menu "Format" config BOOTLOADER_LOG_COLORS bool "Color" default n help Use ANSI terminal colors in log output Enable ANSI terminal color codes. In order to view these, your terminal program must support ANSI color codes. choice BOOTLOADER_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE prompt "Timestamp" default BOOTLOADER_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE_CPU_TICKS help Choose what sort of timestamp is displayed in the log output: - "None" - The log will only contain the actual log messages themselves without any time-related information. Avoiding timestamps can help conserve processing power and memory. It might useful when you perform log analysis or debugging, sometimes it's more straightforward to work with logs that lack timestamps, especially if the time of occurrence is not critical for understanding the issues. "I log_test: info message" - "Milliseconds since boot" is calculated from the RTOS tick count multiplied by the tick period. This time will reset after a software reboot. "I (112500) log_test: info message" config BOOTLOADER_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE_NONE bool "None" depends on NO_SYMBOL # hide it now, turn it on final MR config BOOTLOADER_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE_CPU_TICKS bool "Milliseconds Since Boot" endchoice # BOOTLOADER_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE endmenu