

This module offers Espressif specific extensions to the pthread library that can be used to influence the behaviour of pthreads. Currently the following configuration can be tuned:
  * Stack size of the pthreads
  * Priority of the created pthreads
  * Inheriting this configuration across threads
  * Thread name
  * Core affinity / core pinning.

Example to tune the stack size of the pthread:

.. code-block:: c

    void * thread_func(void * p)
        printf("In thread_func\n");
        return NULL;

    void app_main(void)
        pthread_t t1;

        esp_pthread_cfg_t cfg = esp_create_default_pthread_config();
        cfg.stack_size = (4 * 1024);

        pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_func);

The API can also be used for inheriting the settings across threads. For example:

.. code-block:: c
    void * my_thread2(void * p)
        /* This thread will inherit the stack size of 4K */
        printf("In my_thread2\n");

        return NULL;

    void * my_thread1(void * p)
        printf("In my_thread1\n");
        pthread_t t2;
        pthread_create(&t2, NULL, my_thread2);

        return NULL;

    void app_main(void)
        pthread_t t1;

        esp_pthread_cfg_t cfg = esp_create_default_pthread_config();
        cfg.stack_size = (4 * 1024);
        cfg.inherit_cfg = true;

        pthread_create(&t1, NULL, my_thread1);

API Reference

.. include-build-file:: inc/