/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include "wear_levelling.h" #include "WL_Config.h" #include "WL_Ext_Cfg.h" #include "WL_Flash.h" #include "WL_Ext_Perf.h" #include "WL_Ext_Safe.h" #include "SPI_Flash.h" #include "Partition.h" #ifndef MAX_WL_HANDLES #define MAX_WL_HANDLES 8 #endif // MAX_WL_HANDLES #ifndef WL_DEFAULT_UPDATERATE #define WL_DEFAULT_UPDATERATE 16 #endif //WL_DEFAULT_UPDATERATE #ifndef WL_DEFAULT_TEMP_BUFF_SIZE #define WL_DEFAULT_TEMP_BUFF_SIZE 32 #endif //WL_DEFAULT_TEMP_BUFF_SIZE #ifndef WL_DEFAULT_WRITE_SIZE #define WL_DEFAULT_WRITE_SIZE 16 #endif //WL_DEFAULT_WRITE_SIZE #ifndef WL_DEFAULT_START_ADDR #define WL_DEFAULT_START_ADDR 0 #endif //WL_DEFAULT_START_ADDR #ifndef WL_CURRENT_VERSION #define WL_CURRENT_VERSION 2 #endif //WL_CURRENT_VERSION typedef struct { WL_Flash *instance; _lock_t lock; } wl_instance_t; static wl_instance_t s_instances[MAX_WL_HANDLES]; static _lock_t s_instances_lock; static const char *TAG = "wear_levelling"; static esp_err_t check_handle(wl_handle_t handle, const char *func); esp_err_t wl_mount(const esp_partition_t *partition, wl_handle_t *out_handle) { // Initialize variables before the first jump to cleanup label void *wl_flash_ptr = NULL; WL_Flash *wl_flash = NULL; void *part_ptr = NULL; Partition *part = NULL; esp_err_t result = ESP_OK; *out_handle = WL_INVALID_HANDLE; _lock_acquire(&s_instances_lock); // Get first available WL handle for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_WL_HANDLES; i++) { if (s_instances[i].instance == NULL) { *out_handle = i; break; } } if (*out_handle == WL_INVALID_HANDLE) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "MAX_WL_HANDLES=%d instances already allocated", MAX_WL_HANDLES); result = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto out; } wl_ext_cfg_t cfg; cfg.wl_partition_start_addr = WL_DEFAULT_START_ADDR; cfg.wl_partition_size = partition->size; cfg.wl_page_size = partition->erase_size; cfg.flash_sector_size = partition->erase_size; //default size is 4096 cfg.wl_update_rate = WL_DEFAULT_UPDATERATE; cfg.wl_pos_update_record_size = WL_DEFAULT_WRITE_SIZE; //16 bytes per pos update will be stored cfg.version = WL_CURRENT_VERSION; cfg.wl_temp_buff_size = WL_DEFAULT_TEMP_BUFF_SIZE; cfg.fat_sector_size = CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE; //default size is 4096 // Allocate memory for a Partition object, and then initialize the object // using placement new operator. This way we can recover from out of // memory condition. part_ptr = malloc(sizeof(Partition)); if (part_ptr == NULL) { result = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: can't allocate Partition", __func__); goto out; } part = new (part_ptr) Partition(partition); // Same for WL_Flash: allocate memory first and then use placement new operator #if CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE == 512 #if CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_MODE == 1 //Safety mode wl_flash_ptr = malloc(sizeof(WL_Ext_Safe)); if (wl_flash_ptr == NULL) { result = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: can't allocate WL_Ext_Safe", __func__); goto out; } wl_flash = new (wl_flash_ptr) WL_Ext_Safe(); #else //Performance mode wl_flash_ptr = malloc(sizeof(WL_Ext_Perf)); if (wl_flash_ptr == NULL) { result = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: can't allocate WL_Ext_Perf", __func__); goto out; } wl_flash = new (wl_flash_ptr) WL_Ext_Perf(); #endif // CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_MODE (Safety or performance mode) #endif // CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE #if CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE == 4096 wl_flash_ptr = malloc(sizeof(WL_Flash)); if (wl_flash_ptr == NULL) { result = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: can't allocate WL_Flash", __func__); goto out; } wl_flash = new (wl_flash_ptr) WL_Flash(); #endif // CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE // Configure data needed by WL layer for respective flash driver result = wl_flash->config(&cfg, part); if (ESP_OK != result) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: config instance=0x%08" PRIx32 ", result=0x%x", __func__, *out_handle, result); goto out; } // Initialise sectors used by WL layer for respective flash driver result = wl_flash->init(); if (ESP_OK != result) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: init instance=0x%08" PRIx32 ", result=0x%x", __func__, *out_handle, result); goto out; } s_instances[*out_handle].instance = wl_flash; // Initialise the lock for respective WL handle _lock_init(&s_instances[*out_handle].lock); _lock_release(&s_instances_lock); return ESP_OK; out: _lock_release(&s_instances_lock); *out_handle = WL_INVALID_HANDLE; if (wl_flash) { wl_flash->~WL_Flash(); free(wl_flash); } if (part) { part->~Partition(); free(part); } return result; } esp_err_t wl_unmount(wl_handle_t handle) { esp_err_t result = ESP_OK; _lock_acquire(&s_instances_lock); result = check_handle(handle, __func__); if (result == ESP_OK) { // We use placement new in wl_mount, so call destructor directly Partition *part = s_instances[handle].instance->get_part(); // We have to flush state of the component if (!part->is_readonly()) { result = s_instances[handle].instance->flush(); } part->~Partition(); free(part); s_instances[handle].instance->~WL_Flash(); free(s_instances[handle].instance); s_instances[handle].instance = NULL; _lock_close(&s_instances[handle].lock); // also zeroes the lock variable } _lock_release(&s_instances_lock); return result; } esp_err_t wl_erase_range(wl_handle_t handle, size_t start_addr, size_t size) { esp_err_t result = check_handle(handle, __func__); if (result != ESP_OK) { return result; } _lock_acquire(&s_instances[handle].lock); result = s_instances[handle].instance->erase_range(start_addr, size); _lock_release(&s_instances[handle].lock); return result; } esp_err_t wl_write(wl_handle_t handle, size_t dest_addr, const void *src, size_t size) { esp_err_t result = check_handle(handle, __func__); if (result != ESP_OK) { return result; } _lock_acquire(&s_instances[handle].lock); result = s_instances[handle].instance->write(dest_addr, src, size); _lock_release(&s_instances[handle].lock); return result; } esp_err_t wl_read(wl_handle_t handle, size_t src_addr, void *dest, size_t size) { esp_err_t result = check_handle(handle, __func__); if (result != ESP_OK) { return result; } _lock_acquire(&s_instances[handle].lock); result = s_instances[handle].instance->read(src_addr, dest, size); _lock_release(&s_instances[handle].lock); return result; } size_t wl_size(wl_handle_t handle) { esp_err_t err = check_handle(handle, __func__); if (err != ESP_OK) { return 0; } _lock_acquire(&s_instances[handle].lock); size_t result = s_instances[handle].instance->get_flash_size(); _lock_release(&s_instances[handle].lock); return result; } size_t wl_sector_size(wl_handle_t handle) { esp_err_t err = check_handle(handle, __func__); if (err != ESP_OK) { return 0; } _lock_acquire(&s_instances[handle].lock); size_t result = s_instances[handle].instance->get_sector_size(); _lock_release(&s_instances[handle].lock); return result; } static esp_err_t check_handle(wl_handle_t handle, const char *func) { if (handle == WL_INVALID_HANDLE) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: invalid handle", func); return ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } if (handle >= MAX_WL_HANDLES) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: instance[0x%08" PRIx32 "] out of range", func, handle); return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } if (s_instances[handle].instance == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: instance[0x%08" PRIx32 "] not initialized", func, handle); return ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } return ESP_OK; }