#!/usr/bin/env pwsh # Emergency backup option to use previous export.ps1 (export_legacy.ps1) if the new export approach fails. # To use it, set environmental variable like: $Env:ESP_IDF_LEGACY_EXPORT=1 if ($env:ESP_IDF_LEGACY_EXPORT) { . ./tools/legacy_exports/export_legacy.ps1 exit $LASTEXITCODE } $idf_path = "$PSScriptRoot" if (-not (Test-Path "$idf_path/tools/idf.py") -or -not (Test-Path "$idf_path/tools/idf_tools.py") -or -not (Test-Path "$idf_path/tools/activate.py")) { Write-Output "Could not detect IDF_PATH. Please navigate to your ESP-IDF directory and run:" Write-Output ".\export.ps1" $env:IDF_PATH = "" exit 1 } $idf_exports = python "$idf_path/tools/activate.py" --export # The dot sourcing is added here in PowerShell since # Win PSAnalyzer complains about using `Invoke-Expression` command . $idf_exports