// Copyright 2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at

//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef ESP_APP_TRACE_H_
#define ESP_APP_TRACE_H_

#include <stdarg.h>
#include "esp_err.h"

// infinite waiting timeout
#define ESP_APPTRACE_TMO_INFINITE               ((uint32_t)-1)

// Trace memory block size
#define ESP_APPTRACE_TRAX_BLOCK_SIZE            0x4000UL

 * Application trace data destinations bits.
typedef enum {
} esp_apptrace_dest_t;

 * @brief  Initializes application tracing module.
 * @note   Should be called before any esp_apptrace_xxx call.
 * @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise \see esp_err_t
esp_err_t esp_apptrace_init();

 * @brief Allocates buffer for trace data.
 *        After data in buffer are ready to be sent off esp_apptrace_buffer_put must be called to indicate it.
 * @param dest Indicates HW interface to send data.
 * @param size Size of data to write to trace buffer.
 * @param tmo  Timeout for operation (in us). Use ESP_APPTRACE_TMO_INFINITE to wait indefinetly.
 * @return non-NULL on success, otherwise NULL.
uint8_t *esp_apptrace_buffer_get(esp_apptrace_dest_t dest, size_t size, uint32_t tmo);

 * @brief Indicates that the data in buffer are ready to be sent off.
 *        This function is a counterpart of must be preceeded by esp_apptrace_buffer_get.
 * @param dest Indicates HW interface to send data. Should be identical to the same parameter in call to esp_apptrace_buffer_get.
 * @param ptr  Address of trace buffer to release. Should be the value returned by call to esp_apptrace_buffer_get.
 * @param tmo  Timeout for operation (in us). Use ESP_APPTRACE_TMO_INFINITE to wait indefinetly.
 * @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise \see esp_err_t
esp_err_t esp_apptrace_buffer_put(esp_apptrace_dest_t dest, uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t tmo);

 * @brief  Writes data to trace buffer.
 * @param dest Indicates HW interface to send data.
 * @param data Address of data to write to trace buffer.
 * @param size Size of data to write to trace buffer.
 * @param tmo  Timeout for operation (in us). Use ESP_APPTRACE_TMO_INFINITE to wait indefinetly.
 * @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise \see esp_err_t
esp_err_t esp_apptrace_write(esp_apptrace_dest_t dest, void *data, size_t size, uint32_t tmo);

 * @brief vprintf-like function to sent log messages to host via specified HW interface.
 * @param dest Indicates HW interface to send data.
 * @param fmt  Address of format string.
 * @param ap   List of arguments.
 * @return Number of bytes written.
int esp_apptrace_vprintf_to(esp_apptrace_dest_t dest, uint32_t user_tmo, const char *fmt, va_list ap);

 * @brief vprintf-like function to sent log messages to host.
 * @param fmt  Address of format string.
 * @param ap   List of arguments.
 * @return Number of bytes written.
int esp_apptrace_vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap);

 * @brief  Flushes remaining data in trace buffer to host.
 * @param dest Indicates HW interface to flush data on.
 * @param tmo  Timeout for operation (in us). Use ESP_APPTRACE_TMO_INFINITE to wait indefinetly.
 * @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise \see esp_err_t
esp_err_t esp_apptrace_flush(esp_apptrace_dest_t dest, uint32_t tmo);

 * @brief Flushes remaining data in trace buffer to host without locking internal data.
          This is special version of esp_apptrace_flush which should be called from panic handler.
 * @param dest   Indicates HW interface to flush data on.
 * @param min_sz Threshold for flushing data. If current filling level is above this value, data will be flushed. TRAX destinations only.
 * @param tmo    Timeout for operation (in us). Use ESP_APPTRACE_TMO_INFINITE to wait indefinetly.
 * @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise \see esp_err_t
esp_err_t esp_apptrace_flush_nolock(esp_apptrace_dest_t dest, uint32_t min_sz, uint32_t tmo);
