/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /* Warning: The USB Host Library API is still a beta version and may be subject to change */ #include #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "esp_err.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_heap_caps.h" #include "hub.h" #include "usbh.h" #include "esp_private/usb_phy.h" #include "usb/usb_host.h" static portMUX_TYPE host_lock = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; #define HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL_ISR() portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&host_lock) #define HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL_ISR() portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(&host_lock) #define HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL() portENTER_CRITICAL(&host_lock) #define HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL() portEXIT_CRITICAL(&host_lock) #define HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE() portENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE(&host_lock) #define HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE() portEXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE(&host_lock) #define HOST_CHECK(cond, ret_val) ({ \ if (!(cond)) { \ return (ret_val); \ } \ }) #define HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(cond, ret_val) ({ \ if (!(cond)) { \ HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); \ return ret_val; \ } \ }) #define PROCESS_PENDING_FLAG_USBH 0x01 #define PROCESS_PENDING_FLAG_HUB 0x02 #define PROCESS_PENDING_FLAG_EVENT 0x04 typedef struct endpoint_s endpoint_t; typedef struct interface_s interface_t; typedef struct client_s client_t; struct endpoint_s { //Dynamic members require a critical section struct { TAILQ_ENTRY(endpoint_s) tailq_entry; union { struct { uint32_t pending: 1; uint32_t reserved31:31; }; } flags; uint32_t num_urb_inflight; hcd_pipe_event_t last_event; } dynamic; //Constant members do no change after claiming the interface thus do not require a critical section struct { hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl; const usb_ep_desc_t *ep_desc; interface_t *intf_obj; } constant; }; struct interface_s { //Dynamic members require a critical section struct { TAILQ_ENTRY(interface_s) tailq_entry; } mux_protected; //Constant members do no change after claiming the interface thus do not require a critical section struct { const usb_intf_desc_t *intf_desc; usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl; client_t *client_obj; endpoint_t *endpoints[0]; } constant; }; struct client_s { //Dynamic members require a critical section struct { TAILQ_ENTRY(client_s) tailq_entry; TAILQ_HEAD(tailhead_pending_ep, endpoint_s) pending_ep_tailq; TAILQ_HEAD(tailhead_idle_ep, endpoint_s) idle_ep_tailq; TAILQ_HEAD(tailhead_done_ctrl_xfers, urb_s) done_ctrl_xfer_tailq; union { struct { uint32_t events_pending: 1; uint32_t handling_events: 1; uint32_t blocked: 1; uint32_t taking_mux: 1; uint32_t reserved4: 4; uint32_t num_intf_claimed: 8; uint32_t reserved16: 16; }; uint32_t val; } flags; uint32_t num_done_ctrl_xfer; uint32_t opened_dev_addr_map; } dynamic; //Mux protected members must be protected by host library the mux_lock when accessed struct { TAILQ_HEAD(tailhead_interfaces, interface_s) interface_tailq; } mux_protected; //Constant members do no change after registration thus do not require a critical section struct { SemaphoreHandle_t event_sem; usb_host_client_event_cb_t event_callback; void *callback_arg; QueueHandle_t event_msg_queue; } constant; }; typedef struct { //Dynamic members require a critical section struct { //Access to these should be done in a critical section uint32_t process_pending_flags; uint32_t lib_event_flags; union { struct { uint32_t process_pending: 1; uint32_t handling_events: 1; uint32_t blocked: 1; uint32_t reserved5: 5; uint32_t num_clients: 8; uint32_t reserved16: 16; }; uint32_t val; } flags; } dynamic; //Mux protected members must be protected by host library the mux_lock when accessed struct { TAILQ_HEAD(tailhead_clients, client_s) client_tailq; //List of all clients registered } mux_protected; //Constant members do no change after installation thus do not require a critical section struct { SemaphoreHandle_t event_sem; SemaphoreHandle_t mux_lock; usb_phy_handle_t phy_handle; //Will be NULL if host library is installed with skip_phy_setup } constant; } host_lib_t; static host_lib_t *p_host_lib_obj = NULL; const char *USB_HOST_TAG = "USB HOST"; // ----------------------------------------------------- Helpers ------------------------------------------------------- static inline void _record_client_opened_device(client_t *client_obj, uint8_t dev_addr) { assert(dev_addr != 0); client_obj->dynamic.opened_dev_addr_map |= (1 << (dev_addr - 1)); } static inline void _clear_client_opened_device(client_t *client_obj, uint8_t dev_addr) { assert(dev_addr != 0); client_obj->dynamic.opened_dev_addr_map &= ~(1 << (dev_addr - 1)); } static inline bool _check_client_opened_device(client_t *client_obj, uint8_t dev_addr) { assert(dev_addr != 0); return (client_obj->dynamic.opened_dev_addr_map & (1 << (dev_addr - 1))); } static bool _unblock_client(client_t *client_obj, bool in_isr) { bool send_sem; if (!client_obj->dynamic.flags.events_pending && !client_obj->dynamic.flags.handling_events) { client_obj->dynamic.flags.events_pending = 1; send_sem = true; } else { send_sem = false; } HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE(); bool yield = false; if (send_sem) { if (in_isr) { BaseType_t xTaskWoken = pdFALSE; xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(client_obj->constant.event_sem, &xTaskWoken); yield = (xTaskWoken == pdTRUE); } else { xSemaphoreGive(client_obj->constant.event_sem); } } HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE(); return yield; } static bool _unblock_lib(bool in_isr) { bool send_sem; if (!p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.process_pending && !p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.handling_events) { p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.process_pending = 1; send_sem = true; } else { send_sem = false; } HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE(); bool yield = false; if (send_sem) { if (in_isr) { BaseType_t xTaskWoken = pdFALSE; xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(p_host_lib_obj->constant.event_sem, &xTaskWoken); yield = (xTaskWoken == pdTRUE); } else { xSemaphoreGive(p_host_lib_obj->constant.event_sem); } } HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE(); return yield; } static void send_event_msg_to_clients(const usb_host_client_event_msg_t *event_msg, bool send_to_all, uint8_t opened_dev_addr) { //Lock client list xSemaphoreTake(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock, portMAX_DELAY); //Send event message to relevant or all clients client_t *client_obj; TAILQ_FOREACH(client_obj, &p_host_lib_obj->mux_protected.client_tailq, dynamic.tailq_entry) { if (!send_to_all) { //Check if client opened the device HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); bool send = _check_client_opened_device(client_obj, opened_dev_addr); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (!send) { continue; } } //Send the event message if (xQueueSend(client_obj->constant.event_msg_queue, event_msg, 0) == pdTRUE) { HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); _unblock_client(client_obj, false); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); } else { ESP_LOGE(USB_HOST_TAG, "Client event message queue full"); } } //Unlock client list xSemaphoreGive(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock); } // ---------------------------------------------------- Callbacks ------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------- Library Related --------------------- static bool notif_callback(usb_notif_source_t source, bool in_isr, void *arg) { HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE(); //Store notification source switch (source) { case USB_NOTIF_SOURCE_USBH: p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.process_pending_flags |= PROCESS_PENDING_FLAG_USBH; break; case USB_NOTIF_SOURCE_HUB: p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.process_pending_flags |= PROCESS_PENDING_FLAG_HUB; break; } bool yield = _unblock_lib(in_isr); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE(); return yield; } static void ctrl_xfer_callback(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, urb_t *urb, void *arg) { assert(urb->usb_host_client != NULL); //Redistribute done control transfer to the clients that submitted them client_t *client_obj = (client_t *)urb->usb_host_client; HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&client_obj->dynamic.done_ctrl_xfer_tailq, urb, tailq_entry); client_obj->dynamic.num_done_ctrl_xfer++; _unblock_client(client_obj, false); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); } static void dev_event_callback(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, usbh_event_t usbh_event, void *arg) { //Check usbh_event. The data type of event_arg depends on the type of event switch (usbh_event) { case USBH_EVENT_DEV_NEW: { //Prepare a NEW_DEV client event message, the send it to all clients uint8_t dev_addr; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_get_addr(dev_hdl, &dev_addr)); usb_host_client_event_msg_t event_msg = { .event = USB_HOST_CLIENT_EVENT_NEW_DEV, .new_dev.address = dev_addr, }; send_event_msg_to_clients(&event_msg, true, 0); break; } case USBH_EVENT_DEV_GONE: { //Prepare event msg, send only to clients that have opened the device uint8_t dev_addr; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_get_addr(dev_hdl, &dev_addr)); usb_host_client_event_msg_t event_msg = { .event = USB_HOST_CLIENT_EVENT_DEV_GONE, .dev_gone.dev_hdl = dev_hdl, }; send_event_msg_to_clients(&event_msg, false, dev_addr); break; } case USBH_EVENT_DEV_ALL_FREE: { //Notify the lib handler that all devices are free HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.lib_event_flags |= USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_ALL_FREE; _unblock_lib(false); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); break; } default: abort(); //Should never occur break; } } // ------------------- Client Related ---------------------- static bool pipe_callback(hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl, hcd_pipe_event_t pipe_event, void *user_arg, bool in_isr) { endpoint_t *ep_obj = (endpoint_t *)user_arg; client_t *client_obj = (client_t *)ep_obj->constant.intf_obj->constant.client_obj; HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE(); //Store the event to be handled later. Note that we allow overwriting of events because more severe will halt the pipe prevent any further events. ep_obj->dynamic.last_event = pipe_event; //Add the EP to the client's pending list if it's not in the list already if (!ep_obj->dynamic.flags.pending) { ep_obj->dynamic.flags.pending = 1; TAILQ_REMOVE(&client_obj->dynamic.idle_ep_tailq, ep_obj, dynamic.tailq_entry); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&client_obj->dynamic.pending_ep_tailq, ep_obj, dynamic.tailq_entry); } bool yield = _unblock_client(client_obj, in_isr); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE(); return yield; } // ------------------------------------------------ Library Functions -------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- Public -------------------------- esp_err_t usb_host_install(const usb_host_config_t *config) { HOST_CHECK(config != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_host_lib_obj == NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); esp_err_t ret; host_lib_t *host_lib_obj = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(host_lib_t), MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); SemaphoreHandle_t event_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); SemaphoreHandle_t mux_lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); if (host_lib_obj == NULL || event_sem == NULL || mux_lock == NULL) { ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto alloc_err; } //Initialize host library object TAILQ_INIT(&host_lib_obj->mux_protected.client_tailq); host_lib_obj->constant.event_sem = event_sem; host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock = mux_lock; //Setup the USB PHY if necessary (USB PHY driver will also enable the underlying Host Controller) if (!config->skip_phy_setup) { //Host Library defaults to internal PHY usb_phy_config_t phy_config = { .controller = USB_PHY_CTRL_OTG, .target = USB_PHY_TARGET_INT, .otg_mode = USB_OTG_MODE_HOST, .otg_speed = USB_PHY_SPEED_UNDEFINED, //In Host mode, the speed is determined by the connected device .ext_io_conf = NULL, .otg_io_conf = NULL, }; ret = usb_new_phy(&phy_config, &host_lib_obj->constant.phy_handle); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto phy_err; } } //Install USBH usbh_config_t usbh_config = { .notif_cb = notif_callback, .notif_cb_arg = NULL, .ctrl_xfer_cb = ctrl_xfer_callback, .ctrl_xfer_cb_arg = NULL, .event_cb = dev_event_callback, .event_cb_arg = NULL, .hcd_config = { .intr_flags = config->intr_flags, }, }; ret = usbh_install(&usbh_config); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto usbh_err; } //Install Hub hub_config_t hub_config = { .notif_cb = notif_callback, .notif_cb_arg = NULL, }; ret = hub_install(&hub_config); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto hub_err; } //Assign host library object HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (p_host_lib_obj != NULL) { HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; goto assign_err; } p_host_lib_obj = host_lib_obj; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Start the root hub ESP_ERROR_CHECK(hub_root_start()); ret = ESP_OK; return ret; assign_err: ESP_ERROR_CHECK(hub_uninstall()); hub_err: ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_uninstall()); usbh_err: if (p_host_lib_obj->constant.phy_handle) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usb_del_phy(p_host_lib_obj->constant.phy_handle)); } phy_err: alloc_err: if (mux_lock) { vSemaphoreDelete(mux_lock); } if (event_sem) { vSemaphoreDelete(event_sem); } heap_caps_free(host_lib_obj); return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_uninstall(void) { //All devices must have been freed at this point HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_host_lib_obj != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.process_pending_flags == 0 && p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.lib_event_flags == 0 && p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.val == 0, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Stop the root hub ESP_ERROR_CHECK(hub_root_stop()); //Uninstall Hub and USBH ESP_ERROR_CHECK(hub_uninstall()); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_uninstall()); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); host_lib_t *host_lib_obj = p_host_lib_obj; p_host_lib_obj = NULL; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //If the USB PHY was setup, then delete it if (host_lib_obj->constant.phy_handle) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usb_del_phy(host_lib_obj->constant.phy_handle)); } //Free memory objects vSemaphoreDelete(host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock); vSemaphoreDelete(host_lib_obj->constant.event_sem); heap_caps_free(host_lib_obj); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t usb_host_lib_handle_events(TickType_t timeout_ticks, uint32_t *event_flags_ret) { esp_err_t ret; uint32_t event_flags = 0; HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (!p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.process_pending) { //There is currently processing that needs to be done. Wait for some processing HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); BaseType_t sem_ret = xSemaphoreTake(p_host_lib_obj->constant.event_sem, timeout_ticks); if (sem_ret == pdFALSE) { ret = ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT; goto exit; } HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); } //Read and clear process pending flags uint32_t process_pending_flags = p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.process_pending_flags; p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.process_pending_flags = 0; p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.handling_events = 1; while (process_pending_flags) { HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (process_pending_flags & PROCESS_PENDING_FLAG_USBH) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_process()); } if (process_pending_flags & PROCESS_PENDING_FLAG_HUB) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(hub_process()); } HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); //Read and clear process pending flags again, and loop back if there is more to process process_pending_flags = p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.process_pending_flags; p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.process_pending_flags = 0; } p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.process_pending = 0; p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.handling_events = 0; event_flags = p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.lib_event_flags; p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.lib_event_flags = 0; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ret = ESP_OK; exit: if (event_flags_ret != NULL) { *event_flags_ret = event_flags; } return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_lib_unblock(void) { //All devices must have been freed at this point HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_host_lib_obj != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); _unblock_lib(false); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t usb_host_lib_info(usb_host_lib_info_t *info_ret) { HOST_CHECK(info_ret != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); int num_devs_temp; int num_clients_temp; HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_host_lib_obj != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); num_clients_temp = p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.num_clients; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); usbh_num_devs(&num_devs_temp); //Write back return values info_ret->num_devices = num_devs_temp; info_ret->num_clients = num_clients_temp; return ESP_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------ Client Functions --------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- Private ------------------------- static void _handle_pending_ep(client_t *client_obj) { //Handle each EP on the pending list while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&client_obj->dynamic.pending_ep_tailq)) { //Get the next pending EP. endpoint_t *ep_obj = TAILQ_FIRST(&client_obj->dynamic.pending_ep_tailq); TAILQ_REMOVE(&client_obj->dynamic.pending_ep_tailq, ep_obj, dynamic.tailq_entry); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&client_obj->dynamic.idle_ep_tailq, ep_obj, dynamic.tailq_entry); ep_obj->dynamic.flags.pending = 0; hcd_pipe_event_t last_event = ep_obj->dynamic.last_event; uint32_t num_urb_dequeued = 0; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Handle pipe event switch (last_event) { case HCD_PIPE_EVENT_ERROR_XFER: case HCD_PIPE_EVENT_ERROR_URB_NOT_AVAIL: case HCD_PIPE_EVENT_ERROR_OVERFLOW: case HCD_PIPE_EVENT_ERROR_STALL: //The pipe is now stalled. Flush all pending URBs ESP_ERROR_CHECK(hcd_pipe_command(ep_obj->constant.pipe_hdl, HCD_PIPE_CMD_FLUSH)); //All URBs in this pipe are now retired waiting to be dequeued. Fall through to dequeue them __attribute__((fallthrough)); case HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE: { //Dequeue all URBs and run their transfer callback urb_t *urb = hcd_urb_dequeue(ep_obj->constant.pipe_hdl); while (urb != NULL) { urb->transfer.callback(&urb->transfer); num_urb_dequeued++; urb = hcd_urb_dequeue(ep_obj->constant.pipe_hdl); } break; } default: abort(); //Should never occur break; } HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); //Update the endpoint's number of URB's inflight assert(num_urb_dequeued <= ep_obj->dynamic.num_urb_inflight); ep_obj->dynamic.num_urb_inflight -= num_urb_dequeued; } } // ----------------------- Public -------------------------- esp_err_t usb_host_client_register(const usb_host_client_config_t *client_config, usb_host_client_handle_t *client_hdl_ret) { HOST_CHECK(p_host_lib_obj, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); HOST_CHECK(client_config != NULL && client_hdl_ret != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); HOST_CHECK(client_config->max_num_event_msg > 0, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); if (!client_config->is_synchronous) { //Asynchronous clients must provide a HOST_CHECK(client_config->async.client_event_callback != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); } esp_err_t ret; //Create client object client_t *client_obj = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(client_t), MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); SemaphoreHandle_t event_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); QueueHandle_t event_msg_queue = xQueueCreate(client_config->max_num_event_msg, sizeof(usb_host_client_event_msg_t)); if (client_obj == NULL || event_sem == NULL || event_msg_queue == NULL) { ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto alloc_err; } //Initialize client object TAILQ_INIT(&client_obj->dynamic.pending_ep_tailq); TAILQ_INIT(&client_obj->dynamic.idle_ep_tailq); TAILQ_INIT(&client_obj->mux_protected.interface_tailq); TAILQ_INIT(&client_obj->dynamic.done_ctrl_xfer_tailq); client_obj->constant.event_sem = event_sem; client_obj->constant.event_callback = client_config->async.client_event_callback; client_obj->constant.callback_arg = client_config->async.callback_arg; client_obj->constant.event_msg_queue = event_msg_queue; //Add client to the host library's list of clients xSemaphoreTake(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock, portMAX_DELAY); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.num_clients++; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&p_host_lib_obj->mux_protected.client_tailq, client_obj, dynamic.tailq_entry); xSemaphoreGive(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock); //Write back client handle *client_hdl_ret = (usb_host_client_handle_t)client_obj; ret = ESP_OK; return ret; alloc_err: if (event_msg_queue) { vQueueDelete(event_msg_queue); } if (event_sem) { vSemaphoreDelete(event_sem); } heap_caps_free(client_obj); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t usb_host_client_deregister(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl) { HOST_CHECK(client_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); client_t *client_obj = (client_t *)client_hdl; esp_err_t ret; //We take the mux_lock because we need to access the host library's client_tailq xSemaphoreTake(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock, portMAX_DELAY); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); //Check that client can currently deregistered bool can_deregister; if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&client_obj->dynamic.pending_ep_tailq) || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&client_obj->dynamic.idle_ep_tailq) || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&client_obj->dynamic.done_ctrl_xfer_tailq) || client_obj->dynamic.flags.handling_events || client_obj->dynamic.flags.blocked || client_obj->dynamic.flags.taking_mux || client_obj->dynamic.flags.num_intf_claimed != 0 || client_obj->dynamic.num_done_ctrl_xfer != 0 || client_obj->dynamic.opened_dev_addr_map != 0) { can_deregister = false; } else { can_deregister = true; } HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (!can_deregister) { ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; goto exit; } //Remove client object from the library's list of clients TAILQ_REMOVE(&p_host_lib_obj->mux_protected.client_tailq, client_obj, dynamic.tailq_entry); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.num_clients--; if (p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.num_clients == 0) { //This is the last client being deregistered. Notify the lib handler p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.lib_event_flags |= USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_NO_CLIENTS; _unblock_lib(false); } HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Free client object vQueueDelete(client_obj->constant.event_msg_queue); vSemaphoreDelete(client_obj->constant.event_sem); heap_caps_free(client_obj); ret = ESP_OK; exit: xSemaphoreGive(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock); return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_client_handle_events(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, TickType_t timeout_ticks) { HOST_CHECK(client_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); esp_err_t ret; client_t *client_obj = (client_t *)client_hdl; HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (!client_obj->dynamic.flags.events_pending) { //There are currently no events, wait for one to occur client_obj->dynamic.flags.blocked = 1; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); BaseType_t sem_ret = xSemaphoreTake(client_obj->constant.event_sem, timeout_ticks); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); client_obj->dynamic.flags.blocked = 0; if (sem_ret == pdFALSE) { HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Timed out waiting for semaphore ret = ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT; goto exit; } } //Mark that we're processing events client_obj->dynamic.flags.handling_events = 1; while (client_obj->dynamic.flags.handling_events) { //Handle pending endpoints if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&client_obj->dynamic.pending_ep_tailq)) { _handle_pending_ep(client_obj); } //Handle any done control transfers while (client_obj->dynamic.num_done_ctrl_xfer > 0) { urb_t *urb = TAILQ_FIRST(&client_obj->dynamic.done_ctrl_xfer_tailq); TAILQ_REMOVE(&client_obj->dynamic.done_ctrl_xfer_tailq, urb, tailq_entry); client_obj->dynamic.num_done_ctrl_xfer--; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Call the transfer's callback urb->transfer.callback(&urb->transfer); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); } //Handle event messages while (uxQueueMessagesWaiting(client_obj->constant.event_msg_queue) > 0) { HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Dequeue the event message and call the client event callback usb_host_client_event_msg_t event_msg; BaseType_t queue_ret = xQueueReceive(client_obj->constant.event_msg_queue, &event_msg, 0); assert(queue_ret == pdTRUE); client_obj->constant.event_callback(&event_msg, client_obj->constant.callback_arg); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); } //Check each event again to see any new events occurred if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&client_obj->dynamic.pending_ep_tailq) && client_obj->dynamic.num_done_ctrl_xfer == 0 && uxQueueMessagesWaiting(client_obj->constant.event_msg_queue) == 0) { //All pending endpoints and event messages handled client_obj->dynamic.flags.events_pending = 0; client_obj->dynamic.flags.handling_events = 0; } } HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ret = ESP_OK; exit: return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_client_unblock(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl) { HOST_CHECK(client_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); client_t *client_obj = (client_t *)client_hdl; HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); _unblock_client(client_obj, false); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); return ESP_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------- Device Handling --------------------------------------------------- esp_err_t usb_host_device_open(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, uint8_t dev_addr, usb_device_handle_t *dev_hdl_ret) { HOST_CHECK(dev_addr > 0 && client_hdl != NULL && dev_hdl_ret != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); client_t *client_obj = (client_t *)client_hdl; esp_err_t ret; usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl; ret = usbh_dev_open(dev_addr, &dev_hdl); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto exit; } HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (_check_client_opened_device(client_obj, dev_addr)) { //Client has already opened the device. Close it and return an error ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); goto already_opened; } //Record in client object that we have opened the device of this address _record_client_opened_device(client_obj, dev_addr); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); *dev_hdl_ret = dev_hdl; ret = ESP_OK; return ret; already_opened: ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_close(dev_hdl)); exit: return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_device_close(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl) { HOST_CHECK(dev_hdl != NULL && client_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); client_t *client_obj = (client_t *)client_hdl; //We take the lock because we need to walk the interface list xSemaphoreTake(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock, portMAX_DELAY); esp_err_t ret; //Check that all interfaces claimed by this client do not belong to this device bool all_released = true; interface_t *intf_obj; TAILQ_FOREACH(intf_obj, &client_obj->mux_protected.interface_tailq, mux_protected.tailq_entry) { if (intf_obj->constant.dev_hdl == dev_hdl) { all_released = false; break; } } if (!all_released) { ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; goto exit; } //Check that client actually opened the device in the first place HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); uint8_t dev_addr; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_get_addr(dev_hdl, &dev_addr)); HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(_check_client_opened_device(client_obj, dev_addr), ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND); if (!_check_client_opened_device(client_obj, dev_addr)) { //Client never opened this device ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); goto exit; } //Proceed to clear the record of the device form the client _clear_client_opened_device(client_obj, dev_addr); HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_close(dev_hdl)); ret = ESP_OK; exit: xSemaphoreGive(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock); return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_device_free_all(void) { HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_host_lib_obj->dynamic.flags.num_clients == 0, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); //All clients must have been deregistered HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); esp_err_t ret; ret = usbh_dev_mark_all_free(); //If ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED is returned, caller must wait for USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_ALL_FREE to confirm all devices are free return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_device_addr_list_fill(int list_len, uint8_t *dev_addr_list, int *num_dev_ret) { HOST_CHECK(dev_addr_list != NULL && num_dev_ret != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); return usbh_dev_addr_list_fill(list_len, dev_addr_list, num_dev_ret); } // ------------------------------------------------- Device Requests --------------------------------------------------- // ------------------- Cached Requests --------------------- esp_err_t usb_host_device_info(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, usb_device_info_t *dev_info) { HOST_CHECK(dev_hdl != NULL && dev_info != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); return usbh_dev_get_info(dev_hdl, dev_info); } // ----------------------------------------------- Descriptor Requests ------------------------------------------------- // ----------------- Cached Descriptors -------------------- esp_err_t usb_host_get_device_descriptor(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, const usb_device_desc_t **device_desc) { HOST_CHECK(dev_hdl != NULL && device_desc != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); return usbh_dev_get_desc(dev_hdl, device_desc); } esp_err_t usb_host_get_active_config_descriptor(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, const usb_config_desc_t **config_desc) { HOST_CHECK(dev_hdl != NULL && config_desc != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); return usbh_dev_get_config_desc(dev_hdl, config_desc); } // ----------------------------------------------- Interface Functions ------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- Private ------------------------- static esp_err_t endpoint_alloc(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, const usb_ep_desc_t *ep_desc, interface_t *intf_obj, endpoint_t **ep_obj_ret) { endpoint_t *ep_obj = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(endpoint_t), MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); if (ep_obj == NULL) { return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } esp_err_t ret; usbh_ep_config_t ep_config = { .ep_desc = ep_desc, .pipe_cb = pipe_callback, .pipe_cb_arg = (void *)ep_obj, .context = (void *)ep_obj, }; hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl; ret = usbh_ep_alloc(dev_hdl, &ep_config, &pipe_hdl); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto ep_alloc_err; } //Initialize endpoint object ep_obj->constant.pipe_hdl = pipe_hdl; ep_obj->constant.ep_desc = ep_desc; ep_obj->constant.intf_obj = intf_obj; //Write back result *ep_obj_ret = ep_obj; ret = ESP_OK; return ret; ep_alloc_err: heap_caps_free(ep_obj); return ret; } static void endpoint_free(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, endpoint_t *ep_obj) { if (ep_obj == NULL) { return; } //Free the underlying endpoint ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_ep_free(dev_hdl, ep_obj->constant.ep_desc->bEndpointAddress)); //Free the endpoint object heap_caps_free(ep_obj); } static interface_t *interface_alloc(client_t *client_obj, usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, const usb_intf_desc_t *intf_desc) { interface_t *intf_obj = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(interface_t) + (sizeof(endpoint_t *) * intf_desc->bNumEndpoints), MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); if (intf_obj == NULL) { return NULL; } intf_obj->constant.intf_desc = intf_desc; intf_obj->constant.client_obj = client_obj; intf_obj->constant.dev_hdl = dev_hdl; return intf_obj; } static void interface_free(interface_t *intf_obj) { if (intf_obj == NULL) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < intf_obj->constant.intf_desc->bNumEndpoints; i++) { assert(intf_obj->constant.endpoints[i] == NULL); } heap_caps_free(intf_obj); } static esp_err_t interface_claim(client_t *client_obj, usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, const usb_config_desc_t *config_desc, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber, uint8_t bAlternateSetting, interface_t **intf_obj_ret) { esp_err_t ret; //We need to walk to configuration descriptor to find the correct interface descriptor, and each of its constituent endpoint descriptors //Find the interface descriptor and allocate the interface object int offset_intf; const usb_intf_desc_t *intf_desc = usb_parse_interface_descriptor(config_desc, bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting, &offset_intf); if (intf_desc == NULL) { ret = ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; goto exit; } //Allocate interface object interface_t *intf_obj = interface_alloc(client_obj, dev_hdl, intf_desc); if (intf_obj == NULL) { ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto exit; } //Find each endpoint descriptor in the interface by index, and allocate those endpoints for (int i = 0; i < intf_desc->bNumEndpoints; i++) { int offset_ep = offset_intf; const usb_ep_desc_t *ep_desc = usb_parse_endpoint_descriptor_by_index(intf_desc, i, config_desc->wTotalLength, &offset_ep); if (ep_desc == NULL) { ret = ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; goto ep_alloc_err; } //Allocate the endpoint endpoint_t *ep_obj; ret = endpoint_alloc(dev_hdl, ep_desc, intf_obj, &ep_obj); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto ep_alloc_err; } //Fill the interface object with the allocated endpoints intf_obj->constant.endpoints[i] = ep_obj; } //Add interface object to client (safe because we have already taken the mutex) TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&client_obj->mux_protected.interface_tailq, intf_obj, mux_protected.tailq_entry); //Add each endpoint to the client's endpoint list HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); for (int i = 0; i < intf_desc->bNumEndpoints; i++) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&client_obj->dynamic.idle_ep_tailq, intf_obj->constant.endpoints[i], dynamic.tailq_entry); } HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Write back result *intf_obj_ret = intf_obj; ret = ESP_OK; return ret; ep_alloc_err: for (int i = 0; i < intf_desc->bNumEndpoints; i++) { endpoint_free(dev_hdl, intf_obj->constant.endpoints[i]); intf_obj->constant.endpoints[i] = NULL; } interface_free(intf_obj); exit: return ret; } static esp_err_t interface_release(client_t *client_obj, usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber) { esp_err_t ret; //Find the interface object interface_t *intf_obj_iter; interface_t *intf_obj = NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(intf_obj_iter, &client_obj->mux_protected.interface_tailq, mux_protected.tailq_entry) { if (intf_obj_iter->constant.dev_hdl == dev_hdl && intf_obj_iter->constant.intf_desc->bInterfaceNumber == bInterfaceNumber) { intf_obj = intf_obj_iter; break; } } if (intf_obj == NULL) { ret = ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; goto exit; } //Check that all endpoints in the interface are in a state to be freed HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); bool can_free = true; for (int i = 0; i < intf_obj->constant.intf_desc->bNumEndpoints; i++) { endpoint_t *ep_obj = intf_obj->constant.endpoints[i]; //Endpoint must not be on the pending list and must not have inflight URBs if (ep_obj->dynamic.num_urb_inflight != 0 || ep_obj->dynamic.flags.pending) { can_free = false; break; } } if (!can_free) { HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; goto exit; } //Proceed to remove all endpoint objects from list for (int i = 0; i < intf_obj->constant.intf_desc->bNumEndpoints; i++) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&client_obj->dynamic.idle_ep_tailq, intf_obj->constant.endpoints[i], dynamic.tailq_entry); } HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Remove the interface object from the list (safe because we have already taken the mutex) TAILQ_REMOVE(&client_obj->mux_protected.interface_tailq, intf_obj, mux_protected.tailq_entry); //Free each endpoint in the interface for (int i = 0; i < intf_obj->constant.intf_desc->bNumEndpoints; i++) { endpoint_free(dev_hdl, intf_obj->constant.endpoints[i]); intf_obj->constant.endpoints[i] = NULL; } //Free the interface object itself interface_free(intf_obj); ret = ESP_OK; exit: return ret; } // ----------------------- Public -------------------------- esp_err_t usb_host_interface_claim(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber, uint8_t bAlternateSetting) { HOST_CHECK(client_hdl != NULL && dev_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); client_t *client_obj = (client_t *)client_hdl; HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); uint8_t dev_addr; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_get_addr(dev_hdl, &dev_addr)); //Check if client actually opened device HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(_check_client_opened_device(client_obj, dev_addr), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); client_obj->dynamic.flags.taking_mux = 1; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Take mux lock. This protects the client being released or other clients from claiming interfaces xSemaphoreTake(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock, portMAX_DELAY); esp_err_t ret; const usb_config_desc_t *config_desc; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_get_config_desc(dev_hdl, &config_desc)); interface_t *intf_obj; //Claim interface ret = interface_claim(client_obj, dev_hdl, config_desc, bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting, &intf_obj); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto exit; } ret = ESP_OK; exit: xSemaphoreGive(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (ret == ESP_OK) { client_obj->dynamic.flags.num_intf_claimed++; } client_obj->dynamic.flags.taking_mux = 0; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_interface_release(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber) { HOST_CHECK(client_hdl != NULL && dev_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); client_t *client_obj = (client_t *)client_hdl; HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); uint8_t dev_addr; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_get_addr(dev_hdl, &dev_addr)); //Check if client actually opened device HOST_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(_check_client_opened_device(client_obj, dev_addr), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); client_obj->dynamic.flags.taking_mux = 1; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Take mux lock. This protects the client being released or other clients from claiming interfaces xSemaphoreTake(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock, portMAX_DELAY); esp_err_t ret = interface_release(client_obj, dev_hdl, bInterfaceNumber); xSemaphoreGive(p_host_lib_obj->constant.mux_lock); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (ret == ESP_OK) { client_obj->dynamic.flags.num_intf_claimed--; } client_obj->dynamic.flags.taking_mux = 0; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_endpoint_halt(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bEndpointAddress) { esp_err_t ret; endpoint_t *ep_obj = NULL; ret = usbh_ep_get_context(dev_hdl, bEndpointAddress, (void **)&ep_obj); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto exit; } assert(ep_obj != NULL); ret = hcd_pipe_command(ep_obj->constant.pipe_hdl, HCD_PIPE_CMD_HALT); exit: return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_endpoint_flush(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bEndpointAddress) { esp_err_t ret; endpoint_t *ep_obj = NULL; ret = usbh_ep_get_context(dev_hdl, bEndpointAddress, (void **)&ep_obj); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto exit; } assert(ep_obj != NULL); ret = hcd_pipe_command(ep_obj->constant.pipe_hdl, HCD_PIPE_CMD_FLUSH); exit: return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_endpoint_clear(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bEndpointAddress) { esp_err_t ret; endpoint_t *ep_obj = NULL; ret = usbh_ep_get_context(dev_hdl, bEndpointAddress, (void **)&ep_obj); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto exit; } assert(ep_obj != NULL); ret = hcd_pipe_command(ep_obj->constant.pipe_hdl, HCD_PIPE_CMD_CLEAR); exit: return ret; } // ------------------------------------------------ Asynchronous I/O --------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- Private ------------------------- static bool transfer_check(usb_transfer_t *transfer, usb_transfer_type_t type, int mps, bool is_in) { if (transfer->callback == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(USB_HOST_TAG, "Transfer callback is NULL"); return false; } //Check that the total transfer length does not exceed data buffer size if (transfer->num_bytes > transfer->data_buffer_size) { ESP_LOGE(USB_HOST_TAG, "Transfer num_bytes > data_buffer_size"); return false; } if (type == USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_CTRL) { //Check that num_bytes and wLength are set correctly usb_setup_packet_t *setup_pkt = (usb_setup_packet_t *)transfer->data_buffer; if (transfer->num_bytes != sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t) + setup_pkt->wLength) { ESP_LOGE(USB_HOST_TAG, "Control transfer num_bytes wLength mismatch"); return false; } } else if (type == USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS) { //Check that there is at least one isochronous packet descriptor if (transfer->num_isoc_packets <= 0) { ESP_LOGE(USB_HOST_TAG, "ISOC transfer has 0 packet descriptors"); return false; } //Check that sum of all packet lengths add up to transfer length //If IN, check that each packet length is integer multiple of MPS int total_num_bytes = 0; bool mod_mps_all_zero = true; for (int i = 0; i < transfer->num_isoc_packets; i++) { total_num_bytes += transfer->isoc_packet_desc[i].num_bytes; if (transfer->isoc_packet_desc[i].num_bytes % mps != 0) { mod_mps_all_zero = false; } } if (transfer->num_bytes != total_num_bytes) { ESP_LOGE(USB_HOST_TAG, "ISOC transfer num_bytes not equal to total num_bytes of all packets"); return false; } if (is_in && !mod_mps_all_zero) { ESP_LOGE(USB_HOST_TAG, "ISOC IN transfer all packets num_bytes must be integer multiple of MPS"); return false; } } else { //Check that IN transfers are integer multiple of MPS if (is_in && (transfer->num_bytes % mps != 0)) { ESP_LOGE(USB_HOST_TAG, "IN transfer num_bytes must be integer multiple of MPS"); return false; } } return true; } // ----------------------- Public -------------------------- esp_err_t usb_host_transfer_alloc(size_t data_buffer_size, int num_isoc_packets, usb_transfer_t **transfer) { urb_t *urb = urb_alloc(data_buffer_size, 0, num_isoc_packets); if (urb == NULL) { return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } *transfer = &urb->transfer; return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t usb_host_transfer_free(usb_transfer_t *transfer) { if (transfer == NULL) { return ESP_OK; } urb_t *urb = __containerof(transfer, urb_t, transfer); urb_free(urb); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t usb_host_transfer_submit(usb_transfer_t *transfer) { HOST_CHECK(transfer != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); //Check that transfer and target endpoint are valid HOST_CHECK(transfer->device_handle != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); //Target device must be set HOST_CHECK((transfer->bEndpointAddress & USB_B_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EP_NUM_MASK) != 0, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); endpoint_t *ep_obj = NULL; urb_t *urb_obj = __containerof(transfer, urb_t, transfer); esp_err_t ret; ret = usbh_ep_get_context(transfer->device_handle, transfer->bEndpointAddress, (void **)&ep_obj); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto err; } assert(ep_obj != NULL); HOST_CHECK(transfer_check(transfer, USB_EP_DESC_GET_XFERTYPE(ep_obj->constant.ep_desc), USB_EP_DESC_GET_MPS(ep_obj->constant.ep_desc), transfer->bEndpointAddress & USB_B_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EP_DIR_MASK), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); ep_obj->dynamic.num_urb_inflight++; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); //Check if pipe is in a state to enqueue URBs if (hcd_pipe_get_state(ep_obj->constant.pipe_hdl) != HCD_PIPE_STATE_ACTIVE) { ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; goto hcd_err; } ret = hcd_urb_enqueue(ep_obj->constant.pipe_hdl, urb_obj); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto hcd_err; } ret = ESP_OK; return ret; hcd_err: HOST_ENTER_CRITICAL(); ep_obj->dynamic.num_urb_inflight--; HOST_EXIT_CRITICAL(); err: return ret; } esp_err_t usb_host_transfer_submit_control(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, usb_transfer_t *transfer) { HOST_CHECK(client_hdl != NULL && transfer != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); //Check that control transfer is valid HOST_CHECK(transfer->device_handle != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); //Target device must be set usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl = transfer->device_handle; bool xfer_is_in = ((usb_setup_packet_t *)transfer->data_buffer)->bmRequestType & USB_BM_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_OUT; usb_device_info_t dev_info; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_get_info(dev_hdl, &dev_info)); HOST_CHECK(transfer_check(transfer, USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_CTRL, dev_info.bMaxPacketSize0, xfer_is_in), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); //Control transfers must be targeted at EP 0 HOST_CHECK((transfer->bEndpointAddress & USB_B_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EP_NUM_MASK) == 0, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); //Save client handle into URB urb_t *urb_obj = __containerof(transfer, urb_t, transfer); urb_obj->usb_host_client = (void *)client_hdl; return usbh_dev_submit_ctrl_urb(dev_hdl, urb_obj); }