// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "esp_heap_caps.h" #include "esp_heap_caps_init.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "freertos/portmacro.h" #include "esp_types.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_task.h" #include "riscv/interrupt.h" #include "esp_attr.h" #include "esp_phy_init.h" #include "esp_bt.h" #include "esp_err.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_pm.h" #include "esp_ipc.h" #include "driver/periph_ctrl.h" #include "soc/rtc.h" #include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h" #include "soc/soc_memory_layout.h" #include "esp_clk.h" #include "esp_coexist_internal.h" #include "esp32c3/rom/rom_layout.h" #include "esp_timer.h" #if CONFIG_BT_ENABLED /* Macro definition ************************************************************************ */ #define BTDM_LOG_TAG "BTDM_INIT" #define BTDM_INIT_PERIOD (5000) /* ms */ /* Low Power Clock Selection */ #define BTDM_LPCLK_SEL_XTAL (0) #define BTDM_LPCLK_SEL_XTAL32K (1) #define BTDM_LPCLK_SEL_RTC_SLOW (2) #define BTDM_LPCLK_SEL_8M (3) /* Sleep and wakeup interval control */ #define BTDM_MIN_SLEEP_DURATION (24) // threshold of interval in half slots to allow to fall into modem sleep #define BTDM_MODEM_WAKE_UP_DELAY (8) // delay in half slots of modem wake up procedure, including re-enable PHY/RF #define BTDM_MODEM_SLEEP_IN_EFFECT (1) #define BT_DEBUG(...) #define BT_API_CALL_CHECK(info, api_call, ret) \ do{\ esp_err_t __err = (api_call);\ if ((ret) != __err) {\ BT_DEBUG("%s %d %s ret=0x%X\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (info), __err);\ return __err;\ }\ } while(0) #define OSI_FUNCS_TIME_BLOCKING 0xffffffff #define OSI_VERSION 0x00010006 #define OSI_MAGIC_VALUE 0xFADEBEAD /* SPIRAM Configuration */ #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC #define BTDM_MAX_QUEUE_NUM (5) #endif /* Types definition ************************************************************************ */ /* VHCI function interface */ typedef struct vhci_host_callback { void (*notify_host_send_available)(void); /*!< callback used to notify that the host can send packet to controller */ int (*notify_host_recv)(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len); /*!< callback used to notify that the controller has a packet to send to the host*/ } vhci_host_callback_t; /* Dram region */ typedef struct { esp_bt_mode_t mode; intptr_t start; intptr_t end; } btdm_dram_available_region_t; /* PSRAM configuration */ #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC typedef struct { QueueHandle_t handle; void *storage; void *buffer; } btdm_queue_item_t; #endif typedef void (* osi_intr_handler)(void); static uint8_t own_bda[6]; /* OSI function */ struct osi_funcs_t { uint32_t _magic; uint32_t _version; void (*_interrupt_set)(int cpu_no, int intr_source, int interrupt_no, int interrpt_prio); void (*_interrupt_clear)(int interrupt_source, int interrupt_no); void (*_interrupt_handler_set)(int interrupt_no, intr_handler_t fn, void *arg); void (*_interrupt_disable)(void); void (*_interrupt_restore)(void); void (*_task_yield)(void); void (*_task_yield_from_isr)(void); void *(*_semphr_create)(uint32_t max, uint32_t init); void (*_semphr_delete)(void *semphr); int (*_semphr_take_from_isr)(void *semphr, void *hptw); int (*_semphr_give_from_isr)(void *semphr, void *hptw); int (*_semphr_take)(void *semphr, uint32_t block_time_ms); int (*_semphr_give)(void *semphr); void *(*_mutex_create)(void); void (*_mutex_delete)(void *mutex); int (*_mutex_lock)(void *mutex); int (*_mutex_unlock)(void *mutex); void *(* _queue_create)(uint32_t queue_len, uint32_t item_size); void (* _queue_delete)(void *queue); int (* _queue_send)(void *queue, void *item, uint32_t block_time_ms); int (* _queue_send_from_isr)(void *queue, void *item, void *hptw); int (* _queue_recv)(void *queue, void *item, uint32_t block_time_ms); int (* _queue_recv_from_isr)(void *queue, void *item, void *hptw); int (* _task_create)(void *task_func, const char *name, uint32_t stack_depth, void *param, uint32_t prio, void *task_handle, uint32_t core_id); void (* _task_delete)(void *task_handle); bool (* _is_in_isr)(void); int (* _cause_sw_intr_to_core)(int core_id, int intr_no); void *(* _malloc)(size_t size); void *(* _malloc_internal)(size_t size); void (* _free)(void *p); int (* _read_efuse_mac)(uint8_t mac[6]); void (* _srand)(unsigned int seed); int (* _rand)(void); uint32_t (* _btdm_lpcycles_2_hus)(uint32_t cycles, uint32_t *error_corr); uint32_t (* _btdm_hus_2_lpcycles)(uint32_t hus); bool (* _btdm_sleep_check_duration)(int32_t *slot_cnt); void (* _btdm_sleep_enter_phase1)(uint32_t lpcycles); /* called when interrupt is disabled */ void (* _btdm_sleep_enter_phase2)(void); void (* _btdm_sleep_exit_phase1)(void); /* called from ISR */ void (* _btdm_sleep_exit_phase2)(void); /* called from ISR */ void (* _btdm_sleep_exit_phase3)(void); /* called from task */ void (* _coex_wifi_sleep_set)(bool sleep); int (* _coex_core_ble_conn_dyn_prio_get)(bool *low, bool *high); void (* _coex_schm_status_bit_set)(uint32_t type, uint32_t status); void (* _coex_schm_status_bit_clear)(uint32_t type, uint32_t status); void (* _interrupt_on)(int intr_num); void (* _interrupt_off)(int intr_num); void (* _esp_hw_power_down)(void); void (* _esp_hw_power_up)(void); void (* _ets_backup_dma_copy)(uint32_t reg, uint32_t mem_addr, uint32_t num, bool to_rem); }; /* External functions or values ************************************************************************ */ /* not for user call, so don't put to include file */ /* OSI */ extern int btdm_osi_funcs_register(void *osi_funcs); /* Initialise and De-initialise */ extern int btdm_controller_init(esp_bt_controller_config_t *config_opts); extern void btdm_controller_deinit(void); extern int btdm_controller_enable(esp_bt_mode_t mode); extern void btdm_controller_disable(void); extern uint8_t btdm_controller_get_mode(void); extern const char *btdm_controller_get_compile_version(void); extern void btdm_rf_bb_init_phase2(void); // shall be called after PHY/RF is enabled /* Sleep */ extern void btdm_controller_enable_sleep(bool enable); extern uint8_t btdm_controller_get_sleep_mode(void); extern bool btdm_power_state_active(void); extern void btdm_wakeup_request(void); extern void btdm_wakeup_request_start(void); extern void btdm_wakeup_request_end(void); /* Low Power Clock */ extern bool btdm_lpclk_select_src(uint32_t sel); extern bool btdm_lpclk_set_div(uint32_t div); extern int btdm_hci_tl_io_event_post(int event); /* VHCI */ extern bool API_vhci_host_check_send_available(void); extern void API_vhci_host_send_packet(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len); extern int API_vhci_host_register_callback(const vhci_host_callback_t *callback); /* TX power */ extern int ble_txpwr_set(int power_type, int power_level); extern int ble_txpwr_get(int power_type); extern uint16_t l2c_ble_link_get_tx_buf_num(void); extern int coex_core_ble_conn_dyn_prio_get(bool *low, bool *high); extern bool btdm_deep_sleep_mem_init(void); extern void btdm_deep_sleep_mem_deinit(void); extern void btdm_ble_power_down_dma_copy(bool copy); extern uint8_t btdm_sleep_clock_sync(void); #if CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB extern void esp_mac_bb_power_down(void); extern void esp_mac_bb_power_up(void); extern void ets_backup_dma_copy(uint32_t reg, uint32_t mem_addr, uint32_t num, bool to_mem); #endif extern char _bss_start_btdm; extern char _bss_end_btdm; extern char _data_start_btdm; extern char _data_end_btdm; extern uint32_t _data_start_btdm_rom; extern uint32_t _data_end_btdm_rom; extern uint32_t _bt_bss_start; extern uint32_t _bt_bss_end; extern uint32_t _btdm_bss_start; extern uint32_t _btdm_bss_end; extern uint32_t _bt_data_start; extern uint32_t _bt_data_end; extern uint32_t _btdm_data_start; extern uint32_t _btdm_data_end; extern char _bt_tmp_bss_start; extern char _bt_tmp_bss_end; /* Local Function Declare ********************************************************************* */ #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC static bool btdm_queue_generic_register(const btdm_queue_item_t *queue); static bool btdm_queue_generic_deregister(btdm_queue_item_t *queue); #endif /* CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC */ static void interrupt_set_wrapper(int cpu_no, int intr_source, int intr_num, int intr_prio); static void interrupt_clear_wrapper(int intr_source, int intr_num); static void interrupt_handler_set_wrapper(int n, intr_handler_t fn, void *arg); static void IRAM_ATTR interrupt_disable(void); static void IRAM_ATTR interrupt_restore(void); static void IRAM_ATTR task_yield_from_isr(void); static void *semphr_create_wrapper(uint32_t max, uint32_t init); static void semphr_delete_wrapper(void *semphr); static int IRAM_ATTR semphr_take_from_isr_wrapper(void *semphr, void *hptw); static int IRAM_ATTR semphr_give_from_isr_wrapper(void *semphr, void *hptw); static int semphr_take_wrapper(void *semphr, uint32_t block_time_ms); static int semphr_give_wrapper(void *semphr); static void *mutex_create_wrapper(void); static void mutex_delete_wrapper(void *mutex); static int mutex_lock_wrapper(void *mutex); static int mutex_unlock_wrapper(void *mutex); static void *queue_create_wrapper(uint32_t queue_len, uint32_t item_size); static void queue_delete_wrapper(void *queue); static int queue_send_wrapper(void *queue, void *item, uint32_t block_time_ms); static int IRAM_ATTR queue_send_from_isr_wrapper(void *queue, void *item, void *hptw); static int queue_recv_wrapper(void *queue, void *item, uint32_t block_time_ms); static int IRAM_ATTR queue_recv_from_isr_wrapper(void *queue, void *item, void *hptw); static int task_create_wrapper(void *task_func, const char *name, uint32_t stack_depth, void *param, uint32_t prio, void *task_handle, uint32_t core_id); static void task_delete_wrapper(void *task_handle); static bool IRAM_ATTR is_in_isr_wrapper(void); static void *malloc_internal_wrapper(size_t size); static int IRAM_ATTR read_mac_wrapper(uint8_t mac[6]); static void IRAM_ATTR srand_wrapper(unsigned int seed); static int IRAM_ATTR rand_wrapper(void); static uint32_t IRAM_ATTR btdm_lpcycles_2_hus(uint32_t cycles, uint32_t *error_corr); static uint32_t IRAM_ATTR btdm_hus_2_lpcycles(uint32_t hus); static bool IRAM_ATTR btdm_sleep_check_duration(int32_t *slot_cnt); static void btdm_sleep_enter_phase1_wrapper(uint32_t lpcycles); static void btdm_sleep_enter_phase2_wrapper(void); static void IRAM_ATTR btdm_sleep_exit_phase1_wrapper(void); static void btdm_sleep_exit_phase3_wrapper(void); static void coex_wifi_sleep_set_hook(bool sleep); static void coex_schm_status_bit_set_wrapper(uint32_t type, uint32_t status); static void coex_schm_status_bit_clear_wrapper(uint32_t type, uint32_t status); static void interrupt_on_wrapper(int intr_num); static void interrupt_off_wrapper(int intr_num); static void btdm_hw_mac_power_up_wrapper(void); static void btdm_hw_mac_power_down_wrapper(void); static void btdm_backup_dma_copy_wrapper(uint32_t reg, uint32_t mem_addr, uint32_t num, bool to_mem); /* Local variable definition *************************************************************************** */ /* OSI funcs */ static const struct osi_funcs_t osi_funcs_ro = { ._magic = OSI_MAGIC_VALUE, ._version = OSI_VERSION, ._interrupt_set = interrupt_set_wrapper, ._interrupt_clear = interrupt_clear_wrapper, ._interrupt_handler_set = interrupt_handler_set_wrapper, ._interrupt_disable = interrupt_disable, ._interrupt_restore = interrupt_restore, ._task_yield = vPortYield, ._task_yield_from_isr = task_yield_from_isr, ._semphr_create = semphr_create_wrapper, ._semphr_delete = semphr_delete_wrapper, ._semphr_take_from_isr = semphr_take_from_isr_wrapper, ._semphr_give_from_isr = semphr_give_from_isr_wrapper, ._semphr_take = semphr_take_wrapper, ._semphr_give = semphr_give_wrapper, ._mutex_create = mutex_create_wrapper, ._mutex_delete = mutex_delete_wrapper, ._mutex_lock = mutex_lock_wrapper, ._mutex_unlock = mutex_unlock_wrapper, ._queue_create = queue_create_wrapper, ._queue_delete = queue_delete_wrapper, ._queue_send = queue_send_wrapper, ._queue_send_from_isr = queue_send_from_isr_wrapper, ._queue_recv = queue_recv_wrapper, ._queue_recv_from_isr = queue_recv_from_isr_wrapper, ._task_create = task_create_wrapper, ._task_delete = task_delete_wrapper, ._is_in_isr = is_in_isr_wrapper, ._cause_sw_intr_to_core = NULL, ._malloc = malloc, ._malloc_internal = malloc_internal_wrapper, ._free = free, ._read_efuse_mac = read_mac_wrapper, ._srand = srand_wrapper, ._rand = rand_wrapper, ._btdm_lpcycles_2_hus = btdm_lpcycles_2_hus, ._btdm_hus_2_lpcycles = btdm_hus_2_lpcycles, ._btdm_sleep_check_duration = btdm_sleep_check_duration, ._btdm_sleep_enter_phase1 = btdm_sleep_enter_phase1_wrapper, ._btdm_sleep_enter_phase2 = btdm_sleep_enter_phase2_wrapper, ._btdm_sleep_exit_phase1 = btdm_sleep_exit_phase1_wrapper, ._btdm_sleep_exit_phase2 = NULL, ._btdm_sleep_exit_phase3 = btdm_sleep_exit_phase3_wrapper, //._coex_bt_request = coex_bt_request_wrapper, ._coex_wifi_sleep_set = coex_wifi_sleep_set_hook, ._coex_core_ble_conn_dyn_prio_get = coex_core_ble_conn_dyn_prio_get, ._coex_schm_status_bit_set = coex_schm_status_bit_set_wrapper, ._coex_schm_status_bit_clear = coex_schm_status_bit_clear_wrapper, //._coex_bt_release = coex_bt_release_wrapper, // ._coex_register_bt_cb = coex_register_bt_cb_wrapper, // ._coex_bb_reset_lock = coex_bb_reset_lock_wrapper, //._coex_bb_reset_unlock = coex_bb_reset_unlock_wrapper, ._interrupt_on = interrupt_on_wrapper, ._interrupt_off = interrupt_off_wrapper, ._esp_hw_power_down = btdm_hw_mac_power_down_wrapper, ._esp_hw_power_up = btdm_hw_mac_power_up_wrapper, ._ets_backup_dma_copy = btdm_backup_dma_copy_wrapper, }; static DRAM_ATTR struct osi_funcs_t *osi_funcs_p; #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC static DRAM_ATTR btdm_queue_item_t btdm_queue_table[BTDM_MAX_QUEUE_NUM]; static DRAM_ATTR SemaphoreHandle_t btdm_queue_table_mux = NULL; #endif /* #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC */ /* Static variable declare */ // timestamp when PHY/RF was switched on // static DRAM_ATTR int64_t s_time_phy_rf_just_enabled = 0; static DRAM_ATTR esp_bt_controller_status_t btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_IDLE; static DRAM_ATTR portMUX_TYPE global_int_mux = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; // measured average low power clock period in micro seconds static DRAM_ATTR uint32_t btdm_lpcycle_us = 0; static DRAM_ATTR uint8_t btdm_lpcycle_us_frac = 0; // number of fractional bit for btdm_lpcycle_us #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE static DRAM_ATTR esp_pm_lock_handle_t s_pm_lock; static DRAM_ATTR esp_pm_lock_handle_t s_light_sleep_pm_lock; // pm_lock to prevent light sleep due to incompatibility currently static DRAM_ATTR QueueHandle_t s_pm_lock_sem = NULL; #endif #if (defined CONFIG_PM_ENABLE) || (defined CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) static DRAM_ATTR esp_timer_handle_t s_btdm_slp_tmr; static void btdm_slp_tmr_callback(void *arg); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB static bool sleep_backup_en = false; static bool sleep_backup_done = false; #endif static inline void btdm_check_and_init_bb(void) { // todo: // btdm_rf_bb_init_phase2(); } void btdm_hw_mac_power_down_wrapper(void) { #if CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB esp_mac_bb_power_down(); #endif } void btdm_hw_mac_power_up_wrapper(void) { #if CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB esp_mac_bb_power_up(); #endif } void btdm_backup_dma_copy_wrapper(uint32_t reg, uint32_t mem_addr, uint32_t num, bool to_mem) { #if CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB ets_backup_dma_copy(reg, mem_addr, num, to_mem); #endif } #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC static bool btdm_queue_generic_register(const btdm_queue_item_t *queue) { if (!btdm_queue_table_mux || !queue) { return NULL; } bool ret = false; btdm_queue_item_t *item; xSemaphoreTake(btdm_queue_table_mux, portMAX_DELAY); for (int i = 0; i < BTDM_MAX_QUEUE_NUM; ++i) { item = &btdm_queue_table[i]; if (item->handle == NULL) { memcpy(item, queue, sizeof(btdm_queue_item_t)); ret = true; break; } } xSemaphoreGive(btdm_queue_table_mux); return ret; } static bool btdm_queue_generic_deregister(btdm_queue_item_t *queue) { if (!btdm_queue_table_mux || !queue) { return false; } bool ret = false; btdm_queue_item_t *item; xSemaphoreTake(btdm_queue_table_mux, portMAX_DELAY); for (int i = 0; i < BTDM_MAX_QUEUE_NUM; ++i) { item = &btdm_queue_table[i]; if (item->handle == queue->handle) { memcpy(queue, item, sizeof(btdm_queue_item_t)); memset(item, 0, sizeof(btdm_queue_item_t)); ret = true; break; } } xSemaphoreGive(btdm_queue_table_mux); return ret; } #endif /* CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC */ static void interrupt_set_wrapper(int cpu_no, int intr_source, int intr_num, int intr_prio) { intr_matrix_route(intr_source, intr_num); esprv_intc_int_set_priority(intr_num, intr_prio); //esprv_intc_int_enable_level(1 << intr_num); esprv_intc_int_set_type(intr_num, 0); } static void interrupt_clear_wrapper(int intr_source, int intr_num) { } static void interrupt_handler_set_wrapper(int n, intr_handler_t fn, void *arg) { intr_handler_set(n, fn, arg); } static void interrupt_on_wrapper(int intr_num) { esprv_intc_int_enable(1 << intr_num); } static void interrupt_off_wrapper(int intr_num) { esprv_intc_int_disable(1<> btdm_lpcycle_us_frac; return (uint32_t)us; } #endif static uint32_t IRAM_ATTR btdm_lpcycles_2_hus(uint32_t cycles, uint32_t *error_corr) { uint64_t local_error_corr = (error_corr == NULL) ? 0 : (uint64_t)(*error_corr); uint64_t res = (uint64_t)btdm_lpcycle_us * cycles * 2; local_error_corr += res; res = (local_error_corr >> btdm_lpcycle_us_frac); local_error_corr -= (res << btdm_lpcycle_us_frac); if (error_corr) { *error_corr = (uint32_t) local_error_corr; } return (uint32_t)res; } /* * @brief Converts a duration in half us into a number of low power clock cycles. */ static uint32_t IRAM_ATTR btdm_hus_2_lpcycles(uint32_t hus) { // The number of sleep duration(us) should not lead to overflow. Thrs: 100s // Compute the sleep duration in us to low power clock cycles, with calibration result applied // clock measurement is conducted uint64_t cycles = ((uint64_t)(hus) << btdm_lpcycle_us_frac) / btdm_lpcycle_us; cycles >>= 1; return (uint32_t)cycles; } static bool IRAM_ATTR btdm_sleep_check_duration(int32_t *half_slot_cnt) { if (*half_slot_cnt < BTDM_MIN_SLEEP_DURATION) { return false; } /* wake up in advance considering the delay in enabling PHY/RF */ *half_slot_cnt -= BTDM_MODEM_WAKE_UP_DELAY; return true; } static void btdm_sleep_enter_phase1_wrapper(uint32_t lpcycles) { #if (defined CONFIG_PM_ENABLE) || (defined CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) // start a timer to wake up and acquire the pm_lock before modem_sleep awakes uint32_t us_to_sleep = btdm_lpcycles_2_us(lpcycles); #define BTDM_MIN_TIMER_UNCERTAINTY_US (1800) assert(us_to_sleep > BTDM_MIN_TIMER_UNCERTAINTY_US); // allow a maximum time uncertainty to be about 488ppm(1/2048) at least as clock drift // and set the timer in advance uint32_t uncertainty = (us_to_sleep >> 11); if (uncertainty < BTDM_MIN_TIMER_UNCERTAINTY_US) { uncertainty = BTDM_MIN_TIMER_UNCERTAINTY_US; } if (esp_timer_start_once(s_btdm_slp_tmr, us_to_sleep - uncertainty) != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGW(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "timer start failed"); } #endif } static void btdm_sleep_enter_phase2_wrapper(void) { if (btdm_controller_get_sleep_mode() == ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { #if BTDM_MODEM_SLEEP_IN_EFFECT esp_phy_disable(); #endif /* BTDM_MODEM_SLEEP_IN_EFFECT */ #if (CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) if(sleep_backup_en) { btdm_ble_power_down_dma_copy(true); sleep_backup_done = true; } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_release(s_pm_lock); semphr_give_wrapper(s_pm_lock_sem); #endif } } static void IRAM_ATTR btdm_sleep_exit_phase1_wrapper(void) { #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE if (semphr_take_from_isr_wrapper(s_pm_lock_sem, NULL) == pdTRUE) { esp_pm_lock_acquire(s_pm_lock); } #endif } static void btdm_sleep_exit_phase3_wrapper(void) { if(btdm_sleep_clock_sync()) { ESP_LOGE(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "sleep eco state err\n"); assert(0); } if (btdm_controller_get_sleep_mode() == ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { #if BTDM_MODEM_SLEEP_IN_EFFECT esp_phy_enable(); #endif /* BTDM_MODEM_SLEEP_IN_EFFECT */ btdm_check_and_init_bb(); #if (defined CONFIG_PM_ENABLE) || (defined CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) esp_timer_stop(s_btdm_slp_tmr); #endif } } #if (defined CONFIG_PM_ENABLE) || (defined CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) static void IRAM_ATTR btdm_slp_tmr_callback(void *arg) { #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE if (semphr_take_wrapper(s_pm_lock_sem, 0) == pdTRUE) { esp_pm_lock_acquire(s_pm_lock); } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB if (sleep_backup_en && sleep_backup_done) { btdm_ble_power_down_dma_copy(false); sleep_backup_done = false; } #endif } #endif static void coex_schm_status_bit_set_wrapper(uint32_t type, uint32_t status) { #if CONFIG_SW_COEXIST_ENABLE coex_schm_status_bit_set(type, status); #endif } static void coex_schm_status_bit_clear_wrapper(uint32_t type, uint32_t status) { #if CONFIG_SW_COEXIST_ENABLE coex_schm_status_bit_clear(type, status); #endif } bool esp_vhci_host_check_send_available(void) { return API_vhci_host_check_send_available(); } void esp_vhci_host_send_packet(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { btdm_wakeup_request_start(); if (!btdm_power_state_active()) { #if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE if (semphr_take_wrapper(s_pm_lock_sem, 0)) { esp_pm_lock_acquire(s_pm_lock); } #endif #if (defined CONFIG_PM_ENABLE) || (defined CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) esp_timer_stop(s_btdm_slp_tmr); #ifdef CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB if (sleep_backup_en && sleep_backup_done) { btdm_ble_power_down_dma_copy(false); sleep_backup_done = false; } #endif // CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB #endif btdm_wakeup_request(); } API_vhci_host_send_packet(data, len); btdm_wakeup_request_end(); } esp_err_t esp_vhci_host_register_callback(const esp_vhci_host_callback_t *callback) { return API_vhci_host_register_callback((const vhci_host_callback_t *)callback) == 0 ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL; } static void btdm_controller_mem_init(void) { extern void btdm_controller_rom_data_init(void ); btdm_controller_rom_data_init(); } esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_mem_release(esp_bt_mode_t mode) { ESP_LOGW(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "%s not implemented, return OK", __func__); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t esp_bt_mem_release(esp_bt_mode_t mode) { ESP_LOGW(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "%s not implemented, return OK", __func__); return ESP_OK; } static esp_err_t try_heap_caps_add_region(intptr_t start, intptr_t end) { int ret = heap_caps_add_region(start, end); /* heap_caps_add_region() returns ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE if the memory region is * is too small to fit a heap. This cannot be termed as a fatal error and hence * we replace it by ESP_OK */ if (ret == ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE) { return ESP_OK; } return ret; } // release wifi and coex memory, free about 720 bytes, void esp_release_wifi_and_coex_mem(void) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(try_heap_caps_add_region((intptr_t)ets_rom_layout_p->dram_start_coexist, (intptr_t)ets_rom_layout_p->dram_end_pp)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(try_heap_caps_add_region((intptr_t)ets_rom_layout_p->data_start_interface_coexist,(intptr_t)ets_rom_layout_p->bss_end_interface_pp)); } esp_err_t esp_bluetooth_stop(void) { #ifdef CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB if (sleep_backup_en && sleep_backup_done) { btdm_hw_mac_power_up_wrapper(); // le module power up CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(RTC_CNTL_DIG_PWC_REG, RTC_CNTL_BT_FORCE_PD); CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(RTC_CNTL_DIG_ISO_REG, RTC_CNTL_BT_FORCE_ISO); sleep_backup_done = false; } #endif return 0; } esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_init(esp_bt_controller_config_t *cfg) { esp_err_t err; btdm_controller_mem_init(); if (esp_register_shutdown_handler((shutdown_handler_t)esp_bluetooth_stop) != 0) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } osi_funcs_p = (struct osi_funcs_t *)malloc_internal_wrapper(sizeof(struct osi_funcs_t)); if (osi_funcs_p == NULL) { return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } memcpy(osi_funcs_p, &osi_funcs_ro, sizeof(struct osi_funcs_t)); if (btdm_osi_funcs_register(osi_funcs_p) != 0) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } #if (CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) bool try_alloc = btdm_deep_sleep_mem_init(); if(try_alloc) { sleep_backup_en = true; } #endif if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_IDLE) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } if (cfg == NULL) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } if (cfg->controller_task_prio != ESP_TASK_BT_CONTROLLER_PRIO || cfg->controller_task_stack_size < ESP_TASK_BT_CONTROLLER_STACK) { ESP_LOGE(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "Invalid controller task prioriy or stack size"); return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } //overwrite some parameters cfg->magic = ESP_BT_CTRL_CONFIG_MAGIC_VAL; if (cfg->bluetooth_mode != ESP_BT_MODE_BLE) { ESP_LOGE(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "%s controller only support BLE only mode", __func__); return ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (cfg->bluetooth_mode & ESP_BT_MODE_BLE) { if ((cfg->ble_max_act <= 0) || (cfg->ble_max_act > BT_CTRL_BLE_MAX_ACT_LIMIT)) { ESP_LOGE(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "Invalid value of ble_max_act"); return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } } if (cfg->sleep_mode == ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { if (cfg->sleep_clock == ESP_BT_SLEEP_CLOCK_NONE) { ESP_LOGE(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "SLEEP_MODE_1 enabled but sleep clock not configured"); return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } } read_mac_wrapper(own_bda); ESP_LOGI(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "BT controller compile version [%s]", btdm_controller_get_compile_version()); #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC btdm_queue_table_mux = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); if (btdm_queue_table_mux == NULL) { return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } memset(btdm_queue_table, 0, sizeof(btdm_queue_item_t) * BTDM_MAX_QUEUE_NUM); #endif if (cfg->sleep_mode == ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE if ((err = esp_pm_lock_create(ESP_PM_NO_LIGHT_SLEEP, 0, "btLS", &s_light_sleep_pm_lock)) != ESP_OK) { goto error; } if ((err = esp_pm_lock_create(ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX, 0, "bt", &s_pm_lock)) != ESP_OK) { goto error; } s_pm_lock_sem = semphr_create_wrapper(1, 0); if (s_pm_lock_sem == NULL) { err = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto error; } #endif #if (defined CONFIG_PM_ENABLE) || (defined CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) esp_timer_create_args_t create_args = { .callback = btdm_slp_tmr_callback, .arg = NULL, .name = "btSlp" }; if ((err = esp_timer_create(&create_args, &s_btdm_slp_tmr)) != ESP_OK) { goto error; } #endif do {// todo: rewrite this block of code for chip #if CONFIG_IDF_ENV_FPGA // overwrite the sleep clock for FPGA cfg->sleep_clock = ESP_BT_SLEEP_CLOCK_FPGA_32K; ESP_LOGW(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "%s sleep clock overwrite on FPGA", __func__); #endif bool select_src_ret = false; bool set_div_ret = false; if (cfg->sleep_clock == ESP_BT_SLEEP_CLOCK_MAIN_XTAL) { select_src_ret = btdm_lpclk_select_src(BTDM_LPCLK_SEL_XTAL); set_div_ret = btdm_lpclk_set_div(rtc_clk_xtal_freq_get() * 2); assert(select_src_ret && set_div_ret); btdm_lpcycle_us_frac = RTC_CLK_CAL_FRACT; btdm_lpcycle_us = 2 << (btdm_lpcycle_us_frac); } else if (cfg->sleep_clock == ESP_BT_SLEEP_CLOCK_EXT_32K_XTAL) { select_src_ret = btdm_lpclk_select_src(BTDM_LPCLK_SEL_XTAL32K); set_div_ret = btdm_lpclk_set_div(0); assert(select_src_ret && set_div_ret); btdm_lpcycle_us_frac = RTC_CLK_CAL_FRACT; btdm_lpcycle_us = esp_clk_slowclk_cal_get(); assert(btdm_lpcycle_us != 0); } else if (cfg->sleep_clock == ESP_BT_SLEEP_CLOCK_FPGA_32K) { // on FPGA, the low power clock is hard-wired to a 32kHz(clock cycle 31.25us) oscillator btdm_lpcycle_us_frac = RTC_CLK_CAL_FRACT; btdm_lpcycle_us = 125 << (btdm_lpcycle_us_frac - 2); } } while (0); } #if CONFIG_SW_COEXIST_ENABLE coex_init(); #endif periph_module_enable(PERIPH_BT_MODULE); #ifdef CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB btdm_hw_mac_power_up_wrapper(); #endif // must do fpga_init and phy init before controller init esp_phy_enable(); if (btdm_controller_init(cfg) != 0) { err = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto error; } btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_INITED; return ESP_OK; error: #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE if (s_light_sleep_pm_lock != NULL) { esp_pm_lock_delete(s_light_sleep_pm_lock); s_light_sleep_pm_lock = NULL; } if (s_pm_lock != NULL) { esp_pm_lock_delete(s_pm_lock); s_pm_lock = NULL; } if (s_pm_lock_sem) { semphr_delete_wrapper(s_pm_lock_sem); s_pm_lock_sem = NULL; } #endif #if (defined CONFIG_PM_ENABLE) || (defined CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) if (s_btdm_slp_tmr != NULL) { esp_timer_delete(s_btdm_slp_tmr); s_btdm_slp_tmr = NULL; } #endif #if (CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) btdm_deep_sleep_mem_deinit(); sleep_backup_en = false; #endif esp_unregister_shutdown_handler((shutdown_handler_t)esp_bluetooth_stop); return err; } esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_deinit(void) { if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_INITED) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } btdm_controller_deinit(); #if (CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) btdm_deep_sleep_mem_deinit(); #endif esp_unregister_shutdown_handler((shutdown_handler_t)esp_bluetooth_stop); periph_module_disable(PERIPH_BT_MODULE); esp_phy_disable(); #ifdef CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB btdm_hw_mac_power_down_wrapper(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_delete(s_light_sleep_pm_lock); s_light_sleep_pm_lock = NULL; esp_pm_lock_delete(s_pm_lock); s_pm_lock = NULL; semphr_delete_wrapper(s_pm_lock_sem); s_pm_lock_sem = NULL; #endif #if ( defined CONFIG_PM_ENABLE) || (defined CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_WIFI_BT_MAC_BB) esp_timer_stop(s_btdm_slp_tmr); esp_timer_delete(s_btdm_slp_tmr); s_btdm_slp_tmr = NULL; #endif #if CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC vSemaphoreDelete(btdm_queue_table_mux); btdm_queue_table_mux = NULL; memset(btdm_queue_table, 0, sizeof(btdm_queue_item_t) * BTDM_MAX_QUEUE_NUM); #endif free(osi_funcs_p); osi_funcs_p = NULL; btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_IDLE; btdm_lpcycle_us = 0; return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_enable(esp_bt_mode_t mode) { int ret; if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_INITED) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } //As the history reason, mode should be equal to the mode which set in esp_bt_controller_init() if (mode != btdm_controller_get_mode()) { ESP_LOGE(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "invalid mode %d, controller support mode is %d", mode, btdm_controller_get_mode()); return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_acquire(s_light_sleep_pm_lock); esp_pm_lock_acquire(s_pm_lock); #endif // esp_phy_enable(); #if CONFIG_SW_COEXIST_ENABLE coex_enable(); #endif if (btdm_controller_get_sleep_mode() == ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { btdm_controller_enable_sleep(true); } // inititalize bluetooth baseband btdm_check_and_init_bb(); ret = btdm_controller_enable(mode); if (ret) { // esp_phy_disable(); #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_release(s_light_sleep_pm_lock); esp_pm_lock_release(s_pm_lock); #endif return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_ENABLED; return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_disable(void) { if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_ENABLED) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } // disable modem sleep and wake up from sleep mode if (btdm_controller_get_sleep_mode() == ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { btdm_controller_enable_sleep(false); if (!btdm_power_state_active()) { btdm_wakeup_request(); } while (!btdm_power_state_active()) { esp_rom_delay_us(1000); } } btdm_controller_disable(); #if CONFIG_SW_COEXIST_ENABLE coex_disable(); #endif // esp_phy_disable(); btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_INITED; #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_release(s_light_sleep_pm_lock); esp_pm_lock_release(s_pm_lock); #endif return ESP_OK; } esp_bt_controller_status_t esp_bt_controller_get_status(void) { return btdm_controller_status; } uint8_t* esp_bt_get_mac(void) { return own_bda; } /* extra functions */ esp_err_t esp_ble_tx_power_set(esp_ble_power_type_t power_type, esp_power_level_t power_level) { ESP_LOGW(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "%s not implemented, return OK", __func__); return ESP_OK; } esp_power_level_t esp_ble_tx_power_get(esp_ble_power_type_t power_type) { ESP_LOGW(BTDM_LOG_TAG, "%s not implemented, return 0", __func__); return 0; } esp_err_t esp_bt_sleep_enable (void) { esp_err_t status; if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_ENABLED) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } if (btdm_controller_get_sleep_mode() == ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { btdm_controller_enable_sleep (true); status = ESP_OK; } else { status = ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } return status; } esp_err_t esp_bt_sleep_disable (void) { esp_err_t status; if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_ENABLED) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } if (btdm_controller_get_sleep_mode() == ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { btdm_controller_enable_sleep (false); status = ESP_OK; } else { status = ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } return status; } bool esp_bt_controller_is_sleeping(void) { if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_ENABLED || btdm_controller_get_sleep_mode() != ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { return false; } return !btdm_power_state_active(); } void esp_bt_controller_wakeup_request(void) { if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_ENABLED || btdm_controller_get_sleep_mode() != ESP_BT_SLEEP_MODE_1) { return; } btdm_wakeup_request(); } int IRAM_ATTR esp_bt_h4tl_eif_io_event_notify(int event) { return btdm_hci_tl_io_event_post(event); } void force_wifi_mode(int arg) { } void unforce_wifi_mode(void) { } void bt_bb_init_cmplx_reg(void) { } uint16_t esp_bt_get_tx_buf_num(void) { return l2c_ble_link_get_tx_buf_num(); } static void coex_wifi_sleep_set_hook(bool sleep) { } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ENABLED */