/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "esp_err.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "spi_flash_defs.h" #include "esp_rom_sys.h" #include "esp_rom_spiflash.h" #include "spi_flash_override.h" #include "esp_private/spi_flash_os.h" // TODO: These dependencies will be removed after remove bootloader_flash to G0.IDF-4609 #include "bootloader_flash_override.h" #include "bootloader_flash_priv.h" /*********************************************************************************** * Flash wrap feature (also called burst read on some flash chips) * * Different flash chips enter wrap (burst read) mode in different strategies. * 1. Command 0xC0 + 8 Bytes. * 2. Command 0x77 + 24 dummy + 8 Bytes. **********************************************************************************/ #if SOC_SPI_MEM_SUPPORT_WRAP const static char *FLASH_WRAP_TAG = "flash wrap"; // TODO: This function will be changed after remove bootloader_flash to G0.IDF-4609 extern uint32_t bootloader_flash_execute_command_common( uint8_t command, uint32_t addr_len, uint32_t address, uint8_t dummy_len, uint8_t mosi_len, uint32_t mosi_data, uint8_t miso_len); esp_err_t spi_flash_wrap_probe_c0(uint32_t flash_id) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; switch (flash_id) { /* The flash listed here should enter the wrap with command 0xC0 */ case 0xC22018: break; default: ret = ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; break; } return ret; } /** * @brief Burst read with command 0xC0 + 8 Bytes * * |------------|-----------------------------| * | data | wrap depth | * | 00h | 8 | * | 01h | 16 | * | 02h | 32 | * | 03h | 64 | * |------------|-----------------------------| */ esp_err_t spi_flash_wrap_enable_c0(spi_flash_wrap_size_t wrap_size) { uint8_t wrap_code = (uint8_t) (__builtin_ctz(wrap_size) - 3); bootloader_flash_execute_command_common(CMD_BURST_RD, 0, 0, 0, 8, wrap_code, 0); return ESP_OK; } /** * @brief Burst read with command 0x77 + 24 Dummy + 8 Bytes * * |-------------------|-----------------------------| * | data(W6,W5) | wrap depth | * | 00h | 8 | * | 01h | 16 | * | 02h | 32 | * | 03h | 64 | * |-------------------|-----------------------------| */ esp_err_t spi_flash_wrap_enable_77(spi_flash_wrap_size_t wrap_size) { uint8_t wrap_code = (uint8_t) (((__builtin_ctz(wrap_size) - 3) * 2) << 4); // According to the special format, we need enable QIO_FWRITE for command 77h and clear it after this command is done. REG_SET_BIT(SPI_MEM_USER_REG(1), SPI_MEM_FWRITE_QIO); bootloader_flash_execute_command_common(CMD_WRAP, 0, 0, 6, 8, wrap_code, 0); REG_CLR_BIT(SPI_MEM_USER_REG(1), SPI_MEM_FWRITE_QIO); return ESP_OK; } /** * @brief Burst read is cleared by setting 0x1xh, * so we set 0x10 to disable this feature. */ esp_err_t spi_flash_wrap_clear_c0(void) { bootloader_flash_execute_command_common(CMD_BURST_RD, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0x10, 0); return ESP_OK; } /** * @brief Burst read is cleared by setting W4 bit 1, * so we set 0x10 to disable this feature. */ esp_err_t spi_flash_wrap_clear_77(void) { // According to the special format, we need enable QIO_FWRITE for command 77h and clear it after this command is done. REG_SET_BIT(SPI_MEM_USER_REG(1), SPI_MEM_FWRITE_QIO); bootloader_flash_execute_command_common(CMD_WRAP, 0, 0, 6, 8, 0x10, 0); REG_CLR_BIT(SPI_MEM_USER_REG(1), SPI_MEM_FWRITE_QIO); return ESP_OK; } const spi_flash_wrap_info_t __attribute__((weak)) spi_flash_wrap_list[] = { /* method probe chip wrap set chip wrap clear */ {"C0H+8B", spi_flash_wrap_probe_c0, spi_flash_wrap_enable_c0, spi_flash_wrap_clear_c0}, {"default", NULL, spi_flash_wrap_enable_77, spi_flash_wrap_clear_77}, }; static const spi_flash_wrap_info_t *chip_wrap = NULL; esp_err_t spi_flash_wrap_probe(void) { uint32_t flash_chip_id = g_rom_flashchip.device_id; const spi_flash_wrap_info_t *chip = spi_flash_wrap_list; esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; while (chip->probe) { ret = chip->probe(flash_chip_id); if (ret == ESP_OK) { break; } chip++; } chip_wrap = chip; return ret; } esp_err_t spi_flash_wrap_enable(spi_flash_wrap_size_t wrap_size) { return chip_wrap->chip_wrap_set(wrap_size); } esp_err_t spi_flash_wrap_disable(void) { return chip_wrap->chip_wrap_clr(); } bool spi_flash_support_wrap_size(uint32_t wrap_size) { // Only QIO mode supports wrap. if (!REG_GET_BIT(SPI_MEM_CTRL_REG(0), SPI_MEM_FREAD_QIO)) { ESP_EARLY_LOGE(FLASH_WRAP_TAG, "flash wrap is only supported in QIO mode"); abort(); } // Only following size can be wrapped. switch (wrap_size) { case 0: case 8: case 16: case 32: case 64: return true; default: return false; } } #endif // SOC_SPI_MEM_SUPPORT_WRAP