 *  Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  This module contains action functions of the link control state machine.

#include <string.h>
#include "bt_types.h"
#include "bt_target.h"
#include "bt_utils.h"
#include "avct_api.h"
#include "avct_int.h"
#include "gki.h"
#include "btm_api.h"


/* packet header length lookup table */
const UINT8 avct_lcb_pkt_type_len[] = {

** Function         avct_lcb_msg_asmbl
** Description      Reassemble incoming message.
** Returns          Pointer to reassembled message;  NULL if no message
**                  available.
static BT_HDR *avct_lcb_msg_asmbl(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, BT_HDR *p_buf)
    UINT8   *p;
    UINT8   pkt_type;
    BT_HDR  *p_ret;
    UINT16  buf_len;

    /* parse the message header */
    p = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
    AVCT_PRS_PKT_TYPE(p, pkt_type);

    /* quick sanity check on length */
    if (p_buf->len < avct_lcb_pkt_type_len[pkt_type]) {
        AVCT_TRACE_WARNING("Bad length during reassembly");
        p_ret = NULL;
    /* single packet */
    else if (pkt_type == AVCT_PKT_TYPE_SINGLE) {
        /* if reassembly in progress drop message and process new single */
        if (p_lcb->p_rx_msg != NULL) {
            p_lcb->p_rx_msg = NULL;
            AVCT_TRACE_WARNING("Got single during reassembly");
        p_ret = p_buf;
    /* start packet */
    else if (pkt_type == AVCT_PKT_TYPE_START) {
        /* if reassembly in progress drop message and process new start */
        if (p_lcb->p_rx_msg != NULL) {
            AVCT_TRACE_WARNING("Got start during reassembly");
        /* Allocate bigger buffer for reassembly. As lower layers are
         * not aware of possible packet size after reassembly they
         * would have allocated smaller buffer.
        p_lcb->p_rx_msg = (BT_HDR *)GKI_getbuf(GKI_MAX_BUF_SIZE);
        if (p_lcb->p_rx_msg == NULL) {
            AVCT_TRACE_ERROR ("Cannot alloc buffer for reassembly !!");
        } else {
            memcpy (p_lcb->p_rx_msg, p_buf,
                    sizeof(BT_HDR) + p_buf->offset + p_buf->len);
            /* Free original buffer */

            /* update p to point to new buffer */
            p = (UINT8 *)(p_lcb->p_rx_msg + 1) + p_lcb->p_rx_msg->offset;

            /* copy first header byte over nosp */
            *(p + 1) = *p;

            /* set offset to point to where to copy next */
            p_lcb->p_rx_msg->offset += p_lcb->p_rx_msg->len;

            /* adjust length for packet header */
            p_lcb->p_rx_msg->len -= 1;
        p_ret = NULL;
    /* continue or end */
    else {
        /* if no reassembly in progress drop message */
        if (p_lcb->p_rx_msg == NULL) {
            AVCT_TRACE_WARNING("Pkt type=%d out of order", pkt_type);
            p_ret = NULL;
        } else {
            /* get size of buffer holding assembled message */
            buf_len = GKI_get_buf_size(p_lcb->p_rx_msg) - sizeof(BT_HDR);

            /* adjust offset and len of fragment for header byte */
            p_buf->offset += AVCT_HDR_LEN_CONT;
            p_buf->len -= AVCT_HDR_LEN_CONT;

            /* verify length */
            if ((p_lcb->p_rx_msg->offset + p_buf->len) > buf_len) {
                /* won't fit; free everything */
                p_lcb->p_rx_msg = NULL;
                p_ret = NULL;
                AVCT_TRACE_WARNING("Fragmented message to big!");
            } else {
                /* copy contents of p_buf to p_rx_msg */
                memcpy((UINT8 *)(p_lcb->p_rx_msg + 1) + p_lcb->p_rx_msg->offset,
                       (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset, p_buf->len);

                if (pkt_type == AVCT_PKT_TYPE_END) {
                    p_lcb->p_rx_msg->offset -= p_lcb->p_rx_msg->len;
                    p_lcb->p_rx_msg->len += p_buf->len;
                    p_ret = p_lcb->p_rx_msg;
                    p_lcb->p_rx_msg = NULL;
                } else {
                    p_lcb->p_rx_msg->offset += p_buf->len;
                    p_lcb->p_rx_msg->len += p_buf->len;
                    p_ret = NULL;
    return p_ret;

** Function         avct_lcb_chnl_open
** Description      Open L2CAP channel to peer
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_chnl_open(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    UINT16 result = AVCT_RESULT_FAIL;

    BTM_SetOutService(p_lcb->peer_addr, BTM_SEC_SERVICE_AVCTP, 0);
    /* call l2cap connect req */
    p_lcb->ch_state = AVCT_CH_CONN;
    if ((p_lcb->ch_lcid = L2CA_ConnectReq(AVCT_PSM, p_lcb->peer_addr)) == 0) {
        /* if connect req failed, send ourselves close event */
        avct_lcb_event(p_lcb, AVCT_LCB_LL_CLOSE_EVT, (tAVCT_LCB_EVT *) &result);

** Function         avct_lcb_unbind_disc
** Description      Deallocate ccb and call callback with disconnect event.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_unbind_disc(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)

    avct_ccb_dealloc(p_data->p_ccb, AVCT_DISCONNECT_CFM_EVT, 0, NULL);

** Function         avct_lcb_open_ind
** Description      Handle an LL_OPEN event.  For each allocated ccb already
**                  bound to this lcb, send a connect event.  For each
**                  unbound ccb with a new PID, bind that ccb to this lcb and
**                  send a connect event.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_open_ind(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    tAVCT_CCB   *p_ccb = &avct_cb.ccb[0];
    int         i;
    BOOLEAN     bind = FALSE;

    for (i = 0; i < AVCT_NUM_CONN; i++, p_ccb++) {
        /* if ccb allocated and */
        if (p_ccb->allocated) {
            /* if bound to this lcb send connect confirm event */
            if (p_ccb->p_lcb == p_lcb) {
                bind = TRUE;
                L2CA_SetTxPriority(p_lcb->ch_lcid, L2CAP_CHNL_PRIORITY_HIGH);
                p_ccb->cc.p_ctrl_cback(avct_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb), AVCT_CONNECT_CFM_EVT,
                                       0, p_lcb->peer_addr);
            /* if unbound acceptor and lcb doesn't already have a ccb for this PID */
            else if ((p_ccb->p_lcb == NULL) && (p_ccb->cc.role == AVCT_ACP) &&
                     (avct_lcb_has_pid(p_lcb, p_ccb->cc.pid) == NULL)) {
                /* bind ccb to lcb and send connect ind event */
                bind = TRUE;
                p_ccb->p_lcb = p_lcb;
                L2CA_SetTxPriority(p_lcb->ch_lcid, L2CAP_CHNL_PRIORITY_HIGH);
                p_ccb->cc.p_ctrl_cback(avct_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb), AVCT_CONNECT_IND_EVT,
                                       0, p_lcb->peer_addr);

    /* if no ccbs bound to this lcb, disconnect */
    if (bind == FALSE) {
        avct_lcb_event(p_lcb, AVCT_LCB_INT_CLOSE_EVT, p_data);

** Function         avct_lcb_open_fail
** Description      L2CAP channel open attempt failed.  Deallocate any ccbs
**                  on this lcb and send connect confirm event with failure.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_open_fail(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    tAVCT_CCB           *p_ccb = &avct_cb.ccb[0];
    int                 i;

    for (i = 0; i < AVCT_NUM_CONN; i++, p_ccb++) {
        if (p_ccb->allocated && (p_ccb->p_lcb == p_lcb)) {
            avct_ccb_dealloc(p_ccb, AVCT_CONNECT_CFM_EVT,
                             p_data->result, p_lcb->peer_addr);

** Function         avct_lcb_close_ind
** Description      L2CAP channel closed by peer.  Deallocate any initiator
**                  ccbs on this lcb and send disconnect ind event.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_close_ind(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    tAVCT_CCB           *p_ccb = &avct_cb.ccb[0];
    int                 i;

    for (i = 0; i < AVCT_NUM_CONN; i++, p_ccb++) {
        if (p_ccb->allocated && (p_ccb->p_lcb == p_lcb)) {
            if (p_ccb->cc.role == AVCT_INT) {
                avct_ccb_dealloc(p_ccb, AVCT_DISCONNECT_IND_EVT,
                                 0, p_lcb->peer_addr);
            } else {
                p_ccb->p_lcb = NULL;
                (*p_ccb->cc.p_ctrl_cback)(avct_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb), AVCT_DISCONNECT_IND_EVT,
                                          0, p_lcb->peer_addr);

** Function         avct_lcb_close_cfm
** Description      L2CAP channel closed by us.  Deallocate any initiator
**                  ccbs on this lcb and send disconnect ind or cfm event.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_close_cfm(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    tAVCT_CCB           *p_ccb = &avct_cb.ccb[0];
    int                 i;
    UINT8               event;

    for (i = 0; i < AVCT_NUM_CONN; i++, p_ccb++) {
        if (p_ccb->allocated && (p_ccb->p_lcb == p_lcb)) {
            /* if this ccb initiated close send disconnect cfm otherwise ind */
            if (p_ccb->ch_close) {
                p_ccb->ch_close = FALSE;
                event = AVCT_DISCONNECT_CFM_EVT;
            } else {
                event = AVCT_DISCONNECT_IND_EVT;

            if (p_ccb->cc.role == AVCT_INT) {
                avct_ccb_dealloc(p_ccb, event, p_data->result, p_lcb->peer_addr);
            } else {
                p_ccb->p_lcb = NULL;
                (*p_ccb->cc.p_ctrl_cback)(avct_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb), event,
                                          p_data->result, p_lcb->peer_addr);

** Function         avct_lcb_bind_conn
** Description      Bind ccb to lcb and send connect cfm event.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_bind_conn(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    p_data->p_ccb->p_lcb = p_lcb;
                                      AVCT_CONNECT_CFM_EVT, 0, p_lcb->peer_addr);

** Function         avct_lcb_chk_disc
** Description      A ccb wants to close; if it is the last ccb on this lcb,
**                  close channel.  Otherwise just deallocate and call
**                  callback.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_chk_disc(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    avct_close_bcb(p_lcb, p_data);
    if (avct_lcb_last_ccb(p_lcb, p_data->p_ccb)) {
        p_data->p_ccb->ch_close = TRUE;
        avct_lcb_event(p_lcb, AVCT_LCB_INT_CLOSE_EVT, p_data);
    } else {
        AVCT_TRACE_WARNING("dealloc ccb");
        avct_lcb_unbind_disc(p_lcb, p_data);

** Function         avct_lcb_chnl_disc
** Description      Disconnect L2CAP channel.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_chnl_disc(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)


** Function         avct_lcb_bind_fail
** Description      Deallocate ccb and call callback with connect event
**                  with failure result.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_bind_fail(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)

    avct_ccb_dealloc(p_data->p_ccb, AVCT_CONNECT_CFM_EVT, AVCT_RESULT_FAIL, NULL);

** Function         avct_lcb_cong_ind
** Description      Handle congestion indication from L2CAP.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_cong_ind(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    tAVCT_CCB           *p_ccb = &avct_cb.ccb[0];
    int                 i;
    UINT8               event;
    BT_HDR          *p_buf;

    /* set event */
    event = (p_data->cong) ? AVCT_CONG_IND_EVT : AVCT_UNCONG_IND_EVT;
    p_lcb->cong = p_data->cong;
    if (p_lcb->cong == FALSE && GKI_getfirst(&p_lcb->tx_q)) {
        while ( !p_lcb->cong  && (p_buf = (BT_HDR *)GKI_dequeue(&p_lcb->tx_q)) != NULL) {
            if (L2CA_DataWrite(p_lcb->ch_lcid, p_buf) == L2CAP_DW_CONGESTED) {
                p_lcb->cong = TRUE;

    /* send event to all ccbs on this lcb */
    for (i = 0; i < AVCT_NUM_CONN; i++, p_ccb++) {
        if (p_ccb->allocated && (p_ccb->p_lcb == p_lcb)) {
            (*p_ccb->cc.p_ctrl_cback)(avct_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb), event, 0, p_lcb->peer_addr);

** Function         avct_lcb_discard_msg
** Description      Discard a message sent in from the API.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_discard_msg(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)

    AVCT_TRACE_WARNING("Dropping msg");


** Function         avct_lcb_send_msg
** Description      Build and send an AVCTP message.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_send_msg(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    UINT16          curr_msg_len;
    UINT8           pkt_type;
    UINT8           hdr_len;
    BT_HDR          *p_buf;
    UINT8           *p;
    UINT8           nosp = 0;       /* number of subsequent packets */
    UINT16          temp;
    UINT16          buf_size = p_lcb->peer_mtu + L2CAP_MIN_OFFSET + BT_HDR_SIZE;

    /* store msg len */
    curr_msg_len = p_data->ul_msg.p_buf->len;

    /* initialize packet type and other stuff */
    if (curr_msg_len <= (p_lcb->peer_mtu - AVCT_HDR_LEN_SINGLE)) {
        pkt_type = AVCT_PKT_TYPE_SINGLE;
    } else {
        pkt_type = AVCT_PKT_TYPE_START;
        temp = (curr_msg_len + AVCT_HDR_LEN_START - p_lcb->peer_mtu);
        nosp = temp / (p_lcb->peer_mtu - 1) + 1;
        if ( (temp % (p_lcb->peer_mtu - 1)) != 0) {

    /* while we haven't sent all packets */
    while (curr_msg_len != 0) {
        /* set header len */
        hdr_len = avct_lcb_pkt_type_len[pkt_type];

        /* if remaining msg must be fragmented */
        if (p_data->ul_msg.p_buf->len > (p_lcb->peer_mtu - hdr_len)) {
            /* get a new buffer for fragment we are sending */
            if ((p_buf = (BT_HDR *) GKI_getbuf(buf_size)) == NULL) {
                /* whoops; free original msg buf and bail */
                AVCT_TRACE_ERROR ("avct_lcb_send_msg cannot alloc buffer!!");

            /* copy portion of data from current message to new buffer */
            p_buf->offset = L2CAP_MIN_OFFSET + hdr_len;
            p_buf->len = p_lcb->peer_mtu - hdr_len;

            memcpy((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset,
                   (UINT8 *)(p_data->ul_msg.p_buf + 1) + p_data->ul_msg.p_buf->offset, p_buf->len);

            p_data->ul_msg.p_buf->offset += p_buf->len;
            p_data->ul_msg.p_buf->len -= p_buf->len;
        } else {
            p_buf = p_data->ul_msg.p_buf;

        curr_msg_len -= p_buf->len;

        /* set up to build header */
        p_buf->len += hdr_len;
        p_buf->offset -= hdr_len;
        p = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;

        /* build header */
        AVCT_BLD_HDR(p, p_data->ul_msg.label, pkt_type, p_data->ul_msg.cr);
        if (pkt_type == AVCT_PKT_TYPE_START) {
            UINT8_TO_STREAM(p, nosp);
        if ((pkt_type == AVCT_PKT_TYPE_START) || (pkt_type == AVCT_PKT_TYPE_SINGLE)) {
            UINT16_TO_BE_STREAM(p, p_data->ul_msg.p_ccb->cc.pid);

        if (p_lcb->cong == TRUE) {
            GKI_enqueue (&p_lcb->tx_q, p_buf);

        /* send message to L2CAP */
        else {
            if (L2CA_DataWrite(p_lcb->ch_lcid, p_buf) == L2CAP_DW_CONGESTED) {
                p_lcb->cong = TRUE;

        /* update pkt type for next packet */
        if (curr_msg_len > (p_lcb->peer_mtu - AVCT_HDR_LEN_END)) {
            pkt_type = AVCT_PKT_TYPE_CONT;
        } else {
            pkt_type = AVCT_PKT_TYPE_END;
    AVCT_TRACE_DEBUG ("avct_lcb_send_msg tx_q_count:%d", GKI_queue_length(&p_lcb->tx_q));

** Function         avct_lcb_free_msg_ind
** Description      Discard an incoming AVCTP message.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_free_msg_ind(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)

    if (p_data) {

** Function         avct_lcb_msg_ind
** Description      Handle an incoming AVCTP message.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avct_lcb_msg_ind(tAVCT_LCB *p_lcb, tAVCT_LCB_EVT *p_data)
    UINT8       *p;
    UINT8       label, type, cr_ipid;
    UINT16      pid;
    tAVCT_CCB   *p_ccb;
    BT_HDR      *p_buf;

    /* this p_buf is to be reported through p_msg_cback. The layer_specific
     * needs to be set properly to indicate that it is received through
     * control channel */
    p_data->p_buf->layer_specific = AVCT_DATA_CTRL;

    /* reassemble message; if no message available (we received a fragment) return */
    if ((p_data->p_buf = avct_lcb_msg_asmbl(p_lcb, p_data->p_buf)) == NULL) {

    p = (UINT8 *)(p_data->p_buf + 1) + p_data->p_buf->offset;

    /* parse header byte */
    AVCT_PRS_HDR(p, label, type, cr_ipid);

    /* check for invalid cr_ipid */
    if (cr_ipid == AVCT_CR_IPID_INVALID) {
        AVCT_TRACE_WARNING("Invalid cr_ipid %d", cr_ipid);

    /* parse and lookup PID */
    BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16(pid, p);
    if ((p_ccb = avct_lcb_has_pid(p_lcb, pid)) != NULL) {
        /* PID found; send msg up, adjust bt hdr and call msg callback */
        p_data->p_buf->offset += AVCT_HDR_LEN_SINGLE;
        p_data->p_buf->len -= AVCT_HDR_LEN_SINGLE;
        (*p_ccb->cc.p_msg_cback)(avct_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb), label, cr_ipid, p_data->p_buf);
    } else {
        /* PID not found; drop message */
        AVCT_TRACE_WARNING("No ccb for PID=%x", pid);

        /* if command send reject */
        if (cr_ipid == AVCT_CMD) {
            if ((p_buf = (BT_HDR *) GKI_getpoolbuf(AVCT_CMD_POOL_ID)) != NULL) {
                p_buf->len = AVCT_HDR_LEN_SINGLE;
                p_buf->offset = AVCT_MSG_OFFSET - AVCT_HDR_LEN_SINGLE;
                p = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
                AVCT_BLD_HDR(p, label, AVCT_PKT_TYPE_SINGLE, AVCT_REJ);
                UINT16_TO_BE_STREAM(p, pid);
                L2CA_DataWrite(p_lcb->ch_lcid, p_buf);

#endif /* #if (defined(AVCT_INCLUDED) && AVCT_INCLUDED == TRUE) */