 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include "sdkconfig.h"

/*  Default entry point:  */

  /* RTC fast memory holds RTC wake stub code,
     including from any source file named rtc_wake_stub*.c
  .rtc.text :
    . = ALIGN(4);


    *rtc_wake_stub*.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*)
    _rtc_text_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > rtc_iram_seg

    This section is required to skip rtc.text area because rtc_iram_seg and
    rtc_data_seg are reflect the same address space on different buses.
  .rtc.dummy :
    _rtc_dummy_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    _rtc_fast_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    . = SIZEOF(.rtc.text);
    _rtc_dummy_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > rtc_data_seg

  /* This section located in RTC FAST Memory area.
     It holds data marked with RTC_FAST_ATTR attribute.
     See the file "esp_attr.h" for more information.
  .rtc.force_fast :
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _rtc_force_fast_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


    *(.rtc.force_fast .rtc.force_fast.*)
    . = ALIGN(4) ;

    _rtc_force_fast_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > rtc_data_seg

  /* RTC data section holds RTC wake stub
     data/rodata, including from any source file
     named rtc_wake_stub*.c and the data marked with
     The memory location of the data is dependent on
  .rtc.data :
    _rtc_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


    *rtc_wake_stub*.*(.data .rodata .data.* .rodata.*)
    _rtc_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.);

  } > rtc_data_location

  /* RTC bss, from any source file named rtc_wake_stub*.c */
  .rtc.bss (NOLOAD) :
    _rtc_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    *rtc_wake_stub*.*(.bss .bss.*)


    _rtc_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > rtc_data_location

  /* This section holds data that should not be initialized at power up
     and will be retained during deep sleep.
     User data marked with RTC_NOINIT_ATTR will be placed
     into this section. See the file "esp_attr.h" for more information.
	 The memory location of the data is dependent on
  .rtc_noinit (NOLOAD):
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _rtc_noinit_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    *(.rtc_noinit .rtc_noinit.*)
    . = ALIGN(4) ;
    _rtc_noinit_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > rtc_data_location

  /* This section located in RTC SLOW Memory area.
     It holds data marked with RTC_SLOW_ATTR attribute.
     See the file "esp_attr.h" for more information.
  .rtc.force_slow :
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _rtc_force_slow_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    *(.rtc.force_slow .rtc.force_slow.*)
    . = ALIGN(4) ;
    _rtc_force_slow_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > rtc_slow_seg

   * This section holds RTC FAST data that should have fixed addresses.
   * The data are not initialized at power-up and are retained during deep sleep.
  .rtc_fast_reserved (NOLOAD):
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _rtc_fast_reserved_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    /* New data can only be added here to ensure existing data are not moved.
       Because data have adhered to the end of the segment and code is relied on it.
       >> put new data here << */
    KEEP(*(.bootloader_data_rtc_mem .bootloader_data_rtc_mem.*))
    _rtc_fast_reserved_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > rtc_fast_reserved_seg

  _rtc_fast_reserved_length = _rtc_fast_reserved_end - _rtc_fast_reserved_start;
  ASSERT((_rtc_fast_reserved_length <= LENGTH(rtc_fast_reserved_seg)),
          "RTC FAST reserved segment data does not fit.")

   * This section holds RTC SLOW data that should have fixed addresses.
   * The data are not initialized at power-up and are retained during deep sleep.
  .rtc_slow_reserved (NOLOAD):
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _rtc_slow_reserved_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    /* New data can only be added here to ensure existing data are not moved.
       Because data have adhered to the end of the segment and code is relied on it.
       >> put new data here << */

    *(.rtc_timer_data_in_rtc_mem .rtc_timer_data_in_rtc_mem.*)
    _rtc_slow_reserved_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > rtc_slow_reserved_seg

  _rtc_slow_reserved_length = _rtc_slow_reserved_end - _rtc_slow_reserved_start;
  _rtc_reserved_length = _rtc_slow_reserved_length;
  ASSERT((_rtc_slow_reserved_length <= LENGTH(rtc_slow_reserved_seg)),
          "RTC SLOW reserved segment data does not fit.")

  /* Get size of rtc slow data based on rtc_data_location alias */
  _rtc_slow_length = (ORIGIN(rtc_slow_seg) == ORIGIN(rtc_data_location))
                        ? (_rtc_force_slow_end - _rtc_data_start)
                        : (_rtc_force_slow_end - _rtc_force_slow_start);

  _rtc_fast_length = (ORIGIN(rtc_slow_seg) == ORIGIN(rtc_data_location))
                        ? (_rtc_force_fast_end - _rtc_fast_start)
                        : (_rtc_noinit_end - _rtc_fast_start);

  ASSERT((_rtc_slow_length <= LENGTH(rtc_slow_seg)),
          "RTC_SLOW segment data does not fit.")

  ASSERT((_rtc_fast_length <= LENGTH(rtc_data_seg)),
          "RTC_FAST segment data does not fit.")

  /* Send .iram0 code to iram */
  .iram0.vectors :
    _iram_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    /* Vectors go to IRAM */
    _vector_table = ABSOLUTE(.);
    /* Vectors according to builds/RF-2015.2-win32/esp108_v1_2_s5_512int_2/config.html */
    . = 0x0;
    . = 0x180;
    . = 0x1c0;
    . = 0x200;
    . = 0x240;
    . = 0x280;
    . = 0x2c0;
    . = 0x300;
    . = 0x340;
    . = 0x3C0;
    . = 0x400;
    _invalid_pc_placeholder = ABSOLUTE(.);

    . = ALIGN (16);

    _init_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > iram0_0_seg

  .iram0.text :
    /* Code marked as runnning out of IRAM */
    _iram_text_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


  } > iram0_0_seg

  .dram0.data :
    _data_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


    _data_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
    . = ALIGN(4);
  } > dram0_0_seg

   * This section holds data that won't be initialised when startup.
   * This section locates in External RAM region.
  .ext_ram_noinit (NOLOAD) :
    _ext_ram_noinit_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _ext_ram_noinit_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > extern_ram_seg

  /*This section holds data that should not be initialized at power up.
    The section located in Internal SRAM memory region. The macro _NOINIT
    can be used as attribute to place data into this section.
    See the esp_attr.h file for more information.
  .noinit (NOLOAD):
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _noinit_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    *(.noinit .noinit.*)
    . = ALIGN(4) ;
    _noinit_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > dram0_0_seg

   /* external memory bss, from any global variable with EXT_RAM_BSS_ATTR attribute*/
  .ext_ram.bss (NOLOAD) :
    _ext_ram_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


    . = ALIGN(4);
    _ext_ram_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > extern_ram_seg

  /* Shared RAM */
  .dram0.bss (NOLOAD) :
    . = ALIGN (8);
    _bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


    . = ALIGN (8);
    _bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > dram0_0_seg

  ASSERT(((_bss_end - ORIGIN(dram0_0_seg)) <= LENGTH(dram0_0_seg)),
          "DRAM segment data does not fit.")

  .flash.appdesc : ALIGN(0x10)
    _rodata_reserved_start = ABSOLUTE(.);  /* This is a symbol marking the flash.rodata start, this can be used for mmu driver to maintain virtual address */
    _rodata_start = ABSOLUTE(.);

    *(.rodata_desc .rodata_desc.*)               /* Should be the first.  App version info.        DO NOT PUT ANYTHING BEFORE IT! */
    *(.rodata_custom_desc .rodata_custom_desc.*) /* Should be the second. Custom app version info. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING BEFORE IT! */

    /* Create an empty gap within this section. Thanks to this, the end of this
     * section will match .flah.rodata's begin address. Thus, both sections
     * will be merged when creating the final bin image. */
    . = ALIGN(ALIGNOF(.flash.rodata));
  } >default_rodata_seg

  .flash.rodata : ALIGN(0x10)
    _flash_rodata_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


    *(.irom1.text) /* catch stray ICACHE_RODATA_ATTR */
    *(.gcc_except_table .gcc_except_table.*)
    . = (. + 3) & ~ 3;
    __eh_frame = ABSOLUTE(.);
    . = (. + 7) & ~ 3;
    /*  C++ constructor and destructor tables

        Make a point of not including anything from crtbegin.o or crtend.o, as IDF doesn't use toolchain crt
    __init_array_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.* *crtbegin.*) .ctors SORT(.ctors.*)))
    __init_array_end = ABSOLUTE(.);

    KEEP (*crtbegin.*(.dtors))
    KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.*) .dtors))
    KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
    KEEP (*(.dtors))
    /*  C++ exception handlers table:  */
    /* Addresses of memory regions reserved via
    soc_reserved_memory_region_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    KEEP (*(.reserved_memory_address))
    soc_reserved_memory_region_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
    /* System init functions registered via ESP_SYSTEM_INIT_FN */
    _esp_system_init_fn_array_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    KEEP (*(SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.esp_system_init_fn.*)))
    _esp_system_init_fn_array_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
    _rodata_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
    /* Literals are also RO data. */
    _lit4_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    _lit4_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _thread_local_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
    _thread_local_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
    . = ALIGN(4);
  } >default_rodata_seg

  _flash_rodata_align = ALIGNOF(.flash.rodata);

    This section is a place where we dump all the rodata which aren't used at runtime,
    so as to avoid binary size increase
  .flash.rodata_noload (NOLOAD) :
      This is a symbol marking the flash.rodata end, this can be used for mmu driver to maintain virtual address
      We don't need to include the noload rodata in this section
    _rodata_reserved_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
    . = ALIGN (4);
  } > default_rodata_seg

  .flash.text :
    _stext = .;
    _instruction_reserved_start = ABSOLUTE(.);  /* This is a symbol marking the flash.text start, this can be used for mmu driver to maintain virtual address */
    _text_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


    *(.stub .gnu.warning .gnu.linkonce.literal.* .gnu.linkonce.t.*.literal .gnu.linkonce.t.*)
    *(.irom0.text) /* catch stray ICACHE_RODATA_ATTR */

    /** CPU will try to prefetch up to 16 bytes of
      * of instructions. This means that any configuration (e.g. MMU, PMS) must allow
      * safe access to up to 16 bytes after the last real instruction, add
      * dummy bytes to ensure this
    . += _esp_flash_mmap_prefetch_pad_size;

    _text_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
    _instruction_reserved_end = ABSOLUTE(.);  /* This is a symbol marking the flash.text end, this can be used for mmu driver to maintain virtual address */
    _etext = .;

    /* Similar to _iram_start, this symbol goes here so it is
       resolved by addr2line in preference to the first symbol in
       the flash.text segment.
    _flash_cache_start = ABSOLUTE(0);
  } >default_code_seg

  /* Marks the end of IRAM code segment */
  .iram0.text_end (NOLOAD) :
    . = ALIGN (4);
    _iram_text_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > iram0_0_seg

  .iram0.data :
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _iram_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


    _iram_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > iram0_0_seg

  .iram0.bss (NOLOAD) :
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _iram_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);


    _iram_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _iram_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
   } > iram0_0_seg

  /* Marks the end of data, bss and possibly rodata  */
  .dram0.heap_start (NOLOAD) :
    . = ALIGN (8);
    /* Lowest possible start address for the heap */
    _heap_low_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
  } > dram0_0_seg

#include "elf_misc.ld.in"

ASSERT(((_iram_end - ORIGIN(iram0_0_seg)) <= LENGTH(iram0_0_seg)),
          "IRAM0 segment data does not fit.")

ASSERT(((_heap_low_start - ORIGIN(dram0_0_seg)) <= LENGTH(dram0_0_seg)),
          "DRAM segment data does not fit.")