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* Amazon FreeRTOS+POSIX V1.0.0
* Copyright (C) 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* SPDX-FileContributor: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* http://aws.amazon.com/freertos
* http://www.FreeRTOS.org
* @file FreeRTOS_POSIX_mqueue.c
* @brief Implementation of message queue functions in mqueue.h
/* C standard library includes. */
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <mqueue.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
/* FreeRTOS+POSIX includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS_POSIX.h"
#include "FreeRTOS_POSIX/utils.h"
#include "aws_doubly_linked_list.h"
#include "esp_private/critical_section.h"
* @brief Element of the FreeRTOS queues that store mq data.
typedef struct QueueElement
char * pcData; /**< Data in queue. Type char* to match msg_ptr. */
size_t xDataSize; /**< Size of data pointed by pcData. */
} QueueElement_t;
* @brief Data structure of an mq.
* FreeRTOS isn't guaranteed to have a file-like abstraction, so message
* queues in this implementation are stored as a linked list (in RAM).
typedef struct QueueListElement
Link_t xLink; /**< Pointer to the next element in the list. */
QueueHandle_t xQueue; /**< FreeRTOS queue handle. */
size_t xOpenDescriptors; /**< Number of threads that have opened this queue. */
char * pcName; /**< Null-terminated queue name. */
struct mq_attr xAttr; /**< Queue attributes. */
BaseType_t xPendingUnlink; /**< If pdTRUE, this queue will be unlinked once all descriptors close. */
} QueueListElement_t;
* @brief Convert an absolute timespec into a tick timeout, taking into account
* queue flags.
* @param[in] lMessageQueueFlags Message queue flags to consider.
* @param[in] pxAbsoluteTimeout The absolute timespec to convert.
* @param[out] pxTimeoutTicks Output parameter of the timeout in ticks.
* @return 0 if successful; EINVAL if pxAbsoluteTimeout is invalid, or ETIMEDOUT
* if pxAbsoluteTimeout is in the past.
static int prvCalculateTickTimeout( long lMessageQueueFlags,
const struct timespec * const pxAbsoluteTimeout,
TickType_t * pxTimeoutTicks );
* @brief Add a new queue to the queue list.
* @param[out] ppxMessageQueue Pointer to new queue.
* @param[in] pxAttr mq_attr of the new queue.
* @param[in] pcName Name of new queue.
* @param[in] xNameLength Length of pcName.
* @return pdTRUE if the queue is found; pdFALSE otherwise.
static BaseType_t prvCreateNewMessageQueue( QueueListElement_t ** ppxMessageQueue,
const struct mq_attr * const pxAttr,
const char * const pcName,
size_t xNameLength );
* @brief Free all the resources used by a message queue.
* @param[out] pxMessageQueue Pointer to queue to free.
* @return nothing
static void prvDeleteMessageQueue( const QueueListElement_t * const pxMessageQueue );
* @brief Attempt to find the queue identified by pcName or xMqId in the queue list.
* Matches queues by pcName first; if pcName is NULL, matches by xMqId.
* @param[out] ppxQueueListElement Output parameter set when queue is found.
* @param[in] pcName A queue name to match.
* @param[in] xMessageQueueDescriptor A queue descriptor to match.
* @return pdTRUE if the queue is found; pdFALSE otherwise.
static BaseType_t prvFindQueueInList( QueueListElement_t ** const ppxQueueListElement,
const char * const pcName,
mqd_t xMessageQueueDescriptor );
* @brief Initialize the queue list.
* Performs initialization of the queue list mutex and queue list head.
* @return nothing
static void prvInitializeQueueList( void );
* @brief Checks that pcName is a valid name for a message queue.
* Also outputs the length of pcName.
* @param[in] pcName The name to check.
* @param[out] pxNameLength Output parameter for name length.
* @return pdTRUE if the name is valid; pdFALSE otherwise.
static BaseType_t prvValidateQueueName( const char * const pcName,
size_t * pxNameLength );
* @brief Guards access to the list of message queues.
static StaticSemaphore_t xQueueListMutex = { { 0 }, .u = { 0 } };
* @brief Head of the linked list of queues.
static Link_t xQueueListHead = { 0 };
DEFINE_CRIT_SECTION_LOCK_STATIC( critical_section_lock );
static int prvCalculateTickTimeout( long lMessageQueueFlags,
const struct timespec * const pxAbsoluteTimeout,
TickType_t * pxTimeoutTicks )
int iStatus = 0;
/* Check for nonblocking queue. */
if( lMessageQueueFlags & O_NONBLOCK )
/* No additional checks are done for nonblocking queues. Timeout is 0. */
*pxTimeoutTicks = 0;
/* No absolute timeout given. Block forever. */
if( pxAbsoluteTimeout == NULL )
*pxTimeoutTicks = portMAX_DELAY;
/* Check that the given timespec is valid. */
if( UTILS_ValidateTimespec( pxAbsoluteTimeout ) == false )
iStatus = EINVAL;
/* Convert absolute timespec to ticks. */
if( ( iStatus == 0 ) &&
( UTILS_AbsoluteTimespecToTicks( pxAbsoluteTimeout, pxTimeoutTicks ) != 0 ) )
iStatus = ETIMEDOUT;
return iStatus;
static BaseType_t prvCreateNewMessageQueue( QueueListElement_t ** ppxMessageQueue,
const struct mq_attr * const pxAttr,
const char * const pcName,
size_t xNameLength )
BaseType_t xStatus = pdTRUE;
/* Allocate space for a new queue element. */
*ppxMessageQueue = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( QueueListElement_t ) );
/* Check that memory allocation succeeded. */
if( *ppxMessageQueue == NULL )
xStatus = pdFALSE;
/* Create the FreeRTOS queue. */
if( xStatus == pdTRUE )
( *ppxMessageQueue )->xQueue =
xQueueCreate( pxAttr->mq_maxmsg, sizeof( QueueElement_t ) );
/* Check that queue creation succeeded. */
if( ( *ppxMessageQueue )->xQueue == NULL )
vPortFree( *ppxMessageQueue );
xStatus = pdFALSE;
if( xStatus == pdTRUE )
/* Allocate space for the queue name plus null-terminator. */
( *ppxMessageQueue )->pcName = pvPortMalloc( xNameLength + 1 );
/* Check that memory was successfully allocated for queue name. */
if( ( *ppxMessageQueue )->pcName == NULL )
vQueueDelete( ( *ppxMessageQueue )->xQueue );
vPortFree( *ppxMessageQueue );
xStatus = pdFALSE;
/* Copy queue name. Copying xNameLength+1 will cause strncpy to add
* the null-terminator. */
( void ) strncpy( ( *ppxMessageQueue )->pcName, pcName, xNameLength + 1 );
if( xStatus == pdTRUE )
/* Copy attributes. */
( *ppxMessageQueue )->xAttr = *pxAttr;
/* A newly-created queue will have 1 open descriptor for it. */
( *ppxMessageQueue )->xOpenDescriptors = 1;
/* A newly-created queue will not be pending unlink. */
( *ppxMessageQueue )->xPendingUnlink = pdFALSE;
/* Add the new queue to the list. */
listADD( &xQueueListHead, &( *ppxMessageQueue )->xLink );
return xStatus;
static void prvDeleteMessageQueue( const QueueListElement_t * const pxMessageQueue )
QueueElement_t xQueueElement = { 0 };
/* Free all data in the queue. It's assumed that no more data will be added
* to the queue, so xQueueReceive does not block. */
while( xQueueReceive( pxMessageQueue->xQueue,
( void * ) &xQueueElement,
0 ) == pdTRUE )
vPortFree( xQueueElement.pcData );
/* Free memory used by this message queue. */
vQueueDelete( pxMessageQueue->xQueue );
vPortFree( ( void * ) pxMessageQueue->pcName );
vPortFree( ( void * ) pxMessageQueue );
static BaseType_t prvFindQueueInList( QueueListElement_t ** const ppxQueueListElement,
const char * const pcName,
mqd_t xMessageQueueDescriptor )
Link_t * pxQueueListLink = NULL;
QueueListElement_t * pxMessageQueue = NULL;
BaseType_t xQueueFound = pdFALSE;
/* Iterate through the list of queues. */
listFOR_EACH( pxQueueListLink, &xQueueListHead )
pxMessageQueue = listCONTAINER( pxQueueListLink, QueueListElement_t, xLink );
/* Match by name first if provided. */
if( ( pcName != NULL ) && ( strcmp( pxMessageQueue->pcName, pcName ) == 0 ) )
xQueueFound = pdTRUE;
/* If name doesn't match, match by descriptor. */
if( ( mqd_t ) pxMessageQueue == xMessageQueueDescriptor )
xQueueFound = pdTRUE;
/* If the queue was found, set the output parameter. */
if( ( xQueueFound == pdTRUE ) && ( ppxQueueListElement != NULL ) )
*ppxQueueListElement = pxMessageQueue;
return xQueueFound;
static void prvInitializeQueueList( void )
/* Keep track of whether the queue list has been initialized. */
static BaseType_t xQueueListInitialized = pdFALSE;
/* Check if queue list needs to be initialized. */
if( xQueueListInitialized == pdFALSE )
/* Initialization must be in a critical section to prevent two threads
* from initializing at the same time. */
esp_os_enter_critical( &critical_section_lock );
/* Check again that queue list is still uninitialized, i.e. it wasn't
* initialized while this function was waiting to enter the critical
* section. */
if( xQueueListInitialized == pdFALSE )
/* Initialize the queue list mutex and list head. */
( void ) xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic( &xQueueListMutex );
listINIT_HEAD( &xQueueListHead );
xQueueListInitialized = pdTRUE;
/* Exit the critical section. */
esp_os_exit_critical( &critical_section_lock );
static BaseType_t prvValidateQueueName( const char * const pcName,
size_t * pxNameLength )
BaseType_t xStatus = pdTRUE;
size_t xNameLength = 0;
/* All message queue names must start with '/'. */
if( pcName[ 0 ] != '/' )
xStatus = pdFALSE;
/* Get the length of pcName, excluding the first '/' and null-terminator. */
xNameLength = UTILS_strnlen( pcName, NAME_MAX + 2 );
if( xNameLength == NAME_MAX + 2 )
/* Name too long. */
xStatus = pdFALSE;
/* Name length passes, set output parameter. */
*pxNameLength = xNameLength;
return xStatus;
int mq_close( mqd_t mqdes )
int iStatus = 0;
QueueListElement_t * pxMessageQueue = ( QueueListElement_t * ) mqdes;
BaseType_t xQueueRemoved = pdFALSE;
/* Initialize the queue list, if needed. */
/* Lock the mutex that guards access to the queue list. This call will
* never fail because it blocks forever. */
( void ) xSemaphoreTake( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
/* Attempt to find the message queue based on the given descriptor. */
if( prvFindQueueInList( NULL, NULL, mqdes ) == pdTRUE )
/* Decrement the number of open descriptors. */
if( pxMessageQueue->xOpenDescriptors > 0 )
/* Check if the queue has any more open descriptors. */
if( pxMessageQueue->xOpenDescriptors == 0 )
/* If no open descriptors remain and mq_unlink has already been called,
* remove the queue. */
if( pxMessageQueue->xPendingUnlink == pdTRUE )
listREMOVE( &pxMessageQueue->xLink );
/* Set the flag to delete the queue. Deleting the queue is deferred
* until xQueueListMutex is released. */
xQueueRemoved = pdTRUE;
/* Otherwise, wait for the call to mq_unlink. */
pxMessageQueue->xPendingUnlink = pdTRUE;
/* Queue not found; bad descriptor. */
errno = EBADF;
iStatus = -1;
/* Release the mutex protecting the queue list. */
( void ) xSemaphoreGive( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex );
/* Delete all resources used by the queue if needed. */
if( xQueueRemoved == pdTRUE )
prvDeleteMessageQueue( pxMessageQueue );
return iStatus;
int mq_getattr( mqd_t mqdes,
struct mq_attr * mqstat )
int iStatus = 0;
QueueListElement_t * pxMessageQueue = ( QueueListElement_t * ) mqdes;
/* Lock the mutex that guards access to the queue list. This call will
* never fail because it blocks forever. */
( void ) xSemaphoreTake( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
/* Find the mq referenced by mqdes. */
if( prvFindQueueInList( NULL, NULL, mqdes ) == pdTRUE )
/* Update the number of messages in the queue and copy the attributes
* into mqstat. */
pxMessageQueue->xAttr.mq_curmsgs = ( long ) uxQueueMessagesWaiting( pxMessageQueue->xQueue );
*mqstat = pxMessageQueue->xAttr;
/* Queue not found; bad descriptor. */
errno = EBADF;
iStatus = -1;
/* Release the mutex protecting the queue list. */
( void ) xSemaphoreGive( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex );
return iStatus;
/* Changed function signature and argument processing to match the POSIX standard */
mqd_t mq_open( const char * name,
int oflag,
... )
mode_t mode = 0;
struct mq_attr * attr = NULL;
if( oflag & O_CREAT )
va_list args;
va_start( args, oflag );
mode = va_arg( args, mode_t );
attr = va_arg( args, struct mq_attr * );
va_end( args );
mqd_t xMessageQueue = NULL;
size_t xNameLength = 0;
/* Default mq_attr. */
struct mq_attr xQueueCreationAttr =
.mq_flags = 0,
.mq_maxmsg = posixconfigMQ_MAX_MESSAGES,
.mq_msgsize = posixconfigMQ_MAX_SIZE,
.mq_curmsgs = 0
/* Silence warnings about unused parameters. */
( void ) mode;
/* Initialize the queue list, if needed. */
/* Check queue name. */
if( prvValidateQueueName( name, &xNameLength ) == pdFALSE )
/* Invalid name. */
errno = EINVAL;
xMessageQueue = ( mqd_t ) -1;
/* Check attributes, if O_CREATE is specified and attr is given. */
if( xMessageQueue == NULL )
if( ( oflag & O_CREAT ) && ( attr != NULL ) && ( ( attr->mq_maxmsg <= 0 ) || ( attr->mq_msgsize <= 0 ) ) )
/* Invalid mq_attr.mq_maxmsg or mq_attr.mq_msgsize. */
errno = EINVAL;
xMessageQueue = ( mqd_t ) -1;
if( xMessageQueue == NULL )
/* Lock the mutex that guards access to the queue list. This call will
* never fail because it blocks forever. */
( void ) xSemaphoreTake( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
/* Search the queue list to check if the queue exists. */
if( prvFindQueueInList( ( QueueListElement_t ** ) &xMessageQueue,
( mqd_t ) NULL ) == pdTRUE )
/* If the mq exists, check that this function wasn't called with
* O_CREAT and O_EXCL. */
if( ( oflag & O_EXCL ) && ( oflag & O_CREAT ) )
errno = EEXIST;
xMessageQueue = ( mqd_t ) -1;
/* Check if the mq has been unlinked and is pending removal. */
if( ( ( QueueListElement_t * ) xMessageQueue )->xPendingUnlink == pdTRUE )
/* Queue pending deletion. Don't allow it to be re-opened. */
errno = EINVAL;
xMessageQueue = ( mqd_t ) -1;
/* Increase count of open file descriptors for queue. */
( ( QueueListElement_t * ) xMessageQueue )->xOpenDescriptors++;
/* Queue does not exist. */
/* Only create the new queue if O_CREAT was specified. */
if( oflag & O_CREAT )
/* Copy attributes if provided. */
if( attr != NULL )
xQueueCreationAttr = *attr;
/* Copy oflags. */
xQueueCreationAttr.mq_flags = ( long ) oflag;
/* Create the new message queue. */
if( prvCreateNewMessageQueue( ( QueueListElement_t ** ) &xMessageQueue,
xNameLength ) == pdFALSE )
errno = ENOSPC;
xMessageQueue = ( mqd_t ) -1;
errno = ENOENT;
xMessageQueue = ( mqd_t ) -1;
/* Release the mutex protecting the queue list. */
( void ) xSemaphoreGive( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex );
return xMessageQueue;
ssize_t mq_receive( mqd_t mqdes,
char * msg_ptr,
size_t msg_len,
unsigned int * msg_prio )
return mq_timedreceive( mqdes, msg_ptr, msg_len, msg_prio, NULL );
int mq_send( mqd_t mqdes,
const char * msg_ptr,
size_t msg_len,
unsigned msg_prio )
return mq_timedsend( mqdes, msg_ptr, msg_len, msg_prio, NULL );
ssize_t mq_timedreceive( mqd_t mqdes,
char * msg_ptr,
size_t msg_len,
unsigned * msg_prio,
const struct timespec * abstime )
ssize_t xStatus = 0;
int iCalculateTimeoutReturn = 0;
TickType_t xTimeoutTicks = 0;
QueueListElement_t * pxMessageQueue = ( QueueListElement_t * ) mqdes;
QueueElement_t xReceiveData = { 0 };
/* Silence warnings about unused parameters. */
( void ) msg_prio;
/* Lock the mutex that guards access to the queue list. This call will
* never fail because it blocks forever. */
( void ) xSemaphoreTake( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
/* Find the mq referenced by mqdes. */
if( prvFindQueueInList( NULL, NULL, mqdes ) == pdFALSE )
/* Queue not found; bad descriptor. */
errno = EBADF;
xStatus = -1;
/* Verify that msg_len is large enough. */
if( xStatus == 0 )
if( msg_len < ( size_t ) pxMessageQueue->xAttr.mq_msgsize )
/* msg_len too small. */
errno = EMSGSIZE;
xStatus = -1;
if( xStatus == 0 )
/* Convert abstime to a tick timeout. */
iCalculateTimeoutReturn = prvCalculateTickTimeout( pxMessageQueue->xAttr.mq_flags,
&xTimeoutTicks );
if( iCalculateTimeoutReturn != 0 )
errno = iCalculateTimeoutReturn;
xStatus = -1;
/* Release the mutex protecting the queue list. */
( void ) xSemaphoreGive( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex );
if( xStatus == 0 )
/* Receive data from the FreeRTOS queue. */
if( xQueueReceive( pxMessageQueue->xQueue,
xTimeoutTicks ) == pdFALSE )
/* If queue receive fails, set the appropriate errno. */
if( pxMessageQueue->xAttr.mq_flags & O_NONBLOCK )
/* Set errno to EAGAIN for nonblocking mq. */
errno = EAGAIN;
/* Otherwise, set errno to ETIMEDOUT. */
errno = ETIMEDOUT;
xStatus = -1;
if( xStatus == 0 )
/* Get the length of data for return value. */
xStatus = ( ssize_t ) xReceiveData.xDataSize;
/* Copy received data into given buffer, then free it. */
( void ) memcpy( msg_ptr, xReceiveData.pcData, xReceiveData.xDataSize );
vPortFree( xReceiveData.pcData );
return xStatus;
int mq_timedsend( mqd_t mqdes,
const char * msg_ptr,
size_t msg_len,
unsigned int msg_prio,
const struct timespec * abstime )
int iStatus = 0, iCalculateTimeoutReturn = 0;
TickType_t xTimeoutTicks = 0;
QueueListElement_t * pxMessageQueue = ( QueueListElement_t * ) mqdes;
QueueElement_t xSendData = { 0 };
/* Silence warnings about unused parameters. */
( void ) msg_prio;
/* Lock the mutex that guards access to the queue list. This call will
* never fail because it blocks forever. */
( void ) xSemaphoreTake( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
/* Find the mq referenced by mqdes. */
if( prvFindQueueInList( NULL, NULL, mqdes ) == pdFALSE )
/* Queue not found; bad descriptor. */
errno = EBADF;
iStatus = -1;
/* Verify that mq_msgsize is large enough. */
if( iStatus == 0 )
if( msg_len > ( size_t ) pxMessageQueue->xAttr.mq_msgsize )
/* msg_len too large. */
errno = EMSGSIZE;
iStatus = -1;
if( iStatus == 0 )
/* Convert abstime to a tick timeout. */
iCalculateTimeoutReturn = prvCalculateTickTimeout( pxMessageQueue->xAttr.mq_flags,
&xTimeoutTicks );
if( iCalculateTimeoutReturn != 0 )
errno = iCalculateTimeoutReturn;
iStatus = -1;
/* Release the mutex protecting the queue list. */
( void ) xSemaphoreGive( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex );
/* Allocate memory for the message. */
if( iStatus == 0 )
xSendData.xDataSize = msg_len;
xSendData.pcData = pvPortMalloc( msg_len );
/* Check that memory allocation succeeded. */
if( xSendData.pcData == NULL )
/* msg_len too large. */
errno = EMSGSIZE;
iStatus = -1;
/* Copy the data to send. */
( void ) memcpy( xSendData.pcData, msg_ptr, msg_len );
if( iStatus == 0 )
/* Send data to the FreeRTOS queue. */
if( xQueueSend( pxMessageQueue->xQueue,
xTimeoutTicks ) == pdFALSE )
/* If queue send fails, set the appropriate errno. */
if( pxMessageQueue->xAttr.mq_flags & O_NONBLOCK )
/* Set errno to EAGAIN for nonblocking mq. */
errno = EAGAIN;
/* Otherwise, set errno to ETIMEDOUT. */
errno = ETIMEDOUT;
/* Free the allocated queue data. */
vPortFree( xSendData.pcData );
iStatus = -1;
return iStatus;
int mq_unlink( const char * name )
int iStatus = 0;
size_t xNameSize = 0;
BaseType_t xQueueRemoved = pdFALSE;
QueueListElement_t * pxMessageQueue = NULL;
/* Initialize the queue list, if needed. */
/* Check queue name. */
if( prvValidateQueueName( name, &xNameSize ) == pdFALSE )
/* Error with mq name. */
errno = EINVAL;
iStatus = -1;
if( iStatus == 0 )
/* Lock the mutex that guards access to the queue list. This call will
* never fail because it blocks forever. */
( void ) xSemaphoreTake( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
/* Check if the named queue exists. */
if( prvFindQueueInList( &pxMessageQueue, name, ( mqd_t ) NULL ) == pdTRUE )
/* If the queue exists and there are no open descriptors to it,
* remove it from the list. */
if( pxMessageQueue->xOpenDescriptors == 0 )
listREMOVE( &pxMessageQueue->xLink );
/* Set the flag to delete the queue. Deleting the queue is deferred
* until xQueueListMutex is released. */
xQueueRemoved = pdTRUE;
/* If the queue has open descriptors, set the pending unlink flag
* so that mq_close will free its resources. */
pxMessageQueue->xPendingUnlink = pdTRUE;
/* The named message queue doesn't exist. */
errno = ENOENT;
iStatus = -1;
/* Release the mutex protecting the queue list. */
( void ) xSemaphoreGive( ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xQueueListMutex );
/* Delete all resources used by the queue if needed. */
if( xQueueRemoved == pdTRUE )
prvDeleteMessageQueue( pxMessageQueue );
return iStatus;
/* specified but not implemented functions, return ENOSYS */
int mq_notify( mqd_t,
const struct sigevent * )
return ENOSYS;
int mq_setattr( mqd_t,
const struct mq_attr * restrict,
struct mq_attr * restrict )
return ENOSYS;