// Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /******************************************************************************* * NOTICE * The hal is not public api, don't use in application code. * See readme.md in soc/include/hal/readme.md ******************************************************************************/ // The HAL layer for touch sensor (common part) #pragma once #include "hal/touch_sensor_ll.h" #include "hal/touch_sensor_types.h" #ifdef CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #include "hal/touch_sensor_hal_esp32.h" #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 #include "hal/touch_sensor_hal_esp32s2.h" #endif typedef struct { touch_high_volt_t refh; touch_low_volt_t refl; touch_volt_atten_t atten; }touch_hal_volt_t; typedef struct { touch_cnt_slope_t slope; /*!<Set touch sensor charge/discharge speed(currents) for each pad.*/ touch_tie_opt_t tie_opt; /*!<Set initial voltage state of touch channel for each measurement.*/ } touch_hal_meas_mode_t; /** * Set touch sensor sleep time (interval of measurement). * * @param sleep_time The touch sensor will sleep after each measurement. * sleep_cycle decide the interval between each measurement. * t_sleep = sleep_cycle / (RTC_SLOW_CLK frequency). * The approximate frequency value of RTC_SLOW_CLK can be obtained using `rtc_clk_slow_freq_get_hz` function. */ #define touch_hal_set_sleep_time(sleep_time) touch_ll_set_sleep_time(sleep_time) /** * Get touch sensor sleep time. * * @param sleep_time Pointer to accept sleep cycle count. */ #define touch_hal_get_sleep_time(sleep_time) touch_ll_get_sleep_time(sleep_time) /** * Set touch sensor high / low voltage threshold of chanrge. * The touch sensor measures the channel capacitance value by charging and discharging the channel. * So charge threshold should be less than the supply voltage. * The actual charge threshold is high voltage threshold minus attenuation value. * * @param refh The high voltage threshold of chanrge. */ void touch_hal_set_voltage(const touch_hal_volt_t *volt); /** * Get touch sensor high / low voltage threshold of chanrge. * The touch sensor measures the channel capacitance value by charging and discharging the channel. * So charge threshold should be less than the supply voltage. * The actual charge threshold is high voltage threshold minus attenuation value. * * @param refh The voltage threshold of chanrge / discharge. */ void touch_hal_get_voltage(touch_hal_volt_t *volt); /** * Set touch sensor charge/discharge speed(currents) and initial voltage state for each pad measurement. * * @param touch_num Touch pad index. * @param meas Touch pad measurement config. */ void touch_hal_set_meas_mode(touch_pad_t touch_num, const touch_hal_meas_mode_t *meas); /** * Get touch sensor charge/discharge speed(currents) and initial voltage state for each pad measurement. * * @param touch_num Touch pad index. * @param meas Touch pad measurement config. */ void touch_hal_get_meas_mode(touch_pad_t touch_num, touch_hal_meas_mode_t *meas); /** * Set touch sensor FSM mode. * The measurement action can be triggered by the hardware timer, as well as by the software instruction. * * @param mode FSM mode. */ #define touch_hal_set_fsm_mode(mode) touch_ll_set_fsm_mode(mode) /** * Get touch sensor FSM mode. * The measurement action can be triggered by the hardware timer, as well as by the software instruction. * * @param mode FSM mode. */ #define touch_hal_get_fsm_mode(mode) touch_ll_get_fsm_mode(mode) /** * Start touch sensor FSM timer. * The measurement action can be triggered by the hardware timer, as well as by the software instruction. * * @param mode FSM mode. */ #define touch_hal_start_fsm() touch_ll_start_fsm() /** * Stop touch sensor FSM timer. * The measurement action can be triggered by the hardware timer, as well as by the software instruction. * * @param mode FSM mode. */ #define touch_hal_stop_fsm() touch_ll_stop_fsm() /** * Trigger a touch sensor measurement, only support in SW mode of FSM. */ #define touch_hal_start_sw_meas() touch_ll_start_sw_meas() /** * Set touch sensor interrupt threshold. * * @note Refer to `touch_pad_set_trigger_mode` to see how to set trigger mode. * @param touch_num touch pad index. * @param threshold threshold of touchpad count. */ #define touch_hal_set_threshold(touch_num, threshold) touch_ll_set_threshold(touch_num, threshold) /** * Get touch sensor interrupt threshold. * * @param touch_num touch pad index. * @param threshold pointer to accept threshold. */ #define touch_hal_get_threshold(touch_num, threshold) touch_ll_get_threshold(touch_num, threshold) /** * Enable touch sensor channel. Register touch channel into touch sensor measurement group. * The working mode of the touch sensor is simultaneous measurement. * This function will set the measure bits according to the given bitmask. * * @note If set this mask, the FSM timer should be stop firsty. * @note The touch sensor that in scan map, should be deinit GPIO function firstly. * @param enable_mask bitmask of touch sensor scan group. * e.g. TOUCH_PAD_NUM1 -> BIT(1) * @return * - ESP_OK on success */ #define touch_hal_set_channel_mask(enable_mask) touch_ll_set_channel_mask(enable_mask) /** * Get touch sensor channel mask. * * @param enable_mask bitmask of touch sensor scan group. * e.g. TOUCH_PAD_NUM1 -> BIT(1) */ #define touch_hal_get_channel_mask(enable_mask) touch_ll_get_channel_mask(enable_mask) /** * Disable touch sensor channel by bitmask. * * @param enable_mask bitmask of touch sensor scan group. * e.g. TOUCH_PAD_NUM1 -> BIT(1) */ #define touch_hal_clear_channel_mask(disable_mask) touch_ll_clear_channel_mask(disable_mask) /** * Get the touch sensor status, usually used in ISR to decide which pads are 'touched'. * * @param status_mask The touch sensor status. e.g. Touch1 trigger status is `status_mask & (BIT1)`. */ #define touch_hal_read_trigger_status_mask(status_mask) touch_ll_read_trigger_status_mask(status_mask) /** * Clear all touch sensor status. */ #define touch_hal_clear_trigger_status_mask() touch_ll_clear_trigger_status_mask() /** * Get touch sensor raw data (touch sensor counter value) from register. No block. * * @param touch_num touch pad index. * @return touch_value pointer to accept touch sensor value. */ #define touch_hal_read_raw_data(touch_num) touch_ll_read_raw_data(touch_num) /** * Get touch sensor measure status. No block. * * @return * - If touch sensors measure done. */ #define touch_hal_meas_is_done() touch_ll_meas_is_done() /** * Initialize touch module. * * @note If default parameter don't match the usage scenario, it can be changed after this function. */ void touch_hal_init(void); /** * Un-install touch pad driver. * * @note After this function is called, other touch functions are prohibited from being called. */ void touch_hal_deinit(void); /** * Configure touch sensor for each channel. */ void touch_hal_config(touch_pad_t touch_num);