// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "esp_gattc_api.h" #include "btc_manage.h" #include "btc_gattc.h" /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_app_register_callback ** ** @brief This function is called to register application callbacks ** with GATTC module. ** ** @param[in] callback - pointer to the application callback function. ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_register_callback(esp_profile_cb_t callback) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; if (callback == NULL) { return ESP_FAIL; } btc_profile_cb_set(BTC_PID_GATTC, callback); return ESP_OK; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_app_register ** ** @brief This function is called to register application ** with GATTC module. ** ** @param[in] app_id : Application Identitfy (UUID), for different application ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_app_register(uint16_t app_id) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_APP_REGISTER; arg.app_id = app_id; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_app_unregister ** ** @brief This function is called to unregister an application ** from GATTC module. ** ** @param[in] client_if - client interface identifier. ** ** @return None ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_app_unregister(esp_gatt_if_t gatt_if) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_APP_UNREGISTER; arg.gatt_if = gatt_if; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_conn ** ** @brief Open a direct connection or add a background auto connection ** bd address ** ** @param[in] gatt_if: application identity. ** @param[in] remote_bda: remote device BD address. ** @param[in] is_direct: direct connection or background auto connection ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_open(esp_gatt_if_t gatt_if, esp_bd_addr_t remote_bda, bool is_direct) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_OPEN; arg.gatt_if = gatt_if; memcpy(arg.remote_bda, remote_bda, ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN); arg.is_direct = is_direct; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_close ** ** @brief Close a connection to a GATT server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connectino ID to be closed. ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_close (uint16_t conn_id) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_CLOSE; arg.conn_id = conn_id; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_config_mtu ** ** @brief Configure the MTU size in the GATT channel. This can be done ** only once per connection. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID. ** mtu: desired MTU size to use. ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_config_mtu (uint16_t conn_id, uint16_t mtu) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; if ((mtu < ESP_GATT_DEF_BLE_MTU_SIZE) || (mtu > ESP_GATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE)) { return ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER; } msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_CFG_MTU; arg.conn_id = conn_id; arg.mtu = mtu; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_search_service ** ** @brief This function is called to request a GATT service discovery ** on a GATT server. This function report service search result ** by a callback event, and followed by a service search complete ** event. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID. ** @param[in] filter_uuid: a UUID of the service application is interested in. ** If Null, discover for all services. ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_search_service(uint16_t conn_id, esp_bt_uuid_t *filter_uuid) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_SEARCH_SERVICE; arg.conn_id = conn_id; memcpy(&arg.uuid, filter_uuid, sizeof(esp_bt_uuid_t)); return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /**************************************************************************************************** ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_get_characteristic ** ** @brief This function is called to find the first characteristic of the ** service on the given server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. ** ** @param[in] srvc_id: serivce ID ** ** @param[in] start_char_id: the start characteristic ID ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *****************************************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_get_characteristic(uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_id_t *start_char_id) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; arg.conn_id = conn_id; memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); if (start_char_id) { memcpy(&arg.char_uuid, start_char_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_GET_NEXT_CHAR; } else { msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_GET_FIRST_CHAR; } return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /**************************************************************************************************** ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_get_descriptor ** ** @brief This function is called to find the descriptor of the ** service on the given server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. ** @param[in] srvc_id: the service ID of which the characteristic is belonged to. ** @param[in] char_id: Characteristic ID, if NULL find the first available ** characteristic. ** @param[in] start_descr_id: the sctart descriptor id ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *****************************************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_get_descriptor(uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_id_t *char_id, esp_gatt_id_t *start_descr_id) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; arg.conn_id = conn_id; memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.char_uuid, char_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); if (start_descr_id) { memcpy(&arg.descr_uuid, start_descr_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_GET_NEXT_DESCR; } else { msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_GET_FIRST_DESCR; } return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /**************************************************************************************************** ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_get_include_service ** ** @brief This function is called to find the first characteristic of the ** service on the given server. ** ** @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. ** @param[in] srvc_id: the service ID of which the characteristic is belonged to. ** @param[in] start_incl_srvc_id: the start include service id ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *****************************************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_get_included_service(uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *start_incl_srvc_id) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; arg.conn_id = conn_id; memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); if (start_incl_srvc_id) { memcpy(&arg.start_service_uuid, start_incl_srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_GET_NEXT_INCL_SERVICE; } else { msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_GET_FIRST_INCL_SERVICE; } return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_read_char ** ** @brief This function is called to read a service's characteristics of ** the given characteritisc ID.UTH_REQ_NO_SCATTERNET ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connectino ID. ** @param[in] srvc_id - serivcie ID. ** @param[in] char_id - characteritic ID to read. ** @param[in] auth_req - authenticate request type ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_read_char (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_id_t *char_id, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_READ_CHAR; arg.conn_id = conn_id; memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.char_uuid, char_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); arg.auth_req = auth_req; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_read_char_descr ** ** @brief This function is called to read a characteristics descriptor. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID. ** @param[in] srvc_id - serivcie ID. ** @param[in] descr_id - characteritic descriptor ID to read. ** @param[in] auth_req - authenticate request type ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_read_char_descr (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_id_t *char_id, esp_gatt_id_t *descr_id, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_READ_CHAR_DESCR; arg.conn_id = conn_id; memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.char_uuid, char_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.descr_uuid, descr_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); arg.auth_req = auth_req; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_write_char ** ** @brief This function is called to write characteristic value. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID. ** @param[in] srvc_id - serivcie ID. ** @param[in] char_id - characteristic ID to write. ** @param[in] len: length of the data to be written. ** @param[in] value - the value to be written. ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_write_char( uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_id_t *char_id, uint16_t len, uint8_t *value, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_WRITE_CHAR; arg.conn_id = (uint16_t) conn_id; memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.char_uuid, char_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); arg.len = len > ESP_GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN ? ESP_GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN : len; memcpy(arg.value, value, arg.len); arg.auth_req = auth_req; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_write_char_descr ** ** @brief This function is called to write characteristic descriptor value. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID ** @param[in] srvc_id - serivcie ID. ** @param[in] char_id - characteristic ID. ** @param[in] descr_id - characteristic descriptor ID to write. ** @param[in] value - the value to be written. ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_write_char_descr (uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_id_t *char_id, esp_gatt_id_t *descr_id, uint16_t len, uint8_t *value, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_WRITE_CHAR_DESCR; arg.conn_id = (uint16_t) conn_id; memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.char_uuid, char_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.descr_uuid, descr_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); arg.len = len > ESP_GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN ? ESP_GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN : len; memcpy(arg.value, value, arg.len); arg.auth_req = auth_req; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_prepare_write ** ** @brief This function is called to prepare write a characteristic value. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID. ** @param[in] char_id - GATT characteritic ID of the service. ** @param[in] offset - offset of the write value. ** @param[in] len: length of the data to be written. ** @param[in] value - the value to be written. ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_prepare_write(uint16_t conn_id, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_id_t *char_id, uint16_t offset, uint16_t len, uint8_t *data, esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req) { //TODO: Review this function btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_PREPARE_WRITE; arg.conn_id = conn_id; memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.char_uuid, char_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); arg.offset = offset; arg.len = len > ESP_GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN ? ESP_GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN : len; // length check ? memcpy(arg.value, data, arg.len); arg.auth_req = auth_req; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_execu_write ** ** @brief This function is called to execute write a prepare write sequence. ** ** @param[in] conn_id - connection ID. ** @param[in] is_execute - execute or cancel. ** ** @return ESP_OK - success, other - failed ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_execute_write (uint16_t conn_id, bool is_execute) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_EXECUTE_WRITE; arg.conn_id = conn_id; arg.is_execute = is_execute; return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_register_for_notify ** ** @brief This function is called to register for notification of a service. ** ** @param[in] gatt_if - gatt interface id. ** @param[in] bda - target GATT server. ** @param[in] srvc_id - pointer to GATT service ID. ** @param[in] char_id - pointer to GATT characteristic ID. ** ** @return OK if registration succeed, otherwise failed. ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_register_for_notify (esp_gatt_if_t gatt_if, esp_bd_addr_t server_bda, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_id_t *char_id) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_REG_FOR_NOTIFY; arg.gatt_if = gatt_if; memcpy(&arg.remote_bda, &server_bda, sizeof(esp_bd_addr_t)); memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.char_uuid, char_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** @function esp_ble_gattc_unregister_ntf ** ** @brief This function is called to de-register for notification of a service. ** ** @param[in] gatt_if - gatt interface id. ** @param[in] bda - target GATT server. ** @param[in] srvc_id - pointer to GATT service ID. ** @param[in] char_id - pointer to GATT characteristic ID. ** ** @return OK if deregistration succeed, otherwise failed. ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t esp_ble_gattc_unregister_for_notify (esp_gatt_if_t gatt_if, esp_bd_addr_t server_bda, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t *srvc_id, esp_gatt_id_t *char_id) { btc_msg_t msg; esp_ble_gattc_args_t arg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CALL; msg.pid = BTC_PID_GATTC; msg.act = BTC_GATTC_ACT_UNREG_FOR_NOTIFY; arg.gatt_if = gatt_if; memcpy(&arg.remote_bda, &server_bda, sizeof(esp_bd_addr_t)); memcpy(&arg.service_uuid, srvc_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t)); memcpy(&arg.char_uuid, char_id, sizeof(esp_gatt_id_t)); return (btc_transfer_context(&msg, &arg, sizeof(esp_ble_gattc_args_t), NULL) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL); }