 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "soc/soc.h"
#include "heap_memory_layout.h"
#include "esp_heap_caps.h"

 * @brief Memory type descriptors. These describe the capabilities of a type of memory in the SoC.
 * Each type of memory map consists of one or more regions in the address space.
 * Each type contains an array of prioritized capabilities.
 * Types with later entries are only taken if earlier ones can't fulfill the memory request.
 * - For a normal malloc (MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT), give away the DRAM-only memory first, then pass off any dual-use IRAM regions, finally eat into the application memory.
 * - For a malloc where 32-bit-aligned-only access is okay, first allocate IRAM, then DRAM, finally application IRAM.
 * - Application mallocs (PIDx) will allocate IRAM first, if possible, then DRAM.
 * - Most other malloc caps only fit in one region anyway.

/* Index of memory in `soc_memory_types[]` */
enum {
    SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_RAM     = 0,

/* COMMON_CAPS is the set of attributes common to all types of memory on this chip */

 * Defined the attributes and allocation priority of each memory on the chip,
 * The heap allocator will traverse all types of memory types in column High Priority Matching and match the specified caps at first,
 * if no memory caps matched or the allocation is failed, it will go to columns Medium Priorty Matching and Low Priority Matching
 * in turn to continue matching.
const soc_memory_type_desc_t soc_memory_types[SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_NUM] = {
    /*                           Mem Type Name   High Priority Matching                      Medium Priorty Matching    Low Priority Matching */
    [SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_RAM]    = { "RAM",          { ESP32C6_MEM_COMMON_CAPS | MALLOC_CAP_DMA, 0,                         0 }},
    [SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_RTCRAM] = { "RTCRAM",       { MALLOC_CAP_RTCRAM,                        ESP32C6_MEM_COMMON_CAPS,   0 }},

const size_t soc_memory_type_count = sizeof(soc_memory_types) / sizeof(soc_memory_type_desc_t);

 * @brief Region descriptors. These describe all regions of memory available, and map them to a type in the above type.
 * @note Because of requirements in the coalescing code which merges adjacent regions,
 *       this list should always be sorted from low to high by start address.

 * Register the shared buffer area of the last memory block into the heap during heap initialization

const soc_memory_region_t soc_memory_regions[] = {
    { 0x40800000,           0x20000,                                   SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_RAM, 0x40800000,             false}, //D/IRAM level0, can be used as trace memory
    { 0x40820000,           0x20000,                                   SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_RAM, 0x40820000,             false}, //D/IRAM level1, can be used as trace memory
    { 0x40840000,           0x20000,                                   SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_RAM, 0x40840000,             false}, //D/IRAM level2, can be used as trace memory
    { 0x40860000,           (APP_USABLE_DRAM_END-0x40860000),          SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_RAM, 0x40860000,             false}, //D/IRAM level3, can be used as trace memory
    { APP_USABLE_DRAM_END,  (SOC_DIRAM_DRAM_HIGH-APP_USABLE_DRAM_END), SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_RAM, APP_USABLE_DRAM_END,    true},  //D/IRAM level3, can be used as trace memory (ROM reserved area)
    { 0x50000000,           0x4000,                                    SOC_MEMORY_TYPE_RTCRAM,  0,                      false}, //LPRAM

const size_t soc_memory_region_count = sizeof(soc_memory_regions) / sizeof(soc_memory_region_t);

extern int _data_start, _heap_start, _iram_start, _iram_end, _rtc_force_slow_end;
extern int _rtc_reserved_start, _rtc_reserved_end;

 * Reserved memory regions.
 * These are removed from the soc_memory_regions array when heaps are created.

// Static data region. DRAM used by data+bss and possibly rodata
SOC_RESERVE_MEMORY_REGION((intptr_t)&_data_start, (intptr_t)&_heap_start, dram_data);

// Target has a shared D/IRAM virtual address, no need to calculate I_D_OFFSET like previous chips
SOC_RESERVE_MEMORY_REGION((intptr_t)&_iram_start, (intptr_t)&_iram_end, iram_code);

// TODO: IDF-6019 check reserved lp mem region
SOC_RESERVE_MEMORY_REGION(SOC_RTC_DRAM_LOW, (intptr_t)&_rtc_force_slow_end, rtcram_data);

SOC_RESERVE_MEMORY_REGION((intptr_t)&_rtc_reserved_start, (intptr_t)&_rtc_reserved_end, rtc_reserved_data);