idf_build_get_property(arch IDF_TARGET_ARCH) set(srcs "memory_checks.c" "test_runner.c" "test_utils.c") if(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32) # ESP32's timer group doesn't have XTAL clock source, # so we can't implement a timekeeping that can work during DFS # but we can work around that by combining RMT and PCNT # where PCNT can count the pulses generated by RMT, and RMT is clocked from REF_TICK # REF_TICK won't be affected by DFS list(APPEND srcs "ref_clock_impl_rmt_pcnt.c") elseif(CONFIG_SOC_GPTIMER_SUPPORTED) list(APPEND srcs "ref_clock_impl_timergroup.c") endif() if("${arch}" STREQUAL "xtensa") set(priv_requires perfmon esp_driver_pcnt esp_driver_gptimer esp_driver_rmt esp_netif) else() set(priv_requires esp_driver_pcnt esp_driver_gptimer esp_driver_rmt esp_netif) endif() idf_component_register(SRCS ${srcs} INCLUDE_DIRS include REQUIRES esp_partition idf_test cmock PRIV_REQUIRES "${priv_requires}") target_compile_options(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE "-Wno-format")