/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "esp_efuse_rtc_calib.h" #include "../curve_fitting_coefficients.h" #define COEFF_VERSION_NUM 1 // Currently H2 has one versions of curve calibration schemes #define COEFF_GROUP_NUM 4 #define TERM_MAX 3 /** * @note Error Calculation * Coefficients for calculating the reading voltage error. * Four sets of coefficients for atten0 ~ atten3 respectively. * * For each item, first element is the Coefficient, second element is the Multiple. (Coefficient / Multiple) is the real coefficient. * * @note {0,0} stands for unused item * @note In case of the overflow, these coefficients are recorded as Absolute Value * @note For atten0 ~ 2, error = (K0 * X^0) + (K1 * X^1) * @note For atten3, error = (K0 * X^0) + (K1 * X^1) + (K2 * X^2) * @note Above formula is rewritten from the original documentation, please note that the coefficients are re-ordered. */ const static uint64_t adc1_error_coef_atten[COEFF_VERSION_NUM][COEFF_GROUP_NUM][TERM_MAX][2] = { /* Coefficients of calibration version 1 */ { {{5081991760658888, 1e16}, {7858995318513, 1e19}, {0, 1}}, //atten0 {{8359230818901277, 1e16}, {9025419089179, 1e19}, {0, 1}}, //atten1 {{1165668771581976, 1e15}, {8294679249061, 1e19}, {0, 1}}, //atten2 {{3637329628677273, 1e16}, {19607259738935, 1e18}, {7871689227, 1e16}}, //atten3 }, }; /** * Term sign */ const static int32_t adc1_error_sign[COEFF_VERSION_NUM][COEFF_GROUP_NUM][TERM_MAX] = { /* Coefficient sign of calibration version 1 */ { {-1, 1, 1}, //atten0 {-1, 1, 1}, //atten1 {-1, 1, 1}, //atten2 {-1, -1, 1}, //atten3 }, }; void curve_fitting_get_second_step_coeff(const adc_cali_curve_fitting_config_t *config, cali_chars_second_step_t *ctx) { uint32_t adc_calib_ver = esp_efuse_rtc_calib_get_ver(); assert((adc_calib_ver >= ESP_EFUSE_ADC_CALIB_VER_MIN) && (adc_calib_ver <= ESP_EFUSE_ADC_CALIB_VER_MAX)); ctx->term_num = 3; ctx->coeff = adc1_error_coef_atten[VER2IDX(adc_calib_ver)][config->atten]; ctx->sign = adc1_error_sign[VER2IDX(adc_calib_ver)][config->atten]; }