#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "esp_types.h" #include "esp32/clk.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "freertos/xtensa_timer.h" #include "soc/cpu.h" #include "unity.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include "esp32/rom/uart.h" #include "soc/uart_periph.h" #include "soc/dport_reg.h" #include "soc/rtc.h" #define MHZ (1000000) static volatile bool exit_flag; static bool dport_test_result; static bool apb_test_result; static void accessDPORT(void *pvParameters) { xSemaphoreHandle *sema = (xSemaphoreHandle *) pvParameters; uint32_t dport_date = DPORT_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG); dport_test_result = true; // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe while (exit_flag == false) { if (dport_date != DPORT_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG)) { dport_test_result = false; break; } } xSemaphoreGive(*sema); vTaskDelete(NULL); } static void accessAPB(void *pvParameters) { xSemaphoreHandle *sema = (xSemaphoreHandle *) pvParameters; uint32_t uart_date = REG_READ(UART_DATE_REG(0)); apb_test_result = true; // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe while (exit_flag == false) { if (uart_date != REG_READ(UART_DATE_REG(0))) { apb_test_result = false; break; } } xSemaphoreGive(*sema); vTaskDelete(NULL); } void run_tasks(const char *task1_description, void (* task1_func)(void *), const char *task2_description, void (* task2_func)(void *), uint32_t delay_ms) { int i; TaskHandle_t th[2]; xSemaphoreHandle exit_sema[2]; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { if((task1_func != NULL && i == 0) || (task2_func != NULL && i == 1)){ exit_sema[i] = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); } } exit_flag = false; #ifndef CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE printf("assign task accessing DPORT to core 0 and task accessing APB to core 1\n"); if(task1_func != NULL) xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(task1_func, task1_description, 2048, &exit_sema[0], UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[0], 0); if(task2_func != NULL) xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(task2_func, task2_description, 2048, &exit_sema[1], UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[1], 1); #else printf("assign task accessing DPORT and accessing APB\n"); if(task1_func != NULL) xTaskCreate(task1_func, task1_description, 2048, &exit_sema[0], UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[0]); if(task2_func != NULL) xTaskCreate(task2_func, task2_description, 2048, &exit_sema[1], UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[1]); #endif printf("start wait for %d seconds [Test %s and %s]\n", delay_ms/1000, task1_description, task2_description); vTaskDelay(delay_ms / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // set exit flag to let thread exit exit_flag = true; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { if ((task1_func != NULL && i == 0) || (task2_func != NULL && i == 1)) { xSemaphoreTake(exit_sema[i], portMAX_DELAY); vSemaphoreDelete(exit_sema[i]); } } TEST_ASSERT(dport_test_result == true && apb_test_result == true); } TEST_CASE("access DPORT and APB at same time", "[esp32]") { dport_test_result = false; apb_test_result = false; printf("CPU_FREQ = %d MHz\n", esp_clk_cpu_freq()); run_tasks("accessDPORT", accessDPORT, "accessAPB", accessAPB, 10000); } void run_tasks_with_change_freq_cpu(int cpu_freq_mhz) { const int uart_num = CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_UART_NUM; const int uart_baud = CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_UART_BAUDRATE; dport_test_result = false; apb_test_result = false; rtc_cpu_freq_config_t old_config; rtc_clk_cpu_freq_get_config(&old_config); printf("CPU_FREQ = %d MHz\n", old_config.freq_mhz); if (cpu_freq_mhz != old_config.freq_mhz) { rtc_cpu_freq_config_t new_config; bool res = rtc_clk_cpu_freq_mhz_to_config(cpu_freq_mhz, &new_config); assert(res && "invalid frequency value"); uart_tx_wait_idle(uart_num); rtc_clk_cpu_freq_set_config(&new_config); uart_div_modify(uart_num, (rtc_clk_apb_freq_get() << 4) / uart_baud); /* adjust RTOS ticks */ _xt_tick_divisor = cpu_freq_mhz * 1000000 / XT_TICK_PER_SEC; vTaskDelay(2); printf("CPU_FREQ switched to %d MHz\n", cpu_freq_mhz); } run_tasks("accessDPORT", accessDPORT, "accessAPB", accessAPB, 10000); // return old freq. uart_tx_wait_idle(uart_num); rtc_clk_cpu_freq_set_config(&old_config); uart_div_modify(uart_num, (rtc_clk_apb_freq_get() << 4) / uart_baud); _xt_tick_divisor = old_config.freq_mhz * 1000000 / XT_TICK_PER_SEC; } TEST_CASE("access DPORT and APB at same time (Freq CPU and APB = 80 MHz)", "[esp32] [ignore]") { run_tasks_with_change_freq_cpu(80); } TEST_CASE("access DPORT and APB at same time (Freq CPU and APB = 40 MHz (XTAL))", "[esp32]") { run_tasks_with_change_freq_cpu((int) rtc_clk_xtal_freq_get()); } static uint32_t stall_other_cpu_counter; static uint32_t pre_reading_apb_counter; static uint32_t apb_counter; static void accessDPORT_stall_other_cpu(void *pvParameters) { xSemaphoreHandle *sema = (xSemaphoreHandle *) pvParameters; uint32_t dport_date = DPORT_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG); uint32_t dport_date_cur; dport_test_result = true; stall_other_cpu_counter = 0; // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe while (exit_flag == false) { ++stall_other_cpu_counter; DPORT_STALL_OTHER_CPU_START(); dport_date_cur = _DPORT_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG); DPORT_STALL_OTHER_CPU_END(); if (dport_date != dport_date_cur) { apb_test_result = false; break; } } xSemaphoreGive(*sema); vTaskDelete(NULL); } static void accessAPB_measure_performance(void *pvParameters) { xSemaphoreHandle *sema = (xSemaphoreHandle *) pvParameters; uint32_t uart_date = REG_READ(UART_DATE_REG(0)); apb_test_result = true; apb_counter = 0; // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe while (exit_flag == false) { ++apb_counter; if (uart_date != REG_READ(UART_DATE_REG(0))) { apb_test_result = false; break; } } xSemaphoreGive(*sema); vTaskDelete(NULL); } static void accessDPORT_pre_reading_apb(void *pvParameters) { xSemaphoreHandle *sema = (xSemaphoreHandle *) pvParameters; uint32_t dport_date = DPORT_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG); uint32_t dport_date_cur; dport_test_result = true; pre_reading_apb_counter = 0; // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe while (exit_flag == false) { ++pre_reading_apb_counter; dport_date_cur = DPORT_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG); if (dport_date != dport_date_cur) { apb_test_result = false; break; } } xSemaphoreGive(*sema); vTaskDelete(NULL); } TEST_CASE("test for DPORT access performance", "[esp32]") { dport_test_result = true; apb_test_result = true; typedef struct { uint32_t dport; uint32_t apb; uint32_t summ; } test_performance_t; test_performance_t t[5] = {0}; uint32_t delay_ms = 5000; run_tasks("-", NULL, "accessAPB", accessAPB_measure_performance, delay_ms); t[0].apb = apb_counter; t[0].dport = 0; t[0].summ = t[0].apb + t[0].dport; run_tasks("accessDPORT_stall_other_cpu", accessDPORT_stall_other_cpu, "-", NULL, delay_ms); t[1].apb = 0; t[1].dport = stall_other_cpu_counter; t[1].summ = t[1].apb + t[1].dport; run_tasks("accessDPORT_pre_reading_apb", accessDPORT_pre_reading_apb, "-", NULL, delay_ms); t[2].apb = 0; t[2].dport = pre_reading_apb_counter; t[2].summ = t[2].apb + t[2].dport; run_tasks("accessDPORT_stall_other_cpu", accessDPORT_stall_other_cpu, "accessAPB", accessAPB_measure_performance, delay_ms); t[3].apb = apb_counter; t[3].dport = stall_other_cpu_counter; t[3].summ = t[3].apb + t[3].dport; run_tasks("accessDPORT_pre_reading_apb", accessDPORT_pre_reading_apb, "accessAPB", accessAPB_measure_performance, delay_ms); t[4].apb = apb_counter; t[4].dport = pre_reading_apb_counter; t[4].summ = t[4].apb + t[4].dport; printf("\nPerformance table: \n" "The number of simultaneous read operations of the APB and DPORT registers\n" "by different methods for %d seconds.\n", delay_ms/1000); printf("+-----------------------+----------+----------+----------+\n"); printf("| Method read DPORT | DPORT | APB | SUMM |\n"); printf("+-----------------------+----------+----------+----------+\n"); printf("|1.Only accessAPB |%10d|%10d|%10d|\n", t[0].dport, t[0].apb, t[0].summ); printf("|2.Only STALL_OTHER_CPU |%10d|%10d|%10d|\n", t[1].dport, t[1].apb, t[1].summ); printf("|3.Only PRE_READ_APB_REG|%10d|%10d|%10d|\n", t[2].dport, t[2].apb, t[2].summ); printf("+-----------------------+----------+----------+----------+\n"); printf("|4.STALL_OTHER_CPU |%10d|%10d|%10d|\n", t[3].dport, t[3].apb, t[3].summ); printf("|5.PRE_READ_APB_REG |%10d|%10d|%10d|\n", t[4].dport, t[4].apb, t[4].summ); printf("+-----------------------+----------+----------+----------+\n"); printf("| ratio=PRE_READ/STALL |%10f|%10f|%10f|\n", (float)t[4].dport/t[3].dport, (float)t[4].apb/t[3].apb, (float)t[4].summ/t[3].summ); printf("+-----------------------+----------+----------+----------+\n"); } #define REPEAT_OPS 10000 static uint32_t start, end; #define BENCHMARK_START() do { \ RSR(CCOUNT, start); \ } while(0) #define BENCHMARK_END(OPERATION) do { \ RSR(CCOUNT, end); \ printf("%s took %d cycles/op (%d cycles for %d ops)\n", \ OPERATION, (end - start)/REPEAT_OPS, \ (end - start), REPEAT_OPS); \ } while(0) TEST_CASE("BENCHMARK for DPORT access performance", "[freertos]") { BENCHMARK_START(); for (int i = 0; i < REPEAT_OPS; i++) { DPORT_STALL_OTHER_CPU_START(); _DPORT_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG); DPORT_STALL_OTHER_CPU_END(); } BENCHMARK_END("[old]DPORT access STALL OTHER CPU"); BENCHMARK_START(); for (int i = 0; i < REPEAT_OPS; i++) { DPORT_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG); } BENCHMARK_END("[new]DPORT access PRE-READ APB REG"); BENCHMARK_START(); for (int i = 0; i < REPEAT_OPS; i++) { DPORT_SEQUENCE_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG); } BENCHMARK_END("[seq]DPORT access PRE-READ APB REG"); BENCHMARK_START(); for (int i = 0; i < REPEAT_OPS; i++) { REG_READ(UART_DATE_REG(0)); } BENCHMARK_END("REG_READ"); BENCHMARK_START(); for (int i = 0; i < REPEAT_OPS; i++) { _DPORT_REG_READ(DPORT_DATE_REG); } BENCHMARK_END("_DPORT_REG_READ"); }