI_QUEUE_SW_INT_NUM)); } } void hli_queue_shutdown(void) { if (s_meta_queue_ptr != NULL) { hli_queue_delete(s_meta_queue_ptr); s_meta_queue_ptr = NULL; esp_intr_free(ret_handle); xt_ints_off(BIT(HLI_QUEUE_SW_INT_NUM)); } } hli_queue_handle_t hli_queue_create(size_t nelem, size_t elem_size, QueueHandle_t downstream) { const size_t buf_elem = nelem + 1; if (elem_size > HLI_QUEUE_MAX_ELEM_SIZE) { return NULL; } size_t buf_size = buf_elem * elem_size; hli_queue_handle_t res = (hli_queue_handle_t) heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(struct hli_queue_t) + buf_size, MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL|MALLOC_CAP_8BIT); if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } queue_init(res, buf_size, elem_size, downstream); return res; } hli_queue_handle_t hli_customer_queue_create(size_t nelem, size_t elem_size, QueueHandle_t downstream) { hli_queue_handle_t res = hli_queue_create(nelem, elem_size, (QueueHandle_t) downstream); if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } res->flags |= HLI_QUEUE_FLAG_CUSTOMER; return res; } hli_queue_handle_t hli_semaphore_create(size_t max_count, SemaphoreHandle_t downstream) { const size_t elem_size = 1; hli_queue_handle_t res = hli_queue_create(max_count, elem_size, (QueueHandle_t) downstream); if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } res->flags |= HLI_QUEUE_FLAG_SEMAPHORE; return res; } void hli_queue_delete(hli_queue_handle_t queue) { free(queue); } bool IRAM_ATTR hli_queue_get(hli_queue_handle_t queue, void* out) { uint32_t int_state = hli_intr_disable(); bool res = false; if (!queue_empty(queue)) { memcpy(out, queue->begin, queue->elem_size); queue->begin = wrap_ptr(queue, queue->begin + queue->elem_size); res = true; } hli_intr_restore(int_state); return res; } bool IRAM_ATTR hli_queue_put(hli_queue_handle_t queue, const void* data) { uint32_t int_state = hli_intr_disable(); bool res = false; bool was_empty = queue_empty(queue); if (!queue_full(queue)) { memcpy(queue->end, data, queue->elem_size); queue->end = wrap_ptr(queue, queue->end + queue->elem_size); if (was_empty && queue != s_meta_queue_ptr) { queue_signal(queue); } res = true; } hli_intr_restore(int_state); return res; } bool IRAM_ATTR hli_semaphore_give(hli_queue_handle_t queue) { uint8_t data = 0; return hli_queue_put(queue, &data); } #endif /* CONFIG_BTDM_CTRL_HLI */