//Do not edit this file because it is autogenerated by gen_esp_err_to_name.py #include #include "esp_err.h" #if __has_include("soc/soc.h") #include "soc/soc.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_efuse.h") #include "esp_efuse.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_http_client.h") #include "esp_http_client.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_http_server.h") #include "esp_http_server.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_https_ota.h") #include "esp_https_ota.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_image_format.h") #include "esp_image_format.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_mesh.h") #include "esp_mesh.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_netif_types.h") #include "esp_netif_types.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_now.h") #include "esp_now.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_ota_ops.h") #include "esp_ota_ops.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_ping.h") #include "esp_ping.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_serial_slave_link/essl.h") #include "esp_serial_slave_link/essl.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_spi_flash.h") #include "esp_spi_flash.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_supplicant/esp_wps.h") #include "esp_supplicant/esp_wps.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_tls.h") #include "esp_tls.h" #endif #if __has_include("esp_wifi.h") #include "esp_wifi.h" #endif #if __has_include("hal/esp_flash_err.h") #include "hal/esp_flash_err.h" #endif #if __has_include("nvs.h") #include "nvs.h" #endif #if __has_include("ulp_common.h") #include "ulp_common.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ESP_ERR_TO_NAME_LOOKUP #define ERR_TBL_IT(err) {err, #err} typedef struct { esp_err_t code; const char *msg; } esp_err_msg_t; static const esp_err_msg_t esp_err_msg_table[] = { // components/esp_common/include/esp_err.h # ifdef ESP_FAIL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_FAIL), /* -1 Generic esp_err_t code indicating failure */ # endif # ifdef ESP_OK ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_OK), /* 0 esp_err_t value indicating success (no error) */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NO_MEM ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NO_MEM), /* 257 0x101 Out of memory */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG), /* 258 0x102 Invalid argument */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE), /* 259 0x103 Invalid state */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE), /* 260 0x104 Invalid size */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND), /* 261 0x105 Requested resource not found */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED), /* 262 0x106 Operation or feature not supported */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT), /* 263 0x107 Operation timed out */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE), /* 264 0x108 Received response was invalid */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_INVALID_CRC ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_INVALID_CRC), /* 265 0x109 CRC or checksum was invalid */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_INVALID_VERSION ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_INVALID_VERSION), /* 266 0x10a Version was invalid */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_INVALID_MAC ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_INVALID_MAC), /* 267 0x10b MAC address was invalid */ # endif // components/esp_serial_slave_link/include/esp_serial_slave_link/essl.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED), /* 513 0x201 */ # endif // components/nvs_flash/include/nvs.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_BASE), /* 4352 0x1100 Starting number of error codes */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_INITIALIZED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_INITIALIZED), /* 4353 0x1101 The storage driver is not initialized */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND), /* 4354 0x1102 Id namespace doesn’t exist yet and mode is NVS_READONLY */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_TYPE_MISMATCH ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_TYPE_MISMATCH), /* 4355 0x1103 The type of set or get operation doesn't match the type of value stored in NVS */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_READ_ONLY ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_READ_ONLY), /* 4356 0x1104 Storage handle was opened as read only */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE), /* 4357 0x1105 There is not enough space in the underlying storage to save the value */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_NAME ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_NAME), /* 4358 0x1106 Namespace name doesn’t satisfy constraints */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_HANDLE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_HANDLE), /* 4359 0x1107 Handle has been closed or is NULL */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_REMOVE_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_REMOVE_FAILED), /* 4360 0x1108 The value wasn’t updated because flash write operation has failed. The value was written however, and update will be finished after re-initialization of nvs, provided that flash operation doesn’t fail again. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_KEY_TOO_LONG ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_KEY_TOO_LONG), /* 4361 0x1109 Key name is too long */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_PAGE_FULL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_PAGE_FULL), /* 4362 0x110a Internal error; never returned by nvs API functions */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_STATE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_STATE), /* 4363 0x110b NVS is in an inconsistent state due to a previous error. Call nvs_flash_init and nvs_open again, then retry. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_LENGTH ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_LENGTH), /* 4364 0x110c String or blob length is not sufficient to store data */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES), /* 4365 0x110d NVS partition doesn't contain any empty pages. This may happen if NVS partition was truncated. Erase the whole partition and call nvs_flash_init again. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_VALUE_TOO_LONG ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_VALUE_TOO_LONG), /* 4366 0x110e String or blob length is longer than supported by the implementation */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_PART_NOT_FOUND ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_PART_NOT_FOUND), /* 4367 0x110f Partition with specified name is not found in the partition table */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_NEW_VERSION_FOUND ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_NEW_VERSION_FOUND), /* 4368 0x1110 NVS partition contains data in new format and cannot be recognized by this version of code */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_XTS_ENCR_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_XTS_ENCR_FAILED), /* 4369 0x1111 XTS encryption failed while writing NVS entry */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_XTS_DECR_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_XTS_DECR_FAILED), /* 4370 0x1112 XTS decryption failed while reading NVS entry */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_XTS_CFG_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_XTS_CFG_FAILED), /* 4371 0x1113 XTS configuration setting failed */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_XTS_CFG_NOT_FOUND ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_XTS_CFG_NOT_FOUND), /* 4372 0x1114 XTS configuration not found */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_ENCR_NOT_SUPPORTED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_ENCR_NOT_SUPPORTED), /* 4373 0x1115 NVS encryption is not supported in this version */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_KEYS_NOT_INITIALIZED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_KEYS_NOT_INITIALIZED), /* 4374 0x1116 NVS key partition is uninitialized */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_CORRUPT_KEY_PART ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_CORRUPT_KEY_PART), /* 4375 0x1117 NVS key partition is corrupt */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_NVS_CONTENT_DIFFERS ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_NVS_CONTENT_DIFFERS), /* 4376 0x1118 Internal error; never returned by nvs API functions. NVS key is different in comparison */ # endif // components/ulp/include/ulp_common.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_ULP_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ULP_BASE), /* 4608 0x1200 Offset for ULP-related error codes */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ULP_SIZE_TOO_BIG ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ULP_SIZE_TOO_BIG), /* 4609 0x1201 Program doesn't fit into RTC memory reserved for the ULP */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ULP_INVALID_LOAD_ADDR ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ULP_INVALID_LOAD_ADDR), /* 4610 0x1202 Load address is outside of RTC memory reserved for the ULP */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ULP_DUPLICATE_LABEL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ULP_DUPLICATE_LABEL), /* 4611 0x1203 More than one label with the same number was defined */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ULP_UNDEFINED_LABEL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ULP_UNDEFINED_LABEL), /* 4612 0x1204 Branch instructions references an undefined label */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ULP_BRANCH_OUT_OF_RANGE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ULP_BRANCH_OUT_OF_RANGE), /* 4613 0x1205 Branch target is out of range of B instruction (try replacing with BX) */ # endif // components/app_update/include/esp_ota_ops.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_OTA_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_OTA_BASE), /* 5376 0x1500 Base error code for ota_ops api */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_OTA_PARTITION_CONFLICT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_OTA_PARTITION_CONFLICT), /* 5377 0x1501 Error if request was to write or erase the current running partition */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_OTA_SELECT_INFO_INVALID ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_OTA_SELECT_INFO_INVALID), /* 5378 0x1502 Error if OTA data partition contains invalid content */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_OTA_VALIDATE_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_OTA_VALIDATE_FAILED), /* 5379 0x1503 Error if OTA app image is invalid */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_OTA_SMALL_SEC_VER ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_OTA_SMALL_SEC_VER), /* 5380 0x1504 Error if the firmware has a secure version less than the running firmware. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_OTA_ROLLBACK_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_OTA_ROLLBACK_FAILED), /* 5381 0x1505 Error if flash does not have valid firmware in passive partition and hence rollback is not possible */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_OTA_ROLLBACK_INVALID_STATE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_OTA_ROLLBACK_INVALID_STATE), /* 5382 0x1506 Error if current active firmware is still marked in pending validation state (ESP_OTA_IMG_PENDING_VERIFY), essentially first boot of firmware image post upgrade and hence firmware upgrade is not possible */ # endif // components/efuse/include/esp_efuse.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_EFUSE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_EFUSE), /* 5632 0x1600 Base error code for efuse api. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_OK_EFUSE_CNT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_OK_EFUSE_CNT), /* 5633 0x1601 OK the required number of bits is set. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_EFUSE_CNT_IS_FULL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_EFUSE_CNT_IS_FULL), /* 5634 0x1602 Error field is full. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_EFUSE_REPEATED_PROG ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_EFUSE_REPEATED_PROG), /* 5635 0x1603 Error repeated programming of programmed bits is strictly forbidden. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_CODING ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_CODING), /* 5636 0x1604 Error while a encoding operation. */ # endif // components/bootloader_support/include/esp_image_format.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_IMAGE_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_IMAGE_BASE), /* 8192 0x2000 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_IMAGE_FLASH_FAIL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_IMAGE_FLASH_FAIL), /* 8193 0x2001 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_IMAGE_INVALID ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_IMAGE_INVALID), /* 8194 0x2002 */ # endif // components/esp_common/include/esp_err.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE), /* 12288 0x3000 Starting number of WiFi error codes */ # endif // components/esp_wifi/include/esp_wifi.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT), /* 12289 0x3001 WiFi driver was not installed by esp_wifi_init */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED), /* 12290 0x3002 WiFi driver was not started by esp_wifi_start */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STOPPED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STOPPED), /* 12291 0x3003 WiFi driver was not stopped by esp_wifi_stop */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF), /* 12292 0x3004 WiFi interface error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_MODE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_MODE), /* 12293 0x3005 WiFi mode error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_STATE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_STATE), /* 12294 0x3006 WiFi internal state error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_CONN ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_CONN), /* 12295 0x3007 WiFi internal control block of station or soft-AP error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_NVS ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_NVS), /* 12296 0x3008 WiFi internal NVS module error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_MAC ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_MAC), /* 12297 0x3009 MAC address is invalid */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_SSID ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_SSID), /* 12298 0x300a SSID is invalid */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_PASSWORD ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_PASSWORD), /* 12299 0x300b Password is invalid */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_TIMEOUT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_TIMEOUT), /* 12300 0x300c Timeout error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_WAKE_FAIL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_WAKE_FAIL), /* 12301 0x300d WiFi is in sleep state(RF closed) and wakeup fail */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_WOULD_BLOCK ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_WOULD_BLOCK), /* 12302 0x300e The caller would block */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_CONNECT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_CONNECT), /* 12303 0x300f Station still in disconnect status */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_POST ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_POST), /* 12306 0x3012 Failed to post the event to WiFi task */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_INIT_STATE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_INIT_STATE), /* 12307 0x3013 Invalod WiFi state when init/deinit is called */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_STOP_STATE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_STOP_STATE), /* 12308 0x3014 Returned when WiFi is stopping */ # endif // components/wpa_supplicant/include/esp_supplicant/esp_wps.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_REGISTRAR ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_REGISTRAR), /* 12339 0x3033 WPS registrar is not supported */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE), /* 12340 0x3034 WPS type error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_SM ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_SM), /* 12341 0x3035 WPS state machine is not initialized */ # endif // components/esp_wifi/include/esp_now.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_BASE), /* 12388 0x3064 ESPNOW error number base. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_INIT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_INIT), /* 12389 0x3065 ESPNOW is not initialized. */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_ARG ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_ARG), /* 12390 0x3066 Invalid argument */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NO_MEM ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NO_MEM), /* 12391 0x3067 Out of memory */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_FULL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_FULL), /* 12392 0x3068 ESPNOW peer list is full */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_FOUND ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_FOUND), /* 12393 0x3069 ESPNOW peer is not found */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_INTERNAL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_INTERNAL), /* 12394 0x306a Internal error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_EXIST ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_EXIST), /* 12395 0x306b ESPNOW peer has existed */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_IF ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_IF), /* 12396 0x306c Interface error */ # endif // components/esp_common/include/esp_err.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_BASE), /* 16384 0x4000 Starting number of MESH error codes */ # endif // components/esp_wifi/include/esp_mesh.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_WIFI_NOT_START ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_WIFI_NOT_START), /* 16385 0x4001 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_INIT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_INIT), /* 16386 0x4002 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_CONFIG ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_CONFIG), /* 16387 0x4003 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_START ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_START), /* 16388 0x4004 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_SUPPORT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_SUPPORT), /* 16389 0x4005 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_ALLOWED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_NOT_ALLOWED), /* 16390 0x4006 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_NO_MEMORY ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_NO_MEMORY), /* 16391 0x4007 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_ARGUMENT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_ARGUMENT), /* 16392 0x4008 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_EXCEED_MTU ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_EXCEED_MTU), /* 16393 0x4009 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_TIMEOUT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_TIMEOUT), /* 16394 0x400a */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_DISCONNECTED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_DISCONNECTED), /* 16395 0x400b */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_QUEUE_FAIL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_QUEUE_FAIL), /* 16396 0x400c */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_QUEUE_FULL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_QUEUE_FULL), /* 16397 0x400d */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_NO_PARENT_FOUND ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_NO_PARENT_FOUND), /* 16398 0x400e */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_NO_ROUTE_FOUND ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_NO_ROUTE_FOUND), /* 16399 0x400f */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_OPTION_NULL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_OPTION_NULL), /* 16400 0x4010 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_OPTION_UNKNOWN ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_OPTION_UNKNOWN), /* 16401 0x4011 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_XON_NO_WINDOW ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_XON_NO_WINDOW), /* 16402 0x4012 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_INTERFACE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_INTERFACE), /* 16403 0x4013 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_DISCARD_DUPLICATE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_DISCARD_DUPLICATE), /* 16404 0x4014 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_DISCARD ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_DISCARD), /* 16405 0x4015 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_VOTING ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_VOTING), /* 16406 0x4016 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_XMIT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_XMIT), /* 16407 0x4017 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_QUEUE_READ ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_QUEUE_READ), /* 16408 0x4018 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MESH_RECV_RELEASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MESH_RECV_RELEASE), /* 16410 0x401a */ # endif // components/esp_netif/include/esp_netif_types.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE), /* 20480 0x5000 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_INVALID_PARAMS ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_INVALID_PARAMS), /* 20481 0x5001 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_IF_NOT_READY ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_IF_NOT_READY), /* 20482 0x5002 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCPC_START_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCPC_START_FAILED), /* 20483 0x5003 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_ALREADY_STARTED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_ALREADY_STARTED), /* 20484 0x5004 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_ALREADY_STOPPED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_ALREADY_STOPPED), /* 20485 0x5005 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_NO_MEM ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_NO_MEM), /* 20486 0x5006 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_NOT_STOPPED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_NOT_STOPPED), /* 20487 0x5007 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DRIVER_ATTACH_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DRIVER_ATTACH_FAILED), /* 20488 0x5008 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_INIT_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_INIT_FAILED), /* 20489 0x5009 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DNS_NOT_CONFIGURED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DNS_NOT_CONFIGURED), /* 20490 0x500a */ # endif // components/esp_common/include/esp_err.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_FLASH_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_FLASH_BASE), /* 24576 0x6000 Starting number of flash error codes */ # endif // components/spi_flash/include/esp_spi_flash.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL), /* 24577 0x6001 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_TIMEOUT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_TIMEOUT), /* 24578 0x6002 */ # endif // components/soc/include/hal/esp_flash_err.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_FLASH_NOT_INITIALISED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_FLASH_NOT_INITIALISED), /* 24579 0x6003 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_FLASH_UNSUPPORTED_HOST ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_FLASH_UNSUPPORTED_HOST), /* 24580 0x6004 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_FLASH_UNSUPPORTED_CHIP ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_FLASH_UNSUPPORTED_CHIP), /* 24581 0x6005 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_FLASH_PROTECTED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_FLASH_PROTECTED), /* 24582 0x6006 */ # endif // components/esp_http_client/include/esp_http_client.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTP_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTP_BASE), /* 28672 0x7000 Starting number of HTTP error codes */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTP_MAX_REDIRECT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTP_MAX_REDIRECT), /* 28673 0x7001 The error exceeds the number of HTTP redirects */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTP_CONNECT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTP_CONNECT), /* 28674 0x7002 Error open the HTTP connection */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTP_WRITE_DATA ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTP_WRITE_DATA), /* 28675 0x7003 Error write HTTP data */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTP_FETCH_HEADER ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTP_FETCH_HEADER), /* 28676 0x7004 Error read HTTP header from server */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTP_INVALID_TRANSPORT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTP_INVALID_TRANSPORT), /* 28677 0x7005 There are no transport support for the input scheme */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTP_CONNECTING ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTP_CONNECTING), /* 28678 0x7006 HTTP connection hasn't been established yet */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTP_EAGAIN ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTP_EAGAIN), /* 28679 0x7007 Mapping of errno EAGAIN to esp_err_t */ # endif // components/esp-tls/esp_tls.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_BASE), /* 32768 0x8000 Starting number of ESP-TLS error codes */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_CANNOT_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_CANNOT_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME), /* 32769 0x8001 Error if hostname couldn't be resolved upon tls connection */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_CANNOT_CREATE_SOCKET ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_CANNOT_CREATE_SOCKET), /* 32770 0x8002 Failed to create socket */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_FAMILY ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_FAMILY), /* 32771 0x8003 Unsupported protocol family */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_FAILED_CONNECT_TO_HOST ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_FAILED_CONNECT_TO_HOST), /* 32772 0x8004 Failed to connect to host */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_SOCKET_SETOPT_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_SOCKET_SETOPT_FAILED), /* 32773 0x8005 failed to set socket option */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_CERT_PARTLY_OK ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_CERT_PARTLY_OK), /* 32774 0x8006 mbedtls parse certificates was partly successful */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_SEED_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_SEED_FAILED), /* 32775 0x8007 mbedtls api returned error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_SET_HOSTNAME_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_SET_HOSTNAME_FAILED), /* 32776 0x8008 mbedtls api returned error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_CONFIG_DEFAULTS_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_CONFIG_DEFAULTS_FAILED), /* 32777 0x8009 mbedtls api returned error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_CONF_ALPN_PROTOCOLS_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_CONF_ALPN_PROTOCOLS_FAILED), /* 32778 0x800a mbedtls api returned error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_FAILED), /* 32779 0x800b mbedtls api returned error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_CONF_OWN_CERT_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_CONF_OWN_CERT_FAILED), /* 32780 0x800c mbedtls api returned error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_SETUP_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_SETUP_FAILED), /* 32781 0x800d mbedtls api returned error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_WRITE_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_WRITE_FAILED), /* 32782 0x800e mbedtls api returned error */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_PK_PARSE_KEY_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_PK_PARSE_KEY_FAILED), /* 32783 0x800f mbedtls api returned failed */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED), /* 32784 0x8010 mbedtls api returned failed */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_CONF_PSK_FAILED ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_CONF_PSK_FAILED), /* 32785 0x8011 mbedtls api returned failed */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT), /* 32786 0x8012 new connection in esp_tls_low_level_conn connection timeouted */ # endif // components/esp_https_ota/include/esp_https_ota.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPS_OTA_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPS_OTA_BASE), /* 36864 0x9000 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPS_OTA_IN_PROGRESS ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPS_OTA_IN_PROGRESS), /* 36865 0x9001 */ # endif // components/lwip/include/apps/esp_ping.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_PING_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_PING_BASE), /* 40960 0xa000 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_PING_INVALID_PARAMS ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_PING_INVALID_PARAMS), /* 40961 0xa001 */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_PING_NO_MEM ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_PING_NO_MEM), /* 40962 0xa002 */ # endif // components/esp_http_server/include/esp_http_server.h # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPD_BASE ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPD_BASE), /* 45056 0xb000 Starting number of HTTPD error codes */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPD_HANDLERS_FULL ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPD_HANDLERS_FULL), /* 45057 0xb001 All slots for registering URI handlers have been consumed */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPD_HANDLER_EXISTS ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPD_HANDLER_EXISTS), /* 45058 0xb002 URI handler with same method and target URI already registered */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ), /* 45059 0xb003 Invalid request pointer */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESULT_TRUNC ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESULT_TRUNC), /* 45060 0xb004 Result string truncated */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_HDR ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_HDR), /* 45061 0xb005 Response header field larger than supported */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND), /* 45062 0xb006 Error occured while sending response packet */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPD_ALLOC_MEM ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPD_ALLOC_MEM), /* 45063 0xb007 Failed to dynamically allocate memory for resource */ # endif # ifdef ESP_ERR_HTTPD_TASK ERR_TBL_IT(ESP_ERR_HTTPD_TASK), /* 45064 0xb008 Failed to launch server task/thread */ # endif }; #endif //CONFIG_ESP_ERR_TO_NAME_LOOKUP static const char esp_unknown_msg[] = #ifdef CONFIG_ESP_ERR_TO_NAME_LOOKUP "ERROR"; #else "UNKNOWN ERROR"; #endif //CONFIG_ESP_ERR_TO_NAME_LOOKUP const char *esp_err_to_name(esp_err_t code) { #ifdef CONFIG_ESP_ERR_TO_NAME_LOOKUP int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(esp_err_msg_table)/sizeof(esp_err_msg_table[0]); ++i) { if (esp_err_msg_table[i].code == code) { return esp_err_msg_table[i].msg; } } #endif //CONFIG_ESP_ERR_TO_NAME_LOOKUP return esp_unknown_msg; } const char *esp_err_to_name_r(esp_err_t code, char *buf, size_t buflen) { #ifdef CONFIG_ESP_ERR_TO_NAME_LOOKUP int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(esp_err_msg_table)/sizeof(esp_err_msg_table[0]); ++i) { if (esp_err_msg_table[i].code == code) { strlcpy(buf, esp_err_msg_table[i].msg, buflen); return buf; } } #endif //CONFIG_ESP_ERR_TO_NAME_LOOKUP if (strerror_r(code, buf, buflen) == 0) { return buf; } snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s 0x%x(%d)", esp_unknown_msg, code, code); return buf; }