menu "HTTP Server" config HTTPD_MAX_REQ_HDR_LEN int "HTTP Request Header Length limit" default 1024 range 128 65536 help This sets the default limit for the HTTP request header length. The limit can be configured at run time by setting max_req_hdr_len member of httpd_config_t structure. The memory allocated will depend on the actual header length. Hence keeping a sufficiently large max header length is recommended. config HTTPD_MAX_URI_LEN int "Max HTTP URI Length" default 512 help This sets the maximum supported size of HTTP request URI to be processed by the server config HTTPD_ERR_RESP_NO_DELAY bool "Use TCP_NODELAY socket option when sending HTTP error responses" default y help Using TCP_NODEALY socket option ensures that HTTP error response reaches the client before the underlying socket is closed. Please note that turning this off may cause multiple test failures config HTTPD_PURGE_BUF_LEN int "Length of temporary buffer for purging data" default 32 help This sets the size of the temporary buffer used to receive and discard any remaining data that is received from the HTTP client in the request, but not processed as part of the server HTTP request handler. If the remaining data is larger than the available buffer size, the buffer will be filled in multiple iterations. The buffer should be small enough to fit on the stack, but large enough to avoid excessive iterations. config HTTPD_LOG_PURGE_DATA bool "Log purged content data at Debug level" default n help Enabling this will log discarded binary HTTP request data at Debug level. For large content data this may not be desirable as it will clutter the log. config HTTPD_WS_SUPPORT bool "WebSocket server support" default n help This sets the WebSocket server support. config HTTPD_QUEUE_WORK_BLOCKING bool "httpd_queue_work as blocking API" help This makes httpd_queue_work() API to wait until a message space is available on UDP control socket. It internally uses a counting semaphore with count set to `LWIP_UDP_RECVMBOX_SIZE` to achieve this. This config will slightly change API behavior to block until message gets delivered on control socket. config HTTPD_SERVER_EVENT_POST_TIMEOUT int "Time in millisecond to wait for posting event" default 2000 help This config option helps in setting the time in millisecond to wait for event to be posted to the system default event loop. Set it to -1 if you need to set timeout to portMAX_DELAY. endmenu