/** * \brief AES block cipher, ESP32 hardware accelerated version * Based on mbedTLS FIPS-197 compliant version. * * Copyright (C) 2006-2015, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved * Additions Copyright (C) 2016-2017, Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE Ltd * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ /* * The AES block cipher was designed by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen. * * http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/rijndael/Rijndael.pdf * http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips197/fips-197.pdf */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/lock.h> #include "mbedtls/aes.h" #include "esp32s2/aes.h" #include "esp32s2/gcm.h" #include "soc/soc.h" #include "soc/cpu.h" #include "soc/dport_reg.h" #include "soc/hwcrypto_reg.h" #include "soc/crypto_dma_reg.h" #include "esp32s2/crypto_dma.h" #include "esp32s2/rom/lldesc.h" #include "esp32s2/rom/cache.h" #include "soc/periph_defs.h" #include "esp_intr_alloc.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #define AES_BLOCK_BYTES 16 #define LE_TO_BE(x) (((x) >> 24) & 0x000000ff) | \ (((x) << 24) & 0xff000000) | \ (((x) >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | \ (((x) << 8) & 0x00ff0000) static inline uint32_t WPA_GET_BE32(const uint8_t *a) { return ((uint32_t) a[0] << 24) | (a[1] << 16) | (a[2] << 8) | a[3]; } static inline void WPA_PUT_BE32(uint8_t *a, uint32_t val) { a[0] = (val >> 24) & 0xff; a[1] = (val >> 16) & 0xff; a[2] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; a[3] = val & 0xff; } /* Enable this if want to use AES interrupt */ //#define CONFIG_MBEDTLS_AES_USE_INTERRUPT portMUX_TYPE crypto_dma_spinlock = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; #if defined(CONFIG_MBEDTLS_AES_USE_INTERRUPT) static SemaphoreHandle_t op_complete_sem; #endif /* AES uses a spinlock mux not a lock as the underlying block operation only takes a small number of cycles, much less than using a mutex for this. For CBC, CFB, etc. this may mean that interrupts are disabled for a longer period of time for bigger data lengths. */ portMUX_TYPE aes_spinlock = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; /* The function will pad 0 if the length is not multiple of * 16 bytes for the incoming data buffer */ static uint8_t *textpad_zero(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *len) { uint8_t offset; uint8_t *data = NULL; offset = *len % AES_BLOCK_BYTES; if (offset) { data = (uint8_t *)calloc(1, (*len + (AES_BLOCK_BYTES - offset))); if (data) { memcpy(data, buf, *len); *len += (AES_BLOCK_BYTES - offset); } } return data; } static inline bool valid_key_length(const esp_aes_context *ctx) { return ctx->key_bytes == 128/8 || ctx->key_bytes == 192/8 || ctx->key_bytes == 256/8; } void esp_aes_acquire_hardware( void ) { /* newlib locks lazy initialize on ESP-IDF */ portENTER_CRITICAL(&aes_spinlock); /* Need to lock DMA since it is shared with SHA block */ portENTER_CRITICAL(&crypto_dma_spinlock); /* Enable AES hardware */ REG_SET_BIT(DPORT_PERIP_CLK_EN1_REG, DPORT_CRYPTO_AES_CLK_EN | DPORT_CRYPTO_DMA_CLK_EN); /* Clear reset on digital signature unit, otherwise AES unit is held in reset also. */ REG_CLR_BIT(DPORT_PERIP_RST_EN1_REG, DPORT_CRYPTO_AES_RST | DPORT_CRYPTO_DMA_RST | DPORT_CRYPTO_DS_RST); } /* Function to disable AES and Crypto DMA clocks and release locks */ void esp_aes_release_hardware( void ) { /* Disable DMA mode */ REG_WRITE(AES_DMA_ENABLE_REG, 0); /* Disable AES hardware */ REG_SET_BIT(DPORT_PERIP_RST_EN1_REG, DPORT_CRYPTO_AES_RST | DPORT_CRYPTO_DMA_RST); /* Don't return other units to reset, as this pulls reset on RSA & SHA units, respectively. */ REG_CLR_BIT(DPORT_PERIP_CLK_EN1_REG, DPORT_CRYPTO_AES_CLK_EN | DPORT_CRYPTO_DMA_CLK_EN); portEXIT_CRITICAL(&crypto_dma_spinlock); portEXIT_CRITICAL(&aes_spinlock); } /* Function to init AES context to zero */ void esp_aes_init( esp_aes_context *ctx ) { if ( ctx == NULL ) { return; } bzero( ctx, sizeof( esp_aes_context ) ); } /* Function to clear AES context */ void esp_aes_free( esp_aes_context *ctx ) { if ( ctx == NULL ) { return; } bzero( ctx, sizeof( esp_aes_context ) ); } /* * AES key schedule (same for encryption or decryption, as hardware handles schedule) * */ int esp_aes_setkey( esp_aes_context *ctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keybits ) { if (keybits != 128 && keybits != 192 && keybits != 256) { return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH; } ctx->key_bytes = keybits / 8; memcpy(ctx->key, key, ctx->key_bytes); ctx->key_in_hardware = 0; return 0; } /* * Helper function to copy key from esp_aes_context buffer * to hardware key registers. Also, set the AES block mode * (ECb, CBC, CFB, OFB, GCM, CTR) and crypt mode (ENCRYPT/DECRYPT) * Enable the DMA mode of operation * * Call only while holding esp_aes_acquire_hardware(). */ static inline void esp_aes_setkey_hardware( esp_aes_context *ctx, int crypt_mode, uint8_t block_mode) { const uint32_t MODE_DECRYPT_BIT = 4; unsigned mode_reg_base = (crypt_mode == ESP_AES_ENCRYPT) ? 0 : MODE_DECRYPT_BIT; ctx->key_in_hardware = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ctx->key_bytes/4; ++i) { REG_WRITE(AES_KEY_BASE + i * 4, *(((uint32_t *)ctx->key) + i)); ctx->key_in_hardware += 4; } REG_WRITE(AES_MODE_REG, mode_reg_base + ((ctx->key_bytes / 8) - 2)); /* Set the algorithm mode CBC, CFB ... */ REG_WRITE(AES_BLOCK_MODE_REG, block_mode); /* Set the ENDIAN reg */ REG_WRITE(AES_ENDIAN_REG, 0x3F); /* Enable DMA mode */ REG_WRITE(AES_DMA_ENABLE_REG, 1); /* Presently hard-coding the INC function to 32 bit */ if (block_mode == AES_BLOCK_MODE_CTR) { REG_WRITE(AES_INC_SEL_REG, 0); } /* Fault injection check: all words of key data should have been written to hardware */ if (ctx->key_in_hardware < 16 || ctx->key_in_hardware != ctx->key_bytes) { abort(); } } /* * Function to write IV to hardware iv registers */ static inline void esp_aes_set_iv(uint8_t *iv, uint8_t len) { memcpy((uint8_t *)AES_IV_BASE, iv, len); } /* * Function to read IV from hardware iv registers */ static inline void esp_aes_get_iv(uint8_t *iv, uint8_t len) { memcpy(iv, (uint8_t *)AES_IV_BASE, len); } /* Function to set block number & trigger bit for AES GCM operation */ static inline void esp_aes_gcm_set_block_num_and_trigger(uint16_t len) { /* Write the number of blocks */ REG_WRITE(AES_BLOCK_NUM_REG, (len / AES_BLOCK_BYTES)); REG_WRITE(AES_TRIGGER_REG, 1); while (REG_READ(AES_STATE_REG) != AES_STATE_IDLE) { } } /* For AES-GCM mode once H has been calculated * continue the AES operation & wait for DMA * to finish if input data length is non-zero * */ static inline void esp_aes_gcm_continue(size_t len) { volatile uint32_t dma_done = 0; REG_WRITE(AES_CONTINUE_REG, 1); while (REG_READ(AES_STATE_REG) != AES_STATE_DONE) { } if (len == 0) { REG_WRITE(AES_DMA_EXIT_REG, 1); return; } /* Wait for AES-GCM DMA operation to complete */ while (1) { dma_done = REG_READ(CRYPTO_DMA_INT_RAW_REG); if ((dma_done & INT_RAW_IN_SUC_EOF) == INT_RAW_IN_SUC_EOF) { break; } } REG_WRITE(AES_DMA_EXIT_REG, 1); } #if defined (CONFIG_MBEDTLS_AES_USE_INTERRUPT) static IRAM_ATTR void esp_aes_dma_isr(void *arg) { BaseType_t higher_woken; REG_WRITE(AES_INT_CLR_REG, 1); xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(op_complete_sem, &higher_woken); if (higher_woken) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } } #endif /* Wait for AES hardware block operation to complete */ static int esp_aes_dma_complete(void) { #if defined (CONFIG_MBEDTLS_AES_USE_INTERRUPT) if (!xSemaphoreTake(op_complete_sem, 2000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) { ESP_LOGE("AES", "Timed out waiting for completion of AES Interrupt"); abort(); } #endif /* Checking this if interrupt is used also, to avoid issues with AES fault injection */ while (REG_READ(AES_STATE_REG) != AES_STATE_DONE) { } return 0; } /* Perform AES-DMA operation and wait until the DMA operation is over * * input = Input data buffer, length len * output = Output data buffer, length len * len = Length of data in bytes, may not be multiple of AES block size * stream_out = Pointer to 16 byte buffer to hold final stream block, if * len is not a multiple of AES block size (16) * * The DMA processing works in following way: * * - If len >= AES_BLOCK_BYTES, there are DMA input and output * descriptors which point to input & output (in_block_desc, out_block_desc) directly, * to process block_bytes bytes. * * - If len % AES_BLOCK_BYTES != 0 then unaligned bytes are copied to stream_in block which is * padded with zeroes. DMA descriptors (stream_in_desc, stream_out_desc) process this block and output to * stream_out buffer argument. Otherwise, stream_out argument is ignored (may be NULL). * * - If both above conditions are true, DMA has two linked list input buffers and two linked list output buffers, * and processes first the blocks and then the partial stream block. * * After the DMA operation, if we only processed full bytes then the IV memory block will contain the next IV * for the configured AES mode. * * If a partial "stream block" was processed then IV memory block will contain a garbage IV value, because of * the partial stream block. The IV can be recovered from the stream_out block (depending on algorithm some * post-processing of the 'output' bytes also in stream_out may be needed, to translate them back to correct IV bytes). * */ static int esp_aes_process_dma(esp_aes_context *ctx, const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output, uint16_t len, uint8_t *stream_out) { volatile lldesc_t block_in_desc, block_out_desc, stream_in_desc, stream_out_desc; volatile lldesc_t *in_desc_head, *out_desc_head; volatile uint32_t dma_done = 0; uint8_t stream_in[16]; unsigned stream_bytes = len % AES_BLOCK_BYTES; // bytes which aren't in a full block unsigned block_bytes = len - stream_bytes; // bytes which are in a full block unsigned blocks = (block_bytes / AES_BLOCK_BYTES) + ((stream_bytes > 0) ? 1 : 0); assert(len > 0); // caller shouldn't ever have len set to zero assert(stream_bytes == 0 || stream_out != NULL); // stream_out can be NULL if we're processing full block(s) /* If no key is written to hardware yet, either the user hasn't called mbedtls_aes_setkey_enc/mbedtls_aes_setkey_dec - meaning we also don't know which mode to use - or a fault skipped the key write to hardware. Treat this as a fatal error and zero the output block. */ if (ctx->key_in_hardware != ctx->key_bytes) { bzero(output, 16); return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH; } if (block_bytes > 0) { /* If the block length is less than 16 we use internal RAM so no * need to flush Cache */ #if (CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_CAPS_ALLOC || CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC) if ((unsigned int)input >= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_LOW && (unsigned int)input <= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_HIGH) { assert((((unsigned int)(input) & 0xF) == 0)); Cache_WriteBack_All(); } if ((unsigned int)output >= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_LOW && (unsigned int)output <= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_HIGH) { assert((((unsigned int)(output) & 0xF) == 0)); } #endif block_in_desc = (lldesc_t) { .length = block_bytes, .size = block_bytes, .buf = (void *)input, .owner = 1, .empty = (stream_bytes > 0) ? (uint32_t)&stream_in_desc : 0, .eof = (stream_bytes == 0), }; block_out_desc = (lldesc_t) { .length = block_bytes, .size = block_bytes, .buf = output, .owner = 1, .empty = (stream_bytes > 0) ? (uint32_t)&stream_out_desc : 0, .eof = (stream_bytes == 0), }; in_desc_head = &block_in_desc; out_desc_head = &block_out_desc; } if (stream_bytes > 0) { // can't read past end of 'input', so make a zero padded input buffer in RAM memcpy(stream_in, input + block_bytes, stream_bytes); bzero(stream_in + stream_bytes, AES_BLOCK_BYTES - stream_bytes); stream_in_desc = (lldesc_t) { .length = AES_BLOCK_BYTES, .size = AES_BLOCK_BYTES, .buf = stream_in, .owner = 1, .eof = 1, }; stream_out_desc = (lldesc_t) { .length = AES_BLOCK_BYTES, .size = AES_BLOCK_BYTES, .buf = stream_out, .owner = 1, .eof = 1, }; } // block buffers are sent to DMA first, unless there aren't any in_desc_head = (block_bytes > 0) ? &block_in_desc : &stream_in_desc; out_desc_head = (block_bytes > 0) ? &block_out_desc : &stream_out_desc; /* Enable the DMA clock - currently only for FPGA test */ #if CONFIG_IDF_ENV_FPGA SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_CONF0_REG, CONF0_REG_GEN_CLK_EN); #endif /* Reset DMA */ SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_CONF0_REG, CONF0_REG_AHBM_RST | CONF0_REG_IN_RST | CONF0_REG_OUT_RST | CONF0_REG_AHBM_FIFO_RST); CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_CONF0_REG, CONF0_REG_AHBM_RST | CONF0_REG_IN_RST | CONF0_REG_OUT_RST | CONF0_REG_AHBM_FIFO_RST); /* Set DMA for AES Use */ REG_WRITE(CRYPTO_DMA_AES_SHA_SELECT_REG, 0); /* Set descriptors */ CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_OUT_LINK_REG, OUT_LINK_REG_OUTLINK_ADDR); SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_OUT_LINK_REG, ((uint32_t)(in_desc_head))&OUT_LINK_REG_OUTLINK_ADDR); CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_IN_LINK_REG, IN_LINK_REG_INLINK_ADDR); SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_IN_LINK_REG, ((uint32_t)(out_desc_head))&IN_LINK_REG_INLINK_ADDR); /* Start transfer */ SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_OUT_LINK_REG, OUT_LINK_REG_OUTLINK_START); SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_IN_LINK_REG, IN_LINK_REG_INLINK_START); /* Write the number of blocks */ REG_WRITE(AES_BLOCK_NUM_REG, blocks); #if defined (CONFIG_MBEDTLS_AES_USE_INTERRUPT) REG_WRITE(AES_INT_CLR_REG, 1); if (op_complete_sem == NULL) { op_complete_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); esp_intr_alloc(ETS_AES_INTR_SOURCE, 0, esp_aes_dma_isr, 0, 0); } REG_WRITE(AES_INT_ENA_REG, 1); #endif /* Start AES operation */ REG_WRITE(AES_TRIGGER_REG, 1); esp_aes_dma_complete(); /* Wait for DMA operation to complete */ while (1) { dma_done = REG_READ(CRYPTO_DMA_INT_RAW_REG); if ( (dma_done & INT_RAW_IN_SUC_EOF) == INT_RAW_IN_SUC_EOF) { break; } } REG_WRITE(AES_DMA_EXIT_REG, 1); #if (CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_CAPS_ALLOC || CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC) if (block_bytes > 0) { if ((unsigned int)input >= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_LOW && (unsigned int)input <= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_HIGH) { Cache_Invalidate_DCache_All(); } } #endif if (stream_bytes > 0) { memcpy(output + block_bytes, stream_out, stream_bytes); } return 0; } /* * AES-ECB single block encryption */ int esp_internal_aes_encrypt( esp_aes_context *ctx, const unsigned char input[16], unsigned char output[16] ) { int r; if (!valid_key_length(ctx)) { return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH; } esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); esp_aes_setkey_hardware(ctx, ESP_AES_ENCRYPT, AES_BLOCK_MODE_ECB); r = esp_aes_process_dma(ctx, input, output, AES_BLOCK_BYTES, NULL); esp_aes_release_hardware(); return r; } void esp_aes_encrypt( esp_aes_context *ctx, const unsigned char input[16], unsigned char output[16] ) { esp_internal_aes_encrypt(ctx, input, output); } /* * AES-ECB single block decryption */ int esp_internal_aes_decrypt( esp_aes_context *ctx, const unsigned char input[16], unsigned char output[16] ) { int r; if (!valid_key_length(ctx)) { return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH; } esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); esp_aes_setkey_hardware(ctx, ESP_AES_DECRYPT, AES_BLOCK_MODE_ECB); r = esp_aes_process_dma(ctx, input, output, AES_BLOCK_BYTES, NULL); esp_aes_release_hardware(); return r; } void esp_aes_decrypt( esp_aes_context *ctx, const unsigned char input[16], unsigned char output[16] ) { esp_internal_aes_decrypt(ctx, input, output); } /* * AES-ECB block encryption/decryption */ int esp_aes_crypt_ecb( esp_aes_context *ctx, int mode, const unsigned char input[16], unsigned char output[16] ) { int r; if (!valid_key_length(ctx)) { return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH; } esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); ctx->key_in_hardware = 0; esp_aes_setkey_hardware(ctx, mode, AES_BLOCK_MODE_ECB); r = esp_aes_process_dma(ctx, input, output, AES_BLOCK_BYTES, NULL); esp_aes_release_hardware(); return r; } /* * AES-CBC buffer encryption/decryption */ int esp_aes_crypt_cbc( esp_aes_context *ctx, int mode, size_t length, unsigned char iv[16], const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { /* For CBC input length should be multiple of * AES BLOCK BYTES * */ if ( length % AES_BLOCK_BYTES ) { return ERR_ESP_AES_INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH; } if ( length == 0 ) { return 0; } if (!valid_key_length(ctx)) { return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH; } esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); ctx->key_in_hardware = 0; esp_aes_setkey_hardware(ctx, mode, AES_BLOCK_MODE_CBC); esp_aes_set_iv(iv, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_process_dma(ctx, input, output, length, NULL); esp_aes_get_iv(iv, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_release_hardware(); return 0; } /* * AES-CFB8 buffer encryption/decryption */ int esp_aes_crypt_cfb8( esp_aes_context *ctx, int mode, size_t length, unsigned char iv[16], const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { unsigned char c; unsigned char ov[17]; size_t block_bytes = length - (length % AES_BLOCK_BYTES); /* The DMA engine will only output correct IV if it runs full blocks of input in CFB8 mode */ if (block_bytes > 0) { esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); esp_aes_setkey_hardware(ctx, mode, AES_BLOCK_MODE_CFB8); esp_aes_set_iv(iv, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_process_dma(ctx, input, output, block_bytes, NULL); esp_aes_get_iv(iv, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_release_hardware(); length -= block_bytes; input += block_bytes; output += block_bytes; } // Process remaining bytes block-at-a-time in ECB mode if (length > 0) { esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); esp_aes_setkey_hardware(ctx, MBEDTLS_AES_ENCRYPT, AES_BLOCK_MODE_ECB); while ( length-- ) { memcpy( ov, iv, 16 ); esp_aes_process_dma(ctx, iv, iv, AES_BLOCK_BYTES, NULL); if ( mode == MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT ) { ov[16] = *input; } c = *output++ = ( iv[0] ^ *input++ ); if ( mode == MBEDTLS_AES_ENCRYPT ) { ov[16] = c; } memcpy( iv, ov + 1, 16 ); } esp_aes_release_hardware(); } return 0; } /* * AES-CFB128 buffer encryption/decryption */ int esp_aes_crypt_cfb128( esp_aes_context *ctx, int mode, size_t length, size_t *iv_off, unsigned char iv[16], const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { uint8_t c; size_t stream_bytes = 0; size_t n = *iv_off; if (!valid_key_length(ctx)) { return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH; } esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); ctx->key_in_hardware = 0; /* Lets process the *iv_off bytes first * which are pending from the previous call to this API */ while (n > 0 && length > 0) { if (mode == MBEDTLS_AES_ENCRYPT) { iv[n] = *output++ = (unsigned char)(*input++ ^ iv[n]); } else { c = *input++; *output++ = (c ^ iv[n]); iv[n] = c; } n = (n + 1) % AES_BLOCK_BYTES; length--; } if (length > 0) { stream_bytes = length % AES_BLOCK_BYTES; esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); esp_aes_setkey_hardware(ctx, mode, AES_BLOCK_MODE_CFB128); esp_aes_set_iv(iv, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_process_dma(ctx, input, output, length, iv); if (stream_bytes == 0) { // if we didn't need the partial 'stream block' then the new IV is in the IV register esp_aes_get_iv(iv, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); } else { // if we did process a final partial block the new IV is already processed via DMA (and has some bytes of output in it), // In decrypt mode any partial bytes are output plaintext (iv ^ c) and need to be swapped back to ciphertext (as the next // block uses ciphertext as its IV input) // // Note: It may be more efficient to not process the partial block via DMA in this case. if (mode == MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT) { memcpy(iv, input + length - stream_bytes, stream_bytes); } } esp_aes_release_hardware(); } *iv_off = n + stream_bytes; return 0; } /* * AES-CTR buffer encryption/decryption */ int esp_aes_crypt_ctr( esp_aes_context *ctx, size_t length, size_t *nc_off, unsigned char nonce_counter[16], unsigned char stream_block[16], const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { size_t n = *nc_off; while (n > 0 && length > 0) { *output++ = (unsigned char)(*input++ ^ stream_block[n]); n = (n + 1) & 0xF; length--; } if (length > 0) { esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); esp_aes_setkey_hardware(ctx, ESP_AES_DECRYPT, AES_BLOCK_MODE_CTR); esp_aes_set_iv(nonce_counter, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_process_dma(ctx, input, output, length, stream_block); esp_aes_get_iv(nonce_counter, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_release_hardware(); } *nc_off = n + (length % AES_BLOCK_BYTES); return 0; } /* XOR two 32 bit words */ static void xor_block(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src) { uint32_t *d = (uint32_t *) dst; uint32_t *s = (uint32_t *) src; *d++ ^= *s++; *d++ ^= *s++; *d++ ^= *s++; *d++ ^= *s++; } static void right_shift(uint8_t *v) { uint32_t val; val = WPA_GET_BE32(v + 12); val >>= 1; if (v[11] & 0x01) { val |= 0x80000000; } WPA_PUT_BE32(v + 12, val); val = WPA_GET_BE32(v + 8); val >>= 1; if (v[7] & 0x01) { val |= 0x80000000; } WPA_PUT_BE32(v + 8, val); val = WPA_GET_BE32(v + 4); val >>= 1; if (v[3] & 0x01) { val |= 0x80000000; } WPA_PUT_BE32(v + 4, val); val = WPA_GET_BE32(v); val >>= 1; WPA_PUT_BE32(v, val); } /* AES-GCM multiplication z = y * h */ static int gcm_mult(uint8_t *y, uint8_t *h, uint8_t *z) { uint8_t v0[AES_BLOCK_BYTES]; int i, j; if (!y || !h || !z) { return -1; } memset(z, 0, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); memcpy(v0, y, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); for (i = 0; i < AES_BLOCK_BYTES; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (y[i] & BIT(7 - j)) { xor_block(z, v0); } if (v0[15] & 0x01) { right_shift(v0); v0[0] ^= 0xE1; } else { right_shift(v0); } } } return 0; } /* Update the key value in gcm context */ int esp_aes_gcm_setkey( esp_aes_gcm_context *ctx, mbedtls_cipher_id_t cipher, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keybits ) { if (keybits != 128 && keybits != 192 && keybits != 256) { return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH; } ctx->aes_ctx.key_bytes = keybits / 8; memcpy(ctx->aes_ctx.key, key, ctx->aes_ctx.key_bytes); return ( 0 ); } /* AES-GCM GHASH calculation for IV != 12 bytes */ static void esp_aes_gcm_ghash(uint8_t *h0, uint8_t *iv, uint8_t iv_len, uint8_t *j0, uint16_t s) { uint8_t *hash_buf; uint8_t y0[AES_BLOCK_BYTES], old_y0[AES_BLOCK_BYTES]; uint16_t len, rem = 0; memset(old_y0, 0, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); /* We need to concatenate IV, s + 8 byte zeros & 8 byte IV length * J0 = GHASH( IV || 0 ^(s+64) || len(IV)^64 ) */ len = ( iv_len + (s + 8) + 8 ); hash_buf = calloc( 1, len ); if (hash_buf) { memcpy(hash_buf, iv, iv_len); // ToDo: iv_len is 1 byte in size, how to copy 8 bytes to other memory? #if 0 memcpy((hash_buf + iv_len + s + 8), &iv_len, 8); #endif /* GHASH(x) calculation * Let X1, X2, ... , Xm-1, Xm denote the unique sequence of blocks * such that X = X1 || X2 || ... || Xm-1 || Xm. * Let Y0 be the “zero block,” 0 ^ 128. * Fori=1,...,m, let Yi =(Yi-1 xor Xi) • H. * Return Ym */ while (len) { rem = ( len > AES_BLOCK_BYTES ) ? AES_BLOCK_BYTES : len; /* Yi-1 xor hash_buf */ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < rem; j++) { y0[j] = old_y0[j] ^ hash_buf[j]; } /* gcm multiplication : y0 x h0 */ gcm_mult(y0, h0, j0); memcpy(old_y0, y0, rem); hash_buf += rem; len -= rem; } memcpy(j0, y0, rem); free(hash_buf); } } /* AES-GCM J0 calculation */ static void inline esp_aes_gcm_process_J0(uint8_t *data, uint8_t iv_len) { uint8_t j_buf[AES_BLOCK_BYTES]; uint8_t iv[32]; uint16_t s; esp_aes_get_iv(iv, iv_len); /* If IV is 96 bits J0 = ( IV || 0^31 || 1 ) */ if (iv_len == 12) { memset(j_buf, 0, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); memcpy(j_buf, iv, iv_len); j_buf[AES_BLOCK_BYTES - 1] |= 1; } else { /* If IV is != 96 bits then * J0 = GHASH( IV || 0 ^(s+64) || len(IV)^64 ) where * s = ( 128 * floor of ( len(IV) / 128 ) - len(IV) ) * floor of (x) denotes to be the least integer no less than x * for example: floor of (1.5) = 2 since 2 is the least integer * which is no less than 1.5 */ s = ((iv_len / AES_BLOCK_BYTES) + ((iv_len % AES_BLOCK_BYTES) == 0) ? 0 : 1); s = (s * AES_BLOCK_BYTES) - iv_len; esp_aes_gcm_ghash(data, iv, iv_len, j_buf, s); } /* Write J0 to hardware registers */ memcpy((uint8_t *)AES_J_BASE, j_buf, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); } /* Configure & start crypto DMA for AES GCM operation */ static void esp_aes_gcm_dma(unsigned char *aad, esp_aes_gcm_context *ctx, unsigned char *input, size_t ilen, unsigned char *len_buf, unsigned char *output) { volatile lldesc_t dma_descr[4]; int i = 0; bzero( (void *)dma_descr, sizeof( dma_descr ) ); #if (CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_CAPS_ALLOC || CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC) if ((unsigned int)input >= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_LOW && (unsigned int)input <= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_HIGH) { assert((((unsigned int)(input) & 0xF) == 0)); Cache_WriteBack_All(); } if ((unsigned int)output >= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_LOW && (unsigned int)output <= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_HIGH) { assert((((unsigned int)(output) & 0xF) == 0)); } #endif dma_descr[0].length = ctx->aad_len; dma_descr[0].size = ctx->aad_len; dma_descr[0].buf = aad; dma_descr[0].owner = 1; dma_descr[0].eof = 0; dma_descr[0].empty = (uint32_t)&dma_descr[1]; dma_descr[1].length = ilen; dma_descr[1].size = ilen; dma_descr[1].buf = input; dma_descr[1].owner = 1; dma_descr[1].eof = 0; dma_descr[1].empty = (uint32_t)&dma_descr[2]; dma_descr[2].length = AES_BLOCK_BYTES; dma_descr[2].size = AES_BLOCK_BYTES; dma_descr[2].buf = len_buf; dma_descr[2].owner = 1; dma_descr[2].eof = 1; dma_descr[2].empty = 0; dma_descr[3].length = ctx->aad_len + ilen + AES_BLOCK_BYTES; dma_descr[3].size = ctx->aad_len + ilen + AES_BLOCK_BYTES; dma_descr[3].buf = output; dma_descr[3].owner = 1; dma_descr[3].eof = 1; dma_descr[3].empty = 0; /* If no additional authentication data */ if (ctx->aad_len == 0) { i = 1; } /* If no input data */ if (ilen == 0) { i = 2; } /* Enable the DMA clock - currently only for FPGA test */ #if CONFIG_IDF_ENV_FPGA SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_CONF0_REG, CONF0_REG_GEN_CLK_EN); #endif /* Reset DMA */ SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_CONF0_REG, CONF0_REG_AHBM_RST | CONF0_REG_IN_RST | CONF0_REG_OUT_RST | CONF0_REG_AHBM_FIFO_RST); CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_CONF0_REG, CONF0_REG_AHBM_RST | CONF0_REG_IN_RST | CONF0_REG_OUT_RST | CONF0_REG_AHBM_FIFO_RST); /* Set DMA for AES Use */ REG_WRITE(CRYPTO_DMA_AES_SHA_SELECT_REG, 0); /* Set descriptors */ CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_OUT_LINK_REG, OUT_LINK_REG_OUTLINK_ADDR); SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_OUT_LINK_REG, ((uint32_t)(&dma_descr[i]))&OUT_LINK_REG_OUTLINK_ADDR); CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_IN_LINK_REG, IN_LINK_REG_INLINK_ADDR); SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_IN_LINK_REG, ((uint32_t)(&dma_descr[3]))&IN_LINK_REG_INLINK_ADDR); /* Start transfer */ SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_OUT_LINK_REG, OUT_LINK_REG_OUTLINK_START); SET_PERI_REG_MASK(CRYPTO_DMA_IN_LINK_REG, IN_LINK_REG_INLINK_START); /* Trigger AES: Let hardware perform GCTR operation */ esp_aes_gcm_set_block_num_and_trigger(ilen); /* While hardware is busy meanwhile software will calculate GHASH * Read H from hardware register */ memcpy(ctx->H, (uint8_t *)AES_H_BASE, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_gcm_process_J0(ctx->H, ctx->iv_len); /* After following call the ciphertext is available in output buffer */ esp_aes_gcm_continue(ilen); #if (CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_CAPS_ALLOC || CONFIG_SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC) if ((unsigned int)input >= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_LOW && (unsigned int)input <= SOC_EXTRAM_DATA_HIGH) { Cache_Invalidate_DCache_All(); } #endif } /* Function to init AES GCM context to zero */ void esp_aes_gcm_init( esp_aes_gcm_context *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) { return; } bzero(ctx, sizeof(esp_aes_gcm_context)); } /* Function to clear AES-GCM context */ void esp_aes_gcm_free( esp_aes_gcm_context *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) { return; } bzero(ctx, sizeof(esp_aes_gcm_context)); } /* Setup AES-GCM */ int esp_aes_gcm_starts( esp_aes_gcm_context *ctx, int mode, const unsigned char *iv, size_t iv_len, const unsigned char *aad, size_t aad_len ) { uint8_t temp[AES_BLOCK_BYTES] = {0}; memcpy(temp, iv, iv_len); esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); esp_aes_setkey_hardware( &ctx->aes_ctx, mode, AES_BLOCK_MODE_GCM); /* AES-GCM HW does not use IV but we program anyways so that * we can retrieve later for J0 calculation */ esp_aes_set_iv(temp, iv_len); ctx->iv_len = iv_len; ctx->aad = aad; ctx->aad_len = aad_len; return ( 0 ); } /* Perform AES-GCM operation */ int esp_aes_gcm_update( esp_aes_gcm_context *ctx, size_t length, const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { const uint8_t *dbuf = input; uint8_t *abuf = (uint8_t *)ctx->aad; uint64_t ori_aad_len = ctx->aad_len, ori_p_len = length; uint32_t temp[4] = {0}; bool abuf_alloc = false, dbuf_alloc = false; if ( output > input && (size_t) ( output - input ) < length ) { return ( MBEDTLS_ERR_GCM_BAD_INPUT ); } /* Check length of AAD & pad if required */ if (ctx->aad_len % AES_BLOCK_BYTES) { ori_aad_len = ctx->aad_len; abuf = textpad_zero(ctx->aad, (uint8_t *)&ctx->aad_len); if (!abuf) { return -1; } else { abuf_alloc = true; } } /* Check length of input & pad if required */ if ( length % AES_BLOCK_BYTES ) { ori_p_len = length; REG_WRITE(AES_BIT_VALID_NUM_REG, (length % AES_BLOCK_BYTES) * 8); dbuf = textpad_zero(input, (uint8_t *)&length); if (!dbuf) { if (abuf_alloc) { free(abuf); return -1; } } else { dbuf_alloc = true; } } /* Update number of AAD blocks in hardware register */ REG_WRITE(AES_AAD_BLOCK_NUM_REG, (ctx->aad_len / AES_BLOCK_BYTES)); /* Input buffer is: length[textpad(input)] + length[textpad(aad)] * + [length]64 + [aad_len]64 */ ori_aad_len *= 8; ori_p_len *= 8; temp[0] = (uint32_t)LE_TO_BE(ori_aad_len >> 32); temp[1] = (uint32_t)LE_TO_BE(ori_aad_len); temp[2] = (uint32_t)LE_TO_BE(ori_p_len >> 32); temp[3] = (uint32_t)LE_TO_BE(ori_p_len); esp_aes_gcm_dma(abuf, ctx, (uint8_t *)dbuf, length, (uint8_t *)temp, output); if (abuf_alloc) { free((void *)abuf); } if (dbuf_alloc) { free((void *)dbuf); } return 0; } /* Function to read the tag value */ int esp_aes_gcm_finish( esp_aes_gcm_context *ctx, unsigned char *tag, size_t tag_len ) { memcpy(tag, (uint8_t *)AES_T_BASE, tag_len); return 0; } /* * AES-OFB (Output Feedback Mode) buffer encryption/decryption */ int esp_aes_crypt_ofb( esp_aes_context *ctx, size_t length, size_t *iv_off, unsigned char iv[16], const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { size_t n = *iv_off; size_t stream_bytes = 0; while (n > 0 && length > 0) { *output++ = (unsigned char)(*input++ ^ iv[n]); n = (n + 1) & 0xF; length--; } if (length > 0) { stream_bytes = (length % AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_acquire_hardware(); esp_aes_setkey_hardware(ctx, ESP_AES_DECRYPT, AES_BLOCK_MODE_OFB); esp_aes_set_iv(iv, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); esp_aes_process_dma(ctx, input, output, length, iv); if (stream_bytes == 0) { // new IV is in the IV block esp_aes_get_iv(iv, AES_BLOCK_BYTES); } else { // IV is in the iv buffer (stream_out param), however 'stream_bytes' // of it are already XORed with input bytes so need to un-XOR them for (int i = 0; i < stream_bytes; i++) { iv[i] ^= input[length - stream_bytes + i]; } } esp_aes_release_hardware(); } *iv_off = n + stream_bytes; return 0; } /* Below XTS implementation is copied aes.c of mbedtls library. * When MBEDTLS_AES_ALT is defined mbedtls expects alternate * definition of XTS functions to be available. Even if this * could have been avoided, it is done for consistency reason. */ void esp_aes_xts_init( esp_aes_xts_context *ctx ) { esp_aes_init( &ctx->crypt ); esp_aes_init( &ctx->tweak ); } void esp_aes_xts_free( esp_aes_xts_context *ctx ) { esp_aes_free( &ctx->crypt ); esp_aes_free( &ctx->tweak ); } static int esp_aes_xts_decode_keys( const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keybits, const unsigned char **key1, unsigned int *key1bits, const unsigned char **key2, unsigned int *key2bits ) { const unsigned int half_keybits = keybits / 2; const unsigned int half_keybytes = half_keybits / 8; switch( keybits ) { case 256: break; case 512: break; default : return( MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH ); } *key1bits = half_keybits; *key2bits = half_keybits; *key1 = &key[0]; *key2 = &key[half_keybytes]; return 0; } int esp_aes_xts_setkey_enc( esp_aes_xts_context *ctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keybits) { int ret; const unsigned char *key1, *key2; unsigned int key1bits, key2bits; ret = esp_aes_xts_decode_keys( key, keybits, &key1, &key1bits, &key2, &key2bits ); if( ret != 0 ) return( ret ); /* Set the tweak key. Always set tweak key for the encryption mode. */ ret = esp_aes_setkey( &ctx->tweak, key2, key2bits ); if( ret != 0 ) return( ret ); /* Set crypt key for encryption. */ return esp_aes_setkey( &ctx->crypt, key1, key1bits ); } int esp_aes_xts_setkey_dec( esp_aes_xts_context *ctx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keybits) { int ret; const unsigned char *key1, *key2; unsigned int key1bits, key2bits; ret = esp_aes_xts_decode_keys( key, keybits, &key1, &key1bits, &key2, &key2bits ); if( ret != 0 ) return( ret ); /* Set the tweak key. Always set tweak key for encryption. */ ret = esp_aes_setkey( &ctx->tweak, key2, key2bits ); if( ret != 0 ) return( ret ); /* Set crypt key for decryption. */ return esp_aes_setkey( &ctx->crypt, key1, key1bits ); } /* Endianess with 64 bits values */ #ifndef GET_UINT64_LE #define GET_UINT64_LE(n,b,i) \ { \ (n) = ( (uint64_t) (b)[(i) + 7] << 56 ) \ | ( (uint64_t) (b)[(i) + 6] << 48 ) \ | ( (uint64_t) (b)[(i) + 5] << 40 ) \ | ( (uint64_t) (b)[(i) + 4] << 32 ) \ | ( (uint64_t) (b)[(i) + 3] << 24 ) \ | ( (uint64_t) (b)[(i) + 2] << 16 ) \ | ( (uint64_t) (b)[(i) + 1] << 8 ) \ | ( (uint64_t) (b)[(i) ] ); \ } #endif #ifndef PUT_UINT64_LE #define PUT_UINT64_LE(n,b,i) \ { \ (b)[(i) + 7] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 56 ); \ (b)[(i) + 6] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 48 ); \ (b)[(i) + 5] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 40 ); \ (b)[(i) + 4] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 32 ); \ (b)[(i) + 3] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 24 ); \ (b)[(i) + 2] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 16 ); \ (b)[(i) + 1] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 8 ); \ (b)[(i) ] = (unsigned char) ( (n) ); \ } #endif typedef unsigned char esp_be128[16]; /* * GF(2^128) multiplication function * * This function multiplies a field element by x in the polynomial field * representation. It uses 64-bit word operations to gain speed but compensates * for machine endianess and hence works correctly on both big and little * endian machines. */ static void esp_gf128mul_x_ble( unsigned char r[16], const unsigned char x[16] ) { uint64_t a, b, ra, rb; GET_UINT64_LE( a, x, 0 ); GET_UINT64_LE( b, x, 8 ); ra = ( a << 1 ) ^ 0x0087 >> ( 8 - ( ( b >> 63 ) << 3 ) ); rb = ( a >> 63 ) | ( b << 1 ); PUT_UINT64_LE( ra, r, 0 ); PUT_UINT64_LE( rb, r, 8 ); } /* * AES-XTS buffer encryption/decryption */ int esp_aes_crypt_xts( esp_aes_xts_context *ctx, int mode, size_t length, const unsigned char data_unit[16], const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { int ret; size_t blocks = length / 16; size_t leftover = length % 16; unsigned char tweak[16]; unsigned char prev_tweak[16]; unsigned char tmp[16]; /* Sectors must be at least 16 bytes. */ if( length < 16 ) return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH; /* NIST SP 80-38E disallows data units larger than 2**20 blocks. */ if( length > ( 1 << 20 ) * 16 ) return MBEDTLS_ERR_AES_INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH; /* Compute the tweak. */ ret = esp_aes_crypt_ecb( &ctx->tweak, MBEDTLS_AES_ENCRYPT, data_unit, tweak ); if( ret != 0 ) return( ret ); while( blocks-- ) { size_t i; if( leftover && ( mode == MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT ) && blocks == 0 ) { /* We are on the last block in a decrypt operation that has * leftover bytes, so we need to use the next tweak for this block, * and this tweak for the lefover bytes. Save the current tweak for * the leftovers and then update the current tweak for use on this, * the last full block. */ memcpy( prev_tweak, tweak, sizeof( tweak ) ); esp_gf128mul_x_ble( tweak, tweak ); } for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) tmp[i] = input[i] ^ tweak[i]; ret = esp_aes_crypt_ecb( &ctx->crypt, mode, tmp, tmp ); if( ret != 0 ) return( ret ); for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) output[i] = tmp[i] ^ tweak[i]; /* Update the tweak for the next block. */ esp_gf128mul_x_ble( tweak, tweak ); output += 16; input += 16; } if( leftover ) { /* If we are on the leftover bytes in a decrypt operation, we need to * use the previous tweak for these bytes (as saved in prev_tweak). */ unsigned char *t = mode == MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT ? prev_tweak : tweak; /* We are now on the final part of the data unit, which doesn't divide * evenly by 16. It's time for ciphertext stealing. */ size_t i; unsigned char *prev_output = output - 16; /* Copy ciphertext bytes from the previous block to our output for each * byte of cyphertext we won't steal. At the same time, copy the * remainder of the input for this final round (since the loop bounds * are the same). */ for( i = 0; i < leftover; i++ ) { output[i] = prev_output[i]; tmp[i] = input[i] ^ t[i]; } /* Copy ciphertext bytes from the previous block for input in this * round. */ for( ; i < 16; i++ ) tmp[i] = prev_output[i] ^ t[i]; ret = esp_aes_crypt_ecb( &ctx->crypt, mode, tmp, tmp ); if( ret != 0 ) return ret; /* Write the result back to the previous block, overriding the previous * output we copied. */ for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) prev_output[i] = tmp[i] ^ t[i]; } return( 0 ); } int esp_aes_gcm_crypt_and_tag( esp_aes_gcm_context *ctx, int mode, size_t length, const unsigned char *iv, size_t iv_len, const unsigned char *add, size_t add_len, const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output, size_t tag_len, unsigned char *tag ) { int ret; if ( ( ret = esp_aes_gcm_starts( ctx, mode, iv, iv_len, add, add_len ) ) != 0 ) { return ( ret ); } if ( ( ret = esp_aes_gcm_update( ctx, length, input, output ) ) != 0 ) { return ( ret ); } if ( ( ret = esp_aes_gcm_finish( ctx, tag, tag_len ) ) != 0 ) { return ( ret ); } return ( 0 ); } int esp_aes_gcm_auth_decrypt( esp_aes_gcm_context *ctx, size_t length, const unsigned char *iv, size_t iv_len, const unsigned char *add, size_t add_len, const unsigned char *tag, size_t tag_len, const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { int ret; unsigned char check_tag[16]; size_t i; int diff; if ( ( ret = esp_aes_gcm_crypt_and_tag( ctx, ESP_AES_DECRYPT, length, iv, iv_len, add, add_len, input, output, tag_len, check_tag ) ) != 0 ) { return ( ret ); } /* Check tag in "constant-time" */ for ( diff = 0, i = 0; i < tag_len; i++ ) { diff |= tag[i] ^ check_tag[i]; } if ( diff != 0 ) { bzero( output, length ); return ( MBEDTLS_ERR_GCM_AUTH_FAILED ); } return ( 0 ); }