/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "esp_efuse.h" #include <assert.h> #include "esp_efuse_table.h" // md5_digest_table 42c79ddff54c8f03645a832a69f60af2 // This file was generated from the file esp_efuse_table.csv. DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE MANUALLY. // If you want to change some fields, you need to change esp_efuse_table.csv file // then run `efuse_common_table` or `efuse_custom_table` command it will generate this file. // To show efuse_table run the command 'show_efuse_table'. static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 0, 32}, // [] Disable programming of individual eFuses, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RD_DIS[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 0, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RD_DIS, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_ICACHE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_ICACHE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_DCACHE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_DCACHE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_USB[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_USB, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_TWAI[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [WR_DIS.DIS_CAN] wr_dis of DIS_TWAI, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_BOOT_REMAP[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_BOOT_REMAP, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SOFT_DIS_JTAG[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SOFT_DIS_JTAG, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_HARD_DIS_JTAG[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of HARD_DIS_JTAG, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 2, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_VDD_SPI_XPD[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 3, 1}, // [] wr_dis of VDD_SPI_XPD, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_VDD_SPI_TIEH[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 3, 1}, // [] wr_dis of VDD_SPI_TIEH, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_VDD_SPI_FORCE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 3, 1}, // [] wr_dis of VDD_SPI_FORCE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_WDT_DELAY_SEL[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 3, 1}, // [] wr_dis of WDT_DELAY_SEL, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 4, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 5, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 6, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 7, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_0[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 8, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY0_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_0, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_1[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 9, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY1_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_1, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 10, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY2_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_2, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_3[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 11, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY3_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_3, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_4[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 12, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY4_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_4, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_5[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 13, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY5_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_5, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_EN[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 15, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_EN, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 16, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_FLASH_TPUW[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of FLASH_TPUW, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_UART_PRINT_CHANNEL[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of UART_PRINT_CHANNEL, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_UART_PRINT_CONTROL[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of UART_PRINT_CONTROL, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_PIN_POWER_SELECTION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of PIN_POWER_SELECTION, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_FLASH_TYPE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of FLASH_TYPE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_FORCE_SEND_RESUME[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of FORCE_SEND_RESUME, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SECURE_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 18, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SECURE_VERSION, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLK1[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of BLOCK1, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_MAC[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [WR_DIS.MAC_FACTORY] wr_dis of MAC, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_WP[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_WP, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_DQS[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_DQS, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D4[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D4, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D5[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D5, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D6[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D6, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D7[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D7, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_HI[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_HI, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_FLASH_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of FLASH_VERSION, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLK_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of BLK_VERSION_MAJOR, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_PSRAM_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of PSRAM_VERSION, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_PKG_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of PKG_VERSION, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 20, 1}, // [] wr_dis of WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_SYS_DATA_PART1[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of BLOCK2, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_OPTIONAL_UNIQUE_ID[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of OPTIONAL_UNIQUE_ID, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_ADC_CALIB[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of ADC_CALIB, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLK_VERSION_MINOR[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of BLK_VERSION_MINOR, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_TEMP_CALIB[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of TEMP_CALIB, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10H, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11H, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12H, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13H, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20H, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21H, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22H, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23H, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10L, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11L, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12L, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13L, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20L, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21L, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22L, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 21, 1}, // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23L, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLOCK_USR_DATA[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 22, 1}, // [WR_DIS.USER_DATA] wr_dis of BLOCK_USR_DATA, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_CUSTOM_MAC[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 22, 1}, // [WR_DIS.MAC_CUSTOM WR_DIS.USER_DATA_MAC_CUSTOM] wr_dis of CUSTOM_MAC, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY0[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 23, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY0] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY0, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY1[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 24, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY1] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY1, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 25, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY2] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY2, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY3[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 26, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY3] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY3, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY4[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 27, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY4] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY4, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY5[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 28, 1}, // [WR_DIS.KEY5] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY5, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLOCK_SYS_DATA2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 29, 1}, // [WR_DIS.SYS_DATA_PART2] wr_dis of BLOCK_SYS_DATA2, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_USB_EXCHG_PINS[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 30, 1}, // [] wr_dis of USB_EXCHG_PINS, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_USB_EXT_PHY_ENABLE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 30, 1}, // [WR_DIS.EXT_PHY_ENABLE] wr_dis of USB_EXT_PHY_ENABLE, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_USB_FORCE_NOPERSIST[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 30, 1}, // [] wr_dis of USB_FORCE_NOPERSIST, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WR_DIS_BLOCK0_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 30, 1}, // [] wr_dis of BLOCK0_VERSION, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RD_DIS[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 32, 7}, // [] Disable reading from BlOCK4-10, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY0[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 32, 1}, // [RD_DIS.KEY0] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY0, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY1[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 33, 1}, // [RD_DIS.KEY1] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY1, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 34, 1}, // [RD_DIS.KEY2] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY2, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY3[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 35, 1}, // [RD_DIS.KEY3] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY3, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY4[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 36, 1}, // [RD_DIS.KEY4] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY4, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY5[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 37, 1}, // [RD_DIS.KEY5] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY5, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RD_DIS_BLOCK_SYS_DATA2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 38, 1}, // [RD_DIS.SYS_DATA_PART2] rd_dis of BLOCK_SYS_DATA2, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_ICACHE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 40, 1}, // [] Set this bit to disable Icache, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_DCACHE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 41, 1}, // [] Set this bit to disable Dcache, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 42, 1}, // [] Disables Icache when SoC is in Download mode, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 43, 1}, // [] Disables Dcache when SoC is in Download mode, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 44, 1}, // [] Set this bit to disable the function that forces chip into download mode, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_USB[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 45, 1}, // [] Set this bit to disable USB OTG function, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_TWAI[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 46, 1}, // [DIS_CAN] Set this bit to disable the TWAI Controller function, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_BOOT_REMAP[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 47, 1}, // [] Disables capability to Remap RAM to ROM address space, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SOFT_DIS_JTAG[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 49, 1}, // [] Software disables JTAG. When software disabled; JTAG can be activated temporarily by HMAC peripheral, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t HARD_DIS_JTAG[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 50, 1}, // [] Hardware disables JTAG permanently, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 51, 1}, // [] Disables flash encryption when in download boot modes, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t USB_EXCHG_PINS[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 56, 1}, // [] Set this bit to exchange USB D+ and D- pins, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t USB_EXT_PHY_ENABLE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 57, 1}, // [EXT_PHY_ENABLE] Set this bit to enable external USB PHY, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t USB_FORCE_NOPERSIST[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 58, 1}, // [] If set; forces USB BVALID to 1, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t BLOCK0_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 59, 2}, // [] BLOCK0 efuse version, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t VDD_SPI_XPD[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 68, 1}, // [] If VDD_SPI_FORCE is 1; this value determines if the VDD_SPI regulator is powered on, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t VDD_SPI_TIEH[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 69, 1}, // [] If VDD_SPI_FORCE is 1; determines VDD_SPI voltage {0: "VDD_SPI connects to 1.8 V LDO"; 1: "VDD_SPI connects to VDD3P3_RTC_IO"}, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t VDD_SPI_FORCE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 70, 1}, // [] Set this bit to use XPD_VDD_PSI_REG and VDD_SPI_TIEH to configure VDD_SPI LDO, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WDT_DELAY_SEL[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 80, 2}, // [] RTC watchdog timeout threshold; in unit of slow clock cycle {0: "40000"; 1: "80000"; 2: "160000"; 3: "320000"}, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 82, 3}, // [] Enables flash encryption when 1 or 3 bits are set and disabled otherwise {0: "Disable"; 1: "Enable"; 3: "Disable"; 7: "Enable"}, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 85, 1}, // [] Revoke 1st secure boot key, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 86, 1}, // [] Revoke 2nd secure boot key, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 87, 1}, // [] Revoke 3rd secure boot key, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY_PURPOSE_0[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 88, 4}, // [KEY0_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY0, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY_PURPOSE_1[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 92, 4}, // [KEY1_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY1, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY_PURPOSE_2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 96, 4}, // [KEY2_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY2, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY_PURPOSE_3[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 100, 4}, // [KEY3_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY3, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY_PURPOSE_4[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 104, 4}, // [KEY4_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY4, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY_PURPOSE_5[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 108, 4}, // [KEY5_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY5, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SECURE_BOOT_EN[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 116, 1}, // [] Set this bit to enable secure boot, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 117, 1}, // [] Set this bit to enable aggressive secure boot key revocation mode, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t FLASH_TPUW[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 124, 4}, // [] Configures flash startup delay after SoC power-up; in unit of (ms/2). When the value is 15; delay is 7.5 ms, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 128, 1}, // [] Set this bit to disable all download boot modes, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 129, 1}, // [] Set this bit to disable Legacy SPI boot mode, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t UART_PRINT_CHANNEL[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 130, 1}, // [] Selects the default UART for printing boot messages {0: "UART0"; 1: "UART1"}, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 132, 1}, // [] Set this bit to disable use of USB OTG in UART download boot mode, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 133, 1}, // [] Set this bit to enable secure UART download mode (read/write flash only), }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t UART_PRINT_CONTROL[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 134, 2}, // [] Set the default UART boot message output mode {0: "Enable"; 1: "Enable when GPIO46 is low at reset"; 2: "Enable when GPIO46 is high at reset"; 3: "Disable"}, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t PIN_POWER_SELECTION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 136, 1}, // [] Set default power supply for GPIO33-GPIO37; set when SPI flash is initialized {0: "VDD3P3_CPU"; 1: "VDD_SPI"}, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t FLASH_TYPE[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 137, 1}, // [] SPI flash type {0: "4 data lines"; 1: "8 data lines"}, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t FORCE_SEND_RESUME[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 138, 1}, // [] If set; forces ROM code to send an SPI flash resume command during SPI boot, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SECURE_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 139, 16}, // [] Secure version (used by ESP-IDF anti-rollback feature), }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DISABLE_WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 160, 1}, // [] Disables check of wafer version major, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t DISABLE_BLK_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { {EFUSE_BLK0, 161, 1}, // [] Disables check of blk version major, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t MAC[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 40, 8}, // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address, {EFUSE_BLK1, 32, 8}, // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address, {EFUSE_BLK1, 24, 8}, // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address, {EFUSE_BLK1, 16, 8}, // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address, {EFUSE_BLK1, 8, 8}, // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address, {EFUSE_BLK1, 0, 8}, // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 48, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure CLK, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 54, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure Q(D1), }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 60, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure D(D0), }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 66, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure CS, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 72, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure HD(D3), }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_WP[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 78, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure WP(D2), }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_DQS[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 84, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure DQS, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D4[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 90, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure D4, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D5[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 96, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure D5, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D6[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 102, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure D6, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D7[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 108, 6}, // [] SPI_PAD_configure D7, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 114, 2}, // [] WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_HI[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 116, 1}, // [] WAFER_VERSION_MINOR most significant bit, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t FLASH_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 117, 4}, // [] Flash version, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t BLK_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 121, 2}, // [] BLK_VERSION_MAJOR, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t PSRAM_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 124, 4}, // [] PSRAM version, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t PKG_VERSION[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 128, 4}, // [] Package version, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO[] = { {EFUSE_BLK1, 132, 3}, // [] WAFER_VERSION_MINOR least significant bits, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t OPTIONAL_UNIQUE_ID[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 0, 128}, // [] Optional unique 128-bit ID, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t ADC_CALIB[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 128, 4}, // [] 4 bit of ADC calibration, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t BLK_VERSION_MINOR[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 132, 3}, // [] BLK_VERSION_MINOR of BLOCK2 {0: "No calib"; 1: "ADC calib V1"; 2: "ADC calib V2"}, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t TEMP_CALIB[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 135, 9}, // [] Temperature calibration data, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 144, 8}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 152, 8}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 160, 8}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 168, 8}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 176, 8}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 184, 8}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 192, 8}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23H[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 200, 8}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 208, 6}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 214, 6}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 220, 6}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 226, 6}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 232, 6}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 238, 6}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 244, 6}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23L[] = { {EFUSE_BLK2, 250, 6}, // [], }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t USER_DATA[] = { {EFUSE_BLK3, 0, 256}, // [BLOCK_USR_DATA] User data, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t USER_DATA_MAC_CUSTOM[] = { {EFUSE_BLK3, 200, 48}, // [MAC_CUSTOM CUSTOM_MAC] Custom MAC, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY0[] = { {EFUSE_BLK4, 0, 256}, // [BLOCK_KEY0] Key0 or user data, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY1[] = { {EFUSE_BLK5, 0, 256}, // [BLOCK_KEY1] Key1 or user data, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK6, 0, 256}, // [BLOCK_KEY2] Key2 or user data, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY3[] = { {EFUSE_BLK7, 0, 256}, // [BLOCK_KEY3] Key3 or user data, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY4[] = { {EFUSE_BLK8, 0, 256}, // [BLOCK_KEY4] Key4 or user data, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t KEY5[] = { {EFUSE_BLK9, 0, 256}, // [BLOCK_KEY5] Key5 or user data, }; static const esp_efuse_desc_t SYS_DATA_PART2[] = { {EFUSE_BLK10, 0, 256}, // [BLOCK_SYS_DATA2] System data part 2 (reserved), }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS[] = { &WR_DIS[0], // [] Disable programming of individual eFuses NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RD_DIS[] = { &WR_DIS_RD_DIS[0], // [] wr_dis of RD_DIS NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_ICACHE[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_ICACHE[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_ICACHE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_DCACHE[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_DCACHE[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_DCACHE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_USB[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_USB[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_USB NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_TWAI[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_TWAI[0], // [WR_DIS.DIS_CAN] wr_dis of DIS_TWAI NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_BOOT_REMAP[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_BOOT_REMAP[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_BOOT_REMAP NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SOFT_DIS_JTAG[] = { &WR_DIS_SOFT_DIS_JTAG[0], // [] wr_dis of SOFT_DIS_JTAG NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_HARD_DIS_JTAG[] = { &WR_DIS_HARD_DIS_JTAG[0], // [] wr_dis of HARD_DIS_JTAG NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_VDD_SPI_XPD[] = { &WR_DIS_VDD_SPI_XPD[0], // [] wr_dis of VDD_SPI_XPD NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_VDD_SPI_TIEH[] = { &WR_DIS_VDD_SPI_TIEH[0], // [] wr_dis of VDD_SPI_TIEH NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_VDD_SPI_FORCE[] = { &WR_DIS_VDD_SPI_FORCE[0], // [] wr_dis of VDD_SPI_FORCE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_WDT_DELAY_SEL[] = { &WR_DIS_WDT_DELAY_SEL[0], // [] wr_dis of WDT_DELAY_SEL NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0[] = { &WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0[0], // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1[] = { &WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1[0], // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2[] = { &WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2[0], // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_0[] = { &WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_0[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY0_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_0 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_1[] = { &WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_1[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY1_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_1 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_2[] = { &WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_2[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY2_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_2 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_3[] = { &WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_3[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY3_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_3 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_4[] = { &WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_4[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY4_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_4 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_5[] = { &WR_DIS_KEY_PURPOSE_5[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY5_PURPOSE] wr_dis of KEY_PURPOSE_5 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_EN[] = { &WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_EN[0], // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_EN NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE[] = { &WR_DIS_SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE[0], // [] wr_dis of SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_FLASH_TPUW[] = { &WR_DIS_FLASH_TPUW[0], // [] wr_dis of FLASH_TPUW NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_UART_PRINT_CHANNEL[] = { &WR_DIS_UART_PRINT_CHANNEL[0], // [] wr_dis of UART_PRINT_CHANNEL NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE[] = { &WR_DIS_DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE[0], // [] wr_dis of DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD[] = { &WR_DIS_ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD[0], // [] wr_dis of ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_UART_PRINT_CONTROL[] = { &WR_DIS_UART_PRINT_CONTROL[0], // [] wr_dis of UART_PRINT_CONTROL NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_PIN_POWER_SELECTION[] = { &WR_DIS_PIN_POWER_SELECTION[0], // [] wr_dis of PIN_POWER_SELECTION NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_FLASH_TYPE[] = { &WR_DIS_FLASH_TYPE[0], // [] wr_dis of FLASH_TYPE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_FORCE_SEND_RESUME[] = { &WR_DIS_FORCE_SEND_RESUME[0], // [] wr_dis of FORCE_SEND_RESUME NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SECURE_VERSION[] = { &WR_DIS_SECURE_VERSION[0], // [] wr_dis of SECURE_VERSION NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLK1[] = { &WR_DIS_BLK1[0], // [] wr_dis of BLOCK1 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_MAC[] = { &WR_DIS_MAC[0], // [WR_DIS.MAC_FACTORY] wr_dis of MAC NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_WP[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_WP[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_WP NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_DQS[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_DQS[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_DQS NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D4[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D4[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D4 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D5[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D5[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D5 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D6[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D6[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D6 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D7[] = { &WR_DIS_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D7[0], // [] wr_dis of SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D7 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { &WR_DIS_WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR[0], // [] wr_dis of WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_HI[] = { &WR_DIS_WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_HI[0], // [] wr_dis of WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_HI NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_FLASH_VERSION[] = { &WR_DIS_FLASH_VERSION[0], // [] wr_dis of FLASH_VERSION NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLK_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { &WR_DIS_BLK_VERSION_MAJOR[0], // [] wr_dis of BLK_VERSION_MAJOR NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_PSRAM_VERSION[] = { &WR_DIS_PSRAM_VERSION[0], // [] wr_dis of PSRAM_VERSION NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_PKG_VERSION[] = { &WR_DIS_PKG_VERSION[0], // [] wr_dis of PKG_VERSION NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO[] = { &WR_DIS_WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO[0], // [] wr_dis of WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_SYS_DATA_PART1[] = { &WR_DIS_SYS_DATA_PART1[0], // [] wr_dis of BLOCK2 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_OPTIONAL_UNIQUE_ID[] = { &WR_DIS_OPTIONAL_UNIQUE_ID[0], // [] wr_dis of OPTIONAL_UNIQUE_ID NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_ADC_CALIB[] = { &WR_DIS_ADC_CALIB[0], // [] wr_dis of ADC_CALIB NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLK_VERSION_MINOR[] = { &WR_DIS_BLK_VERSION_MINOR[0], // [] wr_dis of BLK_VERSION_MINOR NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_TEMP_CALIB[] = { &WR_DIS_TEMP_CALIB[0], // [] wr_dis of TEMP_CALIB NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10H[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10H[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10H NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11H[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11H[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11H NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12H[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12H[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12H NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13H[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13H[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13H NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20H[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20H[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20H NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21H[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21H[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21H NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22H[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22H[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22H NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23H[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23H[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23H NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10L[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10L[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10L NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11L[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11L[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11L NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12L[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12L[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12L NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13L[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13L[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13L NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20L[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20L[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20L NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21L[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21L[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21L NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22L[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22L[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22L NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23L[] = { &WR_DIS_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23L[0], // [] wr_dis of RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23L NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLOCK_USR_DATA[] = { &WR_DIS_BLOCK_USR_DATA[0], // [WR_DIS.USER_DATA] wr_dis of BLOCK_USR_DATA NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_CUSTOM_MAC[] = { &WR_DIS_CUSTOM_MAC[0], // [WR_DIS.MAC_CUSTOM WR_DIS.USER_DATA_MAC_CUSTOM] wr_dis of CUSTOM_MAC NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY0[] = { &WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY0[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY0] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY0 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY1[] = { &WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY1[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY1] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY1 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY2[] = { &WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY2[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY2] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY2 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY3[] = { &WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY3[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY3] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY3 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY4[] = { &WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY4[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY4] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY4 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY5[] = { &WR_DIS_BLOCK_KEY5[0], // [WR_DIS.KEY5] wr_dis of BLOCK_KEY5 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLOCK_SYS_DATA2[] = { &WR_DIS_BLOCK_SYS_DATA2[0], // [WR_DIS.SYS_DATA_PART2] wr_dis of BLOCK_SYS_DATA2 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_USB_EXCHG_PINS[] = { &WR_DIS_USB_EXCHG_PINS[0], // [] wr_dis of USB_EXCHG_PINS NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_USB_EXT_PHY_ENABLE[] = { &WR_DIS_USB_EXT_PHY_ENABLE[0], // [WR_DIS.EXT_PHY_ENABLE] wr_dis of USB_EXT_PHY_ENABLE NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_USB_FORCE_NOPERSIST[] = { &WR_DIS_USB_FORCE_NOPERSIST[0], // [] wr_dis of USB_FORCE_NOPERSIST NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLOCK0_VERSION[] = { &WR_DIS_BLOCK0_VERSION[0], // [] wr_dis of BLOCK0_VERSION NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RD_DIS[] = { &RD_DIS[0], // [] Disable reading from BlOCK4-10 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY0[] = { &RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY0[0], // [RD_DIS.KEY0] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY0 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY1[] = { &RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY1[0], // [RD_DIS.KEY1] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY1 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY2[] = { &RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY2[0], // [RD_DIS.KEY2] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY2 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY3[] = { &RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY3[0], // [RD_DIS.KEY3] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY3 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY4[] = { &RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY4[0], // [RD_DIS.KEY4] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY4 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY5[] = { &RD_DIS_BLOCK_KEY5[0], // [RD_DIS.KEY5] rd_dis of BLOCK_KEY5 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RD_DIS_BLOCK_SYS_DATA2[] = { &RD_DIS_BLOCK_SYS_DATA2[0], // [RD_DIS.SYS_DATA_PART2] rd_dis of BLOCK_SYS_DATA2 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_ICACHE[] = { &DIS_ICACHE[0], // [] Set this bit to disable Icache NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_DCACHE[] = { &DIS_DCACHE[0], // [] Set this bit to disable Dcache NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE[] = { &DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE[0], // [] Disables Icache when SoC is in Download mode NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE[] = { &DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE[0], // [] Disables Dcache when SoC is in Download mode NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD[] = { &DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD[0], // [] Set this bit to disable the function that forces chip into download mode NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_USB[] = { &DIS_USB[0], // [] Set this bit to disable USB OTG function NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_TWAI[] = { &DIS_TWAI[0], // [DIS_CAN] Set this bit to disable the TWAI Controller function NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_BOOT_REMAP[] = { &DIS_BOOT_REMAP[0], // [] Disables capability to Remap RAM to ROM address space NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SOFT_DIS_JTAG[] = { &SOFT_DIS_JTAG[0], // [] Software disables JTAG. When software disabled; JTAG can be activated temporarily by HMAC peripheral NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_HARD_DIS_JTAG[] = { &HARD_DIS_JTAG[0], // [] Hardware disables JTAG permanently NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT[] = { &DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT[0], // [] Disables flash encryption when in download boot modes NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_USB_EXCHG_PINS[] = { &USB_EXCHG_PINS[0], // [] Set this bit to exchange USB D+ and D- pins NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_USB_EXT_PHY_ENABLE[] = { &USB_EXT_PHY_ENABLE[0], // [EXT_PHY_ENABLE] Set this bit to enable external USB PHY NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_USB_FORCE_NOPERSIST[] = { &USB_FORCE_NOPERSIST[0], // [] If set; forces USB BVALID to 1 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_BLOCK0_VERSION[] = { &BLOCK0_VERSION[0], // [] BLOCK0 efuse version NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_VDD_SPI_XPD[] = { &VDD_SPI_XPD[0], // [] If VDD_SPI_FORCE is 1; this value determines if the VDD_SPI regulator is powered on NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_VDD_SPI_TIEH[] = { &VDD_SPI_TIEH[0], // [] If VDD_SPI_FORCE is 1; determines VDD_SPI voltage {0: "VDD_SPI connects to 1.8 V LDO"; 1: "VDD_SPI connects to VDD3P3_RTC_IO"} NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_VDD_SPI_FORCE[] = { &VDD_SPI_FORCE[0], // [] Set this bit to use XPD_VDD_PSI_REG and VDD_SPI_TIEH to configure VDD_SPI LDO NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WDT_DELAY_SEL[] = { &WDT_DELAY_SEL[0], // [] RTC watchdog timeout threshold; in unit of slow clock cycle {0: "40000"; 1: "80000"; 2: "160000"; 3: "320000"} NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT[] = { &SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT[0], // [] Enables flash encryption when 1 or 3 bits are set and disabled otherwise {0: "Disable"; 1: "Enable"; 3: "Disable"; 7: "Enable"} NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0[] = { &SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0[0], // [] Revoke 1st secure boot key NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1[] = { &SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1[0], // [] Revoke 2nd secure boot key NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2[] = { &SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2[0], // [] Revoke 3rd secure boot key NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY_PURPOSE_0[] = { &KEY_PURPOSE_0[0], // [KEY0_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY0 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY_PURPOSE_1[] = { &KEY_PURPOSE_1[0], // [KEY1_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY1 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY_PURPOSE_2[] = { &KEY_PURPOSE_2[0], // [KEY2_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY2 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY_PURPOSE_3[] = { &KEY_PURPOSE_3[0], // [KEY3_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY3 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY_PURPOSE_4[] = { &KEY_PURPOSE_4[0], // [KEY4_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY4 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY_PURPOSE_5[] = { &KEY_PURPOSE_5[0], // [KEY5_PURPOSE] Purpose of KEY5 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SECURE_BOOT_EN[] = { &SECURE_BOOT_EN[0], // [] Set this bit to enable secure boot NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE[] = { &SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE[0], // [] Set this bit to enable aggressive secure boot key revocation mode NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_FLASH_TPUW[] = { &FLASH_TPUW[0], // [] Configures flash startup delay after SoC power-up; in unit of (ms/2). When the value is 15; delay is 7.5 ms NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE[] = { &DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE[0], // [] Set this bit to disable all download boot modes NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT[] = { &DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT[0], // [] Set this bit to disable Legacy SPI boot mode NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_UART_PRINT_CHANNEL[] = { &UART_PRINT_CHANNEL[0], // [] Selects the default UART for printing boot messages {0: "UART0"; 1: "UART1"} NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE[] = { &DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE[0], // [] Set this bit to disable use of USB OTG in UART download boot mode NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD[] = { &ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD[0], // [] Set this bit to enable secure UART download mode (read/write flash only) NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_UART_PRINT_CONTROL[] = { &UART_PRINT_CONTROL[0], // [] Set the default UART boot message output mode {0: "Enable"; 1: "Enable when GPIO46 is low at reset"; 2: "Enable when GPIO46 is high at reset"; 3: "Disable"} NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_PIN_POWER_SELECTION[] = { &PIN_POWER_SELECTION[0], // [] Set default power supply for GPIO33-GPIO37; set when SPI flash is initialized {0: "VDD3P3_CPU"; 1: "VDD_SPI"} NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_FLASH_TYPE[] = { &FLASH_TYPE[0], // [] SPI flash type {0: "4 data lines"; 1: "8 data lines"} NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_FORCE_SEND_RESUME[] = { &FORCE_SEND_RESUME[0], // [] If set; forces ROM code to send an SPI flash resume command during SPI boot NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SECURE_VERSION[] = { &SECURE_VERSION[0], // [] Secure version (used by ESP-IDF anti-rollback feature) NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DISABLE_WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { &DISABLE_WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR[0], // [] Disables check of wafer version major NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DISABLE_BLK_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { &DISABLE_BLK_VERSION_MAJOR[0], // [] Disables check of blk version major NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_MAC[] = { &MAC[0], // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address &MAC[1], // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address &MAC[2], // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address &MAC[3], // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address &MAC[4], // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address &MAC[5], // [MAC_FACTORY] MAC address NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure CLK NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure Q(D1) NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure D(D0) NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure CS NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure HD(D3) NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_WP[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_WP[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure WP(D2) NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_DQS[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_DQS[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure DQS NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D4[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D4[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure D4 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D5[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D5[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure D5 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D6[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D6[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure D6 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D7[] = { &SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D7[0], // [] SPI_PAD_configure D7 NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { &WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR[0], // [] WAFER_VERSION_MAJOR NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_HI[] = { &WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_HI[0], // [] WAFER_VERSION_MINOR most significant bit NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_FLASH_VERSION[] = { &FLASH_VERSION[0], // [] Flash version NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_BLK_VERSION_MAJOR[] = { &BLK_VERSION_MAJOR[0], // [] BLK_VERSION_MAJOR NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_PSRAM_VERSION[] = { &PSRAM_VERSION[0], // [] PSRAM version NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_PKG_VERSION[] = { &PKG_VERSION[0], // [] Package version NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO[] = { &WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO[0], // [] WAFER_VERSION_MINOR least significant bits NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_OPTIONAL_UNIQUE_ID[] = { &OPTIONAL_UNIQUE_ID[0], // [] Optional unique 128-bit ID NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_ADC_CALIB[] = { &ADC_CALIB[0], // [] 4 bit of ADC calibration NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_BLK_VERSION_MINOR[] = { &BLK_VERSION_MINOR[0], // [] BLK_VERSION_MINOR of BLOCK2 {0: "No calib"; 1: "ADC calib V1"; 2: "ADC calib V2"} NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_TEMP_CALIB[] = { &TEMP_CALIB[0], // [] Temperature calibration data NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10H[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10H[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11H[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11H[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12H[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12H[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13H[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13H[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20H[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20H[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21H[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21H[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22H[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22H[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23H[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23H[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10L[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A10L[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11L[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A11L[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12L[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A12L[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13L[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A13L[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20L[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A20L[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21L[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A21L[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22L[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A22L[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23L[] = { &RTCCALIB_V1IDX_A23L[0], // [] NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_USER_DATA[] = { &USER_DATA[0], // [BLOCK_USR_DATA] User data NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_USER_DATA_MAC_CUSTOM[] = { &USER_DATA_MAC_CUSTOM[0], // [MAC_CUSTOM CUSTOM_MAC] Custom MAC NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY0[] = { &KEY0[0], // [BLOCK_KEY0] Key0 or user data NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY1[] = { &KEY1[0], // [BLOCK_KEY1] Key1 or user data NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY2[] = { &KEY2[0], // [BLOCK_KEY2] Key2 or user data NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY3[] = { &KEY3[0], // [BLOCK_KEY3] Key3 or user data NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY4[] = { &KEY4[0], // [BLOCK_KEY4] Key4 or user data NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_KEY5[] = { &KEY5[0], // [BLOCK_KEY5] Key5 or user data NULL }; const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_SYS_DATA_PART2[] = { &SYS_DATA_PART2[0], // [BLOCK_SYS_DATA2] System data part 2 (reserved) NULL };