#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <memory> #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "unity.h" #include "test_utils.h" #if __GTHREADS && __GTHREADS_CXX0X #include "esp_log.h" const static __attribute__((unused)) char *TAG = "pthread_test"; static std::mutex mtx; static std::shared_ptr<int> global_sp_mtx; // protected by mux static std::recursive_mutex recur_mtx; static std::shared_ptr<int> global_sp_recur_mtx; // protected by recursive mux static void thread_do_nothing() {} static void thread_main() { std::cout << "thread_main CXX " << std::hex << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl; std::chrono::milliseconds dur = std::chrono::milliseconds(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { int old_val, new_val; // mux test mtx.lock(); old_val = *global_sp_mtx; std::this_thread::yield(); (*global_sp_mtx)++; std::this_thread::yield(); new_val = *global_sp_mtx; mtx.unlock(); std::cout << "thread " << std::hex << std::this_thread::get_id() << ": nrec " << i << " val= " << *global_sp_mtx << std::endl; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(old_val + 1, new_val); // sleep_for test std::this_thread::sleep_for(dur); // recursive mux test recur_mtx.lock(); recur_mtx.lock(); old_val = *global_sp_recur_mtx; std::this_thread::yield(); (*global_sp_recur_mtx)++; std::this_thread::yield(); new_val = *global_sp_recur_mtx; recur_mtx.unlock(); recur_mtx.unlock(); std::cout << "thread " << std::hex << std::this_thread::get_id() << ": rec " << i << " val= " << *global_sp_recur_mtx << std::endl; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(old_val + 1, new_val); } // sleep_until test using std::chrono::system_clock; std::time_t tt = system_clock::to_time_t(system_clock::now()); struct std::tm *ptm = std::localtime(&tt); ptm->tm_sec++; std::this_thread::sleep_until(system_clock::from_time_t(mktime(ptm))); } } TEST_CASE("pthread C++", "[pthread]") { global_sp_mtx.reset(new int(1)); global_sp_recur_mtx.reset(new int(-1000)); std::thread t1(thread_do_nothing); t1.join(); std::thread t2(thread_main); std::cout << "Detach thread " << std::hex << t2.get_id() << std::endl; t2.detach(); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(t2.joinable()); std::thread t3(thread_main); std::thread t4(thread_main); TEST_ASSERT(t3.joinable()); TEST_ASSERT(t4.joinable()); std::cout << "Join thread " << std::hex << t3.get_id() << std::endl; t3.join(); std::cout << "Join thread " << std::hex << t4.get_id() << std::endl; t4.join(); // we don't know if/when t2 has finished, so delay another 2s before // deleting the common mutexes std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(2)); global_sp_mtx.reset(); // avoid reported leak global_sp_recur_mtx.reset(); } #if !TEMPORARY_DISABLED_FOR_TARGETS(ESP32C2) //IDF-5142 static void task_test_sandbox() { std::stringstream ss; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "About to create a string stream"); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "About to write to string stream"); ss << "Hello World!"; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "About to extract from stringstream"); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Text: %s", ss.str().c_str()); } static void task_test_sandbox_c(void *arg) { bool *running = (bool *)arg; // wrap thread func to ensure that all C++ stack objects are cleaned up by their destructors task_test_sandbox(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Task stk_wm = %d", uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL)); if (running) { *running = false; vTaskDelete(NULL); } } TEST_CASE("pthread mix C/C++", "[pthread]") { bool c_running = true; std::thread t1(task_test_sandbox); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore((TaskFunction_t)&task_test_sandbox_c, "task_test_sandbox", 3072, &c_running, 5, NULL, 0); while (c_running) { vTaskDelay(1); } if (t1.joinable()) { std::cout << "Join thread " << std::hex << t1.get_id() << std::endl; t1.join(); } } #endif //!TEMPORARY_DISABLED_FOR_TARGETS(ESP32C2) #endif