/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 */ #include <algorithm> #include <cstddef> #include <exception> #include <deque> #include <cstdint> #include <memory> #include <ranges> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <memory_resource> #include "esp_log.h" #include "mqtt_outbox.h" constexpr auto TAG = "custom_outbox"; /* * The trace resource class is created here as an example on how to build a custom memory resource * The class is only needed to show where we are allocating from and to track allocations and deallocations. */ class trace_resource : public std::pmr::memory_resource { public: explicit trace_resource(std::string resource_name, std::pmr::memory_resource *upstream_resource = std::pmr::get_default_resource()) : upstream{upstream_resource}, name{std::move(resource_name)} {} [[nodiscard]] std::string_view get_name() const noexcept { return std::string_view(name); } [[nodiscard]] auto upstream_resource() const { return upstream; } private: void *do_allocate(std::size_t bytes, std::size_t alignment) override { auto *allocated = upstream->allocate(bytes, alignment); allocated_total += bytes; ESP_LOGI(name.c_str(), "%s: %zu bytes allocated, %zu total bytes in use", name.c_str(), bytes, allocated_total); return allocated; } void do_deallocate(void *ptr, std::size_t bytes, std::size_t alignment) override { upstream->deallocate(ptr, bytes, alignment); ESP_LOGI(name.c_str(), "%s: %zu bytes deallocated, %zu total bytes in use", name.c_str(), bytes, allocated_total); } [[nodiscard]] bool do_is_equal(const std::pmr::memory_resource &other) const noexcept override { return this == &other; } size_t allocated_total{}; std::pmr::memory_resource *upstream; std::string name; }; struct outbox_item { /* Defining the allocator_type to let compiler know that our type is allocator aware, * This way the allocator used for the outbox is propagated to the messages*/ using allocator_type = std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<>; /* Few strong types to diferetiate parameters*/ enum class id_t : int {}; enum class type_t : int {}; enum class qos_t : int {}; /* Allocator aware constructors */ outbox_item( std::pmr::vector<uint8_t> message, id_t msg_id, type_t msg_type, qos_t msg_qos, outbox_tick_t tick, pending_state_t pending_state, allocator_type alloc = {} ) : message(std::move(message), alloc), id(msg_id), type(msg_type), qos(msg_qos), tick(tick), pending_state(pending_state) {} /*Copy and move constructors have an extra allocator parameter, for copy default and allocator aware are the same.*/ outbox_item(const outbox_item &other, allocator_type alloc = {}) : message(other.message, alloc), id(other.id), type(other.type), qos(other.qos), tick(other.tick), pending_state(other.pending_state) {} outbox_item(outbox_item &&other, allocator_type alloc) noexcept : message(std::move(other.message), alloc), id(other.id), type(other.type), qos(other.qos), tick(other.tick), pending_state(other.pending_state) {} outbox_item(const outbox_item &) = default; outbox_item(outbox_item &&other) = default; outbox_item &operator=(const outbox_item &rhs) = default; outbox_item &operator=(outbox_item &&other) = default; ~outbox_item() = default; /* Getters to support outbox operation */ [[nodiscard]] auto state() const noexcept { return pending_state; } [[nodiscard]] allocator_type get_allocator() const { return message.get_allocator(); } void set(pending_state state) noexcept { pending_state = state; } void set(outbox_tick_t n_tick) noexcept { tick = n_tick; } [[nodiscard]] auto get_id() const noexcept { return id; } [[nodiscard]] auto get_type() const noexcept { return type; } [[nodiscard]] auto get_tick() const noexcept { return tick; } [[nodiscard]] auto get_data(size_t *len, uint16_t *msg_id, int *msg_type, int *msg_qos) { *len = message.size(); *msg_id = static_cast<uint16_t>(id); *msg_type = static_cast<int>(type); *msg_qos = static_cast<int>(qos); return message.data(); } [[nodiscard]] auto get_size() const noexcept { return message.size(); } private: std::pmr::vector<uint8_t> message; id_t id; type_t type; qos_t qos; outbox_tick_t tick; pending_state_t pending_state; }; /* * For the outbox_t we let the special member functions as default and * we don't extend the allocator aware versions for the sake of the simplicity, since the operations are not needed in the usage. */ struct outbox_t { using allocator_type = std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<>; explicit outbox_t(allocator_type alloc = {}) : queue(alloc) {} outbox_item_handle_t get(outbox_item::id_t msg_id) { if (auto item = std::ranges::find_if(queue, [msg_id](auto & item) { return item.get_id() == msg_id; }); item != std::end(queue)) { return &(*item); } return nullptr; } int delete_expired(outbox_tick_t current_tick, outbox_tick_t timeout) { return std::erase_if(queue, [current_tick, timeout, this](const outbox_item & item) { if (current_tick - item.get_tick() > timeout) { total_size -= item.get_size(); return true; } return false; }); } outbox_item::id_t delete_single_expired(outbox_tick_t current_tick, outbox_tick_t timeout) { if (auto erase = std::ranges::find_if(queue, [current_tick, timeout](auto & item) { return (current_tick - item.get_tick() > timeout); }); erase != std::end(queue)) { auto msg_id = erase->get_id(); total_size -= erase->get_size(); queue.erase(erase); return msg_id; } return outbox_item::id_t{-1}; } auto erase(outbox_item_handle_t to_erase) { return erase_if([to_erase](auto & item) { return &item == to_erase; }); } auto erase(outbox_item::id_t msg_id, outbox_item::type_t msg_type) { return erase_if([msg_id, msg_type](auto & item) { return (item.get_id() == msg_id && (item.get_type() == msg_type)); }); } [[nodiscard]] auto size() const noexcept { return total_size; } void clear() { queue.clear(); } outbox_item_handle_t enqueue(outbox_message_handle_t message, outbox_tick_t tick) noexcept { try { auto &item = queue.emplace_back(std::pmr::vector<uint8_t> {message->data, message->data + message->len}, outbox_item::id_t{message->msg_id}, outbox_item::type_t{message->msg_type}, outbox_item::qos_t{message->msg_qos}, tick, QUEUED ); total_size += item.get_size(); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "ENQUEUE msgid=%d, msg_type=%d, len=%d, size=%" PRIu64, message->msg_id, message->msg_type, message->len + message->remaining_len, outbox_get_size(this)); return &item; } catch (const std::exception &e) { return nullptr; } } outbox_item_handle_t dequeue(pending_state_t state, outbox_tick_t *tick) { if (auto item = std::ranges::find_if(queue, [state](auto & item) { return item.state() == state; }); item != std::end(queue)) { if (tick != nullptr) { *tick = item->get_tick(); } return &(*item); } return nullptr; } [[nodiscard]] allocator_type get_allocator() const { return queue.get_allocator(); } private: [[nodiscard]] esp_err_t erase_if(std::predicate<outbox_item &> auto &&predicate) { if (auto to_erase = std::ranges::find_if(queue, predicate); to_erase != std::end(queue)) { total_size -= to_erase->get_size(); queue.erase(to_erase); return ESP_OK; } return ESP_FAIL; } std::size_t total_size{}; std::pmr::deque<outbox_item> queue ; }; extern "C" { outbox_handle_t outbox_init() { /* First we create a fixed size memory buffer to be used. */ static constexpr auto work_memory_size = 16 * 1024; static std::array<std::byte, work_memory_size> resource_buffer{}; try { /* * Since the outbox is managed by a C API we can't rely on C++ automatic cleanup and smart pointers but, on production code it would be better to add the * memory resources to outbox_t, applying RAII principles, and make only outbox_item allocator aware. For the sake of the example we are keeping them * separated to explictly show the relations. * First we create the monotonic buffer and add null_memory_resource as upstream. This way if our working memory is exausted an exception is thrown. */ auto *monotonic_resource = new std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resource{resource_buffer.data(), resource_buffer.size(), std::pmr::null_memory_resource()}; /*Here we add our custom trace wrapper type to trace allocations and deallocations*/ auto *trace_monotonic = new trace_resource("Monotonic", monotonic_resource); /* We compose monotonic buffer with pool resource, since the monotonic deallocate is a no-op and we need to remove messages to not go out of memory.*/ auto *pool_resource = new std::pmr::unsynchronized_pool_resource{trace_monotonic}; auto *trace_pool = new trace_resource("Pool", pool_resource); /* Our outbox class is created using the trace_pool as memory resource */ auto *outbox = new outbox_t{trace_pool}; return outbox; } catch (const std::exception &e) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Not enough memory to construct the outbox, review the resource_buffer size"); return nullptr; } } outbox_item_handle_t outbox_enqueue(outbox_handle_t outbox, outbox_message_handle_t message, outbox_tick_t tick) { return outbox->enqueue(message, tick); } outbox_item_handle_t outbox_get(outbox_handle_t outbox, int msg_id) { return outbox->get(outbox_item::id_t{msg_id}); } outbox_item_handle_t outbox_dequeue(outbox_handle_t outbox, pending_state_t pending, outbox_tick_t *tick) { return outbox->dequeue(pending, tick); } } uint8_t *outbox_item_get_data(outbox_item_handle_t item, size_t *len, uint16_t *msg_id, int *msg_type, int *qos) { if (item == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return item->get_data(len, msg_id, msg_type, qos); } esp_err_t outbox_delete_item(outbox_handle_t outbox, outbox_item_handle_t item_to_delete) { return outbox->erase(item_to_delete); } esp_err_t outbox_delete(outbox_handle_t outbox, int msg_id, int msg_type) { return outbox->erase(outbox_item::id_t{msg_id}, outbox_item::type_t{msg_type}); } int outbox_delete_single_expired(outbox_handle_t outbox, outbox_tick_t current_tick, outbox_tick_t timeout) { return static_cast<int>(outbox->delete_single_expired(current_tick, timeout)); } int outbox_delete_expired(outbox_handle_t outbox, outbox_tick_t current_tick, outbox_tick_t timeout) { return outbox->delete_expired(current_tick, timeout); } esp_err_t outbox_set_pending(outbox_handle_t outbox, int msg_id, pending_state_t pending) { if (auto *item = outbox->get(outbox_item::id_t{msg_id}); item != nullptr) { item->set(pending); return ESP_OK; } return ESP_FAIL; } pending_state_t outbox_item_get_pending(outbox_item_handle_t item) { if (item != nullptr) { return item->state(); } return QUEUED; } esp_err_t outbox_set_tick(outbox_handle_t outbox, int msg_id, outbox_tick_t tick) { if (auto *item = outbox->get(outbox_item::id_t{msg_id}); item != nullptr) { item->set(tick); return ESP_OK; } return ESP_FAIL; } uint64_t outbox_get_size(outbox_handle_t outbox) { return outbox->size(); } void outbox_delete_all_items(outbox_handle_t outbox) { outbox->clear(); } void outbox_destroy(outbox_handle_t outbox) { auto *trace_pool = static_cast<trace_resource *>(outbox->get_allocator().resource()); auto *pool_resource = static_cast<std::pmr::unsynchronized_pool_resource *>(trace_pool->upstream_resource()); auto *trace_monotonic = static_cast<trace_resource *>(pool_resource->upstream_resource()); auto *monotonic_resource = static_cast<std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resource *>(trace_monotonic->upstream_resource()); delete monotonic_resource; delete trace_monotonic; delete pool_resource; delete trace_pool; delete outbox; }