 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  This AVDTP adaption layer module interfaces to L2CAP

#include <string.h>
#include "bt_types.h"
#include "bt_target.h"
#include "bt_utils.h"
#include "avdt_api.h"
#include "avdtc_api.h"
#include "avdt_int.h"
#include "l2c_api.h"
#include "l2cdefs.h"
#include "btm_api.h"
#include "btm_int.h"

/* callback function declarations */
void avdt_l2c_connect_ind_cback(BD_ADDR bd_addr, UINT16 lcid, UINT16 psm, UINT8 id);
void avdt_l2c_connect_cfm_cback(UINT16 lcid, UINT16 result);
void avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback(UINT16 lcid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg);
void avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg);
void avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, BOOLEAN ack_needed);
void avdt_l2c_disconnect_cfm_cback(UINT16 lcid, UINT16 result);
void avdt_l2c_congestion_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, BOOLEAN is_congested);
void avdt_l2c_data_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, BT_HDR *p_buf);

/* L2CAP callback function structure */
const tL2CAP_APPL_INFO avdt_l2c_appl = {
    NULL                /* tL2CA_TX_COMPLETE_CB */

** Function         avdt_sec_check_complete_term
** Description      The function called when Security Manager finishes
**                  verification of the service side connection
** Returns          void
static void avdt_sec_check_complete_term (BD_ADDR bd_addr, tBT_TRANSPORT transport,
                                                 void *p_ref_data, UINT8 res)
    tAVDT_CCB       *p_ccb = NULL;
    tL2CAP_CFG_INFO cfg;
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_sec_check_complete_term res: %d\n", res);
    if (!bd_addr)
        AVDT_TRACE_WARNING("avdt_sec_check_complete_term: NULL BD_ADDR");

    p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_bd(bd_addr);

    p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(AVDT_CHAN_SIG, p_ccb, AVDT_AD_ST_SEC_ACP);
    if (p_tbl == NULL)

    if (res == BTM_SUCCESS)
        /* Send response to the L2CAP layer. */
        L2CA_ConnectRsp (bd_addr, p_tbl->id, p_tbl->lcid, L2CAP_CONN_OK, L2CAP_CONN_OK);

        /* store idx in LCID table, store LCID in routing table */
        avdt_cb.ad.lcid_tbl[p_tbl->lcid - L2CAP_BASE_APPL_CID] = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx(p_tbl);
        avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][p_tbl->tcid].lcid = p_tbl->lcid;

        /* transition to configuration state */
        p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_CFG;

        /* Send L2CAP config req */
        memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        cfg.mtu_present = TRUE;
        cfg.mtu = p_tbl->my_mtu;
        cfg.flush_to_present = TRUE;
        cfg.flush_to = p_tbl->my_flush_to;
        L2CA_ConfigReq(p_tbl->lcid, &cfg);
        L2CA_ConnectRsp (bd_addr, p_tbl->id, p_tbl->lcid, L2CAP_CONN_SECURITY_BLOCK, L2CAP_CONN_OK);
        avdt_ad_tc_close_ind(p_tbl, L2CAP_CONN_SECURITY_BLOCK);

** Function         avdt_sec_check_complete_orig
** Description      The function called when Security Manager finishes
**                  verification of the service side connection
** Returns          void
static void avdt_sec_check_complete_orig (BD_ADDR bd_addr, tBT_TRANSPORT trasnport,
                                                void *p_ref_data, UINT8 res)
    tAVDT_CCB       *p_ccb = NULL;
    tL2CAP_CFG_INFO cfg;
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_sec_check_complete_orig res: %d\n", res);
    if (bd_addr)
        p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_bd(bd_addr);
    p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(AVDT_CHAN_SIG, p_ccb, AVDT_AD_ST_SEC_INT);
    if(p_tbl == NULL)

    if( res == BTM_SUCCESS )
        /* set channel state */
        p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_CFG;

        /* Send L2CAP config req */
        memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        cfg.mtu_present = TRUE;
        cfg.mtu = p_tbl->my_mtu;
        cfg.flush_to_present = TRUE;
        cfg.flush_to = p_tbl->my_flush_to;
        L2CA_ConfigReq(p_tbl->lcid, &cfg);
        L2CA_DisconnectReq (p_tbl->lcid);
        avdt_ad_tc_close_ind(p_tbl, L2CAP_CONN_SECURITY_BLOCK);
** Function         avdt_l2c_connect_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP connect indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_connect_ind_cback(BD_ADDR bd_addr, UINT16 lcid, UINT16 psm, UINT8 id)
    tAVDT_CCB       *p_ccb;
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl = NULL;
    UINT16          result;
    tL2CAP_CFG_INFO cfg;
    tBTM_STATUS rc;

    /* do we already have a control channel for this peer? */
    if ((p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_bd(bd_addr)) == NULL)
        /* no, allocate ccb */
        if ((p_ccb = avdt_ccb_alloc(bd_addr)) == NULL)
            /* no ccb available, reject L2CAP connection */
            result = L2CAP_CONN_NO_RESOURCES;
            /* allocate and set up entry; first channel is always signaling */
            p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_alloc(p_ccb);
            p_tbl->my_mtu = avdt_cb.rcb.ctrl_mtu;
            p_tbl->my_flush_to = L2CAP_DEFAULT_FLUSH_TO;
            p_tbl->tcid = AVDT_CHAN_SIG;
            p_tbl->lcid = lcid;
            p_tbl->id   = id;
            p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_SEC_ACP;
            p_tbl->cfg_flags = AVDT_L2C_CFG_CONN_ACP;

            /* Check the security */
            rc = btm_sec_mx_access_request (bd_addr, AVDT_PSM,
                FALSE, BTM_SEC_PROTO_AVDT,
                &avdt_sec_check_complete_term, NULL);
            if(rc == BTM_CMD_STARTED)
                L2CA_ConnectRsp (p_ccb->peer_addr, p_tbl->id, lcid, L2CAP_CONN_PENDING, L2CAP_CONN_OK);
    /* deal with simultaneous control channel connect case */
    else if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(AVDT_CHAN_SIG, p_ccb, AVDT_AD_ST_CONN)) != NULL)
        /* reject their connection */
        result = L2CAP_CONN_NO_RESOURCES;
    /* this must be a traffic channel; are we accepting a traffic channel
    ** for this ccb?
    else if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(AVDT_CHAN_MEDIA, p_ccb, AVDT_AD_ST_ACP)) != NULL)
        /* yes; proceed with connection */
        result = L2CAP_CONN_OK;
    /* this must be a reporting channel; are we accepting a reporting channel
    ** for this ccb?
    else if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(AVDT_CHAN_REPORT, p_ccb, AVDT_AD_ST_ACP)) != NULL)
        /* yes; proceed with connection */
        result = L2CAP_CONN_OK;
    /* else we're not listening for traffic channel; reject */
        result = L2CAP_CONN_NO_PSM;

    /* Send L2CAP connect rsp */
    L2CA_ConnectRsp(bd_addr, id, lcid, result, 0);

    /* if result ok, proceed with connection */
    if (result == L2CAP_CONN_OK)
        /* store idx in LCID table, store LCID in routing table */
        avdt_cb.ad.lcid_tbl[lcid - L2CAP_BASE_APPL_CID] = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx(p_tbl);
        avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][p_tbl->tcid].lcid = lcid;

        /* transition to configuration state */
        p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_CFG;

        /* Send L2CAP config req */
        memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        cfg.mtu_present = TRUE;
        cfg.mtu = p_tbl->my_mtu;
        cfg.flush_to_present = TRUE;
        cfg.flush_to = p_tbl->my_flush_to;
        L2CA_ConfigReq(lcid, &cfg);

** Function         avdt_l2c_connect_cfm_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP connect confirm callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_connect_cfm_cback(UINT16 lcid, UINT16 result)
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;
    tL2CAP_CFG_INFO cfg;
    tAVDT_CCB *p_ccb;

    AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_l2c_connect_cfm_cback lcid: %d, result: %d\n",
        lcid, result);
    /* look up info for this channel */
    if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL)
        /* if in correct state */
        if (p_tbl->state == AVDT_AD_ST_CONN)
            /* if result successful */
            if (result == L2CAP_CONN_OK)
                if(p_tbl->tcid != AVDT_CHAN_SIG)
                    /* set channel state */
                    p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_CFG;

                    /* Send L2CAP config req */
                    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
                    cfg.mtu_present = TRUE;
                    cfg.mtu = p_tbl->my_mtu;
                    cfg.flush_to_present = TRUE;
                    cfg.flush_to = p_tbl->my_flush_to;
                    L2CA_ConfigReq(lcid, &cfg);
                    p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_idx(p_tbl->ccb_idx);
                    if(p_ccb == NULL)
                        result = L2CAP_CONN_NO_RESOURCES;
                        /* set channel state */
                        p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_SEC_INT;
                        p_tbl->lcid = lcid;
                        p_tbl->cfg_flags = AVDT_L2C_CFG_CONN_INT;

                        /* Check the security */
                        btm_sec_mx_access_request (p_ccb->peer_addr, AVDT_PSM,
                            TRUE, BTM_SEC_PROTO_AVDT,
                            &avdt_sec_check_complete_orig, NULL);

            /* failure; notify adaption that channel closed */
            if (result != L2CAP_CONN_OK)
                avdt_ad_tc_close_ind(p_tbl, result);

** Function         avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP config confirm callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback(UINT16 lcid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    /* look up info for this channel */
    if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL)
        p_tbl->lcid = lcid;

        /* if in correct state */
        if (p_tbl->state == AVDT_AD_ST_CFG)
            /* if result successful */
            if (p_cfg->result == L2CAP_CONN_OK)
                /* update cfg_flags */
                p_tbl->cfg_flags |= AVDT_L2C_CFG_CFM_DONE;

                /* if configuration complete */
                if (p_tbl->cfg_flags & AVDT_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE)
            /* else failure */
                /* Send L2CAP disconnect req */

** Function         avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP config indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    /* look up info for this channel */
    if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL)
        /* store the mtu in tbl */
        if (p_cfg->mtu_present)
            p_tbl->peer_mtu = p_cfg->mtu;
            p_tbl->peer_mtu = L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU;
        AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("peer_mtu: %d, lcid: x%x\n",p_tbl->peer_mtu, lcid);

        /* send L2CAP configure response */
        memset(p_cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        p_cfg->result = L2CAP_CFG_OK;
        L2CA_ConfigRsp(lcid, p_cfg);

        /* if first config ind */
        if ((p_tbl->cfg_flags & AVDT_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE) == 0)
            /* update cfg_flags */
            p_tbl->cfg_flags |= AVDT_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE;

            /* if configuration complete */
            if (p_tbl->cfg_flags & AVDT_L2C_CFG_CFM_DONE)

** Function         avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP disconnect indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, BOOLEAN ack_needed)
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;
    UINT16          disc_rsn = AVDT_DISC_RSN_NORMAL;
    AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: %d, ack_needed: %d\n",
        lcid, ack_needed);
    /* look up info for this channel */
    if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL)
        if (ack_needed)
            /* send L2CAP disconnect response */
        } else {
            disc_rsn = AVDT_DISC_RSN_ABNORMAL;

        avdt_ad_tc_close_ind(p_tbl, disc_rsn);

** Function         avdt_l2c_disconnect_cfm_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP disconnect confirm callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_disconnect_cfm_cback(UINT16 lcid, UINT16 result)
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_l2c_disconnect_cfm_cback lcid: %d, result: %d\n",
        lcid, result);
    /* look up info for this channel */
    if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL)
        avdt_ad_tc_close_ind(p_tbl, result);

** Function         avdt_l2c_congestion_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP congestion indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_congestion_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, BOOLEAN is_congested)
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    /* look up info for this channel */
    if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL)
        avdt_ad_tc_cong_ind(p_tbl, is_congested);

** Function         avdt_l2c_data_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP data indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_data_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, BT_HDR *p_buf)
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    /* look up info for this channel */
    if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL)
        avdt_ad_tc_data_ind(p_tbl, p_buf);
    else /* prevent buffer leak */