/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "soc/soc_caps.h" #include "hal/adc_oneshot_hal.h" #include "hal/adc_hal_common.h" #include "hal/adc_ll.h" #include "hal/assert.h" #include "hal/log.h" #if SOC_DAC_SUPPORTED #include "hal/dac_ll.h" #endif #if SOC_ADC_DIG_CTRL_SUPPORTED && !SOC_ADC_RTC_CTRL_SUPPORTED /** * For chips without RTC controller, Digital controller is used to trigger an ADC single read. */ #include "esp_rom_sys.h" #endif #if CONFIG_ADC_DISABLE_DAC_OUTPUT // To disable DAC, workarounds, see this function body to know more static void s_disable_dac(adc_oneshot_hal_ctx_t *hal, adc_channel_t channel); #endif void adc_oneshot_hal_init(adc_oneshot_hal_ctx_t *hal, const adc_oneshot_hal_cfg_t *config) { hal->unit = config->unit; hal->work_mode = config->work_mode; hal->clk_src = config->clk_src; hal->clk_src_freq_hz = config->clk_src_freq_hz; } void adc_oneshot_hal_channel_config(adc_oneshot_hal_ctx_t *hal, const adc_oneshot_hal_chan_cfg_t *config, adc_channel_t chan) { hal->chan_configs[chan].atten = config->atten; hal->chan_configs[chan].bitwidth = config->bitwidth; } void adc_oneshot_hal_setup(adc_oneshot_hal_ctx_t *hal, adc_channel_t chan) { adc_unit_t unit = hal->unit; #ifdef CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 adc_ll_hall_disable(); //Disable other peripherals. adc_ll_amp_disable(); //Currently the LNA is not open, close it by default. #endif #if CONFIG_ADC_DISABLE_DAC_OUTPUT s_disable_dac(hal, chan); #endif #if ADC_LL_POWER_MANAGE_SUPPORTED adc_ll_set_power_manage(unit, ADC_LL_POWER_SW_ON); #endif #if SOC_ADC_DIG_CTRL_SUPPORTED && !SOC_ADC_RTC_CTRL_SUPPORTED adc_ll_digi_clk_sel(hal->clk_src); adc_ll_digi_controller_clk_div(ADC_LL_CLKM_DIV_NUM_DEFAULT, ADC_LL_CLKM_DIV_A_DEFAULT, ADC_LL_CLKM_DIV_B_DEFAULT); adc_ll_digi_set_clk_div(ADC_LL_DIGI_SAR_CLK_DIV_DEFAULT); #else #if SOC_LP_ADC_SUPPORTED if (hal->work_mode == ADC_HAL_LP_MODE) { adc_ll_set_sar_clk_div(unit, LP_ADC_LL_SAR_CLK_DIV_DEFAULT(unit)); } else { adc_ll_set_sar_clk_div(unit, ADC_LL_SAR_CLK_DIV_DEFAULT(unit)); } #else adc_ll_set_sar_clk_div(unit, ADC_LL_SAR_CLK_DIV_DEFAULT(unit)); #endif //SOC_LP_ADC_SUPPORTED if (unit == ADC_UNIT_2) { adc_ll_pwdet_set_cct(ADC_LL_PWDET_CCT_DEFAULT); } #endif adc_oneshot_ll_output_invert(unit, ADC_LL_DATA_INVERT_DEFAULT(unit)); adc_oneshot_ll_set_atten(unit, chan, hal->chan_configs[chan].atten); adc_oneshot_ll_set_output_bits(unit, hal->chan_configs[chan].bitwidth); adc_oneshot_ll_set_channel(unit, chan); adc_hal_set_controller(unit, hal->work_mode); #if SOC_ADC_ARBITER_SUPPORTED adc_arbiter_t config = ADC_ARBITER_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); adc_hal_arbiter_config(&config); #endif //#if SOC_ADC_ARBITER_SUPPORTED } static void adc_hal_onetime_start(adc_unit_t unit, uint32_t clk_src_freq_hz, uint32_t *read_delay_us) { #if SOC_ADC_DIG_CTRL_SUPPORTED && !SOC_ADC_RTC_CTRL_SUPPORTED (void)unit; /** * There is a hardware limitation. If the APB clock frequency is high, the step of this reg signal: ``onetime_start`` may not be captured by the * ADC digital controller (when its clock frequency is too slow). A rough estimate for this step should be at least 3 ADC digital controller * clock cycle. */ uint32_t adc_ctrl_clk = clk_src_freq_hz / (ADC_LL_CLKM_DIV_NUM_DEFAULT + ADC_LL_CLKM_DIV_A_DEFAULT / ADC_LL_CLKM_DIV_B_DEFAULT + 1); //Convert frequency to time (us). Since decimals are removed by this division operation. Add 1 here in case of the fact that delay is not enough. uint32_t sample_delay_us = ((1000 * 1000) / adc_ctrl_clk + 1) * 3; HAL_EARLY_LOGD("adc_hal", "clk_src_freq_hz: %"PRIu32", adc_ctrl_clk: %"PRIu32", sample_delay_us: %"PRIu32"", clk_src_freq_hz, adc_ctrl_clk, sample_delay_us); //This coefficient (8) is got from test, and verified from DT. When digi_clk is not smaller than ``APB_CLK_FREQ/8``, no delay is needed. if (adc_ctrl_clk >= APB_CLK_FREQ/8) { sample_delay_us = 0; } HAL_EARLY_LOGD("adc_hal", "delay for `onetime_start` signal captured: %"PRIu32"", sample_delay_us); adc_oneshot_ll_start(false); esp_rom_delay_us(sample_delay_us); adc_oneshot_ll_start(true); #if ADC_LL_DELAY_CYCLE_AFTER_DONE_SIGNAL /** * There is a hardware limitation. * After ADC get DONE signal, it still need a delay to synchronize ADC raw data or it may get zero. * A rough estimate for this step should be at least ADC_LL_DELAY_CYCLE_AFTER_DONE_SIGNAL ADC sar clock cycle. */ uint32_t sar_clk = adc_ctrl_clk / ADC_LL_DIGI_SAR_CLK_DIV_DEFAULT; *read_delay_us = ((1000 * 1000) / sar_clk + 1) * ADC_LL_DELAY_CYCLE_AFTER_DONE_SIGNAL; HAL_EARLY_LOGD("adc_hal", "clk_src_freq_hz: %"PRIu32", sar_clk: %"PRIu32", read_delay_us: %"PRIu32"", clk_src_freq_hz, sar_clk, read_delay_us); #endif //ADC_LL_DELAY_CYCLE_AFTER_DONE_SIGNAL #else adc_oneshot_ll_start(unit); #endif // SOC_ADC_DIG_CTRL_SUPPORTED && !SOC_ADC_RTC_CTRL_SUPPORTED } bool adc_oneshot_hal_convert(adc_oneshot_hal_ctx_t *hal, int *out_raw) { bool valid = true; uint32_t event = 0; uint32_t read_delay_us = 0; if (hal->unit == ADC_UNIT_1) { event = ADC_LL_EVENT_ADC1_ONESHOT_DONE; } else { event = ADC_LL_EVENT_ADC2_ONESHOT_DONE; } adc_oneshot_ll_clear_event(event); adc_oneshot_ll_disable_all_unit(); adc_oneshot_ll_enable(hal->unit); adc_hal_onetime_start(hal->unit, hal->clk_src_freq_hz, &read_delay_us); while (!adc_oneshot_ll_get_event(event)) { ; } esp_rom_delay_us(read_delay_us); *out_raw = adc_oneshot_ll_get_raw_result(hal->unit); #if SOC_ADC_ARBITER_SUPPORTED if (hal->unit == ADC_UNIT_2) { valid = adc_oneshot_ll_raw_check_valid(ADC_UNIT_2, *out_raw); if (!valid) { *out_raw = -1; } } #endif adc_oneshot_ll_disable_all_unit(); return valid; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------- Workarounds ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if CONFIG_ADC_DISABLE_DAC_OUTPUT static void s_disable_dac(adc_oneshot_hal_ctx_t *hal, adc_channel_t channel) { /** * Workaround: Disable the synchronization operation function of ADC1 and DAC. * If enabled(default), ADC RTC controller sampling will cause the DAC channel output voltage. */ if (hal->unit == ADC_UNIT_1) { dac_ll_rtc_sync_by_adc(false); } #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 if (hal->unit == ADC_UNIT_2) { if (channel == ADC_CHANNEL_8) { dac_ll_power_down(DAC_CHAN_0); // the same as DAC channel 0 } if (channel == ADC_CHANNEL_9) { dac_ll_power_down(DAC_CHAN_1); } } #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 if (hal->unit == ADC_UNIT_2) { if (channel == ADC_CHANNEL_6) { dac_ll_power_down(DAC_CHAN_0); // the same as DAC channel 0 } if (channel == ADC_CHANNEL_7) { dac_ll_power_down(DAC_CHAN_1); } } #else //Nothing needed (DAC is only supported on ESP32 and ESP32S2), add this if future chips needs #endif } #endif