 *  Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
#include <string.h>

#include "common/bt_target.h"

#include "bta_hh_int.h"

/* if SSR max latency is not defined by remote device, set the default value
   as half of the link supervision timeout */
#define BTA_HH_GET_DEF_SSR_MAX_LAT(x)   ((x)>> 1)

**  Constants
#define BTA_HH_KB_CTRL_MASK         0x11
#define BTA_HH_KB_SHIFT_MASK        0x22
#define BTA_HH_KB_ALT_MASK          0x44
#define BTA_HH_KB_GUI_MASK          0x88

#define BTA_HH_KB_CAPS_LOCK      0x39           /* caps lock */
#define BTA_HH_KB_NUM_LOCK       0x53           /* num lock */

#define BTA_HH_MAX_RPT_CHARS    8

static const UINT8 bta_hh_mod_key_mask[BTA_HH_MOD_MAX_KEY] = {

** Function         bta_hh_find_cb
** Description      Find best available control block according to BD address.
** Returns          void
UINT8  bta_hh_find_cb(BD_ADDR bda)
    UINT8 xx;

    /* See how many active devices there are. */
    for (xx = 0; xx < BTA_HH_MAX_DEVICE; xx++) {
        /* check if any active/known devices is a match */
        if ((!bdcmp (bda, bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].addr) &&
                bdcmp(bda, bd_addr_null) != 0) ) {
            APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("found kdev_cb[%d] hid_handle = %d ", xx,
            return xx;
            APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("in_use ? [%d] kdev[%d].hid_handle = %d state = [%d]",
                             bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].in_use, xx,

    /* if no active device match, find a spot for it */
    for (xx = 0; xx < BTA_HH_MAX_DEVICE; xx++) {
        if (!bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].in_use) {
            bdcpy(bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].addr, bda);
    /* If device list full, report BTA_HH_IDX_INVALID */
    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("bta_hh_find_cb:: index = %d while max = %d",
                     xx, BTA_HH_MAX_DEVICE);

    if (xx == BTA_HH_MAX_DEVICE) {
        xx = BTA_HH_IDX_INVALID;

    return xx;

** Function         bta_hh_clean_up_kdev
** Description      Clean up device control block when device is removed from
**                  manitainace list, and update control block index map.
** Returns          void
void bta_hh_clean_up_kdev(tBTA_HH_DEV_CB *p_cb)
    UINT8 index;

    if (p_cb->hid_handle != BTA_HH_INVALID_HANDLE ) {
        if (p_cb->is_le_device) {
            bta_hh_cb.le_cb_index[BTA_HH_GET_LE_CB_IDX(p_cb->hid_handle)] = BTA_HH_IDX_INVALID;
        } else
            bta_hh_cb.cb_index[p_cb->hid_handle] = BTA_HH_IDX_INVALID;

    /* reset device control block */
    index = p_cb->index;                        /* Preserve index for this control block */

    /* Free buffer for report descriptor info */
    utl_freebuf((void **)&p_cb->dscp_info.descriptor.dsc_list);

    memset(p_cb, 0, sizeof (tBTA_HH_DEV_CB));   /* Reset control block */

    p_cb->index = index;                        /* Restore index for this control block */
    p_cb->state      = BTA_HH_IDLE_ST;
    p_cb->hid_handle = BTA_HH_INVALID_HANDLE;

** Function         bta_hh_update_di_info
** Description      Maintain a known device list for BTA HH.
** Returns          void
void bta_hh_update_di_info(tBTA_HH_DEV_CB *p_cb, UINT16 vendor_id, UINT16 product_id,
                           UINT16 version, UINT8 flag)
    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("vendor_id = 0x%2x product_id = 0x%2x version = 0x%2x",
                     vendor_id, product_id, version);
    p_cb->dscp_info.vendor_id     =   vendor_id;
    p_cb->dscp_info.product_id    =   product_id;
    p_cb->dscp_info.version       =   version;
    p_cb->dscp_info.flag          =   flag;
** Function         bta_hh_add_device_to_list
** Description      Maintain a known device list for BTA HH.
** Returns          void
void bta_hh_add_device_to_list(tBTA_HH_DEV_CB *p_cb, UINT8 handle,
                               UINT16 attr_mask,
                               tHID_DEV_DSCP_INFO *p_dscp_info,
                               UINT8 sub_class,
                               UINT16 ssr_max_latency,
                               UINT16 ssr_min_tout,
                               UINT8 app_id)
    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("subclass = 0x%2x", sub_class);

    p_cb->hid_handle = handle;
    p_cb->in_use = TRUE;
    p_cb->attr_mask = attr_mask;

    p_cb->sub_class = sub_class;
    p_cb->app_id    = app_id;

    p_cb->dscp_info.ssr_max_latency = ssr_max_latency;
    p_cb->dscp_info.ssr_min_tout    = ssr_min_tout;

    /* store report descriptor info */
    if ( p_dscp_info) {
        utl_freebuf((void **)&p_cb->dscp_info.descriptor.dsc_list);

        if (p_dscp_info->dl_len &&
                (p_cb->dscp_info.descriptor.dsc_list =
                     (UINT8 *)osi_malloc(p_dscp_info->dl_len)) != NULL) {
            p_cb->dscp_info.descriptor.dl_len = p_dscp_info->dl_len;
            memcpy(p_cb->dscp_info.descriptor.dsc_list, p_dscp_info->dsc_list,

** Function         bta_hh_tod_spt
** Description      Check to see if this type of device is supported
** Returns
BOOLEAN bta_hh_tod_spt(tBTA_HH_DEV_CB *p_cb, UINT8 sub_class)
    UINT8    xx;
    UINT8    cod = (sub_class >> 2); /* lower two bits are reserved */

    for (xx = 0 ; xx < p_bta_hh_cfg->max_devt_spt; xx ++) {
        if (cod == (UINT8) p_bta_hh_cfg->p_devt_list[xx].tod) {
            p_cb->app_id = p_bta_hh_cfg->p_devt_list[xx].app_id;
            APPL_TRACE_EVENT("bta_hh_tod_spt sub_class:0x%x supported", sub_class);
            return TRUE;
    APPL_TRACE_EVENT("bta_hh_tod_spt sub_class:0x%x NOT supported", sub_class);
    return FALSE;

** Function         bta_hh_parse_keybd_rpt
** Description      This utility function parse a boot mode keyboard report.
** Returns          void
void bta_hh_parse_keybd_rpt(tBTA_HH_BOOT_RPT *p_kb_data, UINT8 *p_report,
                            UINT16 report_len)
    tBTA_HH_KB_CB       *p_kb = &bta_hh_cb.kb_cb;
    tBTA_HH_KEYBD_RPT   *p_data = &p_kb_data->data_rpt.keybd_rpt;

    UINT8        this_char, ctl_shift;
    UINT16       xx, yy, key_idx = 0;
    UINT8        this_report[BTA_HH_MAX_RPT_CHARS];

    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("bta_hh_parse_keybd_rpt:  (report=%p, report_len=%d) called",
                     p_report, report_len);

    if (report_len < 2) {

    ctl_shift = *p_report++;

    if (report_len > BTA_HH_MAX_RPT_CHARS) {
        report_len = BTA_HH_MAX_RPT_CHARS;

    memset (this_report, 0, BTA_HH_MAX_RPT_CHARS);
    memset (p_data, 0, sizeof(tBTA_HH_KEYBD_RPT));
    memcpy (this_report, p_report, report_len);

    /* Take care of shift, control, GUI and alt, modifier keys  */
    for (xx = 0; xx < BTA_HH_MOD_MAX_KEY; xx ++ ) {
        if (ctl_shift & bta_hh_mod_key_mask[xx]) {
            APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("Mod Key[%02x] pressed", bta_hh_mod_key_mask[xx] );
            p_kb->mod_key[xx] = TRUE;
        } else if (p_kb->mod_key[xx]) {
            p_kb->mod_key[xx] = FALSE;
        /* control key flag is set */
        p_data->mod_key[xx]       = p_kb->mod_key[xx];

    /*  First step is to remove all characters we saw in the last report       */
    for (xx = 0; xx < report_len; xx++) {
        for (yy = 0; yy < BTA_HH_MAX_RPT_CHARS; yy++) {
            if (this_report[xx] == p_kb->last_report[yy]) {
                this_report[xx] = 0;
    /*  Now, process all the characters in the report, up to 6 keycodes        */
    for (xx = 0; xx < report_len; xx++) {
        APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("this_char = %02x", this_report[xx]);
        if ((this_char = this_report[xx]) == 0) {
        /* take the key code as the report data */
        if (this_report[xx] == BTA_HH_KB_CAPS_LOCK) {
            p_kb->caps_lock = p_kb->caps_lock ? FALSE : TRUE;
        } else if (this_report[xx] == BTA_HH_KB_NUM_LOCK) {
            p_kb->num_lock = p_kb->num_lock ? FALSE : TRUE;
        } else {
            p_data->this_char[key_idx ++] = this_char;

        APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("found keycode %02x ",  this_report[xx]);
        p_data->caps_lock   = p_kb->caps_lock;
        p_data->num_lock      = p_kb->num_lock;

    memset (p_kb->last_report, 0, BTA_HH_MAX_RPT_CHARS);
    memcpy (p_kb->last_report, p_report, report_len);


** Function         bta_hh_parse_mice_rpt
** Description      This utility function parse a boot mode mouse report.
** Returns          void
void bta_hh_parse_mice_rpt(tBTA_HH_BOOT_RPT *p_mice_data, UINT8 *p_report,
                           UINT16 report_len)
    tBTA_HH_MICE_RPT   *p_data = &p_mice_data->data_rpt.mice_rpt;
    UINT8       xx;

    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("bta_hh_parse_mice_rpt:  bta_keybd_rpt_rcvd(report=%p, \
                report_len=%d) called", p_report, report_len);

    if (report_len < 3) {

    if (report_len > BTA_HH_MAX_RPT_CHARS) {
        report_len = BTA_HH_MAX_RPT_CHARS;

    for (xx = 0; xx < report_len; xx++) {
        APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("this_char = %02x", p_report[xx]);

    /* only first bytes lower 3 bits valid */
    p_data->mouse_button     = (p_report[0] & 0x07);

    /* x displacement */
    p_data->delta_x     = p_report[1];

    /* y displacement */
    p_data->delta_y     = p_report[2];

    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("mice button: 0x%2x", p_data->mouse_button);
    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("mice move: x = %d y = %d", p_data->delta_x,
                     p_data->delta_y );



** Function         bta_hh_read_ssr_param
** Description      Read the SSR Parameter for the remote device
** Returns          tBTA_HH_STATUS  operation status
tBTA_HH_STATUS bta_hh_read_ssr_param(BD_ADDR bd_addr, UINT16 *p_max_ssr_lat, UINT16 *p_min_ssr_tout)
    tBTA_HH_STATUS  status = BTA_HH_ERR;
    tBTA_HH_CB  *p_cb = &bta_hh_cb;
    UINT8       i;
    UINT16      ssr_max_latency;
    for (i = 0; i < BTA_HH_MAX_KNOWN; i ++) {
        if (memcmp(p_cb->kdev[i].addr, bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0) {

            /* if remote device does not have HIDSSRHostMaxLatency attribute in SDP,
            set SSR max latency default value here.  */
            if (p_cb->kdev[i].dscp_info.ssr_max_latency == HID_SSR_PARAM_INVALID) {
                /* The default is calculated as half of link supervision timeout.*/

                BTM_GetLinkSuperTout(p_cb->kdev[i].addr, &ssr_max_latency) ;
                ssr_max_latency = BTA_HH_GET_DEF_SSR_MAX_LAT(ssr_max_latency);

                /* per 1.1 spec, if the newly calculated max latency is greater than
                BTA_HH_SSR_MAX_LATENCY_DEF which is 500ms, use BTA_HH_SSR_MAX_LATENCY_DEF */
                if (ssr_max_latency > BTA_HH_SSR_MAX_LATENCY_DEF) {
                    ssr_max_latency = BTA_HH_SSR_MAX_LATENCY_DEF;

                * p_max_ssr_lat  = ssr_max_latency;
            } else {
                * p_max_ssr_lat  = p_cb->kdev[i].dscp_info.ssr_max_latency;

            if (p_cb->kdev[i].dscp_info.ssr_min_tout == HID_SSR_PARAM_INVALID) {
                * p_min_ssr_tout = BTA_HH_SSR_MIN_TOUT_DEF;
            } else {
                * p_min_ssr_tout = p_cb->kdev[i].dscp_info.ssr_min_tout;

            status           = BTA_HH_OK;


    return status;

** Function         bta_hh_cleanup_disable
** Description      when disable finished, cleanup control block and send callback
** Returns          void
void bta_hh_cleanup_disable(tBTA_HH_STATUS status)
    UINT8   xx;
    /* free buffer in CB holding report descriptors */
    for (xx = 0; xx < BTA_HH_MAX_DEVICE; xx ++) {
        utl_freebuf((void **)&bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].dscp_info.descriptor.dsc_list);
    utl_freebuf((void **)&bta_hh_cb.p_disc_db);

    (* bta_hh_cb.p_cback)(BTA_HH_DISABLE_EVT, (tBTA_HH *)&status);
    /* all connections are down, no waiting for diconnect */
    memset(&bta_hh_cb, 0, sizeof(tBTA_HH_CB));

** Function         bta_hh_dev_handle_to_cb_idx
** Description      convert a HID device handle to the device control block index.
** Returns          UINT8: index of the device control block.
UINT8 bta_hh_dev_handle_to_cb_idx(UINT8 dev_handle)

    if (BTA_HH_IS_LE_DEV_HDL(dev_handle)) {
        if (BTA_HH_IS_LE_DEV_HDL_VALID(dev_handle)) {
            index = bta_hh_cb.le_cb_index[BTA_HH_GET_LE_CB_IDX(dev_handle)];
        APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("bta_hh_dev_handle_to_cb_idx dev_handle = %d index = %d", dev_handle, index);
    } else
        /* regular HID device checking */
        if (dev_handle < BTA_HH_MAX_KNOWN ) {
            index = bta_hh_cb.cb_index[dev_handle];

    return index;

** Function         bta_hh_trace_dev_db
** Description      Check to see if this type of device is supported
** Returns
void bta_hh_trace_dev_db(void)
    UINT8    xx;

    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("bta_hh_trace_dev_db:: Device DB list********************");

    for (xx = 0; xx < BTA_HH_MAX_DEVICE; xx++) {
        APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("kdev[%d] in_use[%d]  handle[%d] ", xx,
                         bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].in_use, bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].hid_handle);

        APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("\t\t\t attr_mask[%04x] state [%d] sub_class[%02x] index = %d",
                         bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].attr_mask, bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].state,
                         bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].sub_class, bta_hh_cb.kdev[xx].index);
#endif /* HL_INCLUDED */