/* debug.c -- debug utilities * * Copyright (C) 2010--2012,2014--2019 Olaf Bergmann <bergmann@tzi.org> and others * * This file is part of the CoAP library libcoap. Please see * README for terms of use. */ #include "coap_config.h" #if defined(HAVE_STRNLEN) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #endif #if defined(HAVE_ASSERT_H) && !defined(assert) # include <assert.h> #endif #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #ifdef HAVE_ARPA_INET_H #include <arpa/inet.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_WS2TCPIP_H #include <ws2tcpip.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_TIME_H #include <time.h> #endif #include "libcoap.h" #include "coap_dtls.h" #include "block.h" #include "coap_debug.h" #include "encode.h" #include "net.h" #include "coap_mutex.h" #ifdef WITH_LWIP # define fprintf(fd, ...) LWIP_PLATFORM_DIAG((__VA_ARGS__)) # define fflush(...) #endif #ifdef WITH_CONTIKI # ifndef DEBUG # define DEBUG DEBUG_PRINT # endif /* DEBUG */ #include "net/ip/uip-debug.h" #endif static coap_log_t maxlog = LOG_WARNING; /* default maximum log level */ static int use_fprintf_for_show_pdu = 1; /* non zero to output with fprintf */ const char *coap_package_name(void) { return PACKAGE_NAME; } const char *coap_package_version(void) { return PACKAGE_STRING; } void coap_set_show_pdu_output(int use_fprintf) { use_fprintf_for_show_pdu = use_fprintf; } coap_log_t coap_get_log_level(void) { return maxlog; } void coap_set_log_level(coap_log_t level) { maxlog = level; } /* this array has the same order as the type log_t */ static const char *loglevels[] = { "EMRG", "ALRT", "CRIT", "ERR ", "WARN", "NOTE", "INFO", "DEBG" }; #ifdef HAVE_TIME_H COAP_STATIC_INLINE size_t print_timestamp(char *s, size_t len, coap_tick_t t) { struct tm *tmp; time_t now = coap_ticks_to_rt(t); tmp = localtime(&now); return strftime(s, len, "%b %d %H:%M:%S", tmp); } #else /* alternative implementation: just print the timestamp */ COAP_STATIC_INLINE size_t print_timestamp(char *s, size_t len, coap_tick_t t) { #ifdef HAVE_SNPRINTF return snprintf(s, len, "%u.%03u", (unsigned int)coap_ticks_to_rt(t), (unsigned int)(t % COAP_TICKS_PER_SECOND)); #else /* HAVE_SNPRINTF */ /* @todo do manual conversion of timestamp */ return 0; #endif /* HAVE_SNPRINTF */ } #endif /* HAVE_TIME_H */ #ifndef HAVE_STRNLEN /** * A length-safe strlen() fake. * * @param s The string to count characters != 0. * @param maxlen The maximum length of @p s. * * @return The length of @p s. */ static inline size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t maxlen) { size_t n = 0; while(*s++ && n < maxlen) ++n; return n; } #endif /* HAVE_STRNLEN */ static size_t print_readable( const uint8_t *data, size_t len, unsigned char *result, size_t buflen, int encode_always ) { const uint8_t hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; size_t cnt = 0; assert(data || len == 0); if (buflen == 0) { /* there is nothing we can do here but return */ return 0; } while (len) { if (!encode_always && isprint(*data)) { if (cnt+1 < buflen) { /* keep one byte for terminating zero */ *result++ = *data; ++cnt; } else { break; } } else { if (cnt+4 < buflen) { /* keep one byte for terminating zero */ *result++ = '\\'; *result++ = 'x'; *result++ = hex[(*data & 0xf0) >> 4]; *result++ = hex[*data & 0x0f]; cnt += 4; } else break; } ++data; --len; } *result = '\0'; /* add a terminating zero */ return cnt; } #ifndef min #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif size_t coap_print_addr(const struct coap_address_t *addr, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { #if defined( HAVE_ARPA_INET_H ) || defined( HAVE_WS2TCPIP_H ) const void *addrptr = NULL; in_port_t port; unsigned char *p = buf; size_t need_buf; switch (addr->addr.sa.sa_family) { case AF_INET: addrptr = &addr->addr.sin.sin_addr; port = ntohs(addr->addr.sin.sin_port); need_buf = INET_ADDRSTRLEN; break; case AF_INET6: if (len < 7) /* do not proceed if buffer is even too short for [::]:0 */ return 0; *p++ = '['; addrptr = &addr->addr.sin6.sin6_addr; port = ntohs(addr->addr.sin6.sin6_port); need_buf = INET6_ADDRSTRLEN; break; default: memcpy(buf, "(unknown address type)", min(22, len)); return min(22, len); } /* Cast needed for Windows, since it doesn't have the correct API signature. */ if (inet_ntop(addr->addr.sa.sa_family, addrptr, (char *)p, min(len, need_buf)) == 0) { perror("coap_print_addr"); return 0; } p += strnlen((char *)p, len); if (addr->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6) { if (p < buf + len) { *p++ = ']'; } else return 0; } p += snprintf((char *)p, buf + len - p + 1, ":%d", port); return buf + len - p; #else /* HAVE_ARPA_INET_H */ # if WITH_CONTIKI unsigned char *p = buf; uint8_t i; # if NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV6 const uint8_t hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; if (len < 41) return 0; *p++ = '['; for (i=0; i < 16; i += 2) { if (i) { *p++ = ':'; } *p++ = hex[(addr->addr.u8[i] & 0xf0) >> 4]; *p++ = hex[(addr->addr.u8[i] & 0x0f)]; *p++ = hex[(addr->addr.u8[i+1] & 0xf0) >> 4]; *p++ = hex[(addr->addr.u8[i+1] & 0x0f)]; } *p++ = ']'; # else /* WITH_UIP6 */ # warning "IPv4 network addresses will not be included in debug output" if (len < 21) return 0; # endif /* WITH_UIP6 */ if (buf + len - p < 6) return 0; #ifdef HAVE_SNPRINTF p += snprintf((char *)p, buf + len - p + 1, ":%d", uip_htons(addr->port)); #else /* HAVE_SNPRINTF */ /* @todo manual conversion of port number */ #endif /* HAVE_SNPRINTF */ return p - buf; # else /* WITH_CONTIKI */ /* TODO: output addresses manually */ # warning "inet_ntop() not available, network addresses will not be included in debug output" # endif /* WITH_CONTIKI */ return 0; #endif } #ifdef WITH_CONTIKI # define fprintf(fd, ...) PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) # define fflush(...) # ifdef HAVE_VPRINTF # define vfprintf(fd, ...) vprintf(__VA_ARGS__) # else /* HAVE_VPRINTF */ # define vfprintf(fd, ...) PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) # endif /* HAVE_VPRINTF */ #endif /* WITH_CONTIKI */ /** Returns a textual description of the message type @p t. */ static const char * msg_type_string(uint16_t t) { static const char *types[] = { "CON", "NON", "ACK", "RST", "???" }; return types[min(t, sizeof(types)/sizeof(char *) - 1)]; } /** Returns a textual description of the method or response code. */ static const char * msg_code_string(uint16_t c) { static const char *methods[] = { "0.00", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "FETCH", "PATCH", "iPATCH" }; static const char *signals[] = { "7.00", "CSM", "Ping", "Pong", "Release", "Abort" }; static char buf[5]; if (c < sizeof(methods)/sizeof(const char *)) { return methods[c]; } else if (c >= 224 && c - 224 < (int)(sizeof(signals)/sizeof(const char *))) { return signals[c-224]; } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u.%02u", (c >> 5) & 0x7, c & 0x1f); return buf; } } /** Returns a textual description of the option name. */ static const char * msg_option_string(uint8_t code, uint16_t option_type) { struct option_desc_t { uint16_t type; const char *name; }; static struct option_desc_t options[] = { { COAP_OPTION_IF_MATCH, "If-Match" }, { COAP_OPTION_URI_HOST, "Uri-Host" }, { COAP_OPTION_ETAG, "ETag" }, { COAP_OPTION_IF_NONE_MATCH, "If-None-Match" }, { COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE, "Observe" }, { COAP_OPTION_URI_PORT, "Uri-Port" }, { COAP_OPTION_LOCATION_PATH, "Location-Path" }, { COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH, "Uri-Path" }, { COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT, "Content-Format" }, { COAP_OPTION_MAXAGE, "Max-Age" }, { COAP_OPTION_URI_QUERY, "Uri-Query" }, { COAP_OPTION_ACCEPT, "Accept" }, { COAP_OPTION_LOCATION_QUERY, "Location-Query" }, { COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2, "Block2" }, { COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1, "Block1" }, { COAP_OPTION_PROXY_URI, "Proxy-Uri" }, { COAP_OPTION_PROXY_SCHEME, "Proxy-Scheme" }, { COAP_OPTION_SIZE1, "Size1" }, { COAP_OPTION_SIZE2, "Size2" }, { COAP_OPTION_NORESPONSE, "No-Response" } }; static struct option_desc_t options_csm[] = { { COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, "Max-Message-Size" }, { COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_BLOCK_WISE_TRANSFER, "Block-wise-Transfer" } }; static struct option_desc_t options_pingpong[] = { { COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_CUSTODY, "Custody" } }; static struct option_desc_t options_release[] = { { COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_ALTERNATIVE_ADDRESS, "Alternative-Address" }, { COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_HOLD_OFF, "Hold-Off" } }; static struct option_desc_t options_abort[] = { { COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_BAD_CSM_OPTION, "Bad-CSM-Option" } }; static char buf[6]; size_t i; if (code == COAP_SIGNALING_CSM) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(options_csm)/sizeof(struct option_desc_t); i++) { if (option_type == options_csm[i].type) { return options_csm[i].name; } } } else if (code == COAP_SIGNALING_PING || code == COAP_SIGNALING_PONG) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(options_pingpong)/sizeof(struct option_desc_t); i++) { if (option_type == options_pingpong[i].type) { return options_pingpong[i].name; } } } else if (code == COAP_SIGNALING_RELEASE) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(options_release)/sizeof(struct option_desc_t); i++) { if (option_type == options_release[i].type) { return options_release[i].name; } } } else if (code == COAP_SIGNALING_ABORT) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(options_abort)/sizeof(struct option_desc_t); i++) { if (option_type == options_abort[i].type) { return options_abort[i].name; } } } else { /* search option_type in list of known options */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(options)/sizeof(struct option_desc_t); i++) { if (option_type == options[i].type) { return options[i].name; } } } /* unknown option type, just print to buf */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", option_type); return buf; } static unsigned int print_content_format(unsigned int format_type, unsigned char *result, unsigned int buflen) { struct desc_t { unsigned int type; const char *name; }; static struct desc_t formats[] = { { COAP_MEDIATYPE_TEXT_PLAIN, "text/plain" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_LINK_FORMAT, "application/link-format" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_XML, "application/xml" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, "application/octet-stream" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_EXI, "application/exi" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_JSON, "application/json" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_CBOR, "application/cbor" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_COSE_SIGN, "application/cose; cose-type=\"cose-sign\"" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_COSE_SIGN1, "application/cose; cose-type=\"cose-sign1\"" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_COSE_ENCRYPT, "application/cose; cose-type=\"cose-encrypt\"" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_COSE_ENCRYPT0, "application/cose; cose-type=\"cose-encrypt0\"" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_COSE_MAC, "application/cose; cose-type=\"cose-mac\"" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_COSE_MAC0, "application/cose; cose-type=\"cose-mac0\"" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_COSE_KEY, "application/cose-key" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_COSE_KEY_SET, "application/cose-key-set" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_SENML_JSON, "application/senml+json" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_SENSML_JSON, "application/sensml+json" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_SENML_CBOR, "application/senml+cbor" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_SENSML_CBOR, "application/sensml+cbor" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_SENML_EXI, "application/senml-exi" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_SENSML_EXI, "application/sensml-exi" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_SENML_XML, "application/senml+xml" }, { COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_SENSML_XML, "application/sensml+xml" }, { 75, "application/dcaf+cbor" } }; size_t i; /* search format_type in list of known content formats */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(formats)/sizeof(struct desc_t); i++) { if (format_type == formats[i].type) { return snprintf((char *)result, buflen, "%s", formats[i].name); } } /* unknown content format, just print numeric value to buf */ return snprintf((char *)result, buflen, "%d", format_type); } /** * Returns 1 if the given @p content_format is either unknown or known * to carry binary data. The return value @c 0 hence indicates * printable data which is also assumed if @p content_format is @c 01. */ COAP_STATIC_INLINE int is_binary(int content_format) { return !(content_format == -1 || content_format == COAP_MEDIATYPE_TEXT_PLAIN || content_format == COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_LINK_FORMAT || content_format == COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_XML || content_format == COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_JSON); } #define COAP_DO_SHOW_OUTPUT_LINE \ do { \ if (use_fprintf_for_show_pdu) { \ fprintf(COAP_DEBUG_FD, "%s", outbuf); \ } \ else { \ coap_log(level, "%s", outbuf); \ } \ } while (0) void coap_show_pdu(coap_log_t level, const coap_pdu_t *pdu) { #if COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK static coap_mutex_t static_show_pdu_mutex = COAP_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static unsigned char buf[1024]; /* need some space for output creation */ static char outbuf[COAP_DEBUG_BUF_SIZE]; #else /* ! COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK */ unsigned char buf[1024]; /* need some space for output creation */ char outbuf[COAP_DEBUG_BUF_SIZE]; #endif /* ! COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK */ size_t buf_len = 0; /* takes the number of bytes written to buf */ int encode = 0, have_options = 0, i; coap_opt_iterator_t opt_iter; coap_opt_t *option; int content_format = -1; size_t data_len; unsigned char *data; int outbuflen = 0; /* Save time if not needed */ if (level > coap_get_log_level()) return; #if COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK coap_mutex_lock(&static_show_pdu_mutex); #endif /* COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK */ snprintf(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "v:%d t:%s c:%s i:%04x {", COAP_DEFAULT_VERSION, msg_type_string(pdu->type), msg_code_string(pdu->code), pdu->tid); for (i = 0; i < pdu->token_length; i++) { outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, "%02x", pdu->token[i]); } outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, "}"); /* show options, if any */ coap_option_iterator_init(pdu, &opt_iter, COAP_OPT_ALL); outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, " ["); while ((option = coap_option_next(&opt_iter))) { if (!have_options) { have_options = 1; } else { outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, ","); } if (pdu->code == COAP_SIGNALING_CSM) switch(opt_iter.type) { case COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE: buf_len = snprintf((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", coap_decode_var_bytes(coap_opt_value(option), coap_opt_length(option))); break; default: buf_len = 0; break; } else if (pdu->code == COAP_SIGNALING_PING || pdu->code == COAP_SIGNALING_PONG) { buf_len = 0; } else if (pdu->code == COAP_SIGNALING_RELEASE) switch(opt_iter.type) { case COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_ALTERNATIVE_ADDRESS: buf_len = print_readable(coap_opt_value(option), coap_opt_length(option), buf, sizeof(buf), 0); break; case COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_HOLD_OFF: buf_len = snprintf((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", coap_decode_var_bytes(coap_opt_value(option), coap_opt_length(option))); break; default: buf_len = 0; break; } else if (pdu->code == COAP_SIGNALING_ABORT) switch(opt_iter.type) { case COAP_SIGNALING_OPTION_BAD_CSM_OPTION: buf_len = snprintf((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", coap_decode_var_bytes(coap_opt_value(option), coap_opt_length(option))); break; default: buf_len = 0; break; } else switch (opt_iter.type) { case COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT: content_format = (int)coap_decode_var_bytes(coap_opt_value(option), coap_opt_length(option)); buf_len = print_content_format(content_format, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; case COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1: case COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2: /* split block option into number/more/size where more is the * letter M if set, the _ otherwise */ buf_len = snprintf((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "%u/%c/%u", coap_opt_block_num(option), /* block number */ COAP_OPT_BLOCK_MORE(option) ? 'M' : '_', /* M bit */ (1 << (COAP_OPT_BLOCK_SZX(option) + 4))); /* block size */ break; case COAP_OPTION_URI_PORT: case COAP_OPTION_MAXAGE: case COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE: case COAP_OPTION_SIZE1: case COAP_OPTION_SIZE2: /* show values as unsigned decimal value */ buf_len = snprintf((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", coap_decode_var_bytes(coap_opt_value(option), coap_opt_length(option))); break; default: /* generic output function for all other option types */ if (opt_iter.type == COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH || opt_iter.type == COAP_OPTION_PROXY_URI || opt_iter.type == COAP_OPTION_URI_HOST || opt_iter.type == COAP_OPTION_LOCATION_PATH || opt_iter.type == COAP_OPTION_LOCATION_QUERY || opt_iter.type == COAP_OPTION_URI_QUERY) { encode = 0; } else { encode = 1; } buf_len = print_readable(coap_opt_value(option), coap_opt_length(option), buf, sizeof(buf), encode); } outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, " %s:%.*s", msg_option_string(pdu->code, opt_iter.type), (int)buf_len, buf); } outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, " ]"); if (coap_get_data(pdu, &data_len, &data)) { outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, " :: "); if (is_binary(content_format)) { int keep_data_len = data_len; uint8_t *keep_data = data; outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, "binary data length %zu\n", data_len); COAP_DO_SHOW_OUTPUT_LINE; /* * Output hex dump of binary data as a continuous entry */ outbuf[0] = '\000'; snprintf(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "<<"); while (data_len--) { outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, "%02x", *data++); } outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, ">>"); data_len = keep_data_len; data = keep_data; outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, "\n"); COAP_DO_SHOW_OUTPUT_LINE; /* * Output ascii readable (if possible), immediately under the * hex value of the character output above to help binary debugging */ outbuf[0] = '\000'; snprintf(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "<<"); while (data_len--) { outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, "%c ", isprint (*data) ? *data : '.'); data++; } outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, ">>"); } else { if (print_readable(data, data_len, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) { outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, "'%s'", buf); } } } outbuflen = strlen(outbuf); snprintf(&outbuf[outbuflen], sizeof(outbuf)-outbuflen, "\n"); COAP_DO_SHOW_OUTPUT_LINE; #if COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK coap_mutex_unlock(&static_show_pdu_mutex); #endif /* COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK */ } void coap_show_tls_version(coap_log_t level) { char buffer[64]; coap_string_tls_version(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); coap_log(level, "%s\n", buffer); } char *coap_string_tls_version(char *buffer, size_t bufsize) { coap_tls_version_t *tls_version = coap_get_tls_library_version(); char beta[8]; char sub[2]; char b_beta[8]; char b_sub[2]; switch (tls_version->type) { case COAP_TLS_LIBRARY_NOTLS: snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "TLS Library: None"); break; case COAP_TLS_LIBRARY_TINYDTLS: snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "TLS Library: TinyDTLS - runtime %lu.%lu.%lu, " "libcoap built for %lu.%lu.%lu", (unsigned long)(tls_version->version >> 16), (unsigned long)((tls_version->version >> 8) & 0xff), (unsigned long)(tls_version->version & 0xff), (unsigned long)(tls_version->built_version >> 16), (unsigned long)((tls_version->built_version >> 8) & 0xff), (unsigned long)(tls_version->built_version & 0xff)); break; case COAP_TLS_LIBRARY_OPENSSL: switch (tls_version->version &0xf) { case 0: strcpy(beta, "-dev"); break; case 0xf: strcpy(beta, ""); break; default: strcpy(beta, "-beta"); beta[5] = (tls_version->version &0xf) + '0'; beta[6] = '\000'; break; } sub[0] = ((tls_version->version >> 4) & 0xff) ? ((tls_version->version >> 4) & 0xff) + 'a' -1 : '\000'; sub[1] = '\000'; switch (tls_version->built_version &0xf) { case 0: strcpy(b_beta, "-dev"); break; case 0xf: strcpy(b_beta, ""); break; default: strcpy(b_beta, "-beta"); b_beta[5] = (tls_version->built_version &0xf) + '0'; b_beta[6] = '\000'; break; } b_sub[0] = ((tls_version->built_version >> 4) & 0xff) ? ((tls_version->built_version >> 4) & 0xff) + 'a' -1 : '\000'; b_sub[1] = '\000'; snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "TLS Library: OpenSSL - runtime " "%lu.%lu.%lu%s%s, libcoap built for %lu.%lu.%lu%s%s", (unsigned long)(tls_version->version >> 28), (unsigned long)((tls_version->version >> 20) & 0xff), (unsigned long)((tls_version->version >> 12) & 0xff), sub, beta, (unsigned long)(tls_version->built_version >> 28), (unsigned long)((tls_version->built_version >> 20) & 0xff), (unsigned long)((tls_version->built_version >> 12) & 0xff), b_sub, b_beta); break; case COAP_TLS_LIBRARY_GNUTLS: snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "TLS Library: GnuTLS - runtime %lu.%lu.%lu, " "libcoap built for %lu.%lu.%lu", (unsigned long)(tls_version->version >> 16), (unsigned long)((tls_version->version >> 8) & 0xff), (unsigned long)(tls_version->version & 0xff), (unsigned long)(tls_version->built_version >> 16), (unsigned long)((tls_version->built_version >> 8) & 0xff), (unsigned long)(tls_version->built_version & 0xff)); break; case COAP_TLS_LIBRARY_MBEDTLS: snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "TLS Library: MbedTLS - runtime %lu.%lu.%lu, " "libcoap built for %lu.%lu.%lu", (unsigned long)(tls_version->version >> 24), (unsigned long)((tls_version->version >> 16) & 0xff), (unsigned long)((tls_version->version >> 8) & 0xff), (unsigned long)(tls_version->built_version >> 24), (unsigned long)((tls_version->built_version >> 16) & 0xff), (unsigned long)((tls_version->built_version >> 8) & 0xff)); break; default: snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Library type %d unknown", tls_version->type); break; } return buffer; } static coap_log_handler_t log_handler = NULL; void coap_set_log_handler(coap_log_handler_t handler) { log_handler = handler; } void coap_log_impl(coap_log_t level, const char *format, ...) { if (maxlog < level) return; if (log_handler) { #if COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK static coap_mutex_t static_log_mutex = COAP_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static char message[COAP_DEBUG_BUF_SIZE]; #else /* ! COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK */ char message[COAP_DEBUG_BUF_SIZE]; #endif /* ! COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK */ va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); #if COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK coap_mutex_lock(&static_log_mutex); #endif /* COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK */ vsnprintf( message, sizeof(message), format, ap); va_end(ap); log_handler(level, message); #if COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK coap_mutex_unlock(&static_log_mutex); #endif /* COAP_CONSTRAINED_STACK */ } else { char timebuf[32]; coap_tick_t now; va_list ap; FILE *log_fd; log_fd = level <= LOG_CRIT ? COAP_ERR_FD : COAP_DEBUG_FD; coap_ticks(&now); if (print_timestamp(timebuf,sizeof(timebuf), now)) fprintf(log_fd, "%s ", timebuf); if (level <= LOG_DEBUG) fprintf(log_fd, "%s ", loglevels[level]); va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(log_fd, format, ap); va_end(ap); fflush(log_fd); } } static struct packet_num_interval { int start; int end; } packet_loss_intervals[10]; static int num_packet_loss_intervals = 0; static int packet_loss_level = 0; static int send_packet_count = 0; int coap_debug_set_packet_loss(const char *loss_level) { const char *p = loss_level; char *end = NULL; int n = (int)strtol(p, &end, 10), i = 0; if (end == p || n < 0) return 0; if (*end == '%') { if (n > 100) n = 100; packet_loss_level = n * 65536 / 100; coap_log(LOG_DEBUG, "packet loss level set to %d%%\n", n); } else { if (n <= 0) return 0; while (i < 10) { packet_loss_intervals[i].start = n; if (*end == '-') { p = end + 1; n = (int)strtol(p, &end, 10); if (end == p || n <= 0) return 0; } packet_loss_intervals[i++].end = n; if (*end == 0) break; if (*end != ',') return 0; p = end + 1; n = (int)strtol(p, &end, 10); if (end == p || n <= 0) return 0; } if (i == 10) return 0; num_packet_loss_intervals = i; } send_packet_count = 0; return 1; } int coap_debug_send_packet(void) { ++send_packet_count; if (num_packet_loss_intervals > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_packet_loss_intervals; i++) { if (send_packet_count >= packet_loss_intervals[i].start && send_packet_count <= packet_loss_intervals[i].end) return 0; } } if ( packet_loss_level > 0 ) { uint16_t r = 0; prng( (uint8_t*)&r, 2 ); if ( r < packet_loss_level ) return 0; } return 1; }