config SPIRAM bool "Support for external, SPI-connected RAM" default "n" help This enables support for an external SPI RAM chip, connected in parallel with the main SPI flash chip. menu "SPI RAM config" depends on SPIRAM config SPIRAM_MODE_QUAD bool default "y" choice SPIRAM_TYPE prompt "Type of SPI RAM chip in use" default SPIRAM_TYPE_AUTO config SPIRAM_TYPE_AUTO bool "Auto-detect" config SPIRAM_TYPE_ESPPSRAM16 bool "ESP-PSRAM16 or APS1604" config SPIRAM_TYPE_ESPPSRAM32 bool "ESP-PSRAM32" config SPIRAM_TYPE_ESPPSRAM64 bool "ESP-PSRAM64 or LY68L6400" endchoice choice SPIRAM_SPEED prompt "Set RAM clock speed" default SPIRAM_SPEED_40M help Select the speed for the SPI RAM chip. If SPI RAM is enabled, we only support three combinations of SPI speed mode we supported now: 1. Flash SPI running at 40Mhz and RAM SPI running at 40Mhz 2. Flash SPI running at 80Mhz and RAM SPI running at 40Mhz 3. Flash SPI running at 80Mhz and RAM SPI running at 80Mhz Note: If the third mode(80Mhz+80Mhz) is enabled for SPI RAM of type 32MBit, one of the HSPI/VSPI host will be occupied by the system. Which SPI host to use can be selected by the config item SPIRAM_OCCUPY_SPI_HOST. Application code should never touch HSPI/VSPI hardware in this case. The option to select 80MHz will only be visible if the flash SPI speed is also 80MHz. (ESPTOOLPY_FLASHFREQ_80M is true) config SPIRAM_SPEED_40M bool "40MHz clock speed" config SPIRAM_SPEED_80M depends on ESPTOOLPY_FLASHFREQ_80M bool "80MHz clock speed" endchoice config SPIRAM_SPEED int default 80 if SPIRAM_SPEED_80M default 40 if SPIRAM_SPEED_40M source "$IDF_PATH/components/esp_psram/Kconfig.spiram.common" # insert non-chip-specific items here config SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND bool "Enable workaround for bug in SPI RAM cache for Rev1 ESP32s" depends on (SPIRAM_USE_MEMMAP || SPIRAM_USE_CAPS_ALLOC || SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC) && (ESP32_REV_MIN_FULL < 300) default "y" help Revision 1 of the ESP32 has a bug that can cause a write to PSRAM not to take place in some situations when the cache line needs to be fetched from external RAM and an interrupt occurs. This enables a fix in the compiler (-mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue) that makes sure the specific code that is vulnerable to this will not be emitted. This will also not use any bits of newlib that are located in ROM, opting for a version that is compiled with the workaround and located in flash instead. The workaround is not required for ESP32 revision 3 and above. menu "SPIRAM cache workaround debugging" choice SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND_STRATEGY prompt "Workaround strategy" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND_STRATEGY_MEMW help Select the workaround strategy. Note that the strategy for precompiled libraries (libgcc, newlib, bt, wifi) is not affected by this selection. Unless you know you need a different strategy, it's suggested you stay with the default MEMW strategy. Note that DUPLDST can interfere with hardware encryption and this will be automatically disabled if this workaround is selected. 'Insert nops' is the workaround that was used in older esp-idf versions. This workaround still can cause faulty data transfers from/to SPI RAM in some situation. config SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND_STRATEGY_MEMW bool "Insert memw after vulnerable instructions (default)" config SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND_STRATEGY_DUPLDST bool "Duplicate LD/ST for 32-bit, memw for 8/16 bit" config SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND_STRATEGY_NOPS bool "Insert nops between vulnerable loads/stores (old strategy, obsolete)" endchoice #This needs to be Y only for the dupldst workaround config SPIRAM_WORKAROUND_NEED_VOLATILE_SPINLOCK bool default "y" if SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND_STRATEGY_DUPLDST endmenu menu "SPIRAM workaround libraries placement" visible if SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBJMP_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's jump related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: longjmp and setjmp. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBMATH_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's math related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: abs, div, labs, ldiv, quorem, fpclassify, and nan. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBNUMPARSER_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's number parsing related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: utoa, itoa, atoi, atol, strtol, and strtoul. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBIO_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's I/O related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: wcrtomb, fvwrite, wbuf, wsetup, fputwc, wctomb_r, ungetc, makebuf, fflush, refill, and sccl. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBTIME_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's time related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: asctime, asctime_r, ctime, ctime_r, lcltime, lcltime_r, gmtime, gmtime_r, strftime, mktime, tzset_r, tzset, time, gettzinfo, systimes, month_lengths, timelocal, tzvars, tzlock, tzcalc_limits, and strptime. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBCHAR_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's characters related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: ctype_, toupper, tolower, toascii, strupr, bzero, isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, and isupper. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBMEM_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's memory related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: memccpy, memchr memmove, and memrchr. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBSTR_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's string related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: strcasecmp, strcasestr, strchr, strcoll, strcpy, strcspn, strdup, strdup_r, strlcat, strlcpy, strlen, strlwr, strncasecmp, strncat, strncmp, strncpy, strndup, strndup_r, strrchr, strsep, strspn, strstr, strtok_r, and strupr. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBRAND_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's random related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: srand, rand, and rand_r. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBENV_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's environment related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: environ, envlock, and getenv_r. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBFILE_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's file related functions in IRAM" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: lock, isatty, fclose, open, close, creat, read, rshift, sbrk, stdio, syssbrk, sysclose, sysopen, creat, sysread, syswrite, impure, fwalk, and findfp. Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. config SPIRAM_CACHE_LIBMISC_IN_IRAM bool "Put libc's miscellaneous functions in IRAM, see help" depends on SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND default "y" help The functions affected by this option are: raise and system Putting these function in IRAM will allow them to be called when flash cache is disabled but it will also reduce the available size of free IRAM for the user application. endmenu config SPIRAM_BANKSWITCH_ENABLE bool "Enable bank switching for >4MiB external RAM" default y depends on SPIRAM_USE_MEMMAP || SPIRAM_USE_CAPS_ALLOC || SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC help The ESP32 only supports 4MiB of external RAM in its address space. The hardware does support larger memories, but these have to be bank-switched in and out of this address space. Enabling this allows you to reserve some MMU pages for this, which allows the use of the esp_himem api to manage these banks. #Note that this is limited to 62 banks, as esp_psram_extram_writeback_cache needs some kind of mapping of #some banks below that mark to work. We cannot at this moment guarantee this to exist when himem is #enabled. If spiram 2T mode is enabled, the size of 64Mbit psram will be changed as 32Mbit, so himem will be unusable. config SPIRAM_BANKSWITCH_RESERVE int "Amount of 32K pages to reserve for bank switching" depends on SPIRAM_BANKSWITCH_ENABLE default 8 range 1 62 help Select the amount of banks reserved for bank switching. Note that the amount of RAM allocatable with malloc/esp_heap_alloc_caps will decrease by 32K for each page reserved here. Note that this reservation is only actually done if your program actually uses the himem API. Without any himem calls, the reservation is not done and the original amount of memory will be available to malloc/esp_heap_alloc_caps. choice SPIRAM_OCCUPY_SPI_HOST prompt "SPI host to use for 32MBit PSRAM" default SPIRAM_OCCUPY_VSPI_HOST depends on SPIRAM_SPEED_80M help When both flash and PSRAM is working under 80MHz, and the PSRAM is of type 32MBit, one of the HSPI/VSPI host will be used to output the clock. Select which one to use here. config SPIRAM_OCCUPY_HSPI_HOST bool "HSPI host (SPI2)" config SPIRAM_OCCUPY_VSPI_HOST bool "VSPI host (SPI3)" config SPIRAM_OCCUPY_NO_HOST bool "Will not try to use any host, will abort if not able to use the PSRAM" endchoice menu "PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32-DOWD" config D0WD_PSRAM_CLK_IO int "PSRAM CLK IO number" depends on SPIRAM range 0 33 default 17 help The PSRAM CLOCK IO can be any unused GPIO, user can config it based on hardware design. If user use 1.8V flash and 1.8V psram, this value can only be one of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17. If configured to the same pin as Flash, PSRAM shouldn't be rev0. Contact Espressif for more information. config D0WD_PSRAM_CS_IO int "PSRAM CS IO number" depends on SPIRAM range 0 33 default 16 help The PSRAM CS IO can be any unused GPIO, user can config it based on hardware design. If user use 1.8V flash and 1.8V psram, this value can only be one of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17. endmenu menu "PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32-D2WD" config D2WD_PSRAM_CLK_IO int "PSRAM CLK IO number" depends on SPIRAM range 0 33 default 9 help User can config it based on hardware design. For ESP32-D2WD chip, the psram can only be 1.8V psram, so this value can only be one of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17. If configured to the same pin (GPIO6) as Flash, PSRAM shouldn't be rev0. Contact Espressif for more information. config D2WD_PSRAM_CS_IO int "PSRAM CS IO number" depends on SPIRAM range 0 33 default 10 help User can config it based on hardware design. For ESP32-D2WD chip, the psram can only be 1.8V psram, so this value can only be one of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17. endmenu menu "PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32-PICO-D4" config PICO_PSRAM_CS_IO int "PSRAM CS IO number" depends on SPIRAM range 0 33 default 10 help The PSRAM CS IO can be any unused GPIO, user can config it based on hardware design. For ESP32-PICO chip, the psram share clock with flash, so user do not need to configure the clock IO. For the reference hardware design, please refer to endmenu config SPIRAM_CUSTOM_SPIWP_SD3_PIN bool "Use custom SPI PSRAM WP(SD3) Pin when flash pins set in eFuse (read help)" depends on IDF_TARGET_ESP32 && (ESPTOOLPY_FLASHMODE_DIO || ESPTOOLPY_FLASHMODE_DOUT) default y if SPIRAM_SPIWP_SD3_PIN != 7 # backwards compatibility, can remove in IDF 5 default n help This setting is only used if the SPI flash pins have been overridden by setting the eFuses SPI_PAD_CONFIG_xxx, and the SPI flash mode is DIO or DOUT. When this is the case, the eFuse config only defines 3 of the 4 Quad I/O data pins. The WP pin (aka ESP32 pin "SD_DATA_3" or SPI flash pin "IO2") is not specified in eFuse. The psram only has QPI mode, so a WP pin setting is necessary. If this config item is set to N (default), the correct WP pin will be automatically used for any Espressif chip or module with integrated flash. If a custom setting is needed, set this config item to Y and specify the GPIO number connected to the WP pin. When flash mode is set to QIO or QOUT, the PSRAM WP pin will be set the same as the SPI Flash WP pin configured in the bootloader. config SPIRAM_SPIWP_SD3_PIN int "Custom SPI PSRAM WP(SD3) Pin" depends on IDF_TARGET_ESP32 && (ESPTOOLPY_FLASHMODE_DIO || ESPTOOLPY_FLASHMODE_DOUT) #depends on SPIRAM_CUSTOM_SPIWP_SD3_PIN # backwards compatibility, can uncomment in IDF 5 range 0 33 default 7 help The option "Use custom SPI PSRAM WP(SD3) pin" must be set or this value is ignored If burning a customized set of SPI flash pins in eFuse and using DIO or DOUT mode for flash, set this value to the GPIO number of the SPIRAM WP pin. config SPIRAM_2T_MODE bool "Enable SPI PSRAM 2T mode" depends on SPIRAM default "n" help Enable this option to fix single bit errors inside 64Mbit PSRAM. Some 64Mbit PSRAM chips have a hardware issue in the RAM which causes bit errors at multiple fixed bit positions. Note: If this option is enabled, the 64Mbit PSRAM chip will appear to be 32Mbit in size. Applications will not be affected unless the use the esp_himem APIs, which are not supported in 2T mode. endmenu # "SPI RAM config"