/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #pragma once #define ESP_ROM_HAS_CRC_LE (1) // ROM CRC library supports Little Endian #define ESP_ROM_HAS_CRC_BE (1) // ROM CRC library supports Big Endian #define ESP_ROM_HAS_JPEG_DECODE (1) // ROM has JPEG decode library #define ESP_ROM_UART_CLK_IS_XTAL (1) // UART clock source is selected to XTAL in ROM #define ESP_ROM_USB_SERIAL_DEVICE_NUM (3) // UART uses USB_SERIAL_JTAG port in ROM. #define ESP_ROM_HAS_RETARGETABLE_LOCKING (1) // ROM was built with retargetable locking #define ESP_ROM_GET_CLK_FREQ (1) // Get clk frequency with rom function `ets_get_cpu_frequency` #define ESP_ROM_HAS_RVFPLIB (1) // ROM has the rvfplib #define ESP_ROM_HAS_HAL_WDT (1) // ROM has the implementation of Watchdog HAL driver #define ESP_ROM_HAS_HAL_SYSTIMER (1) // ROM has the implementation of Systimer HAL driver #define ESP_ROM_HAS_HEAP_TLSF (1) // ROM has the implementation of the tlsf and multi-heap library #define ESP_ROM_TLSF_CHECK_PATCH (1) // ROM does not contain the patch of tlsf_check_pool() #define ESP_ROM_MULTI_HEAP_WALK_PATCH (1) // ROM does not contain the patch of multi_heap_walk() #define ESP_ROM_HAS_LAYOUT_TABLE (1) // ROM has the layout table #define ESP_ROM_HAS_SPI_FLASH (1) // ROM has the implementation of SPI Flash driver #define ESP_ROM_WITHOUT_REGI2C (1) // ROM has no regi2c APIs TODO: IDF-10110 need refactor #define ESP_ROM_HAS_NEWLIB (1) // ROM has newlib (at least parts of it) functions included #define ESP_ROM_HAS_NEWLIB_NANO_FORMAT (1) // ROM has the newlib nano version of formatting functions #define ESP_ROM_HAS_NEWLIB_NANO_PRINTF_FLOAT_BUG (1) // ROM has the printf float bug with newlib nano version #define ESP_ROM_HAS_VERSION (1) // ROM has version/eco information #define ESP_ROM_WDT_INIT_PATCH (1) // ROM version does not configure the clock #define ESP_ROM_RAM_APP_NEEDS_MMU_INIT (1) // ROM doesn't init cache MMU when it's a RAM APP, needs MMU hal to init #define ESP_ROM_HAS_SW_FLOAT (1) // ROM has libgcc software floating point emulation functions #define ESP_ROM_USB_OTG_NUM (-1) // No USB_OTG CDC in the ROM, set -1 for Kconfig usage. #define ESP_ROM_HAS_OUTPUT_PUTC_FUNC (1) // ROM has esp_rom_output_putc (or ets_write_char_uart) #define ESP_ROM_CACHE_WB_INVLD_LOW_RANGE (1) // ROM `Cache_WriteBack_Addr` and `Cache_Invalidate_Addr` can only access low vaddr parts