/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "freertos/idf_additions.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "rom/lldesc.h" #include "soc/soc_caps.h" #include "driver/dac_continuous.h" #include "dac_priv_common.h" #include "dac_priv_dma.h" #if CONFIG_DAC_ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG // The local log level must be defined before including esp_log.h // Set the maximum log level for this source file #define LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL ESP_LOG_DEBUG #endif #include "esp_check.h" #if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE #include "esp_pm.h" #endif #define DAC_DMA_MAX_BUF_SIZE 4092 // Max DMA buffer size is 4095 but better to align with 4 bytes, so set 4092 here #if CONFIG_DAC_ISR_IRAM_SAFE || CONFIG_DAC_CTRL_FUNC_IN_IRAM #define DAC_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS (MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT) #else #define DAC_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT #endif #if CONFIG_DAC_ISR_IRAM_SAFE #define DAC_INTR_ALLOC_FLAGS (ESP_INTR_FLAG_LOWMED | ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM | ESP_INTR_FLAG_INTRDISABLED | ESP_INTR_FLAG_SHARED) #else #define DAC_INTR_ALLOC_FLAGS (ESP_INTR_FLAG_LOWMED | ESP_INTR_FLAG_INTRDISABLED | ESP_INTR_FLAG_SHARED) #endif #define DAC_DMA_ALLOC_CAPS (MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_DMA) #define DAC_STAILQ_REMOVE(head, elm, type, field) do { \ if ((head)->stqh_first == (elm)) { \ STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD((head), field); \ } else { \ struct type *curelm = (head)->stqh_first; \ while (curelm->field.stqe_next != (elm) && \ curelm->field.stqe_next != NULL) \ curelm = curelm->field.stqe_next; \ if (curelm->field.stqe_next && (curelm->field.stqe_next = \ curelm->field.stqe_next->field.stqe_next) == NULL) \ (head)->stqh_last = &(curelm)->field.stqe_next; \ } \ } while (/*CONSTCOND*/0) struct dac_continuous_s { uint32_t chan_cnt; dac_continuous_config_t cfg; atomic_bool is_enabled; atomic_bool is_cyclic; atomic_bool is_running; atomic_bool is_async; intr_handle_t intr_handle; /* Interrupt handle */ #if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_handle_t pm_lock; #endif SemaphoreHandle_t mutex; QueueHandle_t desc_pool; /* The pool of available descriptors * The descriptors in the pool are not linked in to pending chain */ lldesc_t **desc; uint8_t **bufs; STAILQ_HEAD(desc_chain_s, lldesc_s) head; /* Head of the descriptor chain * The descriptors in the chain are pending to be sent or sending now */ dac_event_callbacks_t cbs; /* Interrupt callbacks */ void *user_data; }; static const char *TAG = "dac_continuous"; static bool s_dma_in_use = false; static portMUX_TYPE desc_spinlock = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; #define DESC_ENTER_CRITICAL() portENTER_CRITICAL(&desc_spinlock) #define DESC_EXIT_CRITICAL() portEXIT_CRITICAL(&desc_spinlock) #define DESC_ENTER_CRITICAL_ISR() portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&desc_spinlock) #define DESC_EXIT_CRITICAL_ISR() portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(&desc_spinlock) static void s_dac_free_dma_desc(dac_continuous_handle_t handle) { STAILQ_INIT(&handle->head); if (handle->desc != NULL) { if (handle->desc[0]) { free(handle->desc[0]); } free(handle->desc); handle->desc = NULL; } if (handle->bufs != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num; i++) { if (handle->bufs[i]) { free(handle->bufs[i]); handle->bufs[i] = NULL; } } free(handle->bufs); handle->bufs = NULL; } } static esp_err_t s_dac_alloc_dma_desc(dac_continuous_handle_t handle) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; STAILQ_INIT(&handle->head); handle->desc = (lldesc_t **) heap_caps_calloc(handle->cfg.desc_num, sizeof(lldesc_t *), DAC_DMA_ALLOC_CAPS); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(handle->desc, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, TAG, "failed to allocate dma descriptor array"); handle->bufs = (uint8_t **) heap_caps_calloc(handle->cfg.desc_num, sizeof(uint8_t *), DAC_DMA_ALLOC_CAPS); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(handle->bufs, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, TAG, "failed to allocate dma buffer array"); lldesc_t *descs = (lldesc_t *)heap_caps_calloc(handle->cfg.desc_num, sizeof(lldesc_t), DAC_DMA_ALLOC_CAPS); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(descs, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, TAG, "failed to allocate dma descriptors"); for (int cnt = 0; cnt < handle->cfg.desc_num; cnt++) { /* Allocate DMA descriptor */ handle->desc[cnt] = &descs[cnt]; ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->desc[cnt], ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "failed to allocate dma descriptor"); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "desc[%d] %p", cnt, handle->desc[cnt]); /* Allocate DMA buffer */ handle->bufs[cnt] = (uint8_t *) heap_caps_calloc(1, handle->cfg.buf_size, DAC_DMA_ALLOC_CAPS); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->bufs[cnt], ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "failed to allocate dma buffer"); /* Assign initial value */ lldesc_config(handle->desc[cnt], LLDESC_SW_OWNED, 1, 0, handle->cfg.buf_size); handle->desc[cnt]->size = handle->cfg.buf_size; handle->desc[cnt]->buf = handle->bufs[cnt]; handle->desc[cnt]->offset = 0; } return ESP_OK; err: /* Free DMA buffer if failed to allocate memory */ s_dac_free_dma_desc(handle); return ret; } static void IRAM_ATTR s_dac_default_intr_handler(void *arg) { dac_continuous_handle_t handle = (dac_continuous_handle_t)arg; uint32_t dummy; BaseType_t need_awoke = pdFALSE; BaseType_t tmp = pdFALSE; uint32_t intr_mask = dac_dma_periph_intr_is_triggered(); if (intr_mask & DAC_DMA_EOF_INTR) { lldesc_t *fdesc = (lldesc_t *)dac_dma_periph_intr_get_eof_desc(); if (!atomic_load(&handle->is_cyclic)) { /* Remove the descriptor in the chain that finished sent */ DESC_ENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(); if (STAILQ_FIRST(&handle->head) != NULL) { DAC_STAILQ_REMOVE(&handle->head, fdesc, lldesc_s, qe); } DESC_EXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(); if (xQueueIsQueueFullFromISR(handle->desc_pool) == pdTRUE) { xQueueReceiveFromISR(handle->desc_pool, &dummy, &tmp); need_awoke |= tmp; } xQueueSendFromISR(handle->desc_pool, &fdesc, &tmp); need_awoke |= tmp; } if (handle->cbs.on_convert_done) { dac_event_data_t evt_data = { .buf = (void *)fdesc->buf, .buf_size = handle->cfg.buf_size, .write_bytes = fdesc->length, }; need_awoke |= handle->cbs.on_convert_done(handle, &evt_data, handle->user_data); } } if (intr_mask & DAC_DMA_TEOF_INTR) { /* Total end of frame interrupt received, DMA stopped */ atomic_store(&handle->is_running, false); if (handle->cbs.on_stop) { need_awoke |= handle->cbs.on_stop(handle, NULL, handle->user_data); } } if (need_awoke == pdTRUE) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } } esp_err_t dac_continuous_new_channels(const dac_continuous_config_t *cont_cfg, dac_continuous_handle_t *ret_handle) { #if CONFIG_DAC_ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG esp_log_level_set(TAG, ESP_LOG_DEBUG); #endif /* Parameters validation */ DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(cont_cfg); DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(ret_handle); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(cont_cfg->chan_mask <= DAC_CHANNEL_MASK_ALL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid dac channel id"); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(cont_cfg->desc_num > 1, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "at least two DMA descriptor needed"); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!s_dma_in_use, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "DMA already in use"); esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; /* Register the channels */ for (uint32_t i = 0, mask = cont_cfg->chan_mask; mask; mask >>= 1, i++) { if (mask & 0x01) { ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(dac_priv_register_channel(i, "dac continuous"), err4, TAG, "register dac channel %"PRIu32" failed", i); } } /* Allocate continuous mode struct */ dac_continuous_handle_t handle = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(struct dac_continuous_s), DAC_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(handle, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, TAG, "no memory for the dac continuous mode structure"); /* Allocate queue and mutex*/ handle->desc_pool = xQueueCreateWithCaps(cont_cfg->desc_num, sizeof(lldesc_t *), DAC_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS); handle->mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutexWithCaps(DAC_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->desc_pool, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err3, TAG, "no memory for message queue"); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->mutex, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err3, TAG, "no memory for channels mutex"); /* Create PM lock */ #if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_type_t pm_lock_type = ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX; ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(esp_pm_lock_create(pm_lock_type, 0, "dac_driver", &handle->pm_lock), err3, TAG, "Failed to create DAC pm lock"); #endif handle->chan_cnt = __builtin_popcount(cont_cfg->chan_mask); memcpy(&(handle->cfg), cont_cfg, sizeof(dac_continuous_config_t)); atomic_init(&handle->is_enabled, false); atomic_init(&handle->is_cyclic, false); atomic_init(&handle->is_running, false); atomic_init(&handle->is_async, false); /* Allocate DMA buffer */ ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(s_dac_alloc_dma_desc(handle), err2, TAG, "Failed to allocate memory for DMA buffers"); /* Initialize DAC DMA peripheral */ ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(dac_dma_periph_init(cont_cfg->freq_hz, cont_cfg->chan_mode == DAC_CHANNEL_MODE_ALTER, cont_cfg->clk_src == DAC_DIGI_CLK_SRC_APLL), err2, TAG, "Failed to initialize DAC DMA peripheral"); /* Register DMA interrupt */ ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(esp_intr_alloc(dac_dma_periph_get_intr_signal(), DAC_INTR_ALLOC_FLAGS, s_dac_default_intr_handler, handle, &(handle->intr_handle)), err1, TAG, "Failed to register DAC DMA interrupt"); /* Connect DAC module to the DMA peripheral */ DAC_RTC_ENTER_CRITICAL(); dac_ll_digi_enable_dma(true); DAC_RTC_EXIT_CRITICAL(); s_dma_in_use = true; *ret_handle = handle; return ret; err1: dac_dma_periph_deinit(); err2: s_dac_free_dma_desc(handle); err3: if (handle->desc_pool) { vQueueDeleteWithCaps(handle->desc_pool); } if (handle->mutex) { vSemaphoreDeleteWithCaps(handle->mutex); } free(handle); err4: /* Deregister the channels */ for (uint32_t i = 0, mask = cont_cfg->chan_mask; mask; mask >>= 1, i++) { if (mask & 0x01) { dac_priv_deregister_channel(i); } } return ret; } esp_err_t dac_continuous_del_channels(dac_continuous_handle_t handle) { DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(handle); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!atomic_load(&handle->is_enabled), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "dac continuous output not disabled yet"); /* Deregister DMA interrupt */ if (handle->intr_handle) { ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_intr_free(handle->intr_handle), TAG, "Failed to deregister DMA interrupt"); handle->intr_handle = NULL; } /* Deinitialize DMA peripheral */ ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(dac_dma_periph_deinit(), TAG, "Failed to deinitialize DAC DMA peripheral"); /* Disconnect DAC module from the DMA peripheral */ DAC_RTC_ENTER_CRITICAL(); dac_ll_digi_enable_dma(false); DAC_RTC_EXIT_CRITICAL(); /* Free allocated resources */ s_dac_free_dma_desc(handle); if (handle->desc_pool) { vQueueDeleteWithCaps(handle->desc_pool); handle->desc_pool = NULL; } if (handle->mutex) { vSemaphoreDeleteWithCaps(handle->mutex); handle->mutex = NULL; } #if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE if (handle->pm_lock) { esp_pm_lock_delete(handle->pm_lock); handle->pm_lock = NULL; } #endif /* Deregister the channels */ for (uint32_t i = 0, mask = handle->cfg.chan_mask; mask; mask >>= 1, i++) { if (mask & 0x01) { dac_priv_deregister_channel(i); } } free(handle); s_dma_in_use = false; return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t dac_continuous_register_event_callback(dac_continuous_handle_t handle, const dac_event_callbacks_t *callbacks, void *user_data) { DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(handle); if (!callbacks) { memset(&handle->cbs, 0, sizeof(dac_event_callbacks_t)); return ESP_OK; } #if CONFIG_DAC_ISR_IRAM_SAFE if (callbacks->on_convert_done) { ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(esp_ptr_in_iram(callbacks->on_convert_done), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "on_convert_done callback not in IRAM"); } if (callbacks->on_stop) { ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(esp_ptr_in_iram(callbacks->on_stop), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "on_stop callback not in IRAM"); } if (user_data) { ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(esp_ptr_internal(user_data), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "user context not in internal RAM"); } #endif memcpy(&handle->cbs, callbacks, sizeof(dac_event_callbacks_t)); handle->user_data = user_data; return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t dac_continuous_enable(dac_continuous_handle_t handle) { DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(handle); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!atomic_load(&handle->is_enabled), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "dac continuous has already enabled"); esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; /* Reset the descriptor pool */ xQueueReset(handle->desc_pool); for (int i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num; i++) { ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(xQueueSend(handle->desc_pool, &handle->desc[i], 0) == pdTRUE, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "the descriptor pool is not cleared"); } #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_acquire(handle->pm_lock); #endif for (uint32_t i = 0, mask = handle->cfg.chan_mask; mask; mask >>= 1, i++) { if (mask & 0x01) { dac_priv_enable_channel(i); } } dac_dma_periph_enable(); esp_intr_enable(handle->intr_handle); DAC_RTC_ENTER_CRITICAL(); dac_ll_digi_enable_dma(true); DAC_RTC_EXIT_CRITICAL(); atomic_store(&handle->is_enabled, true); err: return ret; } esp_err_t dac_continuous_disable(dac_continuous_handle_t handle) { DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(handle); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_load(&handle->is_enabled), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "dac continuous has already disabled"); atomic_store(&handle->is_enabled, false); dac_dma_periph_disable(); esp_intr_disable(handle->intr_handle); DAC_RTC_ENTER_CRITICAL(); dac_ll_digi_enable_dma(false); DAC_RTC_EXIT_CRITICAL(); atomic_store(&handle->is_running, false); for (uint32_t i = 0, mask = handle->cfg.chan_mask; mask; mask >>= 1, i++) { if (mask & 0x01) { dac_priv_disable_channel(i); } } #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_release(handle->pm_lock); #endif return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t dac_continuous_start_async_writing(dac_continuous_handle_t handle) { DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(handle); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_load(&handle->is_enabled), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "dac continuous has not been enabled"); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(handle->cbs.on_convert_done, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "please register 'on_convert_done' callback before starting asynchronous writing"); atomic_store(&handle->is_async, true); if (atomic_load(&handle->is_cyclic)) { /* Break the DMA descriptor chain to stop the DMA first */ for (int i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num; i++) { STAILQ_NEXT(handle->desc[i], qe) = NULL; } } /* Wait for the previous DMA stop */ while (atomic_load(&handle->is_running)) {} /* Link all descriptors as a ring */ for (int i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num; i++) { memset(handle->bufs[i], 0, handle->cfg.buf_size); STAILQ_NEXT(handle->desc[i], qe) = (i < handle->cfg.desc_num - 1) ? handle->desc[i + 1] : handle->desc[0]; } dac_dma_periph_dma_trans_start((uint32_t)handle->desc[0]); atomic_store(&handle->is_running, true); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t dac_continuous_stop_async_writing(dac_continuous_handle_t handle) { DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(handle); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_load(&handle->is_async), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "dac asynchronous writing has not been started"); /* Break the DMA descriptor chain to stop the DMA first */ for (int i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num; i++) { STAILQ_NEXT(handle->desc[i], qe) = NULL; } /* Wait for the previous DMA stop */ while (atomic_load(&handle->is_running)) {} atomic_store(&handle->is_async, false); return ESP_OK; } /* Buffer expanding coefficient, the input buffer will expand to twice length while enabled AUTO_16_BIT */ #if CONFIG_DAC_DMA_AUTO_16BIT_ALIGN #define DAC_16BIT_ALIGN_COEFF 2 #else #define DAC_16BIT_ALIGN_COEFF 1 #endif static size_t s_dac_load_data_into_buf(dac_continuous_handle_t handle, uint8_t *dest, size_t dest_len, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len) { size_t load_bytes = 0; #if CONFIG_DAC_DMA_AUTO_16BIT_ALIGN /* Load the data to the high 8 bit in the 16-bit width slot */ load_bytes = (src_len * 2 > dest_len) ? dest_len : src_len * 2; for (int i = 0; i < load_bytes; i += 2) { dest[i + 1] = src[i / 2] + handle->cfg.offset; } #else /* Load the data into the DMA buffer */ load_bytes = (src_len > dest_len) ? dest_len : src_len; for (int i = 0; i < load_bytes; i++) { dest[i] = src[i] + handle->cfg.offset; } #endif return load_bytes; } esp_err_t dac_continuous_write_asynchronously(dac_continuous_handle_t handle, uint8_t *dma_buf, size_t dma_buf_len, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, size_t *bytes_loaded) { DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK_ISR(handle); DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK_ISR(dma_buf); DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK_ISR(data); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE_ISR(atomic_load(&handle->is_async), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "The asynchronous writing has not started"); int i; for (i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num; i++) { if (dma_buf == handle->bufs[i]) { break; } } /* Fail to find the DMA buffer address */ ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE_ISR(i < handle->cfg.desc_num, ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND, TAG, "Not found the corresponding DMA buffer"); size_t load_bytes = s_dac_load_data_into_buf(handle, dma_buf, dma_buf_len, data, data_len); lldesc_config(handle->desc[i], LLDESC_HW_OWNED, 1, 0, load_bytes); if (bytes_loaded) { *bytes_loaded = load_bytes / DAC_16BIT_ALIGN_COEFF; } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t dac_continuous_write_cyclically(dac_continuous_handle_t handle, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, size_t *bytes_loaded) { DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(handle); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_load(&handle->is_enabled), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "This set of DAC channels has not been enabled"); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!atomic_load(&handle->is_async), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "Asynchronous writing is running, can't write cyclically"); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(buf_size <= handle->cfg.buf_size * handle->cfg.desc_num, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "The cyclic buffer size exceeds the total DMA buffer size: %"PRIu32"(desc_num) * %d(buf_size) = %"PRIu32, handle->cfg.desc_num, handle->cfg.buf_size, handle->cfg.buf_size * handle->cfg.desc_num); esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; xSemaphoreTake(handle->mutex, portMAX_DELAY); if (atomic_load(&handle->is_cyclic)) { /* Break the DMA descriptor chain to stop the DMA first */ for (int i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num; i++) { STAILQ_NEXT(handle->desc[i], qe) = NULL; } } /* Wait for the previous DMA stop */ while (atomic_load(&handle->is_running)) {} atomic_store(&handle->is_cyclic, true); size_t src_buf_size = buf_size; uint32_t split = 1; int i; for (i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num && buf_size > 0; i++) { /* To spread data more averagely, average the last two descriptors */ split = (buf_size * DAC_16BIT_ALIGN_COEFF < handle->cfg.buf_size * 2) ? 3 - split : 1; size_t load_bytes = s_dac_load_data_into_buf(handle, handle->bufs[i], handle->cfg.buf_size, buf, buf_size / split); lldesc_config(handle->desc[i], LLDESC_HW_OWNED, 1, 0, load_bytes); /* Link to the next descriptor */ STAILQ_NEXT(handle->desc[i], qe) = (i < handle->cfg.desc_num - 1) ? handle->desc[i + 1] : NULL; buf_size -= load_bytes / DAC_16BIT_ALIGN_COEFF; buf += load_bytes / DAC_16BIT_ALIGN_COEFF; } /* Link the tail to the head as a ring */ STAILQ_NEXT(handle->desc[i - 1], qe) = handle->desc[0]; dac_dma_periph_dma_trans_start((uint32_t)handle->desc[0]); atomic_store(&handle->is_running, true); if (bytes_loaded) { *bytes_loaded = src_buf_size - buf_size; } xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ret; } static esp_err_t s_dac_wait_to_load_dma_data(dac_continuous_handle_t handle, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, size_t *w_size, TickType_t timeout_tick) { lldesc_t *desc; /* Try to get the descriptor from the pool */ ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xQueueReceive(handle->desc_pool, &desc, timeout_tick) == pdTRUE, ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT, TAG, "Get available descriptor timeout"); /* To ensure it is not in the pending desc chain */ if (STAILQ_FIRST(&handle->head) != NULL) { DAC_STAILQ_REMOVE(&handle->head, desc, lldesc_s, qe); } static bool split_flag = false; uint8_t *dma_buf = (uint8_t *)desc->buf; if (buf_size * DAC_16BIT_ALIGN_COEFF < 2 * handle->cfg.buf_size) { if (!split_flag) { buf_size >>= 1; split_flag = true; } else { split_flag = false; } } size_t load_bytes = s_dac_load_data_into_buf(handle, dma_buf, handle->cfg.buf_size, buf, buf_size); lldesc_config(desc, LLDESC_HW_OWNED, 1, 0, load_bytes); desc->size = load_bytes; *w_size = load_bytes / DAC_16BIT_ALIGN_COEFF; /* Insert the loaded descriptor to the end of the chain, waiting to be sent */ DESC_ENTER_CRITICAL(); STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&handle->head, desc, qe); DESC_EXIT_CRITICAL(); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t dac_continuous_write(dac_continuous_handle_t handle, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, size_t *bytes_loaded, int timeout_ms) { DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(handle); DAC_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(buf); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_load(&handle->is_enabled), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "This set of DAC channels has not been enabled"); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!atomic_load(&handle->is_async), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "Asynchronous writing is running, can't write synchronously"); esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; TickType_t timeout_tick = timeout_ms < 0 ? portMAX_DELAY : pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeout_ms); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xSemaphoreTake(handle->mutex, timeout_tick) == pdTRUE, ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT, TAG, "Take semaphore timeout"); size_t w_size = 0; size_t src_buf_size = buf_size; /* Reset the desc_pool and chain if called cyclic function last time */ if (atomic_load(&handle->is_cyclic)) { xQueueReset(handle->desc_pool); /* Break the chain if DMA still running */ for (int i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num; i++) { STAILQ_NEXT(handle->desc[i], qe) = NULL; xQueueSend(handle->desc_pool, &handle->desc[i], 0); } STAILQ_INIT(&handle->head); atomic_store(&handle->is_cyclic, false); } /* When there is no descriptor in the chain, DMA has stopped, load data and start the DMA link */ if (STAILQ_FIRST(&handle->head) == NULL) { /* Wait for the previous DMA stop */ while (atomic_load(&handle->is_running)) {} for (int i = 0; i < handle->cfg.desc_num && buf_size > 0; i++, buf += w_size, buf_size -= w_size) { ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(s_dac_wait_to_load_dma_data(handle, buf, buf_size, &w_size, timeout_tick), err, TAG, "Load data failed"); } dac_dma_periph_dma_trans_start((uint32_t)(STAILQ_FIRST(&handle->head))); atomic_store(&handle->is_running, true); } /* If the source buffer is not totally loaded, keep loading the rest data */ while (buf_size > 0) { ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(s_dac_wait_to_load_dma_data(handle, buf, buf_size, &w_size, timeout_tick), err, TAG, "Load data failed"); /* If the DMA stopped but there are still some descriptors not sent, start the DMA again */ DESC_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (STAILQ_FIRST(&handle->head) && !atomic_load(&handle->is_running)) { dac_dma_periph_dma_trans_start((uint32_t)(STAILQ_FIRST(&handle->head))); atomic_store(&handle->is_running, true); } DESC_EXIT_CRITICAL(); buf += w_size; buf_size -= w_size; } err: /* The bytes number that has been loaded */ if (bytes_loaded) { *bytes_loaded = src_buf_size - buf_size; } xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ret; }