ESP-IDF Programming Guide

This is the documentation for Espressif IoT Development Framework (`esp-idf <>`_). ESP-IDF is the official development framework for the `ESP32 <>`_ chip.

==================  ==================  ==================
|Get Started|_      |API Reference|_    |H/W Reference|_
------------------  ------------------  ------------------
`Get Started`_      `API Reference`_    `H/W Reference`_
------------------  ------------------  ------------------
|API Guides|_       |Contribute|_       |Resources|_
------------------  ------------------  ------------------
`API Guides`_       `Contribute`_       `Resources`_
==================  ==================  ==================

.. |Get Started| image:: ../_static/get-started.png
.. _Get Started: get-started/index.html

.. |API Reference| image:: ../_static/api-reference.png
.. _API Reference: api-reference/index.html

.. |H/W Reference| image:: ../_static/hw-reference.png
.. _H/W Reference: hw-reference/index.html

.. |API Guides| image:: ../_static/api-guides.png
.. _API Guides: api-guides/index.html

.. _Libraries and Frameworks: libraries-and-frameworks/index.html

.. |Contribute| image:: ../_static/contribute.png
.. _Contribute: contribute/index.html

.. |Resources| image:: ../_static/resources.png
.. _Resources: resources.html

.. toctree::

   Get Started <get-started/index>
   API Reference <api-reference/index>
   H/W Reference <hw-reference/index>
   API Guides <api-guides/index>
   Libraries and Frameworks <libraries-and-frameworks/index>
   Contribute <contribute/index>
   Versions <versions>
   Resources <resources>
   Copyrights <COPYRIGHT>
   About <about>
   语言/Languages <languages>
   Guide Downloads <>
* :ref:`genindex`