# # Internal function for retrieving component properties from a component target. # function(__component_get_property var component_target property) get_property(val TARGET ${component_target} PROPERTY ${property}) set(${var} "${val}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # # Internal function for setting component properties on a component target. As with build properties, # set properties are also keeped track of. # function(__component_set_property component_target property val) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "APPEND" "" "" ${ARGN}) if(__APPEND) set_property(TARGET ${component_target} APPEND PROPERTY ${property} "${val}") else() set_property(TARGET ${component_target} PROPERTY ${property} "${val}") endif() # Keep track of set component properties __component_get_property(properties ${component_target} __COMPONENT_PROPERTIES) if(NOT property IN_LIST properties) __component_set_property(${component_target} __COMPONENT_PROPERTIES ${property} APPEND) endif() endfunction() # # Given a component name or alias, get the corresponding component target. # function(__component_get_target var name_or_alias) # Look at previously resolved names or aliases idf_build_get_property(component_names_resolved __COMPONENT_NAMES_RESOLVED) list(FIND component_names_resolved ${name_or_alias} result) if(NOT result EQUAL -1) # If it has been resolved before, return that value. The index is the same # as in __COMPONENT_NAMES_RESOLVED as these are parallel lists. idf_build_get_property(component_targets_resolved __COMPONENT_TARGETS_RESOLVED) list(GET component_targets_resolved ${result} target) set(${var} ${target} PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() idf_build_get_property(component_targets __COMPONENT_TARGETS) # Assume first that the parameters is an alias. string(REPLACE "::" "_" name_or_alias "${name_or_alias}") set(component_target ___${name_or_alias}) if(component_target IN_LIST component_targets) set(${var} ${component_target} PARENT_SCOPE) set(target ${component_target}) else() # assumption is wrong, try to look for it manually unset(target) foreach(component_target ${component_targets}) __component_get_property(_component_name ${component_target} COMPONENT_NAME) if(name_or_alias STREQUAL _component_name) set(target ${component_target}) break() endif() endforeach() set(${var} ${target} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() # Save the resolved name or alias if(target) idf_build_set_property(__COMPONENT_NAMES_RESOLVED ${name_or_alias} APPEND) idf_build_set_property(__COMPONENT_TARGETS_RESOLVED ${target} APPEND) endif() endfunction() # # Called during component registration, sets basic properties of the current component. # macro(__component_set_properties) __component_get_property(type ${component_target} COMPONENT_TYPE) # Fill in the rest of component property __component_set_property(${component_target} SRCS "${sources}") __component_set_property(${component_target} INCLUDE_DIRS "${__INCLUDE_DIRS}") if(type STREQUAL LIBRARY) __component_set_property(${component_target} PRIV_INCLUDE_DIRS "${__PRIV_INCLUDE_DIRS}") endif() __component_set_property(${component_target} LDFRAGMENTS "${__LDFRAGMENTS}") __component_set_property(${component_target} EMBED_FILES "${__EMBED_FILES}") __component_set_property(${component_target} EMBED_TXTFILES "${__EMBED_TXTFILES}") __component_set_property(${component_target} REQUIRED_IDF_TARGETS "${__REQUIRED_IDF_TARGETS}") __component_set_property(${component_target} WHOLE_ARCHIVE ${__WHOLE_ARCHIVE}) endmacro() # # Perform a quick check if given component dir satisfies basic requirements. # function(__component_dir_quick_check var component_dir) set(res 1) get_filename_component(abs_dir ${component_dir} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(base_dir ${abs_dir} NAME) string(SUBSTRING "${base_dir}" 0 1 first_char) # Check the component directory contains a CMakeLists.txt file # - warn and skip anything which isn't valid looking (probably cruft) if(NOT first_char STREQUAL ".") if(NOT EXISTS "${abs_dir}/CMakeLists.txt") message(STATUS "Component directory ${abs_dir} does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. " "No component will be added") set(res 0) endif() else() set(res 0) # quietly ignore dot-folders endif() set(${var} ${res} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # # Write a CMake file containing all component and their properties. This is possible because each component # keeps a list of all its properties. # function(__component_write_properties output_file) set(component_properties_text "") idf_build_get_property(component_targets __COMPONENT_TARGETS) foreach(component_target ${component_targets}) __component_get_property(component_properties ${component_target} __COMPONENT_PROPERTIES) foreach(property ${component_properties}) __component_get_property(val ${component_target} ${property}) set(component_properties_text "${component_properties_text}\nset(__component_${component_target}_${property} \"${val}\")") endforeach() endforeach() file(WRITE ${output_file} "${component_properties_text}") endfunction() # # Add a component to process in the build. The components are keeped tracked of in property # __COMPONENT_TARGETS in component target form. # function(__component_add component_dir prefix component_source) # For each component, two entities are created: a component target and a component library. The # component library is created during component registration (the actual static/interface library). # On the other hand, component targets are created early in the build # (during adding component as this function suggests). # This is so that we still have a target to attach properties to up until the component registration. # Plus, interface libraries have limitations on the types of properties that can be set on them, # so later in the build, these component targets actually contain the properties meant for the # corresponding component library. idf_build_get_property(component_targets __COMPONENT_TARGETS) get_filename_component(abs_dir ${component_dir} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(base_dir ${abs_dir} NAME) if(NOT EXISTS "${abs_dir}/CMakeLists.txt") message(FATAL_ERROR "Directory '${component_dir}' does not contain a component.") endif() set(component_name ${base_dir}) # The component target has three underscores as a prefix. The corresponding component library # only has two. set(component_target ___${prefix}_${component_name}) # If a component of the same name has not been added before If it has been added # before just override the properties. As a side effect, components added later # 'override' components added earlier. if(NOT component_target IN_LIST component_targets) if(NOT TARGET ${component_target}) add_library(${component_target} STATIC IMPORTED) endif() idf_build_set_property(__COMPONENT_TARGETS ${component_target} APPEND) else() __component_get_property(dir ${component_target} COMPONENT_DIR) __component_set_property(${component_target} COMPONENT_OVERRIDEN_DIR ${dir}) endif() set(component_lib __${prefix}_${component_name}) set(component_dir ${abs_dir}) set(component_alias ${prefix}::${component_name}) # The 'alias' of the component library, # used to refer to the component outside # the build system. Users can use this name # to resolve ambiguity with component names # and to link IDF components to external targets. # Set the basic properties of the component __component_set_property(${component_target} COMPONENT_LIB ${component_lib}) __component_set_property(${component_target} COMPONENT_NAME ${component_name}) __component_set_property(${component_target} COMPONENT_DIR ${component_dir}) __component_set_property(${component_target} COMPONENT_ALIAS ${component_alias}) if(component_source) __component_set_property(${component_target} COMPONENT_SOURCE ${component_source}) endif() __component_set_property(${component_target} __PREFIX ${prefix}) # Set Kconfig related properties on the component __kconfig_component_init(${component_target}) # these two properties are used to keep track of the components known to the build system idf_build_set_property(BUILD_COMPONENT_DIRS ${component_dir} APPEND) idf_build_set_property(BUILD_COMPONENT_TARGETS ${component_target} APPEND) endfunction() # # Given a component directory, get the requirements by expanding it early. The expansion is performed # using a separate CMake script (the expansion is performed in a separate instance of CMake in scripting mode). # function(__component_get_requirements) idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH) idf_build_get_property(build_dir BUILD_DIR) set(build_properties_file ${build_dir}/build_properties.temp.cmake) set(component_properties_file ${build_dir}/component_properties.temp.cmake) set(component_requires_file ${build_dir}/component_requires.temp.cmake) __build_write_properties(${build_properties_file}) __component_write_properties(${component_properties_file}) execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -D "ESP_PLATFORM=1" -D "BUILD_PROPERTIES_FILE=${build_properties_file}" -D "COMPONENT_PROPERTIES_FILE=${component_properties_file}" -D "COMPONENT_REQUIRES_FILE=${component_requires_file}" -P "${idf_path}/tools/cmake/scripts/component_get_requirements.cmake" RESULT_VARIABLE result ERROR_VARIABLE error) if(NOT result EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "${error}") endif() idf_build_get_property(idf_component_manager IDF_COMPONENT_MANAGER) if(idf_component_manager EQUAL 1) idf_build_get_property(python PYTHON) idf_build_get_property(component_manager_interface_version __COMPONENT_MANAGER_INTERFACE_VERSION) # Call for the component manager once again to inject dependencies # It modifies the requirements file generated by component_get_requirements.cmake script by adding dependencies # defined in component manager manifests to REQUIRES and PRIV_REQUIRES fields. # These requirements are also set as MANAGED_REQUIRES and MANAGED_PRIV_REQUIRES component properties. execute_process(COMMAND ${python} "-m" "idf_component_manager.prepare_components" "--project_dir=${project_dir}" "--lock_path=${DEPENDENCIES_LOCK}" "--interface_version=${component_manager_interface_version}" "inject_requirements" "--idf_path=${idf_path}" "--build_dir=${build_dir}" "--component_requires_file=${component_requires_file}" RESULT_VARIABLE result ERROR_VARIABLE error) if(NOT result EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "${error}") endif() endif() include(${component_requires_file}) file(REMOVE ${build_properties_file}) file(REMOVE ${component_properties_file}) file(REMOVE ${component_requires_file}) endfunction() # __component_add_sources, __component_check_target, __component_add_include_dirs # # Utility macros for component registration. Adds source files and checks target requirements, # and adds include directories respectively. macro(__component_add_sources sources) set(sources "") if(__SRCS) if(__SRC_DIRS) message(WARNING "SRCS and SRC_DIRS are both specified; ignoring SRC_DIRS.") endif() foreach(src ${__SRCS}) get_filename_component(src "${src}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${COMPONENT_DIR}) list(APPEND sources ${src}) endforeach() else() if(__SRC_DIRS) foreach(dir ${__SRC_DIRS}) get_filename_component(abs_dir ${dir} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${COMPONENT_DIR}) if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${abs_dir}) message(FATAL_ERROR "SRC_DIRS entry '${dir}' does not exist.") endif() file(GLOB dir_sources "${abs_dir}/*.c" "${abs_dir}/*.cpp" "${abs_dir}/*.S") list(SORT dir_sources) if(dir_sources) foreach(src ${dir_sources}) get_filename_component(src "${src}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${COMPONENT_DIR}) list(APPEND sources "${src}") endforeach() else() message(WARNING "No source files found for SRC_DIRS entry '${dir}'.") endif() endforeach() endif() if(__EXCLUDE_SRCS) foreach(src ${__EXCLUDE_SRCS}) get_filename_component(src "${src}" ABSOLUTE) list(REMOVE_ITEM sources "${src}") endforeach() endif() endif() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES sources) endmacro() macro(__component_add_include_dirs lib dirs type) foreach(dir ${dirs}) get_filename_component(_dir ${dir} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${_dir}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Include directory '${_dir}' is not a directory.") endif() target_include_directories(${lib} ${type} ${_dir}) endforeach() endmacro() macro(__component_check_target) if(__REQUIRED_IDF_TARGETS) idf_build_get_property(idf_target IDF_TARGET) if(NOT idf_target IN_LIST __REQUIRED_IDF_TARGETS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Component ${COMPONENT_NAME} only supports targets: ${__REQUIRED_IDF_TARGETS}") endif() endif() endmacro() # __component_set_dependencies, __component_set_all_dependencies # # Links public and private requirements for the currently processed component macro(__component_set_dependencies reqs type) foreach(req ${reqs}) if(req IN_LIST build_component_targets) __component_get_property(req_lib ${req} COMPONENT_LIB) if("${type}" STREQUAL "PRIVATE") set_property(TARGET ${component_lib} APPEND PROPERTY LINK_LIBRARIES ${req_lib}) set_property(TARGET ${component_lib} APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES $) elseif("${type}" STREQUAL "PUBLIC") set_property(TARGET ${component_lib} APPEND PROPERTY LINK_LIBRARIES ${req_lib}) set_property(TARGET ${component_lib} APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${req_lib}) else() # INTERFACE set_property(TARGET ${component_lib} APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${req_lib}) endif() endif() endforeach() endmacro() macro(__component_set_all_dependencies) __component_get_property(type ${component_target} COMPONENT_TYPE) idf_build_get_property(build_component_targets __BUILD_COMPONENT_TARGETS) if(NOT type STREQUAL CONFIG_ONLY) __component_get_property(reqs ${component_target} __REQUIRES) __component_set_dependencies("${reqs}" PUBLIC) __component_get_property(priv_reqs ${component_target} __PRIV_REQUIRES) __component_set_dependencies("${priv_reqs}" PRIVATE) else() __component_get_property(reqs ${component_target} __REQUIRES) __component_set_dependencies("${reqs}" INTERFACE) endif() endmacro() # idf_component_get_property # # @brief Retrieve the value of the specified component property # # @param[out] var the variable to store the value of the property in # @param[in] component the component name or alias to get the value of the property of # @param[in] property the property to get the value of # # @param[in, optional] GENERATOR_EXPRESSION (option) retrieve the generator expression for the property # instead of actual value function(idf_component_get_property var component property) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "GENERATOR_EXPRESSION" "" "" ${ARGN}) __component_get_target(component_target ${component}) if("${component_target}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to resolve component '${component}'") else() if(__GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) set(val "$") else() __component_get_property(val ${component_target} ${property}) endif() endif() set(${var} "${val}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # idf_component_set_property # # @brief Set the value of the specified component property related. The property is # also added to the internal list of component properties if it isn't there already. # # @param[in] component component name or alias of the component to set the property of # @param[in] property the property to set the value of # @param[out] value value of the property to set to # # @param[in, optional] APPEND (option) append the value to the current value of the # property instead of replacing it function(idf_component_set_property component property val) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "APPEND" "" "" ${ARGN}) __component_get_target(component_target ${component}) if(NOT component_target) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to resolve component '${component}'") endif() if(__APPEND) __component_set_property(${component_target} ${property} "${val}" APPEND) else() __component_set_property(${component_target} ${property} "${val}") endif() endfunction() # idf_component_register # # @brief Register a component to the build, creating component library targets etc. # # @param[in, optional] SRCS (multivalue) list of source files for the component # @param[in, optional] SRC_DIRS (multivalue) list of source directories to look for source files # in (.c, .cpp. .S); ignored when SRCS is specified. # @param[in, optional] EXCLUDE_SRCS (multivalue) used to exclude source files for the specified # SRC_DIRS # @param[in, optional] INCLUDE_DIRS (multivalue) public include directories for the created component library # @param[in, optional] PRIV_INCLUDE_DIRS (multivalue) private include directories for the created component library # @param[in, optional] LDFRAGMENTS (multivalue) linker script fragments for the component # @param[in, optional] REQUIRES (multivalue) publicly required components in terms of usage requirements # @param[in, optional] PRIV_REQUIRES (multivalue) privately required components in terms of usage requirements # or components only needed for functions/values defined in its project_include.cmake # @param[in, optional] REQUIRED_IDF_TARGETS (multivalue) the list of IDF build targets that the component only supports # @param[in, optional] EMBED_FILES (multivalue) list of binary files to embed with the component # @param[in, optional] EMBED_TXTFILES (multivalue) list of text files to embed with the component # @param[in, optional] KCONFIG (single value) override the default Kconfig # @param[in, optional] KCONFIG_PROJBUILD (single value) override the default Kconfig # @param[in, optional] WHOLE_ARCHIVE (option) link the component as --whole-archive function(idf_component_register) set(options WHOLE_ARCHIVE) set(single_value KCONFIG KCONFIG_PROJBUILD) set(multi_value SRCS SRC_DIRS EXCLUDE_SRCS INCLUDE_DIRS PRIV_INCLUDE_DIRS LDFRAGMENTS REQUIRES PRIV_REQUIRES REQUIRED_IDF_TARGETS EMBED_FILES EMBED_TXTFILES) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "${options}" "${single_value}" "${multi_value}" ${ARGN}) if(NOT __idf_component_context) message(FATAL_ERROR "Called idf_component_register from a non-component directory.") endif() __component_check_target() __component_add_sources(sources) # Add component manifest to the list of dependencies set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "${COMPONENT_DIR}/idf_component.yml") # Create the final target for the component. This target is the target that is # visible outside the build system. __component_get_target(component_target ${COMPONENT_ALIAS}) __component_get_property(component_lib ${component_target} COMPONENT_LIB) # Use generator expression so that users can append/override flags even after call to # idf_build_process idf_build_get_property(include_directories INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) idf_build_get_property(compile_options COMPILE_OPTIONS GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) idf_build_get_property(compile_definitions COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) idf_build_get_property(c_compile_options C_COMPILE_OPTIONS GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) idf_build_get_property(cxx_compile_options CXX_COMPILE_OPTIONS GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) idf_build_get_property(asm_compile_options ASM_COMPILE_OPTIONS GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) idf_build_get_property(common_reqs ___COMPONENT_REQUIRES_COMMON) include_directories("${include_directories}") add_compile_options("${compile_options}") add_compile_definitions("${compile_definitions}") add_c_compile_options("${c_compile_options}") add_cxx_compile_options("${cxx_compile_options}") add_asm_compile_options("${asm_compile_options}") if(common_reqs) # check whether common_reqs exists, this may be the case in minimalistic host unit test builds list(REMOVE_ITEM common_reqs ${component_lib}) endif() link_libraries(${common_reqs}) idf_build_get_property(config_dir CONFIG_DIR) # The contents of 'sources' is from the __component_add_sources call if(sources OR __EMBED_FILES OR __EMBED_TXTFILES) add_library(${component_lib} STATIC ${sources}) __component_set_property(${component_target} COMPONENT_TYPE LIBRARY) __component_add_include_dirs(${component_lib} "${__INCLUDE_DIRS}" PUBLIC) __component_add_include_dirs(${component_lib} "${__PRIV_INCLUDE_DIRS}" PRIVATE) __component_add_include_dirs(${component_lib} "${config_dir}" PUBLIC) set_target_properties(${component_lib} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${COMPONENT_NAME} LINKER_LANGUAGE C) __ldgen_add_component(${component_lib}) else() add_library(${component_lib} INTERFACE) __component_set_property(${component_target} COMPONENT_TYPE CONFIG_ONLY) __component_add_include_dirs(${component_lib} "${__INCLUDE_DIRS}" INTERFACE) __component_add_include_dirs(${component_lib} "${config_dir}" INTERFACE) endif() # Alias the static/interface library created for linking to external targets. # The alias is the :: name. __component_get_property(component_alias ${component_target} COMPONENT_ALIAS) add_library(${component_alias} ALIAS ${component_lib}) # Perform other component processing, such as embedding binaries and processing linker # script fragments foreach(file ${__EMBED_FILES}) target_add_binary_data(${component_lib} "${file}" "BINARY") endforeach() foreach(file ${__EMBED_TXTFILES}) target_add_binary_data(${component_lib} "${file}" "TEXT") endforeach() if(__LDFRAGMENTS) __ldgen_add_fragment_files("${__LDFRAGMENTS}") endif() # Set dependencies __component_set_all_dependencies() # Make the COMPONENT_LIB variable available in the component CMakeLists.txt set(COMPONENT_LIB ${component_lib} PARENT_SCOPE) # COMPONENT_TARGET is deprecated but is made available with same function # as COMPONENT_LIB for compatibility. set(COMPONENT_TARGET ${component_lib} PARENT_SCOPE) __component_set_properties() endfunction() # idf_component_mock # # @brief Create mock component with CMock and register it to IDF build system. # # @param[in, optional] INCLUDE_DIRS (multivalue) list include directories which belong to the header files # provided in MOCK_HEADER_FILES. If any other include directories are necessary, they need # to be passed here, too. # @param[in, optional] MOCK_HEADER_FILES (multivalue) list of header files from which the mocks shall be generated. # @param[in, optional] REQUIRES (multivalue) any other components required by the mock component. # function(idf_component_mock) set(options) set(single_value) set(multi_value MOCK_HEADER_FILES INCLUDE_DIRS REQUIRES) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "${options}" "${single_value}" "${multi_value}" ${ARGN}) list(APPEND __REQUIRES "cmock") set(MOCK_GENERATED_HEADERS "") set(MOCK_GENERATED_SRCS "") set(MOCK_FILES "") set(IDF_PATH $ENV{IDF_PATH}) set(CMOCK_DIR "${IDF_PATH}/components/cmock/CMock") set(MOCK_GEN_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") list(APPEND __INCLUDE_DIRS "${MOCK_GEN_DIR}/mocks") foreach(header_file ${__MOCK_HEADER_FILES}) get_filename_component(file_without_dir ${header_file} NAME_WE) list(APPEND MOCK_GENERATED_HEADERS "${MOCK_GEN_DIR}/mocks/Mock${file_without_dir}.h") list(APPEND MOCK_GENERATED_SRCS "${MOCK_GEN_DIR}/mocks/Mock${file_without_dir}.c") endforeach() file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${MOCK_GEN_DIR}/mocks") idf_component_register(SRCS "${MOCK_GENERATED_SRCS}" INCLUDE_DIRS ${__INCLUDE_DIRS} REQUIRES ${__REQUIRES}) set(COMPONENT_LIB ${COMPONENT_LIB} PARENT_SCOPE) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ruby_found SYMBOLIC COMMAND "ruby" "-v" COMMENT "Try to find ruby. If this fails, you need to install ruby" ) # This command builds the mocks. # First, environment variable UNITY_DIR is set. This is necessary to prevent unity from looking in its own submodule # which doesn't work in our CI yet... # The rest is a straight forward call to cmock.rb, consult cmock's documentation for more information. add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${MOCK_GENERATED_SRCS} ${MOCK_GENERATED_HEADERS} DEPENDS ruby_found COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env "UNITY_DIR=${IDF_PATH}/components/unity/unity" ruby ${CMOCK_DIR}/lib/cmock.rb -o${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mock/mock_config.yaml ${__MOCK_HEADER_FILES} ) endfunction() # idf_component_optional_requires # # @brief Add a dependency on a given component only if it is included in the build. # # Calling idf_component_optional_requires(PRIVATE dependency_name) has the similar effect to # target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE idf::dependency_name), only if 'dependency_name' # component is part of the build. Otherwise, no dependency gets added. Multiple names may be given. # # @param[in] type of the dependency, one of: PRIVATE, PUBLIC, INTERFACE # @param[in, multivalue] list of component names which should be added as dependencies # function(idf_component_optional_requires req_type) set(optional_reqs ${ARGN}) idf_build_get_property(build_components BUILD_COMPONENTS) foreach(req ${optional_reqs}) if(req IN_LIST build_components) idf_component_get_property(req_lib ${req} COMPONENT_LIB) target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT_LIB} ${req_type} ${req_lib}) endif() endforeach() endfunction() # idf_component_add_link_dependency # # @brief Specify than an ESP-IDF component library depends on another component # library at link time only. # # @note Almost always it's better to use idf_component_register() REQUIRES or # PRIV_REQUIRES for this. However using this function allows adding a dependency # from inside a different component, as a last resort. # # @param[in, required] FROM Component the dependency is from (this component depends on the other component) # @param[in, optional] TO Component the dependency is to (this component is depended on by FROM). If omitted # then the current component is assumed. For this default value to work, this function must be called after # idf_component_register() in the component CMakeLists.txt file. function(idf_component_add_link_dependency) set(single_value FROM TO) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "" "${single_value}" "" ${ARGN}) idf_component_get_property(from_lib ${__FROM} COMPONENT_LIB) if(__TO) idf_component_get_property(to_lib ${__TO} COMPONENT_LIB) else() set(to_lib ${COMPONENT_LIB}) endif() set_property(TARGET ${from_lib} APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES $) endfunction() # # Deprecated functions # # register_component # # Compatibility function for registering 3.xx style components. macro(register_component) spaces2list(COMPONENT_SRCS) spaces2list(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS) spaces2list(COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS) spaces2list(COMPONENT_PRIV_INCLUDEDIRS) spaces2list(COMPONENT_REQUIRES) spaces2list(COMPONENT_PRIV_REQUIRES) spaces2list(COMPONENT_ADD_LDFRAGMENTS) spaces2list(COMPONENT_EMBED_FILES) spaces2list(COMPONENT_EMBED_TXTFILES) spaces2list(COMPONENT_SRCEXCLUDE) idf_component_register(SRCS "${COMPONENT_SRCS}" SRC_DIRS "${COMPONENT_SRCDIRS}" INCLUDE_DIRS "${COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS}" PRIV_INCLUDE_DIRS "${COMPONENT_PRIV_INCLUDEDIRS}" REQUIRES "${COMPONENT_REQUIRES}" PRIV_REQUIRES "${COMPONENT_PRIV_REQUIRES}" LDFRAGMENTS "${COMPONENT_ADD_LDFRAGMENTS}" EMBED_FILES "${COMPONENT_EMBED_FILES}" EMBED_TXTFILES "${COMPONENT_EMBED_TXTFILES}" EXCLUDE_SRCS "${COMPONENT_SRCEXCLUDE}") endmacro() # require_idf_targets # # Compatibility function for requiring IDF build targets for 3.xx style components. function(require_idf_targets) set(__REQUIRED_IDF_TARGETS "${ARGN}") __component_check_target() endfunction() # register_config_only_component # # Compatibility function for registering 3.xx style config components. macro(register_config_only_component) register_component() endmacro() # component_compile_options # # Wrapper around target_compile_options that passes the component name function(component_compile_options) target_compile_options(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE ${ARGV}) endfunction() # component_compile_definitions # # Wrapper around target_compile_definitions that passes the component name function(component_compile_definitions) target_compile_definitions(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE ${ARGV}) endfunction()