/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <assert.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include "esp_rom_sys.h" static void call_linux_putc(char c); static void (*s_esp_rom_putc)(char c) = call_linux_putc; static void call_linux_putc(char c) { putc(c, stdout); } #define is_digit(c) ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) static int _cvt(unsigned long long val, char *buf, long radix, const char *digits) { #ifdef SUPPORT_LITTLE_RADIX char temp[64]; #else char temp[32]; #endif char *cp = temp; int length = 0; if (val == 0) { /* Special case */ *cp++ = '0'; } else { while (val) { *cp++ = digits[val % radix]; val /= radix; } } while (cp != temp) { *buf++ = *--cp; length++; } *buf = '\0'; return (length); } static int esp_rom_vprintf(void (*putc)(char c), const char *fmt, va_list ap) { #ifdef BINARY_SUPPORT char buf[sizeof(long long) * 8]; int i; #else char buf[32]; #endif char c, sign; const char *cp = buf; int left_prec, right_prec, zero_fill, pad, pad_on_right, islong, islonglong; long long val = 0; int res = 0, length = 0; while ((c = *fmt++) != '\0') { if (c == '%') { c = *fmt++; left_prec = right_prec = pad_on_right = islong = islonglong = 0; if (c == '-') { c = *fmt++; pad_on_right++; } if (c == '0') { zero_fill = true; c = *fmt++; } else { zero_fill = false; } while (is_digit(c)) { left_prec = (left_prec * 10) + (c - '0'); c = *fmt++; } if (c == '.') { c = *fmt++; zero_fill++; while (is_digit(c)) { right_prec = (right_prec * 10) + (c - '0'); c = *fmt++; } } else { right_prec = left_prec; } sign = '\0'; if (c == 'l') { c = *fmt++; islong = 1; if (c == 'l') { c = *fmt++; islonglong = 1; } } switch (c) { case 'p': islong = 1; case 'd': case 'D': case 'x': case 'X': case 'u': case 'U': #ifdef BINARY_SUPPORT case 'b': case 'B': #endif if (islonglong) { val = va_arg(ap, long long); } else if (islong) { val = (long long)va_arg(ap, long); } else { val = (long long)va_arg(ap, int); } if ((c == 'd') || (c == 'D')) { if (val < 0) { sign = '-'; val = -val; } } else { if (islong) { val &= (((long long)1) << (sizeof(long) * 8)) - 1; } else { val &= (((long long)1) << (sizeof(int) * 8)) - 1; } } break; default: break; } switch (c) { case 'p': (*putc)('0'); (*putc)('x'); zero_fill = true; left_prec = sizeof(unsigned long) * 2; case 'd': case 'D': case 'u': case 'U': case 'x': case 'X': switch (c) { case 'd': case 'D': case 'u': case 'U': length = _cvt(val, buf, 10, "0123456789"); break; case 'p': case 'x': length = _cvt(val, buf, 16, "0123456789abcdef"); break; case 'X': length = _cvt(val, buf, 16, "0123456789ABCDEF"); break; } cp = buf; break; case 's': case 'S': cp = va_arg(ap, char *); if (cp == NULL) { cp = "<null>"; } length = 0; while (cp[length] != '\0') length++; break; case 'c': case 'C': c = va_arg(ap, int /*char*/); (*putc)(c); res++; continue; #ifdef BINARY_SUPPORT case 'b': case 'B': length = left_prec; if (left_prec == 0) { if (islonglong) length = sizeof(long long)*8; else if (islong) length = sizeof(long)*8; else length = sizeof(int)*8; } for (i = 0; i < length-1; i++) { buf[i] = ((val & ((long long)1<<i)) ? '1' : '.'); } cp = buf; break; #endif case '%': (*putc)('%'); break; default: (*putc)('%'); (*putc)(c); res += 2; } pad = left_prec - length; if (sign != '\0') { pad--; } if (zero_fill) { c = '0'; if (sign != '\0') { (*putc)(sign); res++; sign = '\0'; } } else { c = ' '; } if (!pad_on_right) { while (pad-- > 0) { (*putc)(c); res++; } } if (sign != '\0') { (*putc)(sign); res++; } while (length-- > 0) { c = *cp++; (*putc)(c); res++; } if (pad_on_right) { while (pad-- > 0) { (*putc)(' '); res++; } } } else { (*putc)(c); res++; } } return (res); } int esp_rom_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; va_start(list, fmt); int result = esp_rom_vprintf(s_esp_rom_putc, fmt, list); va_end(list); return result; } void esp_rom_delay_us(uint32_t us) { struct timespec wait_time = { .tv_sec = us / 1000000, .tv_nsec = us % 1000000 * 1000, }; /* If nanosleep() is interrupted by a signal handler, nanosleep() returns -1, sets errno to EINTR, and writes the remaining time. The remaining time is used to call nanosleep() again and complete the specified pause. */ while (nanosleep(&wait_time, &wait_time) == -1 && errno == EINTR) { }; } void esp_rom_install_channel_putc(int channel, void (*putc)(char c)) { if (putc != NULL) { s_esp_rom_putc = putc; } } void esp_rom_install_uart_printf(void) { // Since this is the linux implementation, we don't set any "UART" putc function, but the one which delegates to // the Linux libc version of putc. s_esp_rom_putc = call_linux_putc; } soc_reset_reason_t esp_rom_get_reset_reason(int cpu_no) { return RESET_REASON_CHIP_POWER_ON; } void __assert_func(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *failedexpr) { esp_rom_printf("assertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d%s%s\n", failedexpr, file, line, func ? ", function: " : "", func ? func : ""); while (1) {} }