/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include "esp_attr.h" #include "esp_sleep.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_memory_utils.h" #include "soc/soc_caps.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "hal/gpio_hal.h" #include "hal/rtc_io_hal.h" #include "soc/rtc_io_periph.h" #include "hal/rtc_hal.h" #include "esp_private/gpio.h" #include "esp_private/sleep_gpio.h" #include "esp_private/spi_flash_os.h" #include "esp_private/startup_internal.h" #include "bootloader_flash.h" static const char *TAG = "sleep"; #if CONFIG_GPIO_ESP32_SUPPORT_SWITCH_SLP_PULL void gpio_sleep_mode_config_apply(void) { for (gpio_num_t gpio_num = GPIO_NUM_0; gpio_num < GPIO_NUM_MAX; gpio_num++) { if (GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(gpio_num)) { gpio_sleep_pupd_config_apply(gpio_num); } } } IRAM_ATTR void gpio_sleep_mode_config_unapply(void) { for (gpio_num_t gpio_num = GPIO_NUM_0; gpio_num < GPIO_NUM_MAX; gpio_num++) { if (GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(gpio_num)) { gpio_sleep_pupd_config_unapply(gpio_num); } } } #endif void esp_sleep_config_gpio_isolate(void) { ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG, "Configure to isolate all GPIO pins in sleep state"); for (gpio_num_t gpio_num = GPIO_NUM_0; gpio_num < GPIO_NUM_MAX; gpio_num++) { if (GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(gpio_num)) { gpio_sleep_set_direction(gpio_num, GPIO_MODE_DISABLE); gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(gpio_num, GPIO_FLOATING); } } #if CONFIG_ESP_SLEEP_PSRAM_LEAKAGE_WORKAROUND && CONFIG_SPIRAM int32_t mspi_io_cs1_io_num = esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_CS1); if (GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(mspi_io_cs1_io_num)) { gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(mspi_io_cs1_io_num, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); } #endif // CONFIG_ESP_SLEEP_PSRAM_LEAKAGE_WORKAROUND && CONFIG_SPIRAM #if CONFIG_ESP_SLEEP_FLASH_LEAKAGE_WORKAROUND int32_t mspi_io_cs0_io_num = esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_CS0); if (GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(mspi_io_cs0_io_num)) { gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_CS0), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); } #endif // CONFIG_ESP_SLEEP_FLASH_LEAKAGE_WORKAROUND #if CONFIG_ESP_SLEEP_MSPI_NEED_ALL_IO_PU gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_CLK), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_Q), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_D), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_HD), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_WP), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); #if SOC_SPI_MEM_SUPPORT_OPI_MODE bool octal_mspi_required = bootloader_flash_is_octal_mode_enabled(); #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_MODE_OCT octal_mspi_required |= true; #endif // CONFIG_SPIRAM_MODE_OCT if (octal_mspi_required) { gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_DQS), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_D4), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_D5), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_D6), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode(esp_mspi_get_io(ESP_MSPI_IO_D7), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); } #endif // SOC_SPI_MEM_SUPPORT_OPI_MODE #endif // CONFIG_ESP_SLEEP_MSPI_NEED_ALL_IO_PU } void esp_sleep_enable_gpio_switch(bool enable) { ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG, "%s automatic switching of GPIO sleep configuration", enable ? "Enable" : "Disable"); for (gpio_num_t gpio_num = GPIO_NUM_0; gpio_num < GPIO_NUM_MAX; gpio_num++) { if (GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(gpio_num)) { if (enable) { gpio_sleep_sel_en(gpio_num); } else { gpio_sleep_sel_dis(gpio_num); } } } } #if SOC_GPIO_SUPPORT_HOLD_IO_IN_DSLP && !SOC_GPIO_SUPPORT_HOLD_SINGLE_IO_IN_DSLP IRAM_ATTR void esp_sleep_isolate_digital_gpio(void) { gpio_hal_context_t gpio_hal = { .dev = GPIO_HAL_GET_HW(GPIO_PORT_0) }; /* no need to do isolate if digital IOs are not being held in deep sleep */ if (!gpio_hal_deep_sleep_hold_is_en(&gpio_hal)) { return; } /** * there is a situation where we cannot isolate digital IO before deep sleep: * - task stack is located in external ram(mspi ram), since we will isolate mspi io * * assert here instead of returning directly, because if digital IO is not isolated, * the bottom current of deep sleep will be higher than light sleep, and there is no * reason to use deep sleep at this time. */ assert(esp_ptr_internal(&gpio_hal) && "If hold digital IO, the stack of the task calling esp_deep_sleep_start must be in internal ram!"); /* isolate digital IO that is not held(keep the configuration of digital IOs held by users) */ for (gpio_num_t gpio_num = GPIO_NUM_0; gpio_num < GPIO_NUM_MAX; gpio_num++) { if (GPIO_IS_VALID_DIGITAL_IO_PAD(gpio_num) && !gpio_hal_is_digital_io_hold(&gpio_hal, gpio_num)) { /* disable I/O */ gpio_hal_input_disable(&gpio_hal, gpio_num); gpio_hal_output_disable(&gpio_hal, gpio_num); /* disable pull up/down */ gpio_hal_pullup_dis(&gpio_hal, gpio_num); gpio_hal_pulldown_dis(&gpio_hal, gpio_num); /* make pad work as gpio(otherwise, deep sleep bottom current will rise) */ gpio_hal_func_sel(&gpio_hal, gpio_num, PIN_FUNC_GPIO); } } } #endif //SOC_GPIO_SUPPORT_HOLD_IO_IN_DSLP && !SOC_GPIO_SUPPORT_HOLD_SINGLE_IO_IN_DSLP #if SOC_DEEP_SLEEP_SUPPORTED void esp_deep_sleep_wakeup_io_reset(void) { #if SOC_PM_SUPPORT_EXT1_WAKEUP uint32_t rtc_io_mask = rtc_hal_ext1_get_wakeup_pins(); // Disable ext1 wakeup before releasing hold, such that wakeup status can reflect the correct wakeup pin rtc_hal_ext1_clear_wakeup_pins(); for (int gpio_num = 0; gpio_num < SOC_GPIO_PIN_COUNT && rtc_io_mask != 0; ++gpio_num) { int rtcio_num = rtc_io_num_map[gpio_num]; if ((rtc_io_mask & BIT(rtcio_num)) == 0) { continue; } rtcio_hal_hold_disable(rtcio_num); rtc_io_mask &= ~BIT(rtcio_num); } #endif #if SOC_GPIO_SUPPORT_DEEPSLEEP_WAKEUP uint32_t dl_io_mask = SOC_GPIO_DEEP_SLEEP_WAKE_VALID_GPIO_MASK; gpio_hal_context_t gpio_hal = { .dev = GPIO_HAL_GET_HW(GPIO_PORT_0) }; while (dl_io_mask) { int gpio_num = __builtin_ffs(dl_io_mask) - 1; bool wakeup_io_enabled = gpio_hal_deepsleep_wakeup_is_enabled(&gpio_hal, gpio_num); if (wakeup_io_enabled) { // Disable the wakeup before releasing hold, such that wakeup status can reflect the correct wakeup pin gpio_hal_deepsleep_wakeup_disable(&gpio_hal, gpio_num); gpio_hal_hold_dis(&gpio_hal, gpio_num); } dl_io_mask &= ~BIT(gpio_num); } #endif } #endif #if CONFIG_ESP_SLEEP_GPIO_RESET_WORKAROUND || CONFIG_PM_SLP_DISABLE_GPIO ESP_SYSTEM_INIT_FN(esp_sleep_startup_init, SECONDARY, BIT(0), 105) { /* If the TOP domain is powered off, the GPIO will also be powered off during sleep, and all configurations in the sleep state of GPIO will not take effect.*/ #if !CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_PERIPHERAL_IN_LIGHT_SLEEP // Configure to isolate (disable the Input/Output/Pullup/Pulldown // function of the pin) all GPIO pins in sleep state esp_sleep_config_gpio_isolate(); #endif // Enable automatic switching of GPIO configuration esp_sleep_enable_gpio_switch(true); return ESP_OK; } void esp_sleep_gpio_include(void) { // Linker hook function, exists to make the linker examine this file } #endif