# This file documents the expected order of execution of ESP_SYSTEM_INIT_FN functions. # # When adding new ESP_SYSTEM_INIT_FN functions or changing init priorities of existing functions, # keep this file up to date. This is checked in CI. # When adding new functions or changing the priorities, please read the comments and see if # they need to be updated to be consistent with the changes you are making. # # Entries are ordered by the order of execution (i.e. from low priority values to high ones). # Each line has the following format: # stage: prio: function_name in path/to/source_file on affinity_expression # Where: # stage: which startup stage the function is executed in (CORE or SECONDARY) # prio: priority value (higher value means function is executed later) # affinity_expression: bit map of cores the function is executed on ########### CORE startup stage ########### # [refactor-todo]: move init calls into respective components CORE: 1: init_efuse_check in components/efuse/src/esp_efuse_startup.c on BIT(0) # Log some information about the system CORE: 10: init_show_cpu_freq in components/esp_system/startup_funcs.c on BIT(0) CORE: 20: init_show_app_info in components/esp_app_format/esp_app_desc.c on BIT(0) CORE: 21: init_efuse_show_app_info in components/efuse/src/esp_efuse_startup.c on BIT(0) # Initialize heap allocator. WARNING: This *needs* to happen *after* the app cpu has booted. # If the heap allocator is initialized first, it will put free memory linked list items into # memory also used by the ROM. Starting the app cpu will let its ROM initialize that memory, # corrupting those linked lists. Initializing the allocator *after* the app cpu has booted # works around this problem. # With SPI RAM enabled, there's a second reason: half of the SPI RAM will be managed by the # app CPU, and when that is not up yet, the memory will be inaccessible and heap_caps_init may # fail initializing it properly. CORE: 100: init_heap in components/heap/heap_caps_init.c on BIT(0) # When apptrace module is enabled, there will be SEGGER_SYSVIEW calls in the newlib init. # SEGGER_SYSVIEW relies on apptrace module # apptrace module uses esp_timer_get_time to determine timeout conditions. # esp_timer early initialization is required for esp_timer_get_time to work. CORE: 101: esp_timer_init_nonos in components/esp_timer/src/esp_timer_init.c on BIT(0) CORE: 102: init_libc in components/newlib/src/init.c on BIT(0) # Add the psram to heap, psram vaddr region is reserved when initialising the heap, after # psram is initialised (and necessary reservation for psram usage), the rest of the psram # will be added to the heap CORE: 103: add_psram_to_heap in components/esp_psram/esp_psram.c on BIT(0) CORE: 104: init_brownout in components/esp_system/startup_funcs.c on BIT(0) CORE: 105: init_newlib_time in components/esp_system/startup_funcs.c on BIT(0) # Peripheral-specific implementation operators should be filled first # Then register vfs console, and follow by newlib stdio initialization CORE: 110: init_vfs_uart in components/esp_driver_uart/src/uart_vfs.c on BIT(0) CORE: 111: init_vfs_usj in components/esp_driver_usb_serial_jtag/src/usb_serial_jtag_vfs.c on BIT(0) CORE: 112: init_vfs_usj_sec in components/esp_driver_usb_serial_jtag/src/usb_serial_jtag_vfs.c on BIT(0) CORE: 113: init_vfs_nullfs in components/vfs/nullfs.c on BIT(0) CORE: 114: init_vfs_console in components/esp_vfs_console/vfs_console.c on BIT(0) CORE: 115: init_libc_stdio in components/newlib/src/init.c on BIT(0) CORE: 130: init_flash in components/esp_system/startup_funcs.c on BIT(0) CORE: 140: init_efuse in components/efuse/src/esp_efuse_startup.c on BIT(0) CORE: 170: init_xt_wdt in components/esp_system/startup_funcs.c on BIT(0) ########### SECONDARY startup stage ########### # esp_timer has to be initialized early, since it is used by several other components SECONDARY: 100: esp_timer_init_os in components/esp_timer/src/esp_timer.c on ESP_TIMER_INIT_MASK # HW stack guard via assist-debug module. SECONDARY: 101: esp_hw_stack_guard_init in components/esp_system/hw_stack_guard.c on ESP_SYSTEM_INIT_ALL_CORES # RNG module clock was disabled in `esp_perip_clk_init`, if hw_random is used, need to re-ebnabled it in startup SECONDARY: 102: init_rng_clock in components/esp_hw_support/hw_random.c on BIT(0) # Security specific initializations SECONDARY: 103: esp_security_init in components/esp_security/src/init.c on BIT(0) # esp_sleep doesn't have init dependencies SECONDARY: 105: esp_sleep_startup_init in components/esp_hw_support/sleep_gpio.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 106: sleep_clock_startup_init in components/esp_hw_support/lowpower/port/esp32c5/sleep_clock.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 106: sleep_clock_startup_init in components/esp_hw_support/lowpower/port/esp32c6/sleep_clock.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 106: sleep_clock_startup_init in components/esp_hw_support/lowpower/port/esp32c61/sleep_clock.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 106: sleep_clock_startup_init in components/esp_hw_support/lowpower/port/esp32h2/sleep_clock.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 106: sleep_clock_startup_init in components/esp_hw_support/lowpower/port/esp32p4/sleep_clock.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 107: sleep_sys_periph_startup_init in components/esp_hw_support/sleep_system_peripheral.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 108: sleep_mmu_startup_init in components/esp_hw_support/lowpower/port/esp32c5/sleep_mmu.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 108: sleep_mmu_startup_init in components/esp_hw_support/lowpower/port/esp32c61/sleep_mmu.c on BIT(0) # app_trace has to be initialized before systemview SECONDARY: 115: esp_apptrace_init in components/app_trace/app_trace.c on ESP_SYSTEM_INIT_ALL_CORES SECONDARY: 120: sysview_init in components/app_trace/sys_view/esp/SEGGER_RTT_esp.c on BIT(0) # coredump doesn't have init dependencies SECONDARY: 130: init_coredump in components/espcoredump/src/core_dump_init.c on BIT(0) # esp_debug_stubs doesn't have init dependencies SECONDARY: 140: init_dbg_stubs in components/app_trace/debug_stubs.c on BIT(0) # Register NVS Encryption schemes SECONDARY: 150: nvs_sec_provider_register_flash_enc_scheme in components/nvs_sec_provider/nvs_sec_provider.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 151: nvs_sec_provider_register_hmac_scheme in components/nvs_sec_provider/nvs_sec_provider.c on BIT(0) # the rest of the components which are initialized from startup_funcs.c # [refactor-todo]: move init calls into respective components SECONDARY: 201: init_pm in components/esp_system/startup_funcs.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 203: init_apb_dma in components/esp_system/startup_funcs.c on BIT(0) SECONDARY: 204: init_coexist in components/esp_system/startup_funcs.c on BIT(0) # usb_console needs to create an esp_timer at startup. # This can be done only after esp_timer initialization (esp_timer_init_os). SECONDARY: 220: esp_usb_console_init_restart_timer in components/esp_system/port/usb_console.c on BIT(0) # usb_serial_jtag needs to create and acquire a PM lock at startup. # This makes more sense to be done after esp_pm_impl_init (called from init_pm). SECONDARY: 230: usb_serial_jtag_conn_status_init in components/esp_driver_usb_serial_jtag/src/usb_serial_jtag_connection_monitor.c on BIT(0) # psram adjust timing point need a separate task which should be created at startup. # Valid only `CONFIG_SPIRAM_TIMING_TUNING_POINT_VIA_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR` is enabled. SECONDARY: 240: psram_adjust_timing_point_via_temperature in components/esp_hw_support/mspi_timing_tuning/mspi_timing_by_mspi_delay.c on BIT(0) # Has to be the last step! # Now that the application is about to start, disable boot watchdog SECONDARY: 999: init_disable_rtc_wdt in components/esp_system/startup_funcs.c on BIT(0) # DO NOT add new init functions here. Add them to the correct stage above.