menu "HCI Config" choice BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE prompt "HCI mode" default BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_RAM config BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_RAM bool "VHCI" help Use RAM as HCI interface config BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_UART bool "UART(H4)" help Use UART as HCI interface endchoice config BT_LE_HCI_UART_PORT int "HCI UART port" depends on BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_UART default 1 help Set the port number of HCI UART config BT_LE_HCI_UART_FLOWCTRL bool "HCI uart Hardware Flow ctrl" depends on BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_UART default n config BT_LE_HCI_UART_TX_PIN int "HCI uart Tx gpio" depends on BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_UART default 19 config BT_LE_HCI_UART_RX_PIN int "HCI uart Rx gpio" depends on BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_UART default 10 config BT_LE_HCI_UART_RTS_PIN int "HCI uart RTS gpio" depends on BT_LE_HCI_UART_FLOWCTRL default 4 config BT_LE_HCI_UART_CTS_PIN int "HCI uart CTS gpio" depends on BT_LE_HCI_UART_FLOWCTRL default 5 config BT_LE_HCI_UART_BAUD int "HCI uart baudrate" depends on BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_UART default 921600 help HCI uart baud rate 115200 ~ 1000000 choice BT_LE_HCI_UART_PARITY prompt "select uart parity" depends on BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_UART default BT_LE_HCI_UART_UART_PARITY_DISABLE config BT_LE_HCI_UART_UART_PARITY_DISABLE bool "PARITY_DISABLE" help UART_PARITY_DISABLE config BT_LE_HCI_UART_UART_PARITY_EVEN bool "PARITY_EVEN" help UART_PARITY_EVEN config BT_LE_HCI_UART_UART_PARITY_ODD bool "PARITY_ODD" help UART_PARITY_ODD endchoice config BT_LE_HCI_UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE int "The size of rx ring buffer memory" depends on !BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_RAM default 512 help The size of rx ring buffer memory config BT_LE_HCI_UART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE int "The size of tx ring buffer memory" depends on !BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_RAM default 256 help The size of tx ring buffer memory config BT_LE_HCI_TRANS_TASK_STACK_SIZE int "HCI transport task stack size" depends on !BT_LE_HCI_INTERFACE_USE_RAM default 1024 help This configures stack size of hci transport task endmenu config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_NPL_OS_PORTING_SUPPORT bool default y help Enable NPL porting for controller. menuconfig BT_LE_50_FEATURE_SUPPORT bool "Enable BLE 5 feature" depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED default y help Enable BLE 5 feature if BT_LE_50_FEATURE_SUPPORT config BT_LE_LL_CFG_FEAT_LE_2M_PHY bool "Enable 2M Phy" depends on BT_LE_50_FEATURE_SUPPORT default y help Enable 2M-PHY config BT_LE_LL_CFG_FEAT_LE_CODED_PHY bool "Enable coded Phy" depends on BT_LE_50_FEATURE_SUPPORT default y help Enable coded-PHY config BT_LE_EXT_ADV bool "Enable extended advertising" depends on BT_LE_50_FEATURE_SUPPORT default y help Enable this option to do extended advertising. Extended advertising will be supported from BLE 5.0 onwards. if BT_LE_EXT_ADV config BT_LE_MAX_EXT_ADV_INSTANCES int "Maximum number of extended advertising instances." range 0 4 default 1 depends on BT_LE_EXT_ADV help Change this option to set maximum number of extended advertising instances. Minimum there is always one instance of advertising. Enter how many more advertising instances you want. Each extended advertising instance will take about 0.5k DRAM. config BT_LE_EXT_ADV_MAX_SIZE int "Maximum length of the advertising data." range 0 1650 default 1650 depends on BT_LE_EXT_ADV help Defines the length of the extended adv data. The value should not exceed 1650. config BT_LE_ENABLE_PERIODIC_ADV bool "Enable periodic advertisement." default y depends on BT_LE_EXT_ADV help Enable this option to start periodic advertisement. config BT_LE_PERIODIC_ADV_SYNC_TRANSFER bool "Enable Transfer Sync Events" depends on BT_LE_ENABLE_PERIODIC_ADV default y help This enables controller transfer periodic sync events to host endif config BT_LE_EXT_SCAN bool "Enable extended scanning" depends on BT_LE_50_FEATURE_SUPPORT && BT_LE_ROLE_OBSERVER_ENABLE default y help Enable this option to do extended scanning. config BT_LE_ENABLE_PERIODIC_SYNC bool "Enable periodic sync" default y depends on BT_LE_EXT_SCAN help Enable this option to receive periodic advertisement. if BT_LE_ENABLE_PERIODIC_SYNC config BT_LE_MAX_PERIODIC_SYNCS int "Maximum number of periodic advertising syncs" range 0 3 default 1 if BT_LE_ENABLE_PERIODIC_ADV default 0 help Set this option to set the upper limit for number of periodic sync connections. This should be less than maximum connections allowed by controller. config BT_LE_MAX_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST int "Maximum number of periodic advertiser list" range 1 5 default 5 help Set this option to set the upper limit for number of periodic advertiser list. endif endif menu "Memory Settings" depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED config BT_LE_MSYS_1_BLOCK_COUNT int "MSYS_1 Block Count" default 12 help MSYS is a system level mbuf registry. For prepare write & prepare responses MBUFs are allocated out of msys_1 pool. For NIMBLE_MESH enabled cases, this block count is increased by 8 than user defined count. config BT_LE_MSYS_1_BLOCK_SIZE int "MSYS_1 Block Size" default 256 help Dynamic memory size of block 1 config BT_LE_MSYS_2_BLOCK_COUNT int "MSYS_2 Block Count" default 24 help Dynamic memory count config BT_LE_MSYS_2_BLOCK_SIZE int "MSYS_2 Block Size" default 320 help Dynamic memory size of block 2 config BT_LE_ACL_BUF_COUNT int "ACL Buffer count" default 10 help The number of ACL data buffers. config BT_LE_ACL_BUF_SIZE int "ACL Buffer size" default 255 help This is the maximum size of the data portion of HCI ACL data packets. It does not include the HCI data header (of 4 bytes) config BT_LE_HCI_EVT_BUF_SIZE int "HCI Event Buffer size" default 257 if BT_LE_EXT_ADV default 70 help This is the size of each HCI event buffer in bytes. In case of extended advertising, packets can be fragmented. 257 bytes is the maximum size of a packet. config BT_LE_HCI_EVT_HI_BUF_COUNT int "High Priority HCI Event Buffer count" default 30 help This is the high priority HCI events' buffer size. High-priority event buffers are for everything except advertising reports. If there are no free high-priority event buffers then host will try to allocate a low-priority buffer instead config BT_LE_HCI_EVT_LO_BUF_COUNT int "Low Priority HCI Event Buffer count" default 8 help This is the low priority HCI events' buffer size. Low-priority event buffers are only used for advertising reports. If there are no free low-priority event buffers, then an incoming advertising report will get dropped endmenu config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_TASK_STACK_SIZE int "Controller task stack size" default 5120 if BLE_MESH default 4096 help This configures stack size of NimBLE controller task menuconfig BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED bool "Controller log enable" default n help Enable controller log config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_CTRL_ENABLED bool "enable controller log module" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED default y help Enable controller log module config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_HCI_ENABLED bool "enable HCI log module" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED default y help Enable hci log module config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_DUMP_ONLY bool "Controller log dump mode only" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED default y help Only operate in dump mode config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_SPI_OUT_ENABLED bool "Output ble controller logs to SPI bus (Experimental)" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED depends on !BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_DUMP_ONLY select BT_BLE_LOG_SPI_OUT_ENABLED default n help Output ble controller logs to SPI bus config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_STORAGE_ENABLE bool "Store ble controller logs to flash(Experimental)" depends on !BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_DUMP_ONLY depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED default n help Store ble controller logs to flash memory. config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_PARTITION_SIZE int "size of ble controller log partition(Multiples of 4K)" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_STORAGE_ENABLE default 65536 help The size of ble controller log partition shall be a multiples of 4K. The name of log partition shall be "bt_ctrl_log". The partition type shall be ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_DATA. The partition sub_type shall be ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_ANY. config BT_LE_LOG_CTRL_BUF1_SIZE int "size of the first BLE controller LOG buffer" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED default 4096 help Configure the size of the first BLE controller LOG buffer. config BT_LE_LOG_CTRL_BUF2_SIZE int "size of the second BLE controller LOG buffer" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED default 1024 help Configure the size of the second BLE controller LOG buffer. config BT_LE_LOG_HCI_BUF_SIZE int "size of the BLE HCI LOG buffer" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED default 4096 help Configure the size of the BLE HCI LOG buffer. config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_WRAP_PANIC_HANDLER_ENABLE bool "Enable wrap panic handler" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED default n help Wrap esp_panic_handler to get controller logs when PC pointer exception crashes. config BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_TASK_WDT_USER_HANDLER_ENABLE bool "Enable esp_task_wdt_isr_user_handler implementation" depends on BT_LE_CONTROLLER_LOG_ENABLED default n help Implement esp_task_wdt_isr_user_handler to get controller logs when task wdt issue is triggered. config BT_LE_LL_RESOLV_LIST_SIZE int "BLE LL Resolving list size" range 1 5 default 4 help Configure the size of resolving list used in link layer. menuconfig BT_LE_SECURITY_ENABLE bool "Enable BLE SM feature" depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED default y help Enable BLE sm feature config BT_LE_SM_LEGACY bool "Security manager legacy pairing" depends on BT_LE_SECURITY_ENABLE default y help Enable security manager legacy pairing config BT_LE_SM_SC bool "Security manager secure connections (4.2)" depends on BT_LE_SECURITY_ENABLE default y help Enable security manager secure connections config BT_LE_SM_SC_DEBUG_KEYS bool "Use predefined public-private key pair" default n depends on BT_LE_SECURITY_ENABLE && BT_LE_SM_SC help If this option is enabled, SM uses predefined DH key pair as described in Core Specification, Vol. 3, Part H, This allows to decrypt air traffic easily and thus should only be used for debugging. config BT_LE_LL_CFG_FEAT_LE_ENCRYPTION bool "Enable LE encryption" depends on BT_LE_SECURITY_ENABLE default y help Enable encryption connection config BT_LE_CRYPTO_STACK_MBEDTLS bool "Override TinyCrypt with mbedTLS for crypto computations" default y depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED select MBEDTLS_CMAC_C help Enable this option to choose mbedTLS instead of TinyCrypt for crypto computations. config BT_LE_WHITELIST_SIZE int "BLE white list size" range 1 15 default 12 depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED help BLE list size config BT_LE_LL_DUP_SCAN_LIST_COUNT int "BLE duplicate scan list count" range 1 100 default 20 help config the max count of duplicate scan list config BT_LE_LL_SCA int "BLE Sleep clock accuracy" range 0 500 default 60 help Sleep clock accuracy of our device (in ppm) config BT_LE_MAX_CONNECTIONS int "Maximum number of concurrent connections" depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED range 1 2 default 2 help Defines maximum number of concurrent BLE connections. For ESP32, user is expected to configure BTDM_CTRL_BLE_MAX_CONN from controller menu along with this option. Similarly for ESP32-C3 or ESP32-S3, user is expected to configure BT_CTRL_BLE_MAX_ACT from controller menu. Each connection will take about 1k DRAM. choice BT_LE_COEX_PHY_CODED_TX_RX_TLIM prompt "Coexistence: limit on MAX Tx/Rx time for coded-PHY connection" default BT_LE_COEX_PHY_CODED_TX_RX_TLIM_DIS depends on ESP32_WIFI_SW_COEXIST_ENABLE help When using PHY-Coded in BLE connection, limitation on max tx/rx time can be applied to better avoid dramatic performance deterioration of Wi-Fi. config BT_LE_COEX_PHY_CODED_TX_RX_TLIM_EN bool "Force Enable" help Always enable the limitation on max tx/rx time for Coded-PHY connection config BT_LE_COEX_PHY_CODED_TX_RX_TLIM_DIS bool "Force Disable" help Disable the limitation on max tx/rx time for Coded-PHY connection endchoice config BT_LE_COEX_PHY_CODED_TX_RX_TLIM_EFF int default 0 if !ESP32_WIFI_SW_COEXIST_ENABLE default 1 if BT_LE_COEX_PHY_CODED_TX_RX_TLIM_EN default 0 if BT_LE_COEX_PHY_CODED_TX_RX_TLIM_DIS config BT_LE_SLEEP_ENABLE bool "Enable BLE sleep" default n help Enable BLE sleep choice BT_LE_LP_CLK_SRC prompt "BLE low power clock source" default BT_LE_LP_CLK_SRC_MAIN_XTAL config BT_LE_LP_CLK_SRC_MAIN_XTAL bool "Use main XTAL as RTC clock source" help User main XTAL as RTC clock source. This option is recommended if external 32.768k XTAL is not available. Using the external 32.768 kHz XTAL will have lower current consumption in light sleep compared to using the main XTAL. config BT_LE_LP_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT bool "Use system RTC slow clock source" help Use the same slow clock source as system RTC Using any clock source other than external 32.768 kHz XTAL at pin0 supports only legacy ADV and SCAN due to low clock accuracy. endchoice config BT_LE_USE_ESP_TIMER bool "Use Esp Timer for callout" depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED default y help Set this option to use Esp Timer which has higher priority timer instead of FreeRTOS timer config BT_CTRL_BLE_ADV_REPORT_FLOW_CTRL_SUPP bool "BLE adv report flow control supported" depends on BT_LE_ROLE_OBSERVER_ENABLE default y help The function is mainly used to enable flow control for advertising reports. When it is enabled, advertising reports will be discarded by the controller if the number of unprocessed advertising reports exceeds the size of BLE adv report flow control. config BT_CTRL_BLE_ADV_REPORT_FLOW_CTRL_NUM int "BLE adv report flow control number" depends on BT_CTRL_BLE_ADV_REPORT_FLOW_CTRL_SUPP range 50 1000 default 100 help The number of unprocessed advertising report that bluetooth host can save.If you set `BT_CTRL_BLE_ADV_REPORT_FLOW_CTRL_NUM` to a small value, this may cause adv packets lost. If you set `BT_CTRL_BLE_ADV_REPORT_FLOW_CTRL_NUM` to a large value, bluetooth host may cache a lot of adv packets and this may cause system memory run out. For example, if you set it to 50, the maximum memory consumed by host is 35 * 50 bytes. Please set `BT_CTRL_BLE_ADV_REPORT_FLOW_CTRL_NUM` according to your system free memory and handle adv packets as fast as possible, otherwise it will cause adv packets lost. config BT_CTRL_BLE_ADV_REPORT_DISCARD_THRSHOLD int "BLE adv lost event threshold value" depends on BT_CTRL_BLE_ADV_REPORT_FLOW_CTRL_SUPP range 1 1000 default 20 help When adv report flow control is enabled, The ADV lost event will be generated when the number of ADV packets lost in the controller reaches this threshold. It is better to set a larger value. If you set `BT_CTRL_BLE_ADV_REPORT_DISCARD_THRSHOLD` to a small value or printf every adv lost event, it may cause adv packets lost more. config BT_LE_RELEASE_IRAM_SUPPORTED bool default y config BT_LE_TX_CCA_ENABLED bool "Enable TX CCA feature" default n help Enable CCA feature to cancel sending the packet if the signal power is stronger than CCA threshold. config BT_LE_DTM_ENABLED bool "Enable Direct Test Mode (DTM) feature" default n config BT_LE_CCA_RSSI_THRESH int "CCA RSSI threshold value" depends on BT_LE_TX_CCA_ENABLED range 20 100 default 20 help Power threshold of CCA in unit of -1 dBm. config BT_LE_FEAT_LL_ENCRYPTION bool "Enable controller ACL encryption" default y config BT_LE_ROLE_CENTROL_ENABLE bool "Enable BLE Centrol role function" depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED default y help Enable centrol role function. config BT_LE_ROLE_PERIPHERAL_ENABLE bool "Enable BLE Peripheral role function" depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED default y help Enable Peripheral role function. config BT_LE_ROLE_BROADCASTER_ENABLE bool "Enable BLE Broadcaster role function" depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED default y help Enable broadcaster role function. config BT_LE_ROLE_OBSERVER_ENABLE bool "Enable BLE Observer role function" depends on !BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED default y help Enable observer role function. choice BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_DBM prompt "BLE default Tx power level(dBm)" default BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P9 help Specify default Tx power level(dBm). config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N24 bool "-24dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N21 bool "-21dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N18 bool "-18dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N15 bool "-15dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N12 bool "-12dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N9 bool "-9dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N6 bool "-6dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N3 bool "-3dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N0 bool "0dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P3 bool "+3dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P6 bool "+6dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P9 bool "+9dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P12 bool "+12dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P15 bool "+15dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P18 bool "+18dBm" config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P20 bool "+20dBm" endchoice config BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_DBM_EFF int default -24 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N24 default -21 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N21 default -18 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N18 default -15 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N15 default -12 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N12 default -9 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N9 default -6 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N6 default -3 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N3 default 0 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_N0 default 3 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P3 default 6 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P6 default 9 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P9 default 12 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P12 default 15 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P15 default 18 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P18 default 20 if BT_LE_DFT_TX_POWER_LEVEL_P20 default 0 config BT_CTRL_RUN_IN_FLASH_ONLY bool "Reduce BLE IRAM usage (READ DOCS FIRST) (EXPERIMENTAL)" default n help Move most IRAM into flash. This will increase the usage of flash and reduce ble performance. Because the code is moved to the flash, the execution speed of the code is reduced. To have a small impact on performance, you need to enable flash suspend (SPI_FLASH_AUTO_SUSPEND). - Only one Tx-Rx can be performed in each connection interval. Therefore, reduce the connection interval as much as possible to improve the throughput. If you want higher connection performance, you can enable BT_LE_PLACE_CONN_RELATED_INTO_IRAM to put the connection-related code into iram. - For HCI_LE_Extended_Create_Connection command, only 1M phy's connection parameters will be applied. Other phys' will be ignored. - For extended scanning, we may be unable to receive the extended adv with 300us MAFS. config BT_LE_PLACE_CONN_RELATED_INTO_IRAM bool "Place the connection-related code into IRAM" depends on BT_CTRL_RUN_IN_FLASH_ONLY default n config BT_LE_CTRL_CHECK_CONNECT_IND_ACCESS_ADDRESS bool "Enable enhanced Access Address check in CONNECT_IND" default n help Enabling this option will add stricter verification of the Access Address in the CONNECT_IND PDU. This improves security by ensuring that only connection requests with valid Access Addresses are accepted. If disabled, only basic checks are applied, improving compatibility.