| Supported Targets | ESP32-P4 | | ----------------- | -------- | # MIPI DSI LCD Panel Example [esp_lcd](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32p4/api-reference/peripherals/lcd/dsi_lcd.html) supports MIPI DSI interfaced LCD panel, with frame buffer(s) managed by the driver itself. This example shows the general process of installing a MIPI DSI LCD driver, and displays a LVGL widget on the screen. ## How to use the example ### Hardware Required * An ESP development board, which with MIPI DSI peripheral supported * A general MIPI DSI LCD panel, with 2 data lanes and 1 clock lane, this example support [ILI9881C](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/esp_lcd_ili9881c) and [EK79007](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/esp_lcd_ek79007) * An USB cable for power supply and programming ### Hardware Connection The connection between ESP Board and the LCD is as follows: ```text ESP Board MIPI DSI LCD Panel +-----------------------+ +-------------------+ | GND +--------------+ GND | | | | | | 3V3 +--------------+ VCC | | | | | | DSI_CLK_P +--------------+ DSI_CLK_P | | DSI_CLK_N + + DSI_CLK_N | | | | | | DSI_DAT0_P +--------------+ DSI_DAT0_P | | DAI_DAT0_N + + DAI_DAT0_N | | | | | | DSI_DAT1_P +--------------+ DSI_DAT1_P | | DSI_DAT1_N + + DSI_DAT1_N | | | | | | | | | | BK_LIGHT +--------------+ BLK | | | | | | Reset +--------------+ Reset | | | | | +-----------------------+ +-------------------+ ``` Before testing your LCD, you also need to read your LCD spec carefully, and then adjust the values like "resolution" and "blank time" in the [main](./main/mipi_dsi_lcd_example_main.c) file. ### Configure Run `idf.py menuconfig` and go to `Example Configuration`: * Choose the LCD model in `Select MIPI LCD model` according to your board. * Choose whether to `Use DMA2D to copy draw buffer to frame buffer` asynchronously. If you choose `No`, the draw buffer will be copied to the frame buffer synchronously by CPU. * Choose if you want to `Monitor FPS by GPIO`. If you choose `Yes`, then you can attach an oscilloscope or logic analyzer to the GPIO pin to monitor the FPS of the display. Please note, the actual FPS should be **double** the square wave frequency. ### Build and Flash Run `idf.py -p PORT build flash monitor` to build, flash and monitor the project. A LVGL widget should show up on the LCD as expected. The first time you run `idf.py` for the example will cost extra time as the build system needs to address the component dependencies and downloads the missing components from registry into `managed_components` folder. (To exit the serial monitor, type ``Ctrl-]``.) See the [Getting Started Guide](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/index.html) for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects. ### Example Output ```bash ... I (1629) example: MIPI DSI PHY Powered on I (1629) example: Install MIPI DSI LCD control panel I (1639) ili9881c: ID1: 0x98, ID2: 0x81, ID3: 0x5c I (1779) example: Install MIPI DSI LCD data panel I (1799) example: Initialize LVGL library I (1799) example: Allocate separate LVGL draw buffers from PSRAM I (1809) example: Use esp_timer as LVGL tick timer I (1809) example: Create LVGL task I (1809) example: Starting LVGL task I (1919) example: Display LVGL Meter Widget ... ``` ## Troubleshooting For any technical queries, please open an [issue](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues) on GitHub. We will get back to you soon.