menu "Ultra Low Power (ULP) Co-processor" depends on (SOC_ULP_SUPPORTED || SOC_RISCV_COPROC_SUPPORTED || SOC_LP_CORE_SUPPORTED) config ULP_COPROC_ENABLED bool "Enable Ultra Low Power (ULP) Co-processor" default "n" help Enable this feature if you plan to use the ULP Co-processor. Once this option is enabled, further ULP co-processor configuration will appear in the menu. choice ULP_COPROC_TYPE prompt "ULP Co-processor type" depends on ULP_COPROC_ENABLED default ULP_COPROC_TYPE_RISCV if (IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3) help Choose the ULP Coprocessor type: ULP FSM (Finite State Machine) or ULP RISC-V. config ULP_COPROC_TYPE_FSM bool "ULP FSM (Finite State Machine)" depends on SOC_ULP_FSM_SUPPORTED config ULP_COPROC_TYPE_RISCV bool "ULP RISC-V" depends on SOC_RISCV_COPROC_SUPPORTED config ULP_COPROC_TYPE_LP_CORE bool "LP core RISC-V" depends on SOC_LP_CORE_SUPPORTED endchoice config ULP_COPROC_RESERVE_MEM int prompt "RTC slow memory reserved for coprocessor" depends on ULP_COPROC_ENABLED default 512 if IDF_TARGET_ESP32 default 4096 if !IDF_TARGET_ESP32 range 32 8176 if IDF_TARGET_ESP32 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 range 32 16352 if IDF_TARGET_ESP32C5 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32C6 range 32 31088 if IDF_TARGET_ESP32P4 # Some memory are reserved for ROM/RTC reserved help Bytes of memory to reserve for ULP Co-processor firmware & data. Data is reserved at the beginning of RTC slow memory. menu "ULP RISC-V Settings" depends on ULP_COPROC_TYPE_RISCV config ULP_RISCV_INTERRUPT_ENABLE bool prompt "Enable ULP RISC-V interrupts" default "n" help Turn on this setting to enabled interrupts on the ULP RISC-V core. config ULP_RISCV_UART_BAUDRATE int prompt "Baudrate used by the bitbanged ULP RISC-V UART driver" default 9600 help The accuracy of the bitbanged UART driver is limited, it is not recommend to increase the value above 19200. config ULP_RISCV_I2C_RW_TIMEOUT int prompt "Set timeout for ULP RISC-V I2C transaction timeout in ticks." default 500 range -1 4294967295 help Set the ULP RISC-V I2C read/write timeout. Set this value to -1 if the ULP RISC-V I2C read and write APIs should wait forever. Please note that the tick rate of the ULP co-processor would be different than the OS tick rate of the main core and therefore can have different timeout value depending on which core the API is invoked on. endmenu config ULP_SHARED_MEM depends on ULP_COPROC_TYPE_LP_CORE hex default 0x10 help Size of the shared memory defined in ulp_lp_core_memory_shared.c. Size should be kept in-sync with the size of the struct defined there. config ULP_ROM_PRINT_ENABLE depends on ULP_COPROC_TYPE_LP_CORE && ESP_ROM_HAS_LP_ROM bool prompt "Enable print utilities from LP ROM" default "y" help Set this option to enable printf functionality from LP ROM. This option can help reduce the LP core binary size by not linking printf functionality from RAM code. Note: For LP ROM prints to work properly, make sure that the LP core boots from the LP ROM. menu "ULP Debugging Options" config ULP_PANIC_OUTPUT_ENABLE depends on ULP_COPROC_TYPE_LP_CORE && SOC_ULP_LP_UART_SUPPORTED bool prompt "Enable panic handler which outputs over LP UART" default "y" if IDF_TARGET_ESP32P4 help Set this option to enable panic handler functionality. If this option is enabled then the LP Core will output a panic dump over LP UART, similar to what the main core does. Output depends on LP UART already being initialized and configured. Disabling this option will reduce the LP core binary size by not linking in panic handler functionality. endmenu endmenu # Ultra Low Power (ULP) Co-processor