# Asio chat server example Simple Asio chat server using WiFi STA or Ethernet. ## Example workflow - Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection is established, and IP address is obtained. - Asio chat server is started on port number defined through the project configuration. - Chat server echoes a message (received from any client) to all connected clients. ## Running the example - Open project configuration menu (`idf.py menuconfig`) to configure Wi-Fi or Ethernet. See "Establishing Wi-Fi or Ethernet Connection" section in [examples/protocols/README.md](../../README.md) for more details. - Set server port number in menuconfig, "Example configuration". - Run `idf.py -p PORT flash monitor` to build and upload the example to your board and connect to it's serial terminal. - Wait for the board to connect to WiFi or Ethernet (note the IP address). - Connect to the server using multiple clients, for example using any option below. - build and run asi chat client on your host machine - run chat_client asio example on ESP platform - since chat message consist of ascii size and message, it is possible to netcat `nc IP PORT` and type for example ` 4ABC<CR>` to transmit 'ABC\n' See the README.md file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.