/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "sdkconfig.h" #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "driver/gptimer.h" #include "esp_rom_sys.h" #include "unity.h" #include "test_utils.h" /* Scheduler suspension behavior differs significantly in SMP FreeRTOS, thus none of these tests apply to SMP FreeRTOS */ #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP /* GP timer is used to trigger an interrupt. Test cases will register an interrupt callback called from the timer's interrupt callback. The functions below simply the interrupt registration/trigger/deregistration process. */ static gptimer_handle_t gptimer = NULL; static bool (*registered_intr_callback)(void *) = NULL; static bool on_timer_alarm_cb(gptimer_handle_t timer, const gptimer_alarm_event_data_t *edata, void *user_ctx) { bool yield; if (registered_intr_callback) { yield = registered_intr_callback(user_ctx); } else { yield = false; } return yield; } static void register_intr_cb(bool (*callback)(void *), void *callback_arg) { gptimer_handle_t gptimer_temp; // Initialize a GP timer used to trigger an interrupt gptimer_config_t timer_config = { .clk_src = GPTIMER_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .direction = GPTIMER_COUNT_UP, .resolution_hz = 1000000, // 1MHz, 1 tick=1us }; TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_new_timer(&timer_config, &gptimer_temp)); // Configure an alarm (of 1ms) and callback for the timer gptimer_alarm_config_t alarm_config = { .reload_count = 0, .alarm_count = 1000, // alarm period 1ms .flags.auto_reload_on_alarm = true, }; gptimer_event_callbacks_t cbs = { .on_alarm = on_timer_alarm_cb, }; TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_register_event_callbacks(gptimer_temp, &cbs, callback_arg)); TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_enable(gptimer_temp)); TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_set_alarm_action(gptimer_temp, &alarm_config)); gptimer = gptimer_temp; registered_intr_callback = callback; } static void trigger_intr_cb(void) { // Interrupt should be triggered in 1ms TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_start(gptimer)); } static void deregister_intr_cb(void) { gptimer_handle_t gptimer_temp = gptimer; gptimer = NULL; registered_intr_callback = NULL; TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_stop(gptimer_temp)); TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_disable(gptimer_temp)); TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_del_timer(gptimer_temp)); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test vTaskSuspendAll() and xTaskResumeAll() basic Purpose: - Test that vTaskSuspendAll() will suspends the scheduler for the calling core - Test that xTaskResumeAll() will resumes scheduling for the calling core Procedure: - Call vTaskSuspendAll() to suspend the scheduler - Call xTaskResumeAll() to resume the scheduler Expected: - xTaskGetSchedulerState() should return the correct state --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TEST_CASE("Test vTaskSuspendAll and xTaskResumeAll basic", "[freertos]") { // Check scheduler is running on the current core TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); vTaskSuspendAll(); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_SUSPENDED, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); xTaskResumeAll(); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test vTaskSuspendAll() and xTaskResumeAll() multicore Only runs on !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE Purpose: - Test that vTaskSuspendAll() will only suspends scheduling only for the calling core - Test that xTaskResumeAll() will only resume scheduling for the calling core Procedure: Each core gets tested in the role of core A - Create a taskA pinned to one core (e.g., core A) that will disable the scheduler - Created a "taskB" to another core (e.g., core B) that will not disable the scheduler - taskA calls vTaskSuspendAll() to suspend the scheduler on core A - taskA calls xTaskResumeAll() to resume the scheduler on core A Expected: - vTaskSuspendAll() should only disable the scheduler for the suspended core A - xTaskResumeAll() should resume the scheduler for the suspended core A - Scheduler on core B should remain enabled --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE #define TEST_BASIC_BUSY_DELAY_US 10000 static volatile int taskA_sync; static volatile int taskB_sync; static void test_multicore_taskA(void *arg) { // Wait to be started ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); // Check scheduler on core A is enabled TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); taskA_sync++; while (taskB_sync != 1) { ; // Wait for task B to complete its check } // Suspend the scheduler on core A vTaskSuspendAll(); // Check scheduler is suspended on core A TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_SUSPENDED, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); taskA_sync++; while (taskB_sync != 2) { ; // Wait for task B to complete its check } // Busy spin for a while to simulate work done while scheduler is suspended esp_rom_delay_us(TEST_BASIC_BUSY_DELAY_US); // Check scheduler is still suspended on core A TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_SUSPENDED, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); taskA_sync++; while (taskB_sync != 3) { ; // Wait for task B to complete its check } // Resume the scheduler on core A xTaskResumeAll(); // Check that scheduler has resumed resumed on core A TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); taskA_sync++; while (taskB_sync != 4) { ; // Wait for task B to complete its check } // Indicate done and wait to be deleted SemaphoreHandle_t done_sem = (SemaphoreHandle_t)arg; xSemaphoreGive(done_sem); vTaskSuspend(NULL); } static void test_multicore_taskB(void *arg) { // Wait to be started ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { // Wait for suspended trigger from task A while (taskA_sync != i) { ; } // Check that scheduler is still running on core B TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); taskB_sync++; } // Indicate done and wait to be deleted SemaphoreHandle_t done_sem = (SemaphoreHandle_t)arg; xSemaphoreGive(done_sem); vTaskSuspend(NULL); } TEST_CASE("Test vTaskSuspendAll() and xTaskResumeAll() multicore", "[freertos]") { SemaphoreHandle_t done_sem = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(portNUM_PROCESSORS, 0); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(NULL, done_sem); for (int i = 0; i < portNUM_PROCESSORS; i++) { // Create tasks on core A and core B TaskHandle_t taskA_hdl; TaskHandle_t taskB_hdl; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_multicore_taskA, "taskA", 2048, (void *)done_sem, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &taskA_hdl, i)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_multicore_taskB, "taskB", 2048, (void *)done_sem, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &taskB_hdl, !i)); // Start the tasks and wait for their completion taskA_sync = 0; taskB_sync = 0; xTaskNotifyGive(taskA_hdl); xTaskNotifyGive(taskB_hdl); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { xSemaphoreTake(done_sem, portMAX_DELAY); } // Cleanup the tasks vTaskDelete(taskA_hdl); vTaskDelete(taskB_hdl); } vSemaphoreDelete(done_sem); // Add a short delay to allow the idle task to free any remaining task memory vTaskDelay(10); } #endif // !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test vTaskSuspendAll allows scheduling on other cores Only runs on !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE Purpose: - Test that disabling a scheduler on one core (e.g., core B) does not disable scheduling on the other core (e.g., core A) - While the scheduler on core B is disabled, test that... - A task on Core A can be unblocked by another task also on core A - A task on Core A can be unblocked by an interrupt on core A Procedure: Each core gets tested in the role of core A - Create task B1 pinned to core B that will suspend scheduling on core B - Create task A2 pinned to core A that will test unblocking on core A - Create task A1 pinned to core A that will unblock task A2 - Register an interrupt on core A that will unblock task A2 - Have A2 block - Have B1 disable scheduling on core B. A1 checks that scheduling is still enabled on core A - Have A1 unblock A2 - Have the core A ISR unblock A2 - Cleanup the tasks Expected: When B1 disables scheduling on core B... - Scheduling on core A should still be enabled - A2 should be unblocked by A1 and run without issue - A2 should be unblocked by core A ISR and run without issue --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE static volatile int test_unblk_sync; static SemaphoreHandle_t test_unblk_done_sem; static bool test_unblk_coreA_isr(void *arg) { TaskHandle_t a2_task_hdl = (TaskHandle_t)arg; BaseType_t task_woken = pdFALSE; // Unblock task b2 vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(a2_task_hdl, &task_woken); return (task_woken == pdTRUE); } static void test_unblk_a2_task(void *arg) { volatile int *a2_task_run_count = (volatile int *)arg; // Wait to be unblocked by A1 ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); (*a2_task_run_count)++; // Wait to be unblocked by Core A ISR ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); (*a2_task_run_count)++; // Wait to be deleted vTaskSuspend(NULL); } static void test_unblk_a1_task(void *arg) { volatile int a2_task_run_count = 0; // Create task A2 to block on this core (i.e., core A) TaskHandle_t a2_task_hdl; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_unblk_a2_task, "A2", 8192, (void *)&a2_task_run_count, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY + 2, &a2_task_hdl, xPortGetCoreID())); // Install an interrupt on core A register_intr_cb(test_unblk_coreA_isr, (void *)a2_task_hdl); // Wait to be started by the main task ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); // Start B1 xTaskNotifyGive((TaskHandle_t)arg); while (test_unblk_sync != 1) { ; // Wait for confirmation from B1 that scheduler has been suspended on Core B } // Verify that the scheduler is still enabled on core A TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); // Unblock A2, it should preempt immediately due to its higher priority xTaskNotifyGive(a2_task_hdl); // Verify that task A2 has run TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, a2_task_run_count); // Trigger an ISR on this core A to unblock task A2. A2 should preempt immediately due to its higher priority trigger_intr_cb(); esp_rom_delay_us(2000); // Short busy delay to ensure interrupt has triggered // Verify that task A2 has run TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, a2_task_run_count); // Trigger B1 to resume scheduling on core B test_unblk_sync = 2; while (test_unblk_sync != 3) { ; // Wait for confirmation from B1 that scheduler has been resumed } // Verify that the scheduler is still enabled on core A TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); // Cleanup A2 and interrupt deregister_intr_cb(); vTaskDelete(a2_task_hdl); // Indicate done and wait to be deleted xSemaphoreGive(test_unblk_done_sem); vTaskSuspend(NULL); } static void test_unblk_b1_task(void *arg) { // Wait to be started by A1 ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); // Check scheduler is running on core B TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); // Suspend the scheduler on core B vTaskSuspendAll(); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_SUSPENDED, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); // Indicate to A1 that core B scheduler has been suspended test_unblk_sync = 1; while (test_unblk_sync != 2) { ; // Wait for trigger from A1 } // Resume the scheduler on core B xTaskResumeAll(); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING, xTaskGetSchedulerState()); // Indicate to A1 that core B scheduler has been resumed test_unblk_sync = 3; // Indicate done and wait to be deleted xSemaphoreGive(test_unblk_done_sem); vTaskSuspend(NULL); } TEST_CASE("Test vTaskSuspendAll allows scheduling on other cores", "[freertos]") { test_unblk_done_sem = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(portNUM_PROCESSORS, 0); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(NULL, test_unblk_done_sem); for (int i = 0; i < portNUM_PROCESSORS; i++) { test_unblk_sync = 0; // Create a tasks TaskHandle_t a1_task_hdl; TaskHandle_t b1_task_hdl; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_unblk_b1_task, "B1", 8192, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY + 1, &b1_task_hdl, !i)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_unblk_a1_task, "A1", 8192, (void *)b1_task_hdl, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY + 1, &a1_task_hdl, i)); // Start A1 to and wait for both tasks to complete xTaskNotifyGive(a1_task_hdl); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { xSemaphoreTake(test_unblk_done_sem, portMAX_DELAY); } // Cleanup tasks vTaskDelete(a1_task_hdl); vTaskDelete(b1_task_hdl); } vSemaphoreDelete(test_unblk_done_sem); // Add a short delay to allow the idle task to free any remaining task memory vTaskDelay(10); } #endif // !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test xTaskResumeAll() resumes pended tasks on the current core Purpose: - When the scheduler is suspended on a particular core, test that tasks unblocked by an ISR on that core will place those tasks on the core's pending ready list (regardless of the task's affinity). - When the scheduler is resumed on a particular core, test that the tasks on core's pending ready list will be scheduled. Procedure: Test for each core - Create some blocking tasks on the same core - Register an interrupt on the same core to unblock those tasks - Suspend the scheduler on the core - Trigger the interrupt to unblock those tasks - Resume the scheduler - Cleanup Expected: - When the ISR unblocks the blocked tasks, the task's state should be ready - When the scheduler is resumed, the tasks should be scheduled and run without issue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define TEST_PENDED_NUM_BLOCKED_TASKS 4 static bool test_pended_isr(void *arg) { TaskHandle_t *blkd_tsks = (TaskHandle_t *)arg; BaseType_t task_woken = pdFALSE; // Unblock the blocked tasks for (int i = 0; i < TEST_PENDED_NUM_BLOCKED_TASKS; i++) { vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(blkd_tsks[i], &task_woken); } return (task_woken == pdTRUE); } static void test_pended_blkd_task(void *arg) { volatile bool *has_run = (bool *)arg; // Wait to be unblocked ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); // Indicate the task been unblocked and has run *has_run = true; // Wait to be deleted vTaskSuspend(NULL); } static void test_pended_running_task(void *arg) { TaskHandle_t main_task_hdl = (TaskHandle_t)arg; TaskHandle_t blkd_tsks[TEST_PENDED_NUM_BLOCKED_TASKS]; volatile bool has_run[TEST_PENDED_NUM_BLOCKED_TASKS]; // Created blocked tasks pinned to each core for (int i = 0; i < TEST_PENDED_NUM_BLOCKED_TASKS; i++) { has_run[i] = false; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_pended_blkd_task, "blkd", 4096, (void *)&has_run[i], UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY + 2, &blkd_tsks[i], i % portNUM_PROCESSORS)); } vTaskDelay(10); // Install an interrupt on the current core core register_intr_cb(test_pended_isr, (void *)blkd_tsks); // Checked that all tasks are blocked and have no run yet for (int i = 0; i < TEST_PENDED_NUM_BLOCKED_TASKS; i++) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(eBlocked, eTaskGetState(blkd_tsks[i])); // Should be eSuspended due to portMAX_DELAY TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, has_run[i]); } // Suspend the scheduler on the current core vTaskSuspendAll(); // Trigger the interrupt to unblocked the blocked tasks trigger_intr_cb(); esp_rom_delay_us(2000); // Short busy delay to ensure interrupt has triggered // Check that all tasks are unblocked (but should not have run since the scheduler is suspend) for (int i = 0; i < TEST_PENDED_NUM_BLOCKED_TASKS; i++) { // Note: We use eBlocked instead of eReady due to a bug in eTaskGetState(). See (IDF-5543) TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(eBlocked, eTaskGetState(blkd_tsks[i])); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, has_run[i]); } // Resume the scheduler on the current core to schedule the unblocked tasks xTaskResumeAll(); esp_rom_delay_us(10000); // Busy delay to ensure each task has enough time to run // Check that all tasks have run for (int i = 0; i < TEST_PENDED_NUM_BLOCKED_TASKS; i++) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, has_run[i]); } // Clean up the interrupt and tasks deregister_intr_cb(); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_PENDED_NUM_BLOCKED_TASKS; i++) { vTaskDelete(blkd_tsks[i]); } // Notify completion and wait for deletion xTaskNotifyGive(main_task_hdl); vTaskSuspend(NULL); } TEST_CASE("Test xTaskResumeAll resumes pended tasks", "[freertos]") { // Run the test on each core for (int i = 0; i < portNUM_PROCESSORS; i++) { TaskHandle_t susp_tsk_hdl; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pdTRUE, xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(test_pended_running_task, "susp", 2048, (void *)xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(), UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY + 1, &susp_tsk_hdl, i)); // Wait for to be notified to test completion ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); vTaskDelete(susp_tsk_hdl); } // Add a short delay to allow the idle task to free any remaining task memory vTaskDelay(10); } #endif // !CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP