menu "Hardware Settings" menu "Chip revision" # Insert chip-specific HW config orsource "./port/$IDF_TARGET/Kconfig.hw_support" config ESP_REV_NEW_CHIP_TEST bool "Internal test mode" depends on IDF_CI_BUILD default n help For internal chip testing, a small number of new versions chips didn't update the version field in eFuse, you can enable this option to force the software recognize the chip version based on the rev selected in menuconfig. endmenu menu "MAC Config" config ESP_MAC_ADDR_UNIVERSE_WIFI_STA bool config ESP_MAC_ADDR_UNIVERSE_WIFI_AP bool config ESP_MAC_ADDR_UNIVERSE_BT bool config ESP_MAC_ADDR_UNIVERSE_ETH bool config ESP_MAC_ADDR_UNIVERSE_IEEE802154 bool config ESP_MAC_UNIVERSAL_MAC_ADDRESSES_ONE bool config ESP_MAC_UNIVERSAL_MAC_ADDRESSES_TWO bool config ESP_MAC_UNIVERSAL_MAC_ADDRESSES_FOUR bool config ESP_MAC_UNIVERSAL_MAC_ADDRESSES int default 1 if ESP_MAC_UNIVERSAL_MAC_ADDRESSES_ONE default 2 if ESP_MAC_UNIVERSAL_MAC_ADDRESSES_TWO default 4 if ESP_MAC_UNIVERSAL_MAC_ADDRESSES_FOUR # Insert chip-specific MAC config orsource "./port/$IDF_TARGET/Kconfig.mac" config ESP_MAC_IGNORE_MAC_CRC_ERROR bool "Ignore MAC CRC error (not recommended)" depends on IDF_TARGET_ESP32 default n help If you have an invalid MAC CRC (ESP_ERR_INVALID_CRC) problem and you still want to use this chip, you can enable this option to bypass such an error. This applies to both MAC_FACTORY and CUSTOM_MAC efuses. config ESP_MAC_USE_CUSTOM_MAC_AS_BASE_MAC bool "Enable using custom mac as base mac" default n help When this configuration is enabled, the user can invoke `esp_read_mac` to obtain the desired type of MAC using a custom MAC as the base MAC. endmenu menu "Sleep Config" # This is here since this option affect behavior of esp_light_sleep_start # regardless of power management configuration. config ESP_SLEEP_POWER_DOWN_FLASH bool "Power down flash in light sleep when there is no SPIRAM or SPIRAM has independent power supply" depends on !SPIRAM || ESP_LDO_RESERVE_PSRAM depends on !(IDF_TARGET_ESP32P4 && (ESP32P4_REV_MIN_FULL < 100)) default n help If enabled, chip will try to power down flash as part of esp_light_sleep_start(), which costs more time when chip wakes up. Can only be enabled if there is no SPIRAM configured. This option will power down flash under a strict but relatively safe condition. Also, it is possible to power down flash under a relaxed condition by using esp_sleep_pd_config() to set ESP_PD_DOMAIN_VDDSDIO to ESP_PD_OPTION_OFF. It should be noted that there is a risk in powering down flash, you can refer `ESP-IDF Programming Guide/API Reference/System API/Sleep Modes/Power-down of Flash` for more details. config ESP_SLEEP_FLASH_LEAKAGE_WORKAROUND bool "Pull-up Flash CS pin in light sleep" depends on !APP_BUILD_TYPE_PURE_RAM_APP && !ESP_SLEEP_POWER_DOWN_FLASH default y help All IOs will be set to isolate(floating) state by default during sleep. Since the power supply of SPI Flash is not lost during lightsleep, if its CS pin is recognized as low level(selected state) in the floating state, there will be a large current leakage, and the data in Flash may be corrupted by random signals on other SPI pins. Select this option will set the CS pin of Flash to PULL-UP state during sleep, but this will increase the sleep current about 10 uA. If you are developing with esp32xx modules, you must select this option, but if you are developing with chips, you can also pull up the CS pin of SPI Flash in the external circuit to save power consumption caused by internal pull-up during sleep. (!!! Don't deselect this option if you don't have external SPI Flash CS pin pullups.) config ESP_SLEEP_PSRAM_LEAKAGE_WORKAROUND bool "Pull-up PSRAM CS pin in light sleep" depends on SPIRAM default y help All IOs will be set to isolate(floating) state by default during sleep. Since the power supply of PSRAM is not lost during lightsleep, if its CS pin is recognized as low level(selected state) in the floating state, there will be a large current leakage, and the data in PSRAM may be corrupted by random signals on other SPI pins. Select this option will set the CS pin of PSRAM to PULL-UP state during sleep, but this will increase the sleep current about 10 uA. If you are developing with esp32xx modules, you must select this option, but if you are developing with chips, you can also pull up the CS pin of PSRAM in the external circuit to save power consumption caused by internal pull-up during sleep. (!!! Don't deselect this option if you don't have external PSRAM CS pin pullups.) config ESP_SLEEP_MSPI_NEED_ALL_IO_PU bool "Pull-up all SPI pins in light sleep" depends on !ESP_SLEEP_POWER_DOWN_FLASH \ && (ESP_SLEEP_PSRAM_LEAKAGE_WORKAROUND || ESP_SLEEP_FLASH_LEAKAGE_WORKAROUND) default y if IDF_TARGET_ESP32C2 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 help To reduce leakage current, some types of SPI Flash/RAM only need to pull up the CS pin during light sleep. But there are also some kinds of SPI Flash/RAM that need to pull up all pins. It depends on the SPI Flash/RAM chip used. config ESP_SLEEP_RTC_BUS_ISO_WORKAROUND bool default y if IDF_TARGET_ESP32 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 config ESP_SLEEP_GPIO_RESET_WORKAROUND bool "light sleep GPIO reset workaround" default y if IDF_TARGET_ESP32C2 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 || \ IDF_TARGET_ESP32C6 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32H2 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32C5 select PM_SLP_DISABLE_GPIO if FREERTOS_USE_TICKLESS_IDLE help esp32c2, esp32c3, esp32s3, esp32c5, esp32c6 and esp32h2 will reset at wake-up if GPIO is received a small electrostatic pulse during light sleep, with specific condition - GPIO needs to be configured as input-mode only - The pin receives a small electrostatic pulse, and reset occurs when the pulse voltage is higher than 6 V For GPIO set to input mode only, it is not a good practice to leave it open/floating, The hardware design needs to controlled it with determined supply or ground voltage is necessary. This option provides a software workaround for this issue. Configure to isolate all GPIO pins in sleep state. config ESP_SLEEP_WAIT_FLASH_READY_EXTRA_DELAY int "Extra delay (in us) after flash powerdown sleep wakeup to wait flash ready" default 2000 if IDF_TARGET_ESP32 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 default 0 range 0 5000 help When the chip exits sleep, the CPU and the flash chip are powered on at the same time. CPU will run rom code (deepsleep) or ram code (lightsleep) first, and then load or execute code from flash. Some flash chips need sufficient time to pass between power on and first read operation. By default, without any extra delay, this time is approximately 900us, although some flash chip types need more than that. (!!! Please adjust this value according to the Data Sheet of SPI Flash used in your project.) In Flash Data Sheet, the parameters that define the Flash ready timing after power-up (minimum time from Vcc(min) to CS activeare) usually named tVSL in ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS chapter, and the configuration value here should be: ESP_SLEEP_WAIT_FLASH_READY_EXTRA_DELAY = tVSL - 900 For esp32 and esp32s3, the default extra delay is set to 2000us. When optimizing startup time for applications which require it, this value may be reduced. If you are seeing "flash read err, 1000" message printed to the console after deep sleep reset on esp32, or triggered RTC_WDT/LP_WDT after lightsleep wakeup, try increasing this value. (For esp32, the delay will be executed in both deep sleep and light sleep wake up flow. For chips after esp32, the delay will be executed only in light sleep flow, the delay controlled by the EFUSE_FLASH_TPUW in ROM will be executed in deepsleep wake up flow.) config ESP_SLEEP_CACHE_SAFE_ASSERTION bool "Check the cache safety of the sleep wakeup code in sleep process" default n select ESP_PANIC_HANDLER_IRAM help Enabling it will check the cache safety of the code before the flash power is ready after light sleep wakeup, and check PM_SLP_IRAM_OPT related code cache safety. This option is only for code quality inspection. Enabling it will increase the time overhead of entering and exiting sleep. It is not recommended to enable it in the release version. config ESP_SLEEP_DEBUG bool "esp sleep debug" default n help Enable esp sleep debug. config ESP_SLEEP_GPIO_ENABLE_INTERNAL_RESISTORS bool "Allow to enable internal pull-up/downs for the Deep-Sleep wakeup IOs" default y help When using rtc gpio wakeup source during deepsleep without external pull-up/downs, you may want to make use of the internal ones. config ESP_SLEEP_EVENT_CALLBACKS bool "Enable registration of sleep event callbacks" depends on FREERTOS_USE_TICKLESS_IDLE default n help If enabled, it allows user to register sleep event callbacks. It is primarily designed for internal developers and customers can use PM_LIGHT_SLEEP_CALLBACKS as an alternative. NOTE: These callbacks are executed from the IDLE task context hence you cannot have any blocking calls in your callbacks. NOTE: Enabling these callbacks may change sleep duration calculations based on time spent in callback and hence it is highly recommended to keep them as short as possible. endmenu menu "RTC Clock Config" orsource "./port/$IDF_TARGET/Kconfig.rtc" endmenu menu "Peripheral Control" config PERIPH_CTRL_FUNC_IN_IRAM bool "Place peripheral control functions into IRAM" default n help Place peripheral control functions (e.g. periph_module_reset) into IRAM, so that these functions can be IRAM-safe and able to be called in the other IRAM interrupt context. endmenu menu "ETM Configuration" depends on SOC_ETM_SUPPORTED config ETM_ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG bool "Enable debug log" default n help whether to enable the debug log message for ETM core driver. Note that, this option only controls the ETM related driver log, won't affect other drivers. endmenu # ETM Configuration rsource "./dma/Kconfig.dma" menu "Main XTAL Config" orsource "./port/$IDF_TARGET/Kconfig.xtal" endmenu orsource "./port/$IDF_TARGET/Kconfig.dcdc" orsource "./port/$IDF_TARGET/Kconfig.ldo" # Invisible bringup bypass options for esp_hw_support component config ESP_BRINGUP_BYPASS_CPU_CLK_SETTING bool default y if !SOC_CLK_TREE_SUPPORTED default n help This option is only used for new chip bringup, when clock support isn't done yet. So with this option, we use xtal on FPGA as the clock source. config ESP_BRINGUP_BYPASS_RANDOM_SETTING bool default y if !SOC_RNG_SUPPORTED default n help This option is only used for new chip bringup, when RNG isn't done yet. So with this option, we use 0x5A to fill the random buffers config ESP_SPI_BUS_LOCK_ISR_FUNCS_IN_IRAM bool default n config ESP_SPI_BUS_LOCK_FUNCS_IN_IRAM bool default n config ESP_CLK_RC32K_NOT_TO_USE bool default y if IDF_TARGET_ESP32C5 || IDF_TARGET_ESP32C61 default n help Due to the poor low-temperature characteristics of RC32K (it cannot operate below -40 degrees Celsius), please avoid using it whenever possible endmenu