# Copyright 2015-2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http:#www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ DUT for IDF applications """ import os import os.path import sys import re import subprocess import functools import random import tempfile import time from serial.tools import list_ports from collections import namedtuple import DUT try: import esptool except ImportError: # cheat and use IDF's copy of esptool if available idf_path = os.getenv("IDF_PATH") if not idf_path or not os.path.exists(idf_path): raise sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(idf_path, "components", "esptool_py", "esptool")) import esptool class IDFToolError(OSError): pass def _uses_esptool(func): """ Suspend listener thread, connect with esptool, call target function with esptool instance, then resume listening for output """ @functools.wraps(func) def handler(self, *args, **kwargs): self.stop_receive() settings = self.port_inst.get_settings() rom = esptool.ESP32ROM(self.port_inst) rom.connect('hard_reset') esp = rom.run_stub() ret = func(self, esp, *args, **kwargs) self.port_inst.apply_settings(settings) self.start_receive() return ret return handler class IDFDUT(DUT.SerialDUT): """ IDF DUT, extends serial with esptool methods (Becomes aware of IDFApp instance which holds app-specific data) """ # /dev/ttyAMA0 port is listed in Raspberry Pi # /dev/tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port port is listed in Mac INVALID_PORT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"AMA|Bluetooth") # if need to erase NVS partition in start app ERASE_NVS = True def __init__(self, name, port, log_file, app, **kwargs): super(IDFDUT, self).__init__(name, port, log_file, app, **kwargs) @classmethod def get_mac(cls, app, port): """ get MAC address via esptool :param app: application instance (to get tool) :param port: serial port as string :return: MAC address or None """ try: esp = esptool.ESP32ROM(port) esp.connect() return esp.read_mac() except RuntimeError as e: return None finally: esp._port.close() @classmethod def confirm_dut(cls, port, app, **kwargs): return cls.get_mac(app, port) is not None @_uses_esptool def start_app(self, esp, erase_nvs=ERASE_NVS): """ download and start app. :param: erase_nvs: whether erase NVS partition during flash :return: None """ flash_files = [ (offs, open(path, "rb")) for (offs, path) in self.app.flash_files ] if erase_nvs: address = self.app.partition_table["nvs"]["offset"] size = self.app.partition_table["nvs"]["size"] nvs_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() nvs_file.write(b'\xff' * size) nvs_file.seek(0) flash_files.append( (int(address, 0), nvs_file) ) # fake flasher args object, this is a hack until # esptool Python API is improved Flash_Args = namedtuple('write_flash_args', ['flash_size', 'flash_mode', 'flash_freq', 'addr_filename', 'no_stub', 'compress', 'verify', 'encrypt']) flash_args = Flash_Args( self.app.flash_settings["flash_size"], self.app.flash_settings["flash_mode"], self.app.flash_settings["flash_freq"], flash_files, False, True, False, False ) try: for baud_rate in [ 921600, 115200 ]: try: esp.change_baud(baud_rate) esptool.write_flash(esp, flash_args) break except RuntimeError: continue else: raise IDFToolError() finally: for (_,f) in flash_files: f.close() @_uses_esptool def reset(self, esp): """ hard reset DUT :return: None """ esp.hard_reset() @_uses_esptool def erase_partition(self, esp, partition): """ :param partition: partition name to erase :return: None """ raise NotImplementedError() # TODO: implement this address = self.app.partition_table[partition]["offset"] size = self.app.partition_table[partition]["size"] # TODO can use esp.erase_region() instead of this, I think with open(".erase_partition.tmp", "wb") as f: f.write(chr(0xFF) * size) @_uses_esptool def dump_flush(self, esp, output_file, **kwargs): """ dump flush :param output_file: output file name, if relative path, will use sdk path as base path. :keyword partition: partition name, dump the partition. ``partition`` is preferred than using ``address`` and ``size``. :keyword address: dump from address (need to be used with size) :keyword size: dump size (need to be used with address) :return: None """ if os.path.isabs(output_file) is False: output_file = os.path.relpath(output_file, self.app.get_log_folder()) if "partition" in kwargs: partition = self.app.partition_table[kwargs["partition"]] _address = partition["offset"] _size = partition["size"] elif "address" in kwargs and "size" in kwargs: _address = kwargs["address"] _size = kwargs["size"] else: raise IDFToolError("You must specify 'partition' or ('address' and 'size') to dump flash") content = esp.read_flash(_address, _size) with open(output_file, "wb") as f: f.write(content) @classmethod def list_available_ports(cls): ports = [x.device for x in list_ports.comports()] espport = os.getenv('ESPPORT') if not espport: # It's a little hard filter out invalid port with `serial.tools.list_ports.grep()`: # The check condition in `grep` is: `if r.search(port) or r.search(desc) or r.search(hwid)`. # This means we need to make all 3 conditions fail, to filter out the port. # So some part of the filters will not be straight forward to users. # And negative regular expression (`^((?!aa|bb|cc).)*$`) is not easy to understand. # Filter out invalid port by our own will be much simpler. return [x for x in ports if not cls.INVALID_PORT_PATTERN.search(x)] # On MacOs with python3.6: type of espport is already utf8 if type(espport) is type(u''): port_hint = espport else: port_hint = espport.decode('utf8') # If $ESPPORT is a valid port, make it appear first in the list if port_hint in ports: ports.remove(port_hint) return [port_hint] + ports # On macOS, user may set ESPPORT to /dev/tty.xxx while # pySerial lists only the corresponding /dev/cu.xxx port if sys.platform == 'darwin' and 'tty.' in port_hint: port_hint = port_hint.replace('tty.', 'cu.') if port_hint in ports: ports.remove(port_hint) return [port_hint] + ports return ports