# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

import ipaddress
import logging
import re
import socket
import subprocess
import time
from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import List, Union

import netifaces
import paramiko  # type: ignore
import pytest
from common_test_methods import get_host_ip_by_interface
from netmiko import ConnectHandler
from pytest_embedded import Dut

# Testbed configuration

class EndnodeSsh:
    def __init__(self, host_ip: str, usr: str, passwd: str):
        self.host_ip = host_ip
        self.ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
        self.executor: ThreadPoolExecutor
        self.async_result: Future

    def exec_cmd(self, cmd: str) -> str:
        _, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)

        out = stdout.read().decode().strip()
        error = stderr.read().decode().strip()
        if error:
            out = ''
            logging.error('ssh_endnode_exec error: {}'.format(error))

        return out  # type: ignore

    def exec_cmd_async(self, cmd: str) -> None:
        self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
        self.async_result = self.executor.submit(self.exec_cmd, cmd)

    def get_async_res(self) -> str:
        return self.async_result.result(10)  # type: ignore

    def close(self) -> None:

class SwitchSsh:
    EDGE_SWITCH_10XP = 1

    def __init__(self, host_ip: str, usr: str, passwd: str, device_type: int):
        self.host_ip = host_ip
        self.type = device_type

        if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP:
            self.ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
            edgeSwitch = {
                'device_type': 'ubiquiti_edgeswitch',
                'host': self.host_ip,
                'username': usr,
                'password': passwd,
            self.ssh_client = ConnectHandler(**edgeSwitch)

    def exec_cmd(self, cmd: Union[str, List[str]]) -> str:
        if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP:
            _, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)

            out = stdout.read().decode().strip()
            error = stderr.read().decode().strip()

            if error != 'TSW Init OK!':
                raise Exception('switch_5xp exec_cmd error: {}'.format(error))
            out = self.ssh_client.send_config_set(cmd, cmd_verify=False, exit_config_mode=False)
        return out  # type: ignore

    def switch_port_down(self, port: int) -> None:
        if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP:
            command = '/usr/bin/tswconf debug phy set ' + str(port - 1) + ' 0 0x800'
            commands = ['interface GigabitEthernet ' + str(port), 'shutdown']

    def switch_port_up(self, port: int) -> None:
        if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP:
            command = '/usr/bin/tswconf debug phy set ' + str(port - 1) + ' 0 0x1000'
            commands = ['interface GigabitEthernet' + str(port), 'no shutdown']

    def close(self) -> None:
        if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP:

def get_endnode_mac_by_interface(endnode: EndnodeSsh, if_name: str) -> str:
    ip_info = endnode.exec_cmd(f'ip addr show {if_name}')
    regex = if_name + r':.*?link/ether ([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})'
    mac_addr = re.search(regex, ip_info, re.DOTALL)
    if mac_addr is None:
        return ''
    return mac_addr.group(1)

def get_endnode_ip_by_interface(endnode: EndnodeSsh, if_name: str) -> str:
    ip_info = endnode.exec_cmd(f'ip addr show {if_name}')
    regex = if_name + r':.*?inet (\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+)\/'
    ip_addr = re.search(regex, ip_info, re.DOTALL)
    if ip_addr is None:
        return ''
    return ip_addr.group(1)

def get_host_interface_name_in_same_net(ip_addr: str) -> str:
    ip_net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(f'{ip_addr}/24', strict=False)
    for interface in netifaces.interfaces():
        addr = get_host_ip_by_interface(interface)
        if ipaddress.IPv4Address(addr) in ip_net:
            return str(interface)
    return ''

def get_host_mac_by_interface(interface_name: str, addr_type: int = netifaces.AF_LINK) -> str:
    for _addr in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name)[addr_type]:
        host_mac = _addr['addr'].replace('%{}'.format(interface_name), '')
        assert isinstance(host_mac, str)
        return host_mac
    return ''

def get_host_brcast_ip_by_interface(interface_name: str, ip_type: int = netifaces.AF_INET) -> str:
    for _addr in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name)[ip_type]:
        host_ip = _addr['broadcast'].replace('%{}'.format(interface_name), '')
        assert isinstance(host_ip, str)
        return host_ip
    return ''

def run_iperf(proto: str, endnode: EndnodeSsh, server_ip: str, bandwidth_lim:int=10, interval:int=5, server_if:str='', client_if:str='') -> float:
    if proto == 'tcp':
        proto = ''
        proto = '-u'

    if ipaddress.ip_address(server_ip).is_multicast:
        # Configure Multicast Server
        server_proc = subprocess.Popen(['iperf', '-u', '-s', '-i', '1', '-t', '%i' % interval, '-B', '%s%%%s'
                                        % (server_ip, server_if)], text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        # Configure Multicast Client
        endnode_ip = get_endnode_ip_by_interface(endnode, client_if)
        if endnode_ip == '':
            raise RuntimeError('End node IP address not found')
        client_res = endnode.exec_cmd('iperf -u -c %s -t %i -i 1 -b %iM --ttl 5 -B %s' % (server_ip, interval, bandwidth_lim, endnode_ip))
        if server_proc.wait(10) is None:  # Process did not finish.
        # Configure Server
        server_proc = subprocess.Popen(['iperf', '%s' % proto, '-s', '-i', '1', '-t', '%i' % interval], text=True,
                                       stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        # Configure Client
        client_res = endnode.exec_cmd('iperf %s -c %s -t %i -i 1 -b %iM' % (proto, server_ip, interval, bandwidth_lim))
        if server_proc.wait(10) is None:  # Process did not finish.

        server_res = server_proc.communicate(timeout=15)[0]
    except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
        server_res = server_proc.communicate()[0]


    SERVER_BANDWIDTH_LOG_PATTERN = r'(\d+\.\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+.\d+)\s+sec\s+[\d.]+\s+MBytes\s+([\d.]+)\s+Mbits\/sec'
    performance = re.search(SERVER_BANDWIDTH_LOG_PATTERN, server_res, re.DOTALL)
    if performance is None:
        return -1.0
    return float(performance.group(3))

def send_brcast_msg_host_to_endnode(endnode: EndnodeSsh, host_brcast_ip: str, test_msg: str) -> str:
    endnode.exec_cmd_async('timeout 4s nc -u -w 0 -l -p 5100')

    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
        sock.sendto(test_msg.encode('utf-8'), (host_brcast_ip, 5100))
    except socket.error as e:
        raise Exception('Host brcast send failed %s' % e)

    nc_endnode_out = endnode.get_async_res()
    return nc_endnode_out

def send_brcast_msg_endnode_to_host(endnode: EndnodeSsh, host_brcast_ip: str, test_msg: str) -> str:
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        sock.bind(('', 5100))
    except socket.error as e:
        raise Exception('Host bind failed %s' % e)

    endnode.exec_cmd('echo -n "%s" | nc -b -w0 -u %s 5100' % (test_msg, host_brcast_ip))

        nc_host_out = sock.recv(1500).decode('utf-8')
    except socket.error as e:
        raise Exception('Host recv failed %s', e)

    return nc_host_out

@pytest.mark.parametrize('config', [
], indirect=True)
def test_esp_eth_bridge(
    dut: Dut,
    dev_user: str,
    dev_password: str
) -> None:
    # ------------------------------ #
    # Pre-test testbed configuration #
    # ------------------------------ #
    # Get switch configuration info from the hostname
    host_name = socket.gethostname()
    regex = r'ethVM-(\d+)-(\d+)'
    sw_info = re.search(regex, host_name, re.DOTALL)
    if sw_info is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Unexpected hostname')

    sw_num = int(sw_info.group(1))
    port_num = int(sw_info.group(2))
    port_num_endnode = int(port_num) + 1  # endnode address is always + 1 to the host

    endnode = EndnodeSsh(f'10.10.{sw_num}.{port_num_endnode}',
    switch1 = SwitchSsh(f'10.10.{sw_num}.100',

    # Collect all addresses in our network
    # ------------------------------------
    # Bridge (DUT) MAC
    br_mac = dut.expect(r'esp_netif_br_glue: ([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})')
    br_mac = br_mac.group(1).decode('utf-8')
    logging.info('ESP Bridge MAC %s', br_mac)
    # Get unique identification of each Ethernet port
    p1_id = dut.expect(r'Ethernet \((0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\) Started')
    p1_id = p1_id.group(1).decode('utf-8')
    p2_id = dut.expect(r'Ethernet \((0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\) Started')
    p2_id = p2_id.group(1).decode('utf-8')
    # Bridge (DUT) IP
    dut.expect_exact('Ethernet Got IP Address')
    br_ip = dut.expect(r'ETHIP:(\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+)\r')
    br_ip = br_ip.group(1).decode('utf-8')
    logging.info('ESP Bridge IP %s', br_ip)

    # Host interface is in the same network as DUT
    host_if = get_host_interface_name_in_same_net(br_ip)
    # Test Host MAC
    host_mac = get_host_mac_by_interface(host_if)
    logging.info('Host MAC %s', host_mac)
    # Test Host IP
    host_ip = get_host_ip_by_interface(host_if, netifaces.AF_INET)
    logging.info('Host IP %s', host_ip)

    endnode_if = host_if  # endnode is a clone of the host
    # Endnode MAC
    endnode_mac = get_endnode_mac_by_interface(endnode, endnode_if)
    logging.info('Endnode MAC %s', endnode_mac)
    # Toggle link status at the End Node to initiate DHCP request
    endnode.exec_cmd(f'sudo ip link set down dev {endnode_if}')
    endnode.exec_cmd(f'sudo ip link set up dev {endnode_if}')
    # Endnode IP
    for i in range(15):
        endnode_ip = get_endnode_ip_by_interface(endnode, endnode_if)
        if endnode_ip != '':
        logging.info('End node waiting for DHCP IP addr, %isec...', i)
        raise RuntimeError('End node IP address not found')
    logging.info('Endnode IP %s', endnode_ip)

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # TEST Objective 1: Ping the devices on the network
    # --------------------------------------------------
    # ping bridge
    ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {br_ip} -c 2', shell=True)
    if ping_test != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('ESP bridge is not reachable')

    # ping the end nodes of the network
    ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {endnode_ip} -c 2', shell=True)
    if ping_test != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('End node is not reachable')

    # -------------------------------------------------
    # TEST Objective 2: Ports Link Up/Down combinations
    # -------------------------------------------------
    logging.info('link down the port #1')
    dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p1_id}) Link Down')

    logging.info('link down both ports')
    dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p2_id}) Link Down')

    logging.info('link up the port #1')
    dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p1_id}) Link Up')
    dut.expect_exact('Ethernet Got IP Address')  # DHCP Server is connected to port #1

    logging.info('link down both ports')
    dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p1_id}) Link Down')

    logging.info('link up the port #2')
    dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p2_id}) Link Up')  # Note: No "Ethernet Got IP Address" since DHCP Server is connected to port #1

    logging.info('link down both ports')
    dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p2_id}) Link Down')

    logging.info('link up both ports')
    dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p2_id}) Link Up')
    switch1.switch_port_up(port_num)  # link up port #1 as last to ensure we Got IP address after link port #2 is up
    dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p1_id}) Link Up')
    dut.expect_exact('Ethernet Got IP Address')

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # TEST Objective 3: IP traffic forwarding (iPerf between network end nodes)
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # unicast UDP
    bandwidth_udp = run_iperf('udp', endnode, host_ip, IPERF_BW_LIM, 5)
    logging.info('Unicast UDP average bandwidth: %s Mbits/s', bandwidth_udp)

    # unicast TCP
    bandwidth_tcp = run_iperf('tcp', endnode, host_ip, IPERF_BW_LIM, 5)
    logging.info('Unicast TCP average bandwidth: %s Mbits/s', bandwidth_tcp)

    # multicast UDP
    bandwidth_mcast_udp = run_iperf('udp', endnode, '', IPERF_BW_LIM, 5, host_if, endnode_if)
    logging.info('Multicast UDP average bandwidth: %s Mbits/s', bandwidth_mcast_udp)

    if bandwidth_udp < MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT:
        raise RuntimeError('Unicast UDP throughput expected %.2f, actual %.2f' % (MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT, bandwidth_udp) + ' Mbits/s')
    if bandwidth_tcp < MIN_TCP_THROUGHPUT:
        raise RuntimeError('Unicast TCP throughput expected %.2f, actual %.2f' % (MIN_TCP_THROUGHPUT, bandwidth_tcp) + ' Mbits/s')
    if bandwidth_mcast_udp < MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT:
        raise RuntimeError('Multicast UDP throughput expected %.2f, actual %.2f' % (MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT, bandwidth_mcast_udp) + ' Mbits/s')

    # ------------------------------------------------
    # TEST Objective 4: adding/deleting entries in FDB
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # At first test the Bridge Example Command Interface
    MAC_ADDR = '01:02:03:04:05:06'
    # invalid MAC format
    dut.write('add --addr=01:125:02:00:00:0A -d')
    dut.expect_exact('Ivalid MAC address format')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('add --addr=01:QA:02:00:00:0A -d')
    dut.expect_exact('Ivalid MAC address format')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('add --addr=01:00:02:00:0A -d')
    dut.expect_exact('Ivalid MAC address format')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    # invalid number of config parameters
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -d -c -p 1')
    dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -d -c')
    dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -f -c')
    dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -d -p 1')
    dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -f -p 1 -p 2')
    dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('add -p 1')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -p')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('remove --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -d')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    # Invalid port interval number
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -p 0')
    dut.expect_exact('Invalid port number')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -p ' + str(BR_PORTS_NUM + 1))
    dut.expect_exact('Invalid port number')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')

    # try to add more FDB entries than configured max number
    for i in range(BR_PORTS_NUM + 1):
        dut.write('add --addr=01:02:03:00:00:%02x' % i + ' -d')
        if i < BR_PORTS_NUM:
            dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')
            dut.expect_exact('Adding FDB entry failed')
            dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')

    # try to remove non-existent FDB entry
    dut.write('remove --addr=' + MAC_ADDR)
    dut.expect_exact('Removing FDB entry failed')
    dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1')

    # remove dummy entries
    for i in range(BR_PORTS_NUM):
        dut.write('remove --addr=01:02:03:00:00:%02x' % i)
        dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')

    # valid multiple ports at once
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -c -p 1 -p 2')
    dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')
    dut.write('remove --addr=' + MAC_ADDR)
    dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')
    dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -p 1 -p 2')
    dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')
    dut.write('remove --addr=' + MAC_ADDR)
    dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')

    # drop `Endnode` MAC and try to ping it from `Test Host`
    logging.info('Drop `Endnode` MAC')
    dut.write('add --addr=' + endnode_mac + ' -d')
    dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')
    ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {endnode_ip} -c 2', shell=True)
    if ping_test == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('End node should not be reachable')
    logging.info('Remove Drop `Endnode` MAC entry')
    dut.write('remove --addr=' + endnode_mac)
    dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')
    ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {endnode_ip} -c 2', shell=True)
    if ping_test != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('End node is not reachable')

    # Since we have only two ports on DUT, it is kind of tricky to verify the forwarding directly with devices'
    # specific MAC addresses. However, we can verify it using broadcast address and to observe the system
    # behavior in all directions.

    # At first, check normal condition
    TEST_MSG = 'ESP32 bridge test message'
    host_brcast_ip = get_host_brcast_ip_by_interface(host_if, netifaces.AF_INET)
    endnode_recv = send_brcast_msg_host_to_endnode(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG)
    if endnode_recv != TEST_MSG:
        raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message was not received by endnode')
    host_recv = send_brcast_msg_endnode_to_host(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG)
    if host_recv != TEST_MSG:
        raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message was not received by host')

    # now, configure forward the broadcast only to port #1
    dut.write('add --addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -p 1')
    dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')
    # we should not be able to receive a message at endnode (no forward to port #2)...
    endnode_recv = send_brcast_msg_host_to_endnode(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG)
    if endnode_recv != '':
        raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message should not be received by endnode')

    # ... but we should be able to do the same in opposite direction (forward to port #1)
    host_recv = send_brcast_msg_endnode_to_host(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG)
    if host_recv != TEST_MSG:
        raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message was not received by host')

    # Remove ARP record from Test host computer. ARP is broadcasted, hence Bridge port does not reply to a request since
    # it does not receive it (no forward to Bridge port). As a result, Bridge is not pingable.
    subprocess.call(f'sudo arp -d {br_ip}', shell=True)
    subprocess.call('arp -a', shell=True)
    ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {br_ip} -c 2', shell=True)
    if ping_test == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Bridge should not be reachable')

    # Remove current broadcast entry and replace it with extended one which includes Bridge port
    # Now, we should be able to ping the Bridge...
    dut.write('remove --addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')
    dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')
    dut.write('add --addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -p 1 -c')
    dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!')
    ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {br_ip} -c 2', shell=True)
    if ping_test != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Bridge is not reachable')

    # ...but we should still not be able to receive a message at endnode (no forward to port #2)
    endnode_recv = send_brcast_msg_host_to_endnode(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG)
    if endnode_recv != '':
        raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message should not be received by endnode')
