/* Default entry point: */ ENTRY(call_start_cpu0); SECTIONS { /* RTC fast memory holds RTC wake stub code, including from any source file named rtc_wake_stub*.c */ .rtc.text : { . = ALIGN(4); *(.rtc.literal .rtc.text) *rtc_wake_stub*.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) _rtc_text_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > rtc_iram_seg /* This section is required to skip rtc.text area because rtc_iram_seg and rtc_data_seg are reflect the same address space on different buses. */ .rtc.dummy : { _rtc_dummy_start = ABSOLUTE(.); _rtc_fast_start = ABSOLUTE(.); . = SIZEOF(.rtc.text); _rtc_dummy_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > rtc_data_seg /* This section located in RTC FAST Memory area. It holds data marked with RTC_FAST_ATTR attribute. See the file "esp_attr.h" for more information. */ .rtc.force_fast : { . = ALIGN(4); _rtc_force_fast_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.rtc.force_fast .rtc.force_fast.*) . = ALIGN(4) ; _rtc_force_fast_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > rtc_data_seg /* RTC data section holds RTC wake stub data/rodata, including from any source file named rtc_wake_stub*.c and the data marked with RTC_DATA_ATTR, RTC_RODATA_ATTR attributes. The memory location of the data is dependent on CONFIG_ESP32_RTCDATA_IN_FAST_MEM option. */ .rtc.data : { _rtc_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.rtc.data) *(.rtc.rodata) *rtc_wake_stub*.*(.data .rodata .data.* .rodata.* .bss .bss.*) _rtc_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > rtc_data_location /* RTC bss, from any source file named rtc_wake_stub*.c */ .rtc.bss (NOLOAD) : { _rtc_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *rtc_wake_stub*.*(.bss .bss.*) *rtc_wake_stub*.*(COMMON) *(.rtc.bss) _rtc_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > rtc_data_location /* This section holds data that should not be initialized at power up and will be retained during deep sleep. User data marked with RTC_NOINIT_ATTR will be placed into this section. See the file "esp_attr.h" for more information. The memory location of the data is dependent on CONFIG_ESP32_RTCDATA_IN_FAST_MEM option. */ .rtc_noinit (NOLOAD): { . = ALIGN(4); _rtc_noinit_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.rtc_noinit .rtc_noinit.*) . = ALIGN(4) ; _rtc_noinit_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > rtc_data_location /* This section located in RTC SLOW Memory area. It holds data marked with RTC_SLOW_ATTR attribute. See the file "esp_attr.h" for more information. */ .rtc.force_slow : { . = ALIGN(4); _rtc_force_slow_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.rtc.force_slow .rtc.force_slow.*) . = ALIGN(4) ; _rtc_force_slow_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > rtc_slow_seg /* Get size of rtc slow data based on rtc_data_location alias */ _rtc_slow_length = (ORIGIN(rtc_slow_seg) == ORIGIN(rtc_data_location)) ? (_rtc_force_slow_end - _rtc_data_start) : (_rtc_force_slow_end - _rtc_force_slow_start); _rtc_fast_length = (ORIGIN(rtc_slow_seg) == ORIGIN(rtc_data_location)) ? (_rtc_force_fast_end - _rtc_fast_start) : (_rtc_noinit_end - _rtc_fast_start); ASSERT((_rtc_slow_length <= LENGTH(rtc_slow_seg)), "RTC_SLOW segment data does not fit.") ASSERT((_rtc_fast_length <= LENGTH(rtc_data_seg)), "RTC_FAST segment data does not fit.") /* Send .iram0 code to iram */ .iram0.vectors : { _iram_start = ABSOLUTE(.); /* Vectors go to IRAM */ _init_start = ABSOLUTE(.); /* Vectors according to builds/RF-2015.2-win32/esp108_v1_2_s5_512int_2/config.html */ . = 0x0; KEEP(*(.WindowVectors.text)); . = 0x180; KEEP(*(.Level2InterruptVector.text)); . = 0x1c0; KEEP(*(.Level3InterruptVector.text)); . = 0x200; KEEP(*(.Level4InterruptVector.text)); . = 0x240; KEEP(*(.Level5InterruptVector.text)); . = 0x280; KEEP(*(.DebugExceptionVector.text)); . = 0x2c0; KEEP(*(.NMIExceptionVector.text)); . = 0x300; KEEP(*(.KernelExceptionVector.text)); . = 0x340; KEEP(*(.UserExceptionVector.text)); . = 0x3C0; KEEP(*(.DoubleExceptionVector.text)); . = 0x400; *(.*Vector.literal) *(.UserEnter.literal); *(.UserEnter.text); . = ALIGN (16); *(.entry.text) *(.init.literal) *(.init) _init_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > iram0_0_seg .iram0.text : { /* Code marked as runnning out of IRAM */ _iram_text_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.iram1 .iram1.*) *libfreertos.a:(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libheap.a:multi_heap.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libheap.a:multi_heap_poisoning.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libesp32.a:panic.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libesp32.a:core_dump.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libapp_trace.a:(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libxtensa-debug-module.a:eri.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *librtc.a:(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libsoc.a:rtc_*.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libsoc.a:cpu_util.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libhal.a:(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libgcc.a:lib2funcs.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libspi_flash.a:spi_flash_rom_patch.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) *libgcov.a:(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*) INCLUDE esp32.spiram.rom-functions-iram.ld _iram_text_end = ABSOLUTE(.); _iram_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > iram0_0_seg ASSERT(((_iram_text_end - ORIGIN(iram0_0_seg)) <= LENGTH(iram0_0_seg)), "IRAM0 segment data does not fit.") .dram0.data : { _data_start = ABSOLUTE(.); _bt_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *libbt.a:(.data .data.*) . = ALIGN (4); _bt_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.); _btdm_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *libbtdm_app.a:(.data .data.*) . = ALIGN (4); _btdm_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.data) *(.data.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.d.*) *(.data1) *(.sdata) *(.sdata.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.s.*) *(.sdata2) *(.sdata2.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.s2.*) *(.jcr) *(.dram1 .dram1.*) *libesp32.a:panic.*(.rodata .rodata.*) *libphy.a:(.rodata .rodata.*) *libsoc.a:rtc_clk.*(.rodata .rodata.*) *libapp_trace.a:(.rodata .rodata.*) *libgcov.a:(.rodata .rodata.*) *libheap.a:multi_heap.*(.rodata .rodata.*) *libheap.a:multi_heap_poisoning.*(.rodata .rodata.*) INCLUDE esp32.spiram.rom-functions-dram.ld _data_end = ABSOLUTE(.); . = ALIGN(4); } > dram0_0_seg /*This section holds data that should not be initialized at power up. The section located in Internal SRAM memory region. The macro _NOINIT can be used as attribute to place data into this section. See the esp_attr.h file for more information. */ .noinit (NOLOAD): { . = ALIGN(4); _noinit_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.noinit .noinit.*) . = ALIGN(4) ; _noinit_end = ABSOLUTE(.); } > dram0_0_seg /* Shared RAM */ .dram0.bss (NOLOAD) : { . = ALIGN (8); _bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.); _bt_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *libbt.a:(.bss .bss.* COMMON) . = ALIGN (4); _bt_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.); _btdm_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *libbtdm_app.a:(.bss .bss.* COMMON) . = ALIGN (4); _btdm_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.dynsbss) *(.sbss) *(.sbss.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.sb.*) *(.scommon) *(.sbss2) *(.sbss2.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.sb2.*) *(.dynbss) *(.bss) *(.bss.*) *(.share.mem) *(.gnu.linkonce.b.*) *(COMMON) . = ALIGN (8); _bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.); /* The heap starts right after end of this section */ _heap_start = ABSOLUTE(.); } > dram0_0_seg ASSERT(((_bss_end - ORIGIN(dram0_0_seg)) <= LENGTH(dram0_0_seg)), "DRAM segment data does not fit.") .flash.rodata : { _rodata_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.rodata) *(.rodata.*) *(.irom1.text) /* catch stray ICACHE_RODATA_ATTR */ *(.gnu.linkonce.r.*) *(.rodata1) __XT_EXCEPTION_TABLE_ = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.xt_except_table) *(.gcc_except_table .gcc_except_table.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.e.*) *(.gnu.version_r) . = (. + 3) & ~ 3; __eh_frame = ABSOLUTE(.); KEEP(*(.eh_frame)) . = (. + 7) & ~ 3; /* C++ constructor and destructor tables, properly ordered: */ __init_array_start = ABSOLUTE(.); KEEP (*crtbegin.*(.ctors)) KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.*) .ctors)) KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*))) KEEP (*(.ctors)) __init_array_end = ABSOLUTE(.); KEEP (*crtbegin.*(.dtors)) KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.*) .dtors)) KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*))) KEEP (*(.dtors)) /* C++ exception handlers table: */ __XT_EXCEPTION_DESCS_ = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.xt_except_desc) *(.gnu.linkonce.h.*) __XT_EXCEPTION_DESCS_END__ = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.xt_except_desc_end) *(.dynamic) *(.gnu.version_d) /* Addresses of memory regions reserved via SOC_RESERVE_MEMORY_REGION() */ soc_reserved_memory_region_start = ABSOLUTE(.); KEEP (*(.reserved_memory_address)) soc_reserved_memory_region_end = ABSOLUTE(.); _rodata_end = ABSOLUTE(.); /* Literals are also RO data. */ _lit4_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(*.lit4) *(.lit4.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.lit4.*) _lit4_end = ABSOLUTE(.); . = ALIGN(4); _thread_local_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.tdata) *(.tdata.*) *(.tbss) *(.tbss.*) _thread_local_end = ABSOLUTE(.); . = ALIGN(4); } >drom0_0_seg .flash.text : { _stext = .; _text_start = ABSOLUTE(.); *(.literal .text .literal.* .text.* .stub .gnu.warning .gnu.linkonce.literal.* .gnu.linkonce.t.*.literal .gnu.linkonce.t.*) *(.irom0.text) /* catch stray ICACHE_RODATA_ATTR */ *(.fini.literal) *(.fini) *(.gnu.version) _text_end = ABSOLUTE(.); _etext = .; /* Similar to _iram_start, this symbol goes here so it is resolved by addr2line in preference to the first symbol in the flash.text segment. */ _flash_cache_start = ABSOLUTE(0); } >iram0_2_seg }