 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "hal/usb_phy_types.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief USB PHY status
typedef enum {
    USB_PHY_STATUS_FREE,             /**< PHY is not being used */
    USB_PHY_STATUS_IN_USE,           /**< PHY is in use */
} usb_phy_status_t;

 * @brief USB PHY available actions
typedef enum {
    USB_PHY_ACTION_HOST_ALLOW_CONN,             /**< Enable physical connection when operating as an OTG Host */
    USB_PHY_ACTION_HOST_FORCE_DISCONN,          /**< Disable physical connection when operating as an OTG Host */
} usb_phy_action_t;

 * @brief USB external PHY iopins configure struct
typedef struct {
    int vp_io_num;             /**< GPIO pin to USB_EXTPHY_VP_IDX */
    int vm_io_num;             /**< GPIO pin to USB_EXTPHY_VM_IDX */
    int rcv_io_num;            /**< GPIO pin to USB_EXTPHY_RCV_IDX */
    int oen_io_num;            /**< GPIO pin to USB_EXTPHY_OEN_IDX */
    int vpo_io_num;            /**< GPIO pin to USB_EXTPHY_VPO_IDX */
    int vmo_io_num;            /**< GPIO pin to USB_EXTPHY_VMO_IDX */
} usb_phy_gpio_conf_t;

 * @brief USB PHY configure struct
 * At minimum the PHY controller and PHY target must be initialized.
typedef struct {
    usb_phy_controller_t controller;    /**< USB PHY controller */
    usb_phy_target_t target;            /**< USB PHY target INT/EXT */
    usb_otg_mode_t otg_mode;            /**< USB OTG mode */
    usb_phy_speed_t otg_speed;          /**< USB OTG speed */
    usb_phy_gpio_conf_t *gpio_conf;     /**< USB external PHY iopins configure */
} usb_phy_config_t;

typedef struct phy_context_t *usb_phy_handle_t;    /**< USB PHY context handle */

 * @brief Initialize a new USB PHY
 *        Configure at least PHY source.
 * @param[in] config USB PHY configurtion struct
 * @param[out] handle_ret USB PHY context handle
 * @return
 *     - ESP_OK Success
 *     - ESP_FAIL USB PHY init error.
 *     - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE USB PHY not installed.
 *     - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM USB_OTG installation failed due to no mem.
esp_err_t usb_new_phy(const usb_phy_config_t *config, usb_phy_handle_t *handle_ret);

 * @brief Configure OTG mode for a USB PHY
 * @param handle Pointer of USB PHY context handle
 * @param mode USB OTG mode
 * @return
 *     - ESP_OK Success
 *     - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error.
 *     - ESP_FAIL OTG set mode fail.
esp_err_t usb_phy_otg_set_mode(usb_phy_handle_t handle, usb_otg_mode_t mode);

 * @brief Configure USB speed for a USB PHY that is operating as an OTG Device
 * @param handle Pointer of USB PHY context handle
 * @param mode USB speed
 * @return
 *     - ESP_OK Success
 *     - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error.
 *     - ESP_FAIL OTG set speed fail.
esp_err_t usb_phy_otg_dev_set_speed(usb_phy_handle_t handle, usb_phy_speed_t speed);

 * @brief Take a action for a USB PHY
 * @param handle Pointer of USB PHY context handle
 * @param action USB PHY action
 * @return
 *     - ESP_OK Success
 *     - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error.
 *     - ESP_FAIL Action cannot be performed.
esp_err_t usb_phy_action(usb_phy_handle_t handle, usb_phy_action_t action);

 * @brief Delete a USB PHY
 * @param handle Pointer of USB PHY context handle
 * @return
 *     - ESP_OK Success
 *     - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error.
esp_err_t usb_del_phy(usb_phy_handle_t handle);

 * @brief Get status of a USB PHY
 * @param[in] target The specific PHY target to check
 * @param[out] status Status of the PHY
 * @return
 *     - ESP_OK Success
 *     - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error.
 *     - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE USB PHY not installed.
esp_err_t usb_phy_get_phy_status(usb_phy_target_t target, usb_phy_status_t *status);

#ifdef __cplusplus