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237 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2025 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
import os
import os.path as path
import sys
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
import pytest
from pytest_embedded_idf.utils import idf_parametrize
sys.path.append(path.expandvars(path.join('$IDF_PATH', 'tools', 'test_apps', 'system', 'panic')))
from test_panic_util import PanicTestDut # noqa: E402
def get_line_number(lookup: str, offset: int = 0) -> int:
src_file = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'main', 'test_app_main.c')
with open(src_file) as f:
for num, line in enumerate(f, 1):
if lookup in line:
return num + offset
return -1
def start_gdb(dut: PanicTestDut) -> None:
dut.expect_exact('tested app is running.')
dut.write(b'\x03') # send Ctrl-C
def run_and_break(dut: PanicTestDut, cmd: str) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
responses = dut.gdb_write(cmd)
assert dut.find_gdb_response('running', 'result', responses) is not None
if not dut.find_gdb_response('stopped', 'notify', responses): # have not stopped on breakpoint yet
responses = dut.gdbmi.get_gdb_response(timeout_sec=3)
assert dut.find_gdb_response('stopped', 'notify', responses) is not None
payload = dut.find_gdb_response('stopped', 'notify', responses)['payload']
assert isinstance(payload, dict)
return payload
@idf_parametrize('target', ['esp32p4'], indirect=['target'])
def test_hwloop_jump(dut: PanicTestDut) -> None:
cmd = '-break-insert --source xesppie_loops.S --function test_loop_start'
response = dut.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', dut.gdb_write(cmd))
assert response is not None
# go to the beginning of the loop
cmd = '-exec-continue'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'breakpoint-hit'
assert payload['bkptno'] == '1'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'test_xesppie_loops'
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
cmd = '-break-delete 1'
responses = dut.gdb_write(cmd)
assert dut.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', responses) is not None
# go through the loop
loop_count = 3
while loop_count:
inst_count = 2
while inst_count:
cmd = '-exec-step'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'end-stepping-range'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'test_xesppie_loops'
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
inst_count -= 1
cmd = '-data-list-register-values d 11'
responses = dut.gdb_write(cmd)
response = dut.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', responses)
assert response is not None
payload = response['payload']
assert payload['register-values'][0]['number'] == '11'
assert payload['register-values'][0]['value'] == f'{loop_count}'
loop_count -= 1
# go through the func prologue
remaining_instructions = 3
while remaining_instructions:
cmd = '-exec-step'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'end-stepping-range'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'test_xesppie_loops'
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
remaining_instructions -= 1
# Now we stepping back to app_main
cmd = '-exec-step'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'end-stepping-range'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'app_main'
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
@idf_parametrize('target', ['supported_targets'], indirect=['target'])
def test_gdbstub_runtime(dut: PanicTestDut) -> None:
# Test breakpoint
cmd = '-break-insert --source test_app_main.c --function app_main --label label_1'
response = dut.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', dut.gdb_write(cmd))
assert response is not None
cmd = '-exec-continue'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'breakpoint-hit'
assert payload['bkptno'] == '1'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'app_main'
assert payload['frame']['line'] == str(get_line_number('label_1:', 1))
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
# Test step command
cmd = '-exec-step'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'end-stepping-range'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'foo'
assert payload['frame']['line'] == str(get_line_number('var_2+=2;'))
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
# Test finish command
cmd = '-exec-finish'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'function-finished'
# On riscv we may have situation when returned from a function but stay on exactly the same line
# foo();
# 4200ae5c: f99ff0ef jal ra,4200adf4 <foo>
# 4200ae60: a011 j 4200ae64 <app_main+0x4e> <----------- here after return from foo()
# }
assert payload['frame']['line'] == str(
get_line_number('label_3:', 1) if dut.is_xtensa else get_line_number('foo();', 0)
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'app_main'
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
cmd = '-exec-continue'
responses = dut.gdb_write(cmd)
assert dut.find_gdb_response('running', 'result', responses) is not None
assert dut.find_gdb_response('running', 'notify', responses) is not None
# Test next command
cmd = '-exec-next'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'end-stepping-range'
assert payload['frame']['line'] == str(get_line_number('label_3:', 1))
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'app_main'
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
# test delete breakpoint
cmd = '-break-delete 1'
responses = dut.gdb_write(cmd)
assert dut.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', responses) is not None
cmd = '-exec-continue'
responses = dut.gdb_write(cmd)
assert dut.find_gdb_response('running', 'result', responses) is not None
assert dut.find_gdb_response('running', 'notify', responses) is not None
# test ctrl-c
os.kill(dut.gdbmi.gdb_process.pid, 2)
# responses = dut.gdbmi.send_signal_to_gdb(2) # https://github.com/cs01/pygdbmi/issues/97
# assert dut.find_gdb_response('stopped', 'notify', responses) is not None
# ?? No response? check we stopped
# test watchpoint
cmd = '-break-watch var_2'
responses = dut.gdb_write(cmd)
assert dut.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', responses) is not None
cmd = '-exec-continue'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'signal-received'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'foo'
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
# Uncomment this when implement send reason to gdb: GCC-313
# assert payload['reason'] == 'watchpoint-trigger'
# assert int(payload['value']['new']) == int(payload['value']['old']) + 1
# assert payload['frame']['line'] == '14'
cmd = '-break-delete 2'
responses = dut.gdb_write(cmd)
assert dut.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', responses) is not None
# test set variable
cmd = '-gdb-set do_panic=1'
responses = dut.gdb_write(cmd)
assert dut.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', responses) is not None
# test panic handling
cmd = '-exec-continue'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'signal-received'
assert payload['signal-name'] == 'SIGSEGV'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'app_main'
assert payload['frame']['line'] == str(get_line_number('label_5', 1))
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
@pytest.mark.temp_skip_ci(targets=['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32s3'], reason='fix IDF-7927')
@idf_parametrize('target', ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32s3'], indirect=['target'])
def test_gdbstub_runtime_xtensa_stepping_bug(dut: PanicTestDut) -> None:
# Test breakpoint
cmd = '-break-insert --source test_app_main.c --function app_main --label label_1'
response = dut.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', dut.gdb_write(cmd))
assert response is not None
cmd = '-exec-continue'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'breakpoint-hit'
assert payload['bkptno'] == '1'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'app_main'
assert payload['frame']['line'] == str(get_line_number('label_1:', 1))
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
# Test step command
cmd = '-exec-step'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'end-stepping-range'
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'foo'
assert payload['frame']['line'] == str(get_line_number('var_2+=2;'))
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'
# Test next command
cmd = '-exec-next'
payload = run_and_break(dut, cmd)
assert payload['reason'] == 'end-stepping-range'
assert payload['frame']['line'] == str(get_line_number('var_2--;', 0))
assert payload['frame']['func'] == 'foo'
assert payload['stopped-threads'] == 'all'