menu "Driver Configurations" menu "Legacy ADC Configuration" config ADC_DISABLE_DAC depends on SOC_DAC_SUPPORTED bool "Disable DAC when ADC2 is used on GPIO 25 and 26" default y help If this is set, the ADC2 driver will disable the output of the DAC corresponding to the specified channel. This is the default value. For testing, disable this option so that we can measure the output of DAC by internal ADC. config ADC_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATE_WARN bool "Suppress legacy driver deprecated warning" default n help Wether to suppress the deprecation warnings when using legacy adc driver (driver/adc.h). If you want to continue using the legacy driver, and don't want to see related deprecation warnings, you can enable this option. menu "Legacy ADC Calibration Configuration" config ADC_CAL_EFUSE_TP_ENABLE depends on IDF_TARGET_ESP32 bool "Use Two Point Values" default "y" help Some ESP32s have Two Point calibration values burned into eFuse BLOCK3. This option will allow the ADC calibration component to characterize the ADC-Voltage curve using Two Point values if they are available. config ADC_CAL_EFUSE_VREF_ENABLE depends on IDF_TARGET_ESP32 bool "Use eFuse Vref" default "y" help Some ESP32s have Vref burned into eFuse BLOCK0. This option will allow the ADC calibration component to characterize the ADC-Voltage curve using eFuse Vref if it is available. config ADC_CAL_LUT_ENABLE depends on IDF_TARGET_ESP32 bool "Use Lookup Tables" default "y" help This option will allow the ADC calibration component to use Lookup Tables to correct for non-linear behavior in 11db attenuation. Other attenuations do not exhibit non-linear behavior hence will not be affected by this option. config ADC_CALI_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATE_WARN bool "Suppress legacy driver deprecated warning" default n help Wether to suppress the deprecation warnings when using legacy adc calibration driver (esp_adc_cal.h). If you want to continue using the legacy driver, and don't want to see related deprecation warnings, you can enable this option. endmenu endmenu # ADC Configuration orsource "./twai/Kconfig.twai" menu "USB Serial/JTAG Configuration" depends on SOC_USB_SERIAL_JTAG_SUPPORTED config USJ_NO_AUTO_LS_ON_CONNECTION bool "Don't enter the automatic light sleep when USB Serial/JTAG port is connected" depends on PM_ENABLE && ESP_CONSOLE_USB_SERIAL_JTAG_ENABLED && !SOC_USB_SERIAL_JTAG_SUPPORT_LIGHT_SLEEP default n help If enabled, the chip will constantly monitor the connection status of the USB Serial/JTAG port. As long as the USB Serial/JTAG is connected, a ESP_PM_NO_LIGHT_SLEEP power management lock will be acquired to prevent the system from entering light sleep. This option can be useful if serial monitoring is needed via USB Serial/JTAG while power management is enabled, as the USB Serial/JTAG cannot work under light sleep and after waking up from light sleep. Note. This option can only control the automatic Light-Sleep behavior. If esp_light_sleep_start() is called manually from the program, enabling this option will not prevent light sleep entry even if the USB Serial/JTAG is in use. endmenu # USB Serial/JTAG Configuration menu "Parallel IO Configuration" depends on SOC_PARLIO_SUPPORTED config PARLIO_ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG bool "Enable debug log" default n help Wether to enable the debug log message for parallel IO driver. Note that, this option only controls the parallel IO driver log, won't affect other drivers. config PARLIO_ISR_IRAM_SAFE bool "Parallel IO ISR IRAM-Safe" default n select GDMA_CTRL_FUNC_IN_IRAM # the driver needs to start the GDMA in the interrupt help Ensure the Parallel IO interrupt is IRAM-Safe by allowing the interrupt handler to be executable when the cache is disabled (e.g. SPI Flash write). endmenu # Parallel IO Configuration endmenu # Driver configurations