// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "rom/ets_sys.h" #include "rom/gpio.h" #include "soc/dport_reg.h" #include "soc/io_mux_reg.h" #include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h" #include "soc/gpio_reg.h" #include "soc/dport_reg.h" #include "soc/emac_ex_reg.h" #include "soc/emac_reg_v2.h" #include "soc/soc.h" #include "tcpip_adapter.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "esp_task_wdt.h" #include "esp_event.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_err.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_eth.h" #include "esp_intr_alloc.h" #include "emac_common.h" #include "emac_desc.h" #include "freertos/xtensa_api.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "freertos/timers.h" #include "lwip/err.h" #define EMAC_EVT_QNUM 200 #define EMAC_SIG_MAX 50 static struct emac_config_data emac_config; static uint8_t emac_dma_rx_chain_buf[32 * DMA_RX_BUF_NUM]; static uint8_t emac_dma_tx_chain_buf[32 * DMA_TX_BUF_NUM]; static uint8_t emac_dma_rx_buf[DMA_RX_BUF_SIZE * DMA_RX_BUF_NUM]; static uint8_t emac_dma_tx_buf[DMA_TX_BUF_SIZE * DMA_TX_BUF_NUM]; static SemaphoreHandle_t emac_g_sem; static portMUX_TYPE g_emac_mux = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; static xTaskHandle emac_task_hdl; static xQueueHandle emac_xqueue; static uint8_t emac_sig_cnt[EMAC_SIG_MAX] = {0}; static TimerHandle_t emac_timer = NULL; static SemaphoreHandle_t emac_rx_xMutex = NULL; static SemaphoreHandle_t emac_tx_xMutex = NULL; static const char *TAG = "emac"; static bool pause_send = false; static esp_err_t emac_ioctl(emac_sig_t sig, emac_par_t par); esp_err_t emac_post(emac_sig_t sig, emac_par_t par); static void emac_macaddr_init(void) { esp_read_mac(&(emac_config.macaddr[0]), ESP_MAC_ETH); } void esp_eth_get_mac(uint8_t mac[6]) { memcpy(mac, &(emac_config.macaddr[0]), 6); } static void emac_setup_tx_desc(struct dma_extended_desc *tx_desc , uint32_t size) { tx_desc->basic.desc1 = size & 0xfff; tx_desc->basic.desc0 = EMAC_DESC_INT_COMPL | EMAC_DESC_LAST_SEGMENT | EMAC_DESC_FIRST_SEGMENT | EMAC_DESC_SECOND_ADDR_CHAIN; tx_desc->basic.desc0 = EMAC_DESC_TX_OWN | EMAC_DESC_INT_COMPL | EMAC_DESC_LAST_SEGMENT | EMAC_DESC_FIRST_SEGMENT | EMAC_DESC_SECOND_ADDR_CHAIN; } static void emac_clean_tx_desc(struct dma_extended_desc *tx_desc) { tx_desc->basic.desc1 = 0; tx_desc->basic.desc0 = 0; } static void emac_clean_rx_desc(struct dma_extended_desc *rx_desc , uint32_t buf_ptr) { if (buf_ptr != 0) { rx_desc->basic.desc2 = buf_ptr; } rx_desc->basic.desc1 = EMAC_DESC_RX_SECOND_ADDR_CHAIN | DMA_RX_BUF_SIZE; rx_desc->basic.desc0 = EMAC_DESC_RX_OWN; } static void emac_set_tx_base_reg(void) { REG_WRITE(EMAC_DMATXBASEADDR_REG, (uint32_t)(emac_config.dma_etx)); } static void emac_set_rx_base_reg(void) { REG_WRITE(EMAC_DMARXBASEADDR_REG, (uint32_t)(emac_config.dma_erx)); } static void emac_reset_dma_chain(void) { emac_config.cnt_tx = 0; emac_config.cur_tx = 0; emac_config.dirty_tx = 0; emac_config.cnt_rx = 0; emac_config.cur_rx = 0; emac_config.dirty_rx = 0; } static void emac_init_dma_chain(void) { int i; uint32_t dma_phy; struct dma_extended_desc *p = NULL; //init tx chain emac_config.dma_etx = (struct dma_extended_desc *)(&emac_dma_tx_chain_buf[0]); emac_config.cnt_tx = 0; emac_config.cur_tx = 0; emac_config.dirty_tx = 0; dma_phy = (uint32_t)(emac_config.dma_etx); p = emac_config.dma_etx; for (i = 0; i < (DMA_TX_BUF_NUM - 1); i++ ) { dma_phy += sizeof(struct dma_extended_desc); emac_clean_tx_desc(p); p->basic.desc3 = dma_phy; p->basic.desc2 = (uint32_t)(&emac_dma_tx_buf[0]) + (i * DMA_TX_BUF_SIZE); p++; } p->basic.desc3 = (uint32_t)(emac_config.dma_etx); p->basic.desc2 = (uint32_t)(&emac_dma_tx_buf[0]) + (i * DMA_TX_BUF_SIZE); //init desc0 desc1 emac_clean_tx_desc(p); //init rx chain emac_config.dma_erx = (struct dma_extended_desc *)(&emac_dma_rx_chain_buf[0]); emac_config.cnt_rx = 0; emac_config.cur_rx = 0; emac_config.dirty_rx = 0; dma_phy = (uint32_t)(emac_config.dma_erx); p = emac_config.dma_erx; for (i = 0; i < (DMA_RX_BUF_NUM - 1); i++ ) { dma_phy += sizeof(struct dma_extended_desc); emac_clean_rx_desc(p, (uint32_t)(&emac_dma_rx_buf[0]) + (i * DMA_RX_BUF_SIZE)); p->basic.desc3 = dma_phy; p++; } emac_clean_rx_desc(p, (uint32_t)(&emac_dma_rx_buf[0]) + (i * DMA_RX_BUF_SIZE)); p->basic.desc3 = (uint32_t)(emac_config.dma_erx); } void esp_eth_smi_write(uint32_t reg_num, uint16_t value) { uint32_t phy_num = emac_config.phy_addr; while (REG_GET_BIT(EMAC_GMACGMIIADDR_REG, EMAC_GMIIBUSY) == 1 ) { } REG_WRITE(EMAC_GMACGMIIDATA_REG, value); REG_WRITE(EMAC_GMACGMIIADDR_REG, 0x3 | ((reg_num & 0x1f) << 6) | ((phy_num & 0x1f) << 11) | ((0x3) << 2)); while (REG_GET_BIT(EMAC_GMACGMIIADDR_REG, EMAC_GMIIBUSY) == 1 ) { } } uint16_t esp_eth_smi_read(uint32_t reg_num) { uint32_t phy_num = emac_config.phy_addr; uint16_t value = 0; while (REG_GET_BIT(EMAC_GMACGMIIADDR_REG, EMAC_GMIIBUSY) == 1 ) { } REG_WRITE(EMAC_GMACGMIIADDR_REG, 0x1 | ((reg_num & 0x1f) << 6) | ((phy_num & 0x1f) << 11) | (0x3 << 2)); while (REG_GET_BIT(EMAC_GMACGMIIADDR_REG, EMAC_GMIIBUSY) == 1 ) { } value = (REG_READ(EMAC_GMACGMIIDATA_REG) & 0xffff); return value; } static void emac_set_user_config_data(eth_config_t *config ) { emac_config.phy_addr = config->phy_addr; emac_config.mac_mode = config->mac_mode; emac_config.phy_init = config->phy_init; emac_config.emac_tcpip_input = config->tcpip_input; emac_config.emac_gpio_config = config->gpio_config; emac_config.emac_phy_check_link = config->phy_check_link; emac_config.emac_phy_check_init = config->phy_check_init; emac_config.emac_phy_get_speed_mode = config->phy_get_speed_mode; emac_config.emac_phy_get_duplex_mode = config->phy_get_duplex_mode; #if DMA_RX_BUF_NUM > 9 emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_enable = config->flow_ctrl_enable; #else if(config->flow_ctrl_enable == true) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "eth flow ctrl init err!!! Please run make menuconfig and make sure DMA_RX_BUF_NUM > 9 ."); } emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_enable = false; #endif emac_config.emac_phy_get_partner_pause_enable = config->phy_get_partner_pause_enable; emac_config.emac_phy_power_enable = config->phy_power_enable; } static void emac_enable_intr() { REG_WRITE(EMAC_DMAINTERRUPT_EN_REG, EMAC_INTR_ENABLE_BIT); } static void emac_disable_intr() { REG_WRITE(EMAC_DMAINTERRUPT_EN_REG, 0); } static esp_err_t emac_verify_args(void) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; if (emac_config.phy_addr > PHY31) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "phy addr err"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if (emac_config.mac_mode != ETH_MODE_RMII) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mac mode err,now only support RMII"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if (emac_config.phy_init == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "phy_init func is null"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if (emac_config.emac_tcpip_input == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "tcpip_input func is null"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if (emac_config.emac_gpio_config == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "gpio config func is null"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if (emac_config.emac_phy_check_link == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "phy check link func is null"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if (emac_config.emac_phy_check_init == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "phy check init func is null"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if (emac_config.emac_phy_get_speed_mode == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "phy get speed mode func is null"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if (emac_config.emac_phy_get_duplex_mode == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "phy get duplex mode func is null"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if (emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_enable == true && emac_config.emac_phy_get_partner_pause_enable == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "phy get partner pause enable func is null"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } if(emac_config.emac_phy_power_enable == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "phy power enable func is null"); ret = ESP_FAIL; } return ret; } //TODO for mac filter void emac_set_mac_addr(void) { } //TODO void emac_check_mac_addr(void) { } static void emac_process_tx(void) { uint32_t cur_tx_desc = emac_read_tx_cur_reg(); if (emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_STOP) { return; } xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( emac_tx_xMutex, ( TickType_t ) portMAX_DELAY ); while (((uint32_t) & (emac_config.dma_etx[emac_config.dirty_tx].basic.desc0) != cur_tx_desc)) { emac_clean_tx_desc(&(emac_config.dma_etx[emac_config.dirty_tx])); emac_config.dirty_tx = (emac_config.dirty_tx + 1) % DMA_TX_BUF_NUM; emac_config.cnt_tx --; if (emac_config.cnt_tx < 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "emac tx chain err"); } cur_tx_desc = emac_read_tx_cur_reg(); } xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( emac_tx_xMutex ); } void esp_eth_free_rx_buf(void *buf) { xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( emac_rx_xMutex, ( TickType_t ) portMAX_DELAY ); emac_clean_rx_desc(&(emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.cur_rx]), (uint32_t) buf); emac_config.cur_rx = (emac_config.cur_rx + 1) % DMA_RX_BUF_NUM; emac_config.cnt_rx--; if (emac_config.cnt_rx < 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "emac rx buf err!!\n"); } emac_poll_rx_cmd(); xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( emac_rx_xMutex ); if (emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_partner_support == true) { portENTER_CRITICAL(&g_emac_mux); if (pause_send == true && emac_config.cnt_rx < FLOW_CONTROL_LOW_WATERMARK) { emac_send_pause_zero_frame_enable(); pause_send = false; } portEXIT_CRITICAL(&g_emac_mux); } } static uint32_t IRAM_ATTR emac_get_rxbuf_count_in_intr(void) { uint32_t cnt = 0; uint32_t cur_rx_desc = emac_read_rx_cur_reg(); struct dma_extended_desc *cur_desc = (struct dma_extended_desc *)cur_rx_desc; while (cur_desc->basic.desc0 == EMAC_DESC_RX_OWN) { cnt++; cur_desc = (struct dma_extended_desc *)cur_desc->basic.desc3; } return cnt; } #if CONFIG_EMAC_L2_TO_L3_RX_BUF_MODE static void emac_process_rx(void) { if (emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_STOP) { return; } uint32_t cur_rx_desc = emac_read_rx_cur_reg(); while (((uint32_t) & (emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0) != cur_rx_desc)) { //copy data to lwip emac_config.emac_tcpip_input((void *)(emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc2), (((emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0) >> EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH_S) & EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH) , NULL); emac_clean_rx_desc(&(emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx]), (emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc2)); emac_config.dirty_rx = (emac_config.dirty_rx + 1) % DMA_RX_BUF_NUM; //if open this ,one intr can do many intrs ? cur_rx_desc = emac_read_rx_cur_reg(); } emac_enable_rx_intr(); } static void emac_process_rx_unavail(void) { if (emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_STOP) { return; } uint32_t dirty_cnt = 0; while (dirty_cnt < DMA_RX_BUF_NUM) { if (emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0 == EMAC_DESC_RX_OWN) { break; } dirty_cnt ++; //copy data to lwip emac_config.emac_tcpip_input((void *)(emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc2), (((emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0) >> EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH_S) & EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH) , NULL); emac_clean_rx_desc(&(emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx]), (emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc2)); emac_config.dirty_rx = (emac_config.dirty_rx + 1) % DMA_RX_BUF_NUM; } emac_enable_rx_intr(); emac_enable_rx_unavail_intr(); emac_poll_rx_cmd(); } #else static void emac_process_rx_unavail(void) { if (emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_STOP) { return; } xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( emac_rx_xMutex, ( TickType_t ) portMAX_DELAY ); while (emac_config.cnt_rx < DMA_RX_BUF_NUM) { //copy data to lwip emac_config.emac_tcpip_input((void *)(emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc2), (((emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0) >> EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH_S) & EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH) , NULL); emac_config.cnt_rx++; if (emac_config.cnt_rx > DMA_RX_BUF_NUM) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "emac rx unavail buf err !!\n"); } emac_config.dirty_rx = (emac_config.dirty_rx + 1) % DMA_RX_BUF_NUM; } emac_enable_rx_intr(); emac_enable_rx_unavail_intr(); xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( emac_rx_xMutex ); } static void emac_process_rx(void) { if (emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_STOP) { return; } uint32_t cur_rx_desc = emac_read_rx_cur_reg(); xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( emac_rx_xMutex, ( TickType_t ) portMAX_DELAY ); if (((uint32_t) & (emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0) != cur_rx_desc)) { while (((uint32_t) & (emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0) != cur_rx_desc) && emac_config.cnt_rx < DMA_RX_BUF_NUM ) { //copy data to lwip emac_config.emac_tcpip_input((void *)(emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc2), (((emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0) >> EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH_S) & EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH) , NULL); emac_config.cnt_rx++; if (emac_config.cnt_rx > DMA_RX_BUF_NUM ) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "emac rx buf err!!\n"); } emac_config.dirty_rx = (emac_config.dirty_rx + 1) % DMA_RX_BUF_NUM; cur_rx_desc = emac_read_rx_cur_reg(); } } else { if (emac_config.cnt_rx < DMA_RX_BUF_NUM) { if ((emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0 & EMAC_DESC_RX_OWN) == 0) { while (emac_config.cnt_rx < DMA_RX_BUF_NUM) { //copy data to lwip emac_config.emac_tcpip_input((void *)(emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc2), (((emac_config.dma_erx[emac_config.dirty_rx].basic.desc0) >> EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH_S) & EMAC_DESC_FRAME_LENGTH) , NULL); emac_config.cnt_rx++; if (emac_config.cnt_rx > DMA_RX_BUF_NUM) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "emac rx buf err!!!\n"); } emac_config.dirty_rx = (emac_config.dirty_rx + 1) % DMA_RX_BUF_NUM; } } } } emac_enable_rx_intr(); xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( emac_rx_xMutex ); } #endif //TODO other events need to do something static void IRAM_ATTR emac_process_intr(void *arg) { uint32_t event; event = REG_READ(EMAC_DMASTATUS_REG); //clr intrs REG_WRITE(EMAC_DMASTATUS_REG, event); if (event & EMAC_RECV_INT) { emac_disable_rx_intr(); if (emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_partner_support == true) { if (emac_get_rxbuf_count_in_intr() < FLOW_CONTROL_HIGH_WATERMARK && pause_send == false ) { pause_send = true; emac_send_pause_frame_enable(); } } emac_post(SIG_EMAC_RX_DONE, 0); } if (event & EMAC_RECV_BUF_UNAVAIL) { emac_disable_rx_unavail_intr(); emac_post(SIG_EMAC_RX_UNAVAIL, 0); } if (event & EMAC_TRANS_INT) { emac_post(SIG_EMAC_TX_DONE, 0); } } static void emac_set_macaddr_reg(void) { REG_SET_FIELD(EMAC_GMACADDR0HIGH_REG, EMAC_MAC_ADDRESS0_HI, (emac_config.macaddr[0] << 8) | (emac_config.macaddr[1])); REG_WRITE(EMAC_GMACADDR0LOW_REG, (emac_config.macaddr[2] << 24) | (emac_config.macaddr[3] << 16) | (emac_config.macaddr[4] << 8) | (emac_config.macaddr[5])); } static void emac_check_phy_init(void) { emac_config.emac_phy_check_init(); if (emac_config.emac_phy_get_duplex_mode() == ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX) { REG_SET_BIT(EMAC_GMACCONFIG_REG, EMAC_GMACDUPLEX); } else { REG_CLR_BIT(EMAC_GMACCONFIG_REG, EMAC_GMACDUPLEX); } if (emac_config.emac_phy_get_speed_mode() == ETH_SPEED_MODE_100M) { REG_SET_BIT(EMAC_GMACCONFIG_REG, EMAC_GMACFESPEED); } else { REG_CLR_BIT(EMAC_GMACCONFIG_REG, EMAC_GMACFESPEED); } #if CONFIG_EMAC_L2_TO_L3_RX_BUF_MODE emac_disable_flowctrl(); emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_partner_support = false; #else if (emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_enable == true) { if (emac_config.emac_phy_get_partner_pause_enable() == true && emac_config.emac_phy_get_duplex_mode() == ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX) { emac_enable_flowctrl(); emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_partner_support = true; } else { emac_disable_flowctrl(); emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_partner_support = false; } } else { emac_disable_flowctrl(); emac_config.emac_flow_ctrl_partner_support = false; } #endif emac_mac_enable_txrx(); } static void emac_process_link_updown(bool link_status) { system_event_t evt; uint8_t i = 0; emac_config.phy_link_up = link_status; if (link_status == true) { emac_check_phy_init(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "eth link_up!!!"); emac_enable_dma_tx(); emac_enable_dma_rx(); for (i = 0; i < PHY_LINK_CHECK_NUM; i++) { emac_check_phy_init(); } evt.event_id = SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_CONNECTED; } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "eth link_down!!!"); emac_disable_dma_tx(); emac_disable_dma_rx(); evt.event_id = SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_DISCONNECTED; } esp_event_send(&evt); } static void emac_hw_init(void) { //init chain emac_init_dma_chain(); //get hw features TODO //ipc TODO } esp_err_t esp_eth_tx(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; if (emac_config.emac_status != EMAC_RUNTIME_START || emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_NOT_INIT) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "tx netif close"); ret = ERR_IF; return ret; } xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( emac_tx_xMutex, ( TickType_t ) portMAX_DELAY ); if (emac_config.cnt_tx == DMA_TX_BUF_NUM - 1) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "tx buf full"); ret = ERR_MEM; goto _exit; } memcpy((uint8_t *)(emac_config.dma_etx[emac_config.cur_tx].basic.desc2), (uint8_t *)buf, size); emac_setup_tx_desc(&(emac_config.dma_etx[emac_config.cur_tx]), size); emac_config.cnt_tx ++; emac_config.cur_tx = (emac_config.cur_tx + 1) % DMA_TX_BUF_NUM ; emac_poll_tx_cmd(); _exit: xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( emac_tx_xMutex ); return ret; } static void emac_init_default_data(void) { memset((uint8_t *)&emac_config, 0, sizeof(struct emac_config_data)); } void emac_process_link_check(void) { if (emac_config.emac_status != EMAC_RUNTIME_START || emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_NOT_INIT) { return; } if (emac_config.emac_phy_check_link() == true ) { if (emac_config.phy_link_up == false) { emac_process_link_updown(true); } } else { if (emac_config.phy_link_up == true) { emac_process_link_updown(false); } } } void emac_link_check_func(void *pv_parameters) { emac_post(SIG_EMAC_CHECK_LINK, 0); } static bool emac_link_check_timer_init(void) { emac_timer = xTimerCreate("emac_timer", (2000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS), pdTRUE, (void *)rand(), emac_link_check_func); if (emac_timer == NULL) { return false; } else { return true; } } static bool emac_link_check_timer_start(void) { if (xTimerStart(emac_timer, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) { return false; } else { return true; } } static bool emac_link_check_timer_stop(void) { if (xTimerStop(emac_timer, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) { return false; } else { return true; } } static bool emac_link_check_timer_delete(void) { xTimerDelete(emac_timer, portMAX_DELAY); emac_timer = NULL; return true; } static void emac_start(void *param) { struct emac_post_cmd *post_cmd = (struct emac_post_cmd *)param; struct emac_open_cmd *cmd = (struct emac_open_cmd *)(post_cmd->cmd); ESP_LOGI(TAG , "emac start !!!\n"); cmd->err = EMAC_CMD_OK; emac_enable_clk(true); emac_reset(); emac_macaddr_init(); emac_check_mac_addr(); emac_set_mac_addr(); emac_set_macaddr_reg(); emac_set_tx_base_reg(); emac_set_rx_base_reg(); emac_mac_init(); emac_config.phy_init(); //ptp TODO emac_enable_intr(); emac_config.emac_status = EMAC_RUNTIME_START; system_event_t evt; evt.event_id = SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_START; esp_event_send(&evt); //set a timer to check link up status if (emac_link_check_timer_init() == true) { if (emac_link_check_timer_start() != true) { cmd->err = EMAC_CMD_FAIL; emac_link_check_timer_delete(); } } else { cmd->err = EMAC_CMD_FAIL; } if (post_cmd->post_type == EMAC_POST_SYNC) { xSemaphoreGive(emac_g_sem); } ESP_LOGI(TAG, "emac start success !!!"); } esp_err_t esp_eth_enable(void) { struct emac_post_cmd post_cmd; struct emac_open_cmd open_cmd; post_cmd.cmd = (void *)(&open_cmd); open_cmd.err = EMAC_CMD_OK; if (emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_START) { open_cmd.err = EMAC_CMD_OK; return open_cmd.err; } if (emac_config.emac_status != EMAC_RUNTIME_NOT_INIT) { if (emac_ioctl(SIG_EMAC_START, (emac_par_t)(&post_cmd)) != 0) { open_cmd.err = EMAC_CMD_FAIL; } } else { open_cmd.err = EMAC_CMD_FAIL; } return open_cmd.err; } static void emac_stop(void *param) { struct emac_post_cmd *post_cmd = (struct emac_post_cmd *)param; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "emac stop"); emac_link_check_timer_stop(); emac_link_check_timer_delete(); emac_process_link_updown(false); emac_disable_intr(); emac_reset_dma_chain(); emac_reset(); emac_enable_clk(false); emac_config.emac_status = EMAC_RUNTIME_STOP; system_event_t evt; evt.event_id = SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_STOP; esp_event_send(&evt); if (post_cmd->post_type == EMAC_POST_SYNC) { xSemaphoreGive(emac_g_sem); } ESP_LOGI(TAG, "emac stop success !!!"); } esp_err_t esp_eth_disable(void) { struct emac_post_cmd post_cmd; struct emac_close_cmd close_cmd; post_cmd.cmd = (void *)(&close_cmd); close_cmd.err = EMAC_CMD_OK; if (emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_STOP) { close_cmd.err = EMAC_CMD_OK; return close_cmd.err; } if (emac_config.emac_status == EMAC_RUNTIME_START) { if (emac_ioctl(SIG_EMAC_STOP, (emac_par_t)(&post_cmd)) != 0) { close_cmd.err = EMAC_CMD_FAIL; } } else { close_cmd.err = EMAC_CMD_FAIL; } return close_cmd.err; } static esp_err_t emac_ioctl(emac_sig_t sig, emac_par_t par) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; struct emac_post_cmd *post_cmd = (struct emac_post_cmd *)par; xTaskHandle task_hdl = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(); if (emac_task_hdl != task_hdl) { post_cmd->post_type = EMAC_POST_SYNC; if (emac_post(sig, par) != ESP_OK) { ret = ESP_FAIL; return ret; }; if (xSemaphoreTake(emac_g_sem, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) { return ret; } } else { post_cmd->post_type = EMAC_POST_ASYNC; switch (sig) { case SIG_EMAC_RX_DONE: emac_process_rx(); break; case SIG_EMAC_TX_DONE: emac_process_tx(); break; case SIG_EMAC_START: emac_start((void *)par); break; case SIG_EMAC_STOP: emac_stop((void *)par); break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "unexpect sig %d", sig); break; } } return ret; } void emac_task(void *pv) { emac_event_t e; for (;;) { if (xQueueReceive(emac_xqueue, &e, (portTickType)portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) { portENTER_CRITICAL(&g_emac_mux); emac_sig_cnt[e.sig]--; portEXIT_CRITICAL(&g_emac_mux); switch (e.sig) { case SIG_EMAC_RX_DONE: emac_process_rx(); break; case SIG_EMAC_RX_UNAVAIL: emac_process_rx_unavail(); break; case SIG_EMAC_TX_DONE: emac_process_tx(); break; case SIG_EMAC_START: emac_start((void *)e.par); break; case SIG_EMAC_STOP: emac_stop((void *)e.par); break; case SIG_EMAC_CHECK_LINK: emac_process_link_check(); break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "unexpect sig %d", e.sig); break; } } } } esp_err_t IRAM_ATTR emac_post(emac_sig_t sig, emac_par_t par) { if (sig <= SIG_EMAC_RX_DONE) { if (emac_sig_cnt[sig]) { return ESP_OK; } else { emac_sig_cnt[sig]++; emac_event_t evt; signed portBASE_TYPE ret; evt.sig = sig; evt.par = par; portBASE_TYPE tmp; ret = xQueueSendFromISR(emac_xqueue, &evt, &tmp); if (tmp != pdFALSE) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } if (ret != pdPASS) { return ESP_FAIL; } } } else { portENTER_CRITICAL(&g_emac_mux); emac_sig_cnt[sig]++; portEXIT_CRITICAL(&g_emac_mux); emac_event_t evt; evt.sig = sig; evt.par = par; if (xQueueSend(emac_xqueue, &evt, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS) != pdTRUE) { return ESP_FAIL; } } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t esp_eth_init(eth_config_t *config) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; #if !CONFIG_ETHERNET ESP_LOGI(TAG, "eth driver init fail,please make menuconfig and enable ethernet ."); ret = ESP_FAIL; goto _exit; #endif emac_init_default_data(); if (config != NULL ) { emac_set_user_config_data(config); } ret = emac_verify_args(); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto _exit; } emac_config.emac_phy_power_enable(true); //before set emac reg must enable clk emac_enable_clk(true); REG_SET_FIELD(EMAC_EX_PHYINF_CONF_REG, EMAC_EX_PHY_INTF_SEL, EMAC_EX_PHY_INTF_RMII); emac_dma_init(); if (emac_config.mac_mode == ETH_MODE_RMII) { emac_set_clk_rmii(); } else { emac_set_clk_mii(); } emac_config.emac_gpio_config(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "mac version %04xa", emac_read_mac_version()); emac_hw_init(); //watchdog TODO //init task for emac emac_g_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); emac_rx_xMutex = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex(); emac_tx_xMutex = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex(); emac_xqueue = xQueueCreate(EMAC_EVT_QNUM, sizeof(emac_event_t)); xTaskCreate(emac_task, "emacT", 2048, NULL, EMAC_TASK_PRIORITY, &emac_task_hdl); emac_enable_clk(false); esp_intr_alloc(ETS_ETH_MAC_INTR_SOURCE, 0, emac_process_intr, NULL, NULL); emac_config.emac_status = EMAC_RUNTIME_INIT; _exit: return ret; }