#ifndef __ESP_GATT_DEFS_H__
#define __ESP_GATT_DEFS_H__

#include "esp_bt_defs.h"

/* attribute request data from the client */
#define ESP_GATT_PREP_WRITE_EXEC     0x01

/* Success code and error codes */
typedef enum {
	ESP_GATT_OK   					=	0x0,      
	ESP_GATT_INVALID_HANDLE			=	0x01,	/* 0x0001 */
	ESP_GATT_READ_NOT_PERMIT		=	0x02,	/* 0x0002 */
	ESP_GATT_WRITE_NOT_PERMIT		=	0x03,	/* 0x0003 */
	ESP_GATT_INVALID_PDU			=	0x04,	/* 0x0004 */
	ESP_GATT_REQ_NOT_SUPPORTED		=	0x06,	/* 0x0006 */
	ESP_GATT_INVALID_OFFSET			=	0x07,	/* 0x0007 */
	ESP_GATT_INSUF_AUTHORIZATION	=	0x08,	/* 0x0008 */
	ESP_GATT_PREPARE_Q_FULL			=	0x09,	/* 0x0009 */
	ESP_GATT_NOT_FOUND				=	0x0a,	/* 0x000a */
	ESP_GATT_NOT_LONG				=	0x0b,	/* 0x000b */
	ESP_GATT_INSUF_KEY_SIZE			=	0x0c,	/* 0x000c */
	ESP_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_LEN		=	0x0d,	/* 0x000d */
	ESP_GATT_ERR_UNLIKELY			=	0x0e,	/* 0x000e */
	ESP_GATT_INSUF_ENCRYPTION		=	0x0f,	/* 0x000f */
	ESP_GATT_UNSUPPORT_GRP_TYPE		=	0x10,	/* 0x0010 */
	ESP_GATT_INSUF_RESOURCE			=	0x11,	/* 0x0011 */
	ESP_GATT_NO_RESOURCES			=	0x80,	/* 0x80 */
	ESP_GATT_INTERNAL_ERROR			=	0x81,	/* 0x81 */
	ESP_GATT_WRONG_STATE			=	0x82,	/* 0x82 */
	ESP_GATT_DB_FULL				=	0x83,	/* 0x83 */
	ESP_GATT_BUSY					=	0x84,	/* 0x84 */
	ESP_GATT_ERROR					=	0x85,	/* 0x85 */
	ESP_GATT_CMD_STARTED			=	0x86,	/* 0x86 */
	ESP_GATT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER		=	0x87,	/* 0x87 */
	ESP_GATT_PENDING				=	0x88,	/* 0x88 */
	ESP_GATT_AUTH_FAIL				=	0x89,	/* 0x89 */
	ESP_GATT_MORE					=	0x8a,	/* 0x8a */
	ESP_GATT_INVALID_CFG			=	0x8b,	/* 0x8b */
	ESP_GATT_SERVICE_STARTED		=	0x8c,	/* 0x8c */
	ESP_GATT_ENCRYPED_NO_MITM		=	0x8d,	/* 0x8d */
	ESP_GATT_NOT_ENCRYPTED			=	0x8e,	/* 0x8e */
	ESP_GATT_CONGESTED				=	0x8f,	/* 0x8f */
	ESP_GATT_DUP_REG				=	0x90,	/* 0x90 */
	ESP_GATT_ALREADY_OPEN			=	0x91,	/* 0x91 */
	ESP_GATT_CANCEL					=	0x92,	/* 0x92 */
												/* 0xE0 ~ 0xFC reserved for future use */
	ESP_GATT_CCC_CFG_ERR			=	0xfd,	/* 0xFD Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor Improperly Configured */
	ESP_GATT_PRC_IN_PROGRESS		=	0xfe,	/* 0xFE Procedure Already in progress */
	ESP_GATT_OUT_OF_RANGE			=	0xff,	/* 0xFFAttribute value out of range */
} esp_gatt_status_t;

typedef enum {
    ESP_GATT_CONN_L2C_FAILURE = 1, /* general L2cap failure  */
    ESP_GATT_CONN_TIMEOUT = 0x08, /* 0x08 connection timeout  */
    ESP_GATT_CONN_TERMINATE_PEER_USER = 0x13, /* 0x13 connection terminate by peer user  */
    ESP_GATT_CONN_TERMINATE_LOCAL_HOST = 0x16, /* 0x16 connectionterminated by local host */
    ESP_GATT_CONN_FAIL_ESTABLISH = 0x3e, /* 0x03E connection fail to establish  */
    // ESP_GATT_CONN_LMP_TIMEOUT = 0x22, /* 0x22 connection fail for LMP response tout */
    ESP_GATT_CONN_CONN_CANCEL = 0x0100,  /* 0x0100 L2CAP connection cancelled  */
    ESP_GATT_CONN_NONE = 0x0101 /* 0x0101 no connection to cancel  */
} esp_gatt_reason_t;

typedef struct {
	esp_bt_uuid_t 	uuid;
	uint8_t			inst_id;
} __attribute__((packed)) esp_gatt_id_t;

typedef struct {
	esp_gatt_id_t 	id;
	bool			is_primary;
} __attribute__((packed)) esp_gatt_srvc_id_t;

typedef enum {
	AUTH_REQ_NO_SCATTERNET,			/* Device doesn't support scatternet, it might
										support "role switch during connection" for
										an incoming connection, when it already has
										another connection in master role */
	AUTH_REQ_PARTIAL_SCATTERNET,   /* Device supports partial scatternet. It can have
										simulateous connection in Master and Slave roles
										for short period of time */
	AUTH_REQ_FULL_SCATTERNET       /* Device can have simultaneous connection in master
										and slave roles */
} esp_gatt_auth_req_t;

/* Attribute permissions
typedef enum {
	ESP_GATT_PERM_READ					= 	(1 << 0), 	/* bit 0 -  0x0001 */
	ESP_GATT_PERM_READ_ENCRYPTED		= 	(1 << 1), 	/* bit 1 -  0x0002 */
	ESP_GATT_PERM_READ_ENC_MITM			= 	(1 << 2),  	/* bit 2 -  0x0004 */
	ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE					= 	(1 << 4), 	/* bit 4 -  0x0010 */
	ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE_ENCRYPTED		= 	(1 << 5), 	/* bit 5 -  0x0020 */
	ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE_ENC_MITM		= 	(1 << 6), 	/* bit 6 -  0x0040 */
	ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE_SIGNED			= 	(1 << 7), 	/* bit 7 -  0x0080 */
	ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE_SIGNED_MITM		= 	(1 << 8), 	/* bit 8 -  0x0100 */
} esp_gatt_perm_t;

/* definition of characteristic properties */
typedef enum {
	ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_BROADCAST	= 	(1 << 0),       /* 0x01 */
	ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_READ			= 	(1 << 1),       /* 0x02 */
	ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_WRITE_NR		= 	(1 << 2),       /* 0x04 */
	ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_WRITE		= 	(1 << 3),       /* 0x08 */
	ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_NOTIFY		= 	(1 << 4),       /* 0x10 */
	ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_INDICATE		= 	(1 << 5),       /* 0x20 */
	ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_AUTH			= 	(1 << 6),       /* 0x40 */
	ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_EXT_PROP		= 	(1 << 7),       /* 0x80 */
} esp_gatt_char_prop_t;

#define ESP_GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN	600 //as same as GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN
typedef struct {
    uint8_t           value[ESP_GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN];
    uint16_t          handle;
    uint16_t          offset;
    uint16_t          len;
    uint8_t           auth_req;
} esp_gatt_value_t;

/** GATT remote read request response type */
typedef union {
	esp_gatt_value_t attr_value;
    uint16_t            handle;
} esp_gatt_rsp_t;

typedef uint32_t	esp_gatt_if_t;

#endif /* __ESP_GATT_DEFS_H__ */